Manual Testicular Detorsion

Aug 9, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Manual Testicular Detorsion

 Testicular torsion Signs and symptoms include:     Acute scrotal pain/swelling or intermittent testicular pain     Testicular tenderness     High-riding testis with horizontal lie     Absent cremasteric reflex on the affected side     Negative Prehn sign…

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Perianal Abscess: Incision and Drainage

Aug 9, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Perianal Abscess: Incision and Drainage

 To drain infection of the soft tissue surrounding the rectum, which is caused by obstruction of the anal crypts and ducts CONTRAINDICATIONS  Perianal abscesses with fistula-in-ano should be drained in…

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Ear Foreign Body Removal

Aug 9, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Ear Foreign Body Removal

 Removal of foreign matter lodged within the external auditory canal (FIGURE 86.1)  General Basic Steps     Preparation     Irrigation     Removal TECHNIQUE  Patient Preparation     Place patient in a supine position        Restrain patient and…

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9: Musculoskeletal

Aug 9, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on 9: Musculoskeletal

Methylene Blue Injection/Open Joint Evaluation Felipe Teran INDICATIONS  When there is clinical suspicion of communication between a traumatic wound and joint space  When intra-articular air within the joint space is…

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Emergency Pericardiocentesis

Aug 9, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Emergency Pericardiocentesis

 Pericardial tamponade with hemodynamic decompensation  Pulseless electrical activity with clinical suspicion of tamponade or with ultrasonographic evidence of pericardial effusion CONTRAINDICATIONS  None for the unstable patient  Coagulopathy is a relative…

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