
Respiratory failure occurs when air transfer in and out of the lungs is reduced, or when gas exchange within the lungs fails (due to shunt, VQ mismatch, or poor gas diffusion), resulting in either:
Type I respiratory failure—causing hypoxia.
Type II respiratory failure—causing hypoxia and hypercapnia.
Type I respiratory failure typically has parenchymal causes. Type II respiratory failure occurs with mechanical/obstructive causes, or as a result of fatigue/↓consciousness alongside respiratory failure.
Hypercapnia—PaCO2 >6.3 kPa.
Blood gas values must be interpreted flexibly with regard to:
Inspired oxygen concentration (FiO2) required to avoid hypoxia.
Respiratory distress in the presence of normal blood gases.
Lack of symptoms of respiratory distress in patients with chronic lung conditions giving rise to abnormal blood gases.
Intracardiac shunt.
Pre-existing metabolic alkalosis leading to hypercapnia.
Upper airway obstruction (seep.18).
Lower airway obstruction:
Acute bronchoconstriction, asthma, anaphylaxis
Foreign body, mucous plugging, atelectasis
Lung tissue damage/gas exchange failure:
Lung contusion
Pulmonary haemorrhage
Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
Lung fibrosis
Pulmonary circulatory compromise:
Pulmonary embolus
Pulmonary vascular disease
Heart failure
Excessively raised cardiac output
Neuromuscular damage:
↓level of consciousness (e.g. intracranial catastrophe or sedative agents)
Paralysis/weakness (e.g. spinal damage, tetanus, Guillain-Barré, myasthenia gravis)
Mechanical compromise of lung tissue (e.g. pneumothorax, haemothorax, pleural effusion, flail chest, kyphoscoliosis, obesity or ascites).
Inadequate mechanical ventilation.
Presentation and assessment
Respiratory failure may present with respiratory or cardiac arrest (

Evidence of respiratory distress that may precede or accompany respiratory failure includes:
Agitation, sense of impending doom.
Sense of ‘tight chest’ or breathlessness in conscious patients.
Inability to talk normally or in full sentences.
Sweating, clamminess.
Tachypnoea >25 breaths/minute.
Dyspnoea, or laboured breathing, with use of accessory muscles.
Gasping or ‘pursed-lip’ breathing.
Sitting, or hunched posture.
Hypoxia, as evidenced by ABG or SpO2 <92%.
Hypercapnia: flapping tremor, warm peripheries and bounding pulse.
Tachycardia (> 110 beats/minute).
Pre-terminal signs include:
Bradycardia, arrhythmia, or hypotension.
Silent chest on auscultation.
Bradypnoea or exhaustion.
Confusion or ↓level of consciousness.
In mechanically ventilated patients, evidence of respiratory failure may also be accompanied by:
High, or low, ventilator pressure alarms.
Low delivered tidal volume alarm, or low minute-volume alarm.
Audible leak from ventilator circuit, or leak alarm.
Inability to ventilate using self-inflating bag.
Lack of chest movement.
Lack of respiratory sounds on auscultation.
Other features associated with respiratory failure depend upon the cause, but may include:
Pleuritic chest pain.
Evidence of sepsis (pyrexia, rigors, purulent sputum).
Reduced air-entry or altered percussion note associated with pneumothorax, consolidation, or effusion.
Audible wheeze on external examination; or wheeze, rub, or bronchial breathing on auscultation.
Reduced peak flow.
Mediastinal deviation (tracheal deviation, altered apex).
Raised JVP; evidence of cardiac failure (peripheral oedema, hepatic engorgement, cardiomegaly).
In most cases clinical assessment will reveal evidence of respiratory distress. Investigations which may aid in assessing severity or establishing a diagnosis include:
U+Es (hyponatraemia in pneumonia, raised urea/creatinine in pneumonia, pulmonary-renal syndrome, heart failure).
LFTs (deranged in heart failure, malignancy).
Peak flow measurements, where appropriate (restrictive: lung fibrosis, obstructive: asthma, COPD).
CXR (consolidation, collapse, alveolar/interstitial shadowing, pneumothorax).
Chest ultrasound (pleural fluid, pneumothorax).
Further investigations may be required depending on cause or clinical progress:
Differential diagnoses
Patients may appear to be in respiratory distress despite having adequately saturated arterial blood, in these cases it is important to consider:
Anaemia (severe).
Cytotoxic hypoxia (e.g. cyanide or carbon monoxide poisoning).
Metabolic acidosis (with compensatory respiratory alkalosis: Kussmaul breathing).
Hyperventilation, either hysterical or associated with disease (e.g. thyrotoxicosis or pain).
Also consider:
Upper airway obstruction (seep.18).
Endotracheal tube/breathing system obstruction (seepp.38 and 42).
Immediate management
If the patient is spontaneously breathing without ventilatory support:
Ensure that the airway is patent (use adjuncts if necessary).
Increase FiO2 to maintain SpO2 at 94-98% for most acutely ill patients, or 88-92% for those at risk of hypercapnic respiratory failure.
Assist breathing with bag and mask if required.
Consider escalating respiratory support in a stepwise progression (non-invasive CPAP or BIPAP may be indicatedp.53).
Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation may be required (seepp.12 and 52).
If patient is already intubated and/or receiving ventilatory support (noninvasive or invasive) the following may be necessary:
Increase FiO2 to 100%.
Check that the airway is patent; in intubated patients check the patency and position of the endotracheal or tracheostomy tube (check with a suction catheter if in doubt, seepp.38 and 42).
If already on a ventilator, ensure ventilation is possible; check equipment is working and not disconnected.
If in doubt switch to self-inflating ambu-bag and manually ventilate.
Establish a probable diagnosis as soon as possible and treat as appropriate, especially any reversible causes such as: endobronchial intubation, pneumothorax, pulmonary oedema, secretions and mucous plugs, bronchospasm, and pleural effusions
Patients may require aggressive circulatory support.
Further management
Titrate oxygen therapy and respiratory support to keep PaO2 >8 kPa and PaCO2 <6.3 kPa (and respiratory rate <30 breaths/minute if spontaneously breathing) where possible.
If basic ventilatory support is not enough, consider additional manoeuvres for hypoxia (p.58) or hypercapnia (
Consider invasive monitoring with serial ABG analysis.
If mechanical ventilation is necessary, sedation (with or without muscle relaxation) will be required, at least initially (p.13).
Follow a lung-protective ventilation strategy (p.53).
Pitfalls/difficult situations
Double-check equipment as it may be faulty or not be delivering high enough O2; switch to alternative equipment if in doubt.
Cold limbs or poor skin perfusion may make SpO2 readings unreliable or difficult to maintain.
Chest X-ray interpretation can be difficult in supine patients; certain conditions such as anterior pneumothoraces or pleural effusions may require additional imaging (CT or US).
The presence of a metabolic acidosis increases dyspnoea; do not ignore circulatory support and correction of acidosis.
Oxygen delivery devices
Devices which deliver variable concentrations (and estimated FiO2):
Nasal cannulae:1
Non-Venturi masks (e.g. Hudson mask):
Reservoir bag masks (non-rebreathing masks, trauma masks):
Devices which deliver fixed O2 concentrations:
All Venturi masks: 24-60% if O2 flow rate is set according to instructions written on adapter (to change FiO2, change adapter).
Ventilator circuits: up to100% O2 as set.
Oxylog portable ventilators:
Modern machines up to100% O2 as set
Older machines: if set to ‘Airmix’ 50-60%, if set to ‘No airmix’ 100%
Indications for ventilatory support
Invasive ventilatory support should be considered where:
Endotracheal intubation is required:
Airway protection
Secretion clearance
Respiratory failure is present, or likely to occur:
Respiratory rate >30 breaths/minute, or apnoea/bradypnoea
Vital capacity <10-15 ml/kg
Hypercapnia with pH <7.35
Fatigue, exhaustion, inadequate respiratory effort
↓level of consciousness
Acute pulmonary oedema
Cardiopulmonary support is required:
Following cardiac arrest
Postoperative support of certain high-risk patients
Severe shock or LVF
Sedation, anaesthesia, and/or paralysis is required to:
Control intracranial pressure
Transfer critically ill patients
Control muscle spasms (e.g. tetanus)
Allow assessment or treatment, particularly in agitated or combative patients
Also see indications for endotracheal intubation (

Lung protective mechanical ventilation1
Lung protective ventilation strategies help to reduce the development of ALI/ARDS by attempting to avoid barotrauma, volutrauma, and shearing forces in the ventilated lungs:
Use tidal volumes of ˜6 ml/kg ideal body weight (IBW).
Keep maximum ventilatory pressure at <30 cmH2O.
Use adequate level of PEEP.
Keep I:E ratio >1:1 where possible.
Use assist-controlled ventilation where possible.
Allow CO2 to rise if necessary (permissive hypercapnia).
Ideal body weight calculation
In morbidly obese patients IBW should be used to calculate appropriate tidal volumes.
Male: IBW (kg) = 50 + 2.3 × (height (inches) − 60)
Female: IBW (kg) = 45.5 + 2.3 × (height (inches) − 60)
Alternative means of estimating height are also available, see Fig. 17.29 on

Non-invasive respiratory support
Potential advantages
↓incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).
No endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy required:
No risk of failure to intubate
No risk of long-term tracheal damage
No sedation required:
Patient can communicate
Patients can often eat and drink
Risk of airway obstruction or inability to protect the airway.
Facial abnormalities, trauma, or burns; or recent facial/airway surgery.
Upper airway obstruction.
Excessive secretions or vomiting; bowel obstruction.
Very high oxygen requirement/life-threatening hypoxia.
Severe acidaemia.
Haemodynamic instability, arrhythmias, or severe comorbidity.
Confusion, agitation, or patient refusal.
Pneumothoraces (an intercostal drain should be inserted first).
Upper GI surgery is a relative contraindication.
Intolerance of mask (up to 25%).
Airway may still become obstructed—especially if patient becomes obtunded, or if there is airway trauma.
Skin damage.
Gastric distension, vomiting and/or aspiration.
1High-flow O2 (at rates of >20 L/minute) can be delivered by some delivery devices which obtain near 100% humidification (e.g. VapothermTM).
1From The New England Journal of Medicine, The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network, ‘Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome’, 342, 18, pp. 1301-1308. Copyright © 2000 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission from Massachusetts Medical Society.
2NIV may be used in the presence of contraindications provided there is a contingency plan for intubation or the decision not to proceed to invasive ventilation has previously been made.
Further reading
Baudouin S, et al. BTS Guidelines: Non-invasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure. Thorax 2002; 57: 192-211.
O’Driscoll BR, et al. BTS guideline for emergency oxygen use in adult patients. Thorax 2008; 63(SVI): vi1-vi68.
Levy MM. Pathophysiology of oxygen delivery in respiratory failure. Chest 2005; 128(5 S2): 547S-553S.
Malarkkan N, et al. New aspects of ventilation in acute lung injury. Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 647-67.
Riley B. Strategies for ventilatory support. Br Med Bull 1999; 55(4): 806-20.
The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network. Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 1301-8.

Hypercapnia is defined as a PaCO2 >6.3 kPa. It can occur as a result of ↓clearance of CO2 or, less commonly, as a result of ↑production.
↓ventilation—all causes of type II respiratory failure (see
p.48), including:

Acute severe bronchospasm.
COPD—acute exacerbation.
Airway obstruction—partial/chronic.
Inadequate respiratory rate (e.g. head injury or overdose).
Inadequate ventilation (e.g. neuromuscular disease or traumatic damage).
Inadequate mechanical ventilation.
↑production of CO2:
Severe sepsis/SIRS (e.g. major burn injury).
Thyroid storm.
Reperfusion event (e.g. following release from crush injury).
Hyperpyrexias (e.g. malignant hyperpyrexia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome).
Drug reaction (e.g. serotonin syndrome, ecstasy (MDMA) poisoning).
Presentation and assessment
Most commonly revealed by ABG analysis:
Hypercapnia results in a respiratory acidosis, which may be compensated for metabolically by retention of bicarbonate ions in chronic conditions (e.g. COPD)
Where end-tidal CO2 measurements are available these will be raised.
Symptoms of hypercapnia include:
Agitation, sweating, flapping tremor
Respiratory distress: tachypnoea, dyspnoea
Tachycardia, bounding pulse, hypertension, vasodilatation
↓consciousness level, narcosis
ABGs (to confirm diagnosis and estimate whether acute, acute-on-chronic, or chronic on basis of pH and bicarbonate (‘Boston rules’) seep.207).
ECG (for signs of hyperkalaemia).
Immediate management
Titrate FiO2 to maintain SpO2 94-98%—via reservoir mask if spontaneously breathing or ventilator if receiving respiratory support:
If spontaneously breathing and suspected of having hypercapnic respiratory failure caused by COPD then aim for 88-92%
Treat any underlying cause of type II respiratory failure:
If the patient is spontaneously breathing without ventilatory support:
Secure airway and support ventilation if required.
Consider NIV or endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation if the patient is tiring, or hypercapnia/oxygenation are worsening.
If patient is already intubated and/or receiving ventilatory support (noninvasive or invasive) the following may be necessary:
Tolerate moderate hypercapnia (PaCO2 <8 kPa) if it is not obviously compromising the patient.
Alter ventilation parameters:1
Increase inspiratory pressure, inspiratory time, or tidal volume if ventilatory volumes are inadequate
Increase respiratory rate if minute volumes are inadequate despite good tidal volumes
Increase PEEP to maintain lung recruitment
Progress to intubation/ventilation if NIV is ineffective; if intubated:
Try increasing sedation or use short-term muscle relaxation to allow greater tolerance of hypercapnia and to reduce CO2 produced by the work of breathing
Consider advanced airway manoeuvres or oxygenation techniques (e.g. alveolar recruitment measures (p.65); patient positioning: either positioning bad lung uppermost if lung pathology is unilateral, or prone position)
Further management
If acidaemia is severe with mixed metabolic/respiratory components consider starting renal replacement therapy or bicarbonate infusions.
Aggressively treat hyperpyrexia with antipyretics and/or cooling measures (non-invasive or invasive).
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation may aid CO2 clearance, as may tracheal gas insufflation (TGI).
Pitfalls/difficult situations
Avoid hypercapnia where possible in patients with head injuries.
Where hypercapnia has been tolerated for a prolonged period, and metabolic compensation has occurred, avoid rapid correction as the relative hypocapnia may result in cerebral vasoconstriction.

Complications of mechanical ventilation that may require emergency treatment include:
Failure to ventilate.
Failure to oxygenate.
Haemodynamic instability.
Mucous plugging.
Other complications covered in more detail in other sections include:
Hypercapnia (p.56).
Air trapping (p.78).
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (pp.62 and 334).
Complications are more likely in:
Agitated, undersedated, or very mobile patients.
Patients with abnormal anatomy.
Patients with severe respiratory diseases, especially severe pneumonia, ARDS, bronchospasm, trauma, and contusions.
Patients with underlying chronic chest conditions.
Patients requiring airway pressures >35 cmH2O, or patients receiving high tidal volumes via mechanical ventilation.
Haemodynamic instability:
May result from ↓venous return/cardiac output.
Is made worse by coexisting dehydration, hypovolaemia, sepsis, cardiac ischaemia or failure.
Presentation and assessment
Difficulty in ventilating/oxygenating may present with:
Increasing airway pressures.1
High, or low-pressure, ventilator alarms.
Evidence of low delivered tidal volume, or low minute-volume alarm.
Audible leak from ventilator circuit, or leak alarm.
Inability to ventilate using self-inflating ambu-bag.
Lack of chest movement or respiratory sounds on auscultation.
Dynamic hyperinflation (next inspiratory cycle starts before last expiratory cycle finished), seep.78.
Where the patient is conscious and/or spontaneously breathing alongside mechanical ventilatory support complications of ventilation may result in:
Agitation, sweating, clamminess.
Increasing respiratory distress, tachypnoea, dyspnoea.
Cardiovascular abnormalities may include:
Cardiac arrest.
Tachycardia, bradycardia, or arrhythmia.
Evidence of pneumothorax may include:
Tracheal deviation away from affected side.
Absent/diminished breath sounds on affected side.
Hyper-resonant percussion note on affected side.
Subcutaneous emphysema.
Pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum on CXR.
ABGs (hypoxia, hypercapnia).
CXR (collapse, consolidation, pneumothorax, effusion).
Bronchoscopy (ETT or bronchial obstruction: mucous plug, blood clot, foreign body, extrinsic compression, tumour).
Chest US (pneumothorax, effusion).
CT chest (if considering anterior/loculated pneumothorax, effusion).
Differential diagnoses
Where there is difficulty in ventilating always consider the possibility of an occluded or semi-occluded airway (seepp.38 and 42).
Indications for fibreoptic bronchoscopy in ventilated patients
To obtain microbiological samples via suction or lavage, particularly if patients are immunocompromised or suspected of having atypical infections.
To localize and control haemoptysis.
Removal of secretions, blood clots, or foreign bodies allowing lung re-expansion.
To examine for strictures, tumours, or tracheobronchial trauma
To assess patency or position of ETT.
To evaluate degree of tracheobronchial trauma following airway burns or smoke inhalation.
Relative contraindications include:
Moderate/severe hypoxia or hypercapnia.
Coagulopathy, SVC obstruction, or other risk of bleeding.
Near-complete tracheal obstruction.
Myocardial ischaemia, arrhythmias, or hypotension.
Immediate management
If there is difficulty in ventilating the patient:
Increase FiO2 to 100%, pulse oximetry, and capnography.
Airway: check ETT or tracheostomy for position, patency, and presence of cuff leak; exchange of ETT/tracheostomy or re-intubation may be required (seepp.38 and 42).
Check for equipment failure and disconnection; if in doubt switch to self-inflating bag and manually ventilate.
Consider the possibility of the following (treat as appropriate):
Breathing against (‘fighting’) the ventilator (increase sedation/anxiolysis and consider instituting neuromuscular blockade)
Foreign body, mucous plugs, retained chest secretions, or major collapse of the lung tissue (pp.34 and 65)
Pneumothorax (tension or non-tension), tension haemothorax, massive effusion (pp.80 and 82)
Ventilation parameters may need adjusting:1
Increase inspiratory pressure, inspiratory time, or tidal volume if ventilatory volumes are inadequate
Increase respiratory rate if minute volumes are inadequate despite good tidal volumes
Reduce rate and increase expiratory time if bronchospasm
Where there is haemodynamic instability:
Treat hypotension using fluid and/or inotropes where required
Consider the possibility of the following (treat as appropriate):
Where there is hypoxia despite adequate ventilation:
Increase FiO2 to 100%; double check this value and switch to alternative supply if concerned.
Consider the possibility of the following—treat as appropriate:
Endobronchial intubation (p.26)
Pneumothorax (p.80)
Pleural effusions (p.82)
Mucous plugs or retained chest secretions (p.65)
Acute pulmonary oedema (p.86)
Pulmonary embolism (p.92)
Cardiac shunting/ASD
Ventilation parameters may be altered as outlined earlier in box:1
Decreasing I:E ratios to 1:1.5, 1:1 (or even less, 2:1) may maximize inspiration and allow gas redistribution with lower pressures
Tolerate moderate hypercapnia
Consider advanced airway manoeuvres or oxygenation techniques:
Alveolar recruitment measures (p.65)
Bronchoscopy to aid diagnosis or remove secretions
If lung pathology is unilateral try positioning bad lung uppermost
Start a neuromuscular blocking agent infusion (e.g. atracurium)
Prone positioning
Inhaled nitric oxide or nebulized epoprostenol
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV)
Extra corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
Further management
Identify and treat any coexisting/exacerbating infections.
Where possible use assist-controlled or pressure-support ventilation.
Pitfalls/difficult situations
Have a high index of suspicion for tension pneumothorax in patients with cardiovascular collapse.
CXR interpretation can be difficult in supine patients; certain conditions such as anterior pneumothorax or pleural effusion may require additional imaging (CT or US).
Obese patients may require much higher inspiratory pressures and levels of PEEP than expected.
Insert prophylactic chest drains in patients with severe chest trauma who require ventilation.
Minimize intravenous volume replacement in patients who have had major lung surgery.
Complications associated with HFOV
Hypotension: very common at initiation of HFOV (may need aggressive fluid therapy and/or vasopressor support), can also be caused by pneumothorax/air-trapping.
Blocked ETT or secretions (fall in PaO2, reduced ‘wiggle’, rise in amplitude, rise in PaCO2); may need suction, bronchoscopy and/or re-intubation.
Pneumothorax (fall in PaO2, unilateral ‘wiggle’, fall in amplitude, hypotension); will need intercostal drainage (p.532).
1Follow a lung-protective strategy in intubated/ventilated patients where possible (

1Increasing airway pressures will occur if using volume-controlled ventilation; decreasing tidal volumes will occur with pressure-controlled ventilation.
1Follow a lung-protective strategy where possible (

Further reading
Bell D. Avoiding adverse outcomes when faced with ‘difficulty with ventilation’. Anaesthesia 2003; 58: 945-50.
Honeybourne D, et al. British Thoracic Society guidelines on diagnostic flexible bronchoscopy. Thorax 2001; 56(S1): i1-i21.
Papazian L, et al. Neuromuscular blockers in early acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 2010; 363: 1107-16.

(See also

Severe community-acquired (CAP), hospital-acquired (HAP), or ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) are common causes, or complications of, critical illness.
Advancing age and any coexisting medical conditions (particularly heart disease, lung disease, immunocompromised patients—e.g. HIV, haematological malignancy, hepatic failure, drug use) increase the likelihood of severe pneumonia.
Common bacterial organisms include: S. pneumoniae, H. influenza.
Common viruses: influenza A and B subtypes (e.g. H1N1).
Less common organisms (often associated with COPD): S. aureus, M. catarrhalis, K. pneumonia, Pseudomonas.
Atypical organisms: Legionella, Mycoplasma, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Chlamydophila psittaci, Coxiella burnetti.
HAP is defined as pneumonia occurring >48 hours after hospital admission (or alternatively where there has been a previous admission within the past 7 days).
VAP is defined as pneumonia that develops >48 hours after the institution of mechanical ventilation by means of an ETT or tracheostomy.
In both cases aspiration, or micro-aspiration, of oral or gastric secretions is a common cause.
Risk factors include: neurological injury, prolonged hospital stay, supine position, severe illness, immune system compromise, and mechanical ventilation.
Common organisms include: S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, H. influenzae, and Gram-negative enterobacteriaceae (e.g. Klebsiella, E. coli, Enterobacter).
Where there is no response to treatment or the patient is immunocompromised consider less common causes:
Presentation and assessment
Agitation or malaise.
Increasing respiratory distress, tachypnoea, dyspnoea.
Cough, purulent sputum, haemoptysis.
Pleuritic chest pain or abdominal pain.
Rigors, pyrexia, sweating, clamminess.
Hypoxia, hypercapnia.
Pleural effusion.
Tachycardia and/or hypotension.
Where the patient is mechanically ventilated the only indications may be:
Worsening oxygenation.
↑sputum production.
CXR changes on routine films.
ABGs (hypoxia, respiratory/metabolic acidosis, or respiratory alkalosis).
LFTs (non-specific abnormalities).
CRP (raised).
CK (occasionally raised: Legionella, H1N1).Full access? Get Clinical Tree