

Cardiac arrest

Critical care teams are often involved in the resuscitation of in-hospital cardiac arrests, and in the aftercare of successfully resuscitated patients.

Unexpected cardiac arrests in the ICU are relatively uncommon and they are often preceded by prolonged attempts to resuscitate or support failing organs. If CPR is required, follow BLS/ALS guidelines (image pp.100 and 101).


Cardiac arrests are often cardiogenic in origin, and are more common in patients with a history of ischaemic heart disease. Hypoxia, hypovolaemia/hypoperfusion, neurologic or metabolic causes are all common in critical care settings. Potentially reversible causes include:

  • Hypoxia.

  • Hypovolaemia.

  • Hypo/hyperkalaemia (and other metabolic disorders).

  • Hypothermia.

  • Hypoglycaemia.

  • Tension pneumothorax.

  • Tamponade, cardiac.

  • Toxins.

  • Thrombosis (coronary or pulmonary).

  • Severe acidaemia.

Presentation and assessment

  • Periods of physiological deterioration often precede within-hospital arrests.

  • 1/3 of in-hospital cardiac arrests present with pulseless electrical activity (PEA), 1/3 with asystole, and 1/3 with ventricular fibrillation/pulseless ventricular tachycardia (VF/VT).

  • Features requiring immediate assessment include:

    • Sudden loss of consciousness

    • Impalpable pulse, or loss of arterial pressure trace

    • Obvious apnoea, or terminal gasping

    • ECG trace of VT, VF, asystole, profound bradycardia or tachycardia

    • Sudden loss of end-tidal CO2 trace


Investigations that may affect an ongoing cardiac arrest include:

  • U&Es (to identify hypo/hyperkalaemia):

    • The fastest way of measure this is often via a blood gas analyser using an arterial or venous sample

  • Finger-prick blood glucose (hyperglycaemia).

  • ABGs (to identify profound acidaemia).

  • Echocardiography (tamponade, hypovolaemia, right ventricular hypertension in PE, regional wall motion abnormality, aortic dissection).

Differential diagnoses

  • Equipment failure (ECG electrode failure or damped arterial trace).

  • Any cause of syncope or severe hypotension.

Fig. 4.1 In-hospital resuscitation algorithm. UK Resuscitation Council guidelines 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission from the Resuscitation Council (UK).

Further management

Following the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC):

  • ICU/HDU/CCU admission: it may be necessary to admit patients to a critical care setting for management of their underlying condition or post-arrest stabilization/treatments.

    • Any decision not to admit the patient following ROSC should be made by senior clinicians, where possible with the involvement of the patient’s relatives (and in light of the patient’s views, if known)

    • Transfer to a critical care environment is unlikely to be beneficial unless there is a period of cardiovascular stability

    Fig. 4.2 Adult advanced life support algorithm. UK Resuscitation Council guidelines 2010. Reproduced with the kind permission from the Resuscitation Council (UK).

  • Surgical intervention: on occasion urgent surgery is required following ROSC (e.g. following trauma or ruptured ectopic pregnancy); surgical advice must be sought, and a decision taken as to whether to transport to theatre or operate within the current environment.

  • Angiography: where there is evidence of an acute ischaemic event it may be necessary to perform urgent angiography/coronary intervention; obtain an urgent cardiological opinion.

  • Thrombolysis: this may be necessary if a massive/submassive PE is evident (or after a coronary occlusion where angiography is not possible).

  • General support:

    • Continued mechanical ventilation: where this is considered appropriate aim for a SaO2 >94% and a PaCO2 of 4.5-5 kPa

    • Sedation: if required use short-acting drugs (e.g. propofol) so that neurological status can be rapidly assessed after discontinuation

    • Circulatory support: inotropic support or fluid therapy may be required depending on the underlying disease or degree of cardiac stunning; if LVF is present consider specific treatments (image p.122)

    • Neurological support: employ measures to combat raised ICP (sedation, seizure, PaCO2 and glycaemic control; avoidance of hypoxia and hypotension; raising the bed-head to improve venous drainage)

    • Electrolytes: maintain blood glucose at 6-10 mmol/L; correct any hypomagnesaemia; maintain potassium at 3.5-4.5 mmol/L

    • Maintain haemoglobin of 8-10g/dL

    • Therapeutic hypothermia may be indicated (see Box 4.1)

    • Avoidance of pyrexia: if therapeutic hypothermia is not being employed, antipyretics, or surface cooling, may be necessary

  • Post cardiac arrest investigations should include: ABGs, FBC, U&Es, LFTs, blood glucose, cardiac enzymes, ECG, CXR.

    • Later investigations may also include echocardiography to assess cardiac damage and CT head to assess neurological damage

Pitfalls/difficult situations

  • ALS is unlikely to be successful in cases where maximal supportive therapy is already being provided.

  • In patients who are hypothermic, or undergoing general anaesthesia, prolonged CPR may still be successful.

  • After CVC insertion, chest trauma or chest surgery do not forget to exclude tension pneumothorax or tamponade.

  • Hypo/hyperkalaemia and hypo/hypermagnesaemia are relatively common in critical care environments.

  • Pregnancy (image p.429): use a wedge or tilt to decrease aortocaval compression where possible, urgently arrange for obstetric help (Caesarean section may facilitate resuscitation and save the fetus).

  • Hypothermia (image p.250): if first defibrillation is ineffective withhold further attempts until temperature is >30°C; actively re-warm.

  • Drowning or trauma (image pp. 404 and 414): consider the possibility of cervical spine trauma, and drug or alcohol intoxication.

  • Prognostication of neurological recovery after a cardiac arrest is difficult; absence of pupillary and corneal reflexes at 72 hours (or 72 hours after cooling) is associated with a poor outcome.

Further reading

Choi HA, et al. Prevention of shivering during therapeutic temperature modulation: the Columbia anti-shivering protocol. Neurocrit Care 2011; 14(3): 389-94.

Nadkarni, VM, et al. First documented rhythm and clinical outcome from in-hospital cardiac arrest among children and adults. JAMA 2006; 295(1): 50-7.

Resuscitation Council (UK). Advanced life support, 6th edn. London: Resuscitation Council (UK) (2011)

Intensive Care Society. Standards for the management of patients after cardiac arrest. London: Intensive Care Society, 2008.

Holzer M. Targeted temperature management for comatose survivors of cardiac arrest. N Engl J Med 2010; 363: 1256-64.

Hypotension and shock

Hypotension is defined as systolic BP <90 mmHg and/or MAP <60 mmHg.

Shock is defined as underperfusion of multiorgan systems. Clinical signs include tachycardia, hypotension, oliguria, and altered mental status.


Cardiogenic shock

(See causes listed on image p.122.)

Hypovolaemic shock: loss of intravascular volume

  • Haemorrhage (e.g. trauma, aortic dissection, postoperative bleeding).

  • GI loss of fluids (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea, high-output stoma).

  • Renal loss of fluids (e.g. diabetes insipidus, excessive diuretics).

  • Fluid redistribution (e.g. burns, trauma, major surgery, sepsis, posture).

Distributive shock: venous dilation or obstruction

  • Overdose of sedatives or vasodilators.

  • Spinal/epidural anaesthesia or analgesia.

  • Autonomic neuropathy (e.g. spinal cord lesion/trauma, Guillain-Barré).

  • Anaphylaxis.

  • Major vein compression (e.g. tumour, pregnancy, ascites, extensive intra-abdominal surgery).

Obstructive shock: impairing ventricular filling

  • Cardiac tamponade (e.g. pericardial bleeding, pericardial effusion).

  • Constrictive pericarditis.

  • ↑intrathoracic pressure (e.g. tension pneumothorax, massive pleural effusion, mechanical ventilation).

Miscellaneous causes

  • Hepatic failure.

  • Thyrotoxicosis.

  • Myxoedema coma.

  • Adrenal insufficiency.

  • Poisoning (e.g. cyanide, carbon monoxide).

Presentation and assessment

Shock may be associated with a low cardiac output, or a compensatory high cardiac output; presentation depends on the cause.

General presentation

  • Anxiety and sweating.

  • Tachypnoea, dyspnoea; Kussmaul’s breathing (if hypoperfusion causes reduced tissue perfusion and a metabolic acidosis).

  • Hypoxia, cyanosis.

  • Hypotension: systolic BP <90 mmHg (or >30mmHg below normal resting pressure); or MAP <60 mmHg.

  • Tachycardia (bradycardia may be a pre-terminal sign, or be associated with a arrhythmia).

    • Arrhythmias (e.g. AF, atrial flutter, VT, complete heart block)

  • Cardiac hypoperfusion: angina, or ECG evidence of ischaemia.

  • Renal hypoperfusion: oliguria/anuria, raised urea and creatinine.

  • Neurological hypoperfusion: confusion, syncope, ↓GCS.

In low-output shock expect:

  • Cold peripheries, poor peripheral perfusion and delayed capillary refill.

  • Thready pulse with reduced pulse pressure.

  • ↓cardiac output (cardiac index <2.2 L/minute/m2 with adequate preload).

  • ↑systemic vascular resistance.

  • In hypovolaemic shock JVP/CVP is ; there may be evidence of fluid or blood loss, or venous pooling.

  • In cardiogenic shock JVP/CVP may be ; S3 may be present:

    • Examination of the lungs may show evidence of pulmonary oedema

    • CXR and ECG are often abnormal with evidence of pulmonary oedema, enlarged heart, and/or arrhythmia

In high-output shock expect:

  • Bounding pulse with wide pulse pressure.

  • Strong apical cardiac impulse.

  • Normal or cardiac output.

  • ↓systemic vascular resistance.

  • Depending on the degree of skin perfusion peripheries may or may not be warm; capillary refill may be brisk or reduced.

  • Pyrexia and raised WCC where there is associated sepsis.

If the presentation does not fit a pattern, mixed shock should be considered (e.g. sepsis with myocardial dysfunction).


  • ABGs (metabolic acidosis, hypoxia, compensatory hypocapnia).

  • FBC (anaemia with haemorrhage, raised WCC with infection).

  • Coagulation screen (deranged with haemorrhage or DIC).

  • U&Es (AKI), serum calcium, magnesium, phosphate.

  • Serum glucose (hypo/hyperglycaemia).

  • LFTs (deranged with ischaemia or liver failure).

  • Cardiac enzymes (if cardiac ischaemia suspected).

  • Blood, urine, sputum culture (if infection suspected).

  • 12-lead ECG (cardiac ischaemia, arrhythmias).

  • CXR (evidence of infection, cardiomegaly, pulmonary oedema).

  • Echocardiography (cardiac tamponade, hypovolaemia, RV hypertension in PE, regional wall motion abnormality, aortic dissection).

  • Cardiac output monitoring (pulmonary artery catheterization, TOD, or pulse contour analysis may assist in differentiating between low cardiac output or low SVR states).

  • US and/or CT scan of chest, abdomen, pelvis (if occult haemorrhage is suspected).

Differential diagnoses

  • Damped arterial pressure traces or poorly fitting BP cuffs can giving spurious readings, if in doubt re-check manually.

  • Mild ‘hypotension’ may be a normal finding in fit healthy individuals.

Further management

  • Admit patients with refractory hypotension (unresponsive to moderate fluid resuscitation) into a suitable critical care facility.

  • Continue respiratory support until cardiovascular stability is achieved.

  • Arterial and/or central venous cannulation are likely to be needed.

  • Monitoring may be needed to obtain information about:

    • Ventricular filling (e.g. CVP, echocardiography, pulmonary artery catheterization)

    • Cardiac output and SVR (e.g. echocardiography, oesophageal Doppler, pulse contour analysis, pulmonary artery catheterization)

  • Optimize preload using crystalloids, colloids (or blood if required).

  • Consider optimizing cardiac contractility using inotropes (e.g. adrenaline, dobutamine).

  • Optimize SVR using vasoconstrictors (noradrenaline) or vasodilators (glyceryl trinitrate).

  • Correct any electrolyte imbalance and severe metabolic acidosis (renal replacement therapy may become necessary).

  • If there is no response to volume replacement, consider the possibility of spinal shock (image p.409) or adrenal insufficiency (image p.236).

  • See Table 4.1 for drugs used to treat hypotension.

Pitfalls/difficult situations

  • A MAP of 65 mmHg in a young fit patient (e.g. due to an epidural) may cause no tissue hypoperfusion, whereas in patients with vascular disease it may lead to myocardial ischaemia (coronary blood occurs mainly in diastole), cerebral ischaemia, or acute pre-renal failure.

  • Overlapping aetiologies and mixed pictures occur (e.g. sepsis with myocardial failure).

  • CVP and lack of response to inotropes in suspected cardiogenic shock could be due to cardiac tamponade, pulmonary hypertension/embolism, or right ventricular infarction; use of echocardiography, or a right heart catheter (or radiological examination for PE) may assist in making the diagnosis.

1At 10 kPa via 110-cm tubing (internal diameter 4mm); source: This information was published in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care A-Z: An Encyclopedia of Principles and Practice, Yentis S, Hirsch N, Smith G, fourth edition, copyright Elsevier 2009.

Further reading

Antonelli M, et al. Hemodynamic monitoring in shock and implications for management: international consensus conference. Intensive Care Med 2007; 33: 575-59.

Dellinger RP, et al. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock. Crit Care Med 2008; 36: 296-327.

Jackson K, et al. The role of hypotensive resuscitation in the management of trauma. J Intensive Care Soc 2009; 10(2): 109-14.

Maizel J, et al. Diagnosis of central hypovolemia by using passive leg raising. Intensive Care Med 2007; 33: 1133-8.

Pinsky MR. Hemodynamic evaluation and monitoring in the ICU. Chest 2007; 132: 2020-9.

Rady MY. Bench-to-bedside review: Resuscitation in the emergency department. Crit Care 2005; 9: 170-6.

Table 4.1 Drugs used to treat hypotension




Adrenaline / Epinephrine

0.5-1 mg IM in anaphylaxis

0.5-1 mg IV/IO in cardiac arrest

0.05-3 µg/kg/minute IV infusion

β- and α-agonist: increases myocardial contractility, heart rate, and SVR

Agent of choice in anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, and severe hypotension of undiagnosed cause Can cause increases in serum lactate


0.05-3 µg/kg/minute IV infusion

Predominantly α-agonist: (increases SVR); agent of choice in high-output and/or septic shock Should be used with caution in hypovolemic shock and cardiogenic shock


0.5-10 µg/kg/minute IV infusion

<5 µg/kg/minute, predominantly dopaminergic effects: increases renal/splanchnic perfusion 5-10 µg/kg/minute, mainly β and some α-agonism: increases heart rate, contractility and SVR Often used as first-line agent for moderate hypotension until the cause is established


0.5-10 µg/kg/minute IV infusion

Predominantly β-agonistic: increases heart rate and myocardial contractility, and reduces systemic vascular resistance by dilating vascular supply to the muscles

Often used to treat cardiogenic shock

Can worsen hypotension if given in hypovolaemia


Bolus 0.5 mg over 2-3 minutes

Used to increase systemic vascular resistance in high-output failure; boluses can be repeated until IV infusion of vasopressor is established


Bolus 0.1mg-0.5mg over 2-3 minutes

Same as metaraminol


0.01-0.04 units/minutes IV infusion

Used to increase SVR in severe refractory septic shock

No evidence of superiority over noradrenaline


1mg IV 8-hourly

Same as vasopressin


Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening, hypersensitivity reaction.


  • Insect bites (especially wasp and bee stings).

  • Foods and food additives (especially peanuts, fish, eggs).

  • Drugs and IV infusions, especially:

    • Antibiotics and vaccines

    • Colloids and blood products

    • IV contrast media

    • Pabrinex, parenteral vitamin K

    • Anaesthetic induction agents, neuromuscular blocking drugs

  • Latex allergy.

  • Idiopathic (no readily identifiable cause).

Presentation and assessment

Any combination of:

  • Cardiovascular collapse (75% of cases): cardiac arrest; or tachycardia, hypotension, and other signs of shock (image p.104).

  • Bronchospasm (40%): wheeze, cough, and/or accompanying desaturation, tachypnoea and dyspnoea.

  • Angioedema (12%): leading to laryngeal oedema and/or airway obstruction/stridor.

  • Cutaneous signs (72%): erythema, cutaneous rash, urticaria.


  • Take blood samples for mast cell tryptase level:

    • As soon as possible after treatment of initial reaction, and

    • 1 hour after the reaction, and 6-24 hours after the reaction

  • ABGs (metabolic and/or respiratory acidosis).

  • Clotting studies, fibrinogen (deranged with associated DIC).

  • U&Es, LFTs, magnesium.

  • CXR (to exclude differentials).

Tryptase samples should be stored at −20°C until it can be analysed. Concentrations peak at 1 hour, and concentrations of >20 ng/ml suggest anaphylaxis. A negative test does not exclude anaphylaxis. An immunologist may advise further tests after recovery.

Differential diagnoses

  • Airway/ETT obstruction, or endobronchial intubation.

  • Tension pneumothorax/haemothorax.

  • Air embolus/amniotic fluid embolus/fat embolus.

  • Severe bronchospasm/asthma.

  • Distributive shock (e.g. sepsis/neuraxial blockade/spinal cord injury).

  • Localized cutaneous reactions (e.g. type IV allergy: T cell mediated 6-48 hours after allergen exposure).

  • Hereditary angioneurotic oedema.

  • Thyroid crisis or carcinoid syndrome.

Further management

  • If hypotension persists/relapses (5% of cases) start inotrope infusions.

  • Deflate the ETT cuff prior to extubation in order to ascertain a leak (to gauge the degree of airway oedema).

  • Refer the patient to an immunologist; include copies of the notes, drug chart, and a full description of the reaction chronology.

  • Serum IgE and skin-prick tests will be required.

  • Report anaphylactic reactions on a CSM ‘yellow card’.

  • If this was a ‘wrong blood’ reaction, send all products back to the lab and involve a haematologist.

Pitfalls/difficult situations

  • Monitor for a deterioration or biphasic response.

  • Watch for the development of ARDS or DIC (may manifest hours later).

  • Myocardial infarction and arrhythmias can occur, especially if there is pre-existing ischaemic heart disease, or if hypoxia/acidosis is present.

  • Stridor may be mistaken for bronchospasm, and vice versa.

  • Do not forget that colloids and latex can cause anaphylaxis:

    • Latex anaphylaxis may present up to 30-60 minutes after an event due to delayed airborne exposure or mucous membrane contact.

Further reading

Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Suspected anaphylactic reactions associated with anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 2009; 64: 199-211.

NICE. Anaphylaxis: assessment to confirm an anaphylactic episode and the decision to refer after emergency treatment for a suspected anaphylactic episode. London: NICE, 2011.

Haemorrhagic shock

Haemorrhagic shock occurs when loss of intravascular blood leads to hypotension and underperfusion of organs. Initially the body responds to hypovolaemia by peripheral vasoconstriction and tachycardia. Oliguria (urine <0.5 ml/kg/hour), and signs of organ failure (e.g. dyspnoea, myocardial failure, drowsiness) appear later.


  • Trauma.

  • GI bleeding.

  • Surgery or postoperative/post-procedure bleeding.

  • Bleeding in response to trivial trauma, associated with:

    • Coagulation factor abnormality (e.g. haemophilia)

    • Thrombocytopaenia

    • Splenomegaly

  • Other occult bleeding (thoracic, intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal; e.g. ruptured aortic aneurysm or ruptured ectopic pregnancy).

Presentation and assessment

  • There may be a bleeding site, or blood in postoperative drains.

  • Certain mechanisms of trauma can cause occult bleeding (image p.411).

  • Certain patients are more likely to have a coagulopathy (image p.302):

    • Patients receiving anticoagulant therapy

    • Patients with a history of congenital disease (may carry a card)

    • Patients being treated for haematological malignancy

In healthy individuals the physiological response to haemorrhage varies according to the volume of blood lost.

≤15% (0.75 L1) loss of total blood volume (TBV) results in:

  • Slight tachycardia and mild peripheral vasoconstriction (mildly ↑diastolic BP and narrowed pulse pressure).

  • Thirst may occur as accompanying symptom.

15-30% (0.75-1.5 L1) TBV loss:

  • Pulse rate increases to 100-120/minute (see image Pitfalls/difficult situations).

  • Vasoconstriction with clearly raised diastolic BP, narrowed pulse pressure and delayed capillary refill (>2 seconds).

  • Oliguria.

  • Patient may be anxious.

30-40% (1.5-2 L1) TBV loss:

  • Systolic hypotension develops; pulse becomes thready.

  • Dyspnoea develops.

  • Agitation ensues.

>40% (≥2 L1) TBV loss:

  • Severe hypotension.

  • Anuria.

  • Ashen complexion.

  • Drowsiness or unconsciousness.


Blood crossmatch samples should be taken, other investigations include:

  • Diagnostic (to identify the bleeding source):

    • Plain radiographs (especially of pelvis and chest following trauma)

    • Abdominal US (may identify free blood, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, or aortic aneurysm)

    • CT scan, of pelvis, abdomen, or chest according to clinical indication

    • Diagnostic peritoneal lavage

    • Endoscopy (for suspected GI bleeding)

    • Angiography (may be diagnostic and/or potentially therapeutic)

    • Radio-labelled bleeding scan (may be considered if source unclear)

    • β-HCG, urine or blood (may aid in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy)

  • To monitor progress and identify the development of complications:

    • ABGs (metabolic acidosis)

    • FBC (anaemia, thrombocytopaenia); near-patient testing may be available, e.g. Haemacue®

    • Coagulation studies, including fibrinogen ( PT/APTT, ↓fibrinogen in DIC); near-patient testing may be available, e.g. ROTEM®

    • U&Es, LFTs, ECG (tachycardia, possible ischaemia)

Differential diagnoses

Any cause of shock must be considered, particularly:

  • Other causes of shock associated with trauma (e.g. tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, cardiac contusion, spinal cord lesion).

  • Hypovolaemic shock to fluid losses other than blood:

    • Profound dehydration (e.g. DKA, vomiting, diarrhoea, diuresis)

    • Massive ‘third-space’ losses (e.g. profound ileus, sepsis, major burn)

  • Cardiogenic shock; left or right ventricular failure (e.g. myocardial infarction, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, PE).

  • Distributive shock (e.g. sepsis, anaphylaxis, neuraxial blockade).

Further management

  • Many centres now have ‘major haemorrhage packs’ consisting of various quantities of packed red cells, fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, and platelets for use in the event of massive transfusion requirements.

  • Look for and treat complications of massive blood transfusion (e.g. hypothermia, hypocalcaemia, hyperkalaemia, coagulation factor depletion, thrombocytopaenia, metabolic acidosis).

  • Some or all of the following monitoring is likely to be needed:

    • CVC to assess intravascular fluid status

    • Urinary catheterization to allow urine output measurements

    • Arterial line insertion for invasive BP measurements

    • CO monitoring to assess cardiac contractility and vascular resistance

  • Inotropic support may be required, but this should be discontinued as soon as volume replacement and the control of bleeding allows; adrenaline or noradrenaline are the initial agents of choice.

Jun 13, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on Circulation

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