Letters from Around the World
(2) Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA It is Monday morning, warm even at this early hour. By midday it will be a scorcher….
(2) Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA It is Monday morning, warm even at this early hour. By midday it will be a scorcher….
Fig. 5.1 Site assessment form example. These document samples are the property of Kybele, Inc. If you use these or any part of these materials in publication, kindly reference that…
Fig. 21.1 (a, b) The AUB clock Tower before and after destruction. (c) Center of Beirut destroyed Statistics Between April 1975 and November 1976, 8,324 casualties came though the Emergency…
Fig. 16.1 The increase in the absolute number of percutaneous coronary interventions versus the number of open heart surgeries from 1983–1985 to present. X axis: year. Y axis: number of…
Fig. 1.1 Maimonides eighteenth-century portrait of Maimonides, from the Thesaurus antiquitatum sacrarum by Blaisio Ugolino (Wikipedia accessed March 11th 2014) During the Middle Ages, Catholicism became dominant in the religious…
Fig. 23.1 Hurricane Katrina http://densitykatrina.wordpress.com Worldwide demographic analysis has proven that many heavily concentrated populations are located along major fault lines [3]. Such population trends predispose large numbers of people…
Fig. 29.1 Worldwide mobile cellular subscriptions relative to population. Worldwide, the number of mobile cellular subscriptions approaches the population, demonstrating the increasingly universal access to cellular technology. Source: International Telecommunications…
Fig. 20.1 AAF Salzburg medical seminar “Severe Bleeding Management” and point-of-care testing workshop, Salzburg, Austria, July 2012 Outreach Anesthesia Team Benefit Surgical and anesthesiology education as a part of the…
Fig. 27.1 Queen Elizabeth Hospital. (a) Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi, is the largest referral hospital in the country, with about 1,000 beds. (b) Teaching anesthesia clinical officers in…
Fig. 10.1 In 2008, three hurricaines struck the island nation of Haiti. The Arbonite region was most severely afffected with the only hospital flooded and unusable. Medecins Sans Frontieres, a…