Factitious Disorders and Malingering

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Factitious Disorders and Malingering

Chapter 114 Factitious Disorders and Malingering Jag S. Heer Perspective Patients may present to the emergency department with symptoms that are simulated or intentionally produced. The reasons that cause this…

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Delirium and Dementia

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Delirium and Dementia

Chapter 104 Delirium and Dementia Jeffrey P. Smith and Jennifer Seirafi Perspective Emergency physicians are frequently presented with patients exhibiting neurobehavioral abnormalities. These can be a harbinger of a serious…

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Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Shock

Chapter 6 Shock Alan E. Jones and Jeffrey A. Kline Perspective In philosophic terms, shock can be viewed as a transition between life and death. Whether shock results from hemorrhage,…

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Process Improvement and Patient Safety

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Process Improvement and Patient Safety

Chapter 197 Process Improvement and Patient Safety Shawna J. Perry, Robert L. Wears, Pat Croskerry and Marc J. Shapiro Perspective The overall process of patient care in the emergency department…

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Thought Disorders

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Thought Disorders

Chapter 110 Thought Disorders Robert S. Hockberger and John R. Richards Perspective In the 1800s, Morel introduced the term dementia praecox to describe a progressive deterioration of mental functioning and…

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Dizziness and Vertigo

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Dizziness and Vertigo

Chapter 19 Dizziness and Vertigo Andrew K. Chang and Jonathan S. Olshaker Perspective Dizziness is an extremely common yet complex neurologic symptom that reflects a disturbance of normal balance perception…

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Depressed Consciousness and Coma

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Depressed Consciousness and Coma

Chapter 16 Depressed Consciousness and Coma Benjamin S. Bassin and Jeremy L. Cooke Perspective Epidemiology Depressed mental status represents an alteration in arousal and is a common presenting complaint in…

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Geriatric Trauma

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Geriatric Trauma

Chapter 39 Geriatric Trauma Jeremiah D. Schuur Perspective Background Traumatic injuries are important causes of morbidity and mortality in older adults, and older adults make up a growing proportion of…

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Back Pain

Jul 26, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Back Pain

Chapter 35 Back Pain Brian D. Mahoney Perspective Back pain is a common symptom causing patients to seek care in the emergency department (ED). It accounts for 2.3% of all…

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