Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis

Chapter 129 Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis Meghan Glynn Definition and Epidemiology Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis are worldwide disorders that result from inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic, metabolic, and congenital conditions. Gallbladder disease affects all…

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Otitis Externa

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Otitis Externa

Chapter 85 Otitis Externa Jacqueline Rosenjack Burchum Definition and Epidemiology Otitis externa is a cellulitis of the external auditory canal that may extend to the auricle (pinna).1 The condition is…

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Chapter 189 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Stephanie Cassone Definition and Epidemiology Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common of the progressive motor neuron diseases. It is also often referred to…

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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Chapter 117 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Patricia Jordano Definition and Epidemiology An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a progressive, permanent, localized dilation of the abdominal aorta with aortic diameter of 3.0 cm…

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Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Delirium

Chapter 192 Delirium Karen Dick Definition and Epidemiology Delirium is a serious and significant health problem for older adults and others and one that requires prompt recognition and treatment. Delirium…

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Cutaneous Herpes

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Cutaneous Herpes

Chapter 50 Cutaneous Herpes Keith A. Deardorff, Theresa A. Bedford Definition and Epidemiology Cutaneous infections caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) can be of two serologic types: HSV-1, primarily…

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Sprains, Strains, and Fractures

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Sprains, Strains, and Fractures

Chapter 187 Sprains, Strains, and Fractures Christine M. Wilson, Mary E. Farrell, Nicole C. Bove, Susan E. Bove Definition and Epidemiology Common musculoskeletal injuries include sprains, strains, dislocations, and fractures….

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Blepharitis, Hordeolum, and Chalazion

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Blepharitis, Hordeolum, and Chalazion

Chapter 72 Blepharitis, Hordeolum, and Chalazion Rebecca Shields, James T. Banta Definition and Epidemiology Inflammation of the eyelids, also known as blepharitis, is one of the most frequently encountered ocular…

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Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Chapter 175 Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome Lin A. Brown Definition and Epidemiology Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), a disorder usually included with rheumatologic conditions, is characterized by symptoms of widespread musculoskeletal…

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Infectious Mononucleosis

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Infectious Mononucleosis

Chapter 233 Infectious Mononucleosis Traci Alberti Definition and Epidemiology Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is an acute, self-limited, generally benign illness that occurs in both children and adults after primary infection with…

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