Locked Knee

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Locked Knee

CHAPTER 118 Locked Knee Presentation The patient, usually with a history of a previous knee injury, and often with previous knee locking, suddenly develops a mechanical inability to extend her…

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Enterobiasis (Pinworm, Threadworm, Seatworm)

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Enterobiasis (Pinworm, Threadworm, Seatworm)

CHAPTER 69 Enterobiasis (Pinworm, Threadworm, Seatworm) Presentation The patient complains of severe perianal and/or vaginal irritation and itching, which is worse at night and may contribute to insomnia or superinfection…

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Cutaneous Larva Migrans (Creeping Eruption)

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Cutaneous Larva Migrans (Creeping Eruption)

CHAPTER 164 Cutaneous Larva Migrans (Creeping Eruption) Presentation The patient has an intensely pruritic, thin, erythematous, serpiginous, raised eruption on the sole of the foot, hand, or buttock (Figure 164-1)….

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Migraine Headache

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Migraine Headache

CHAPTER 6 Migraine Headache Presentation Migraine headache may occur with or, more commonly, without aura. The patient, more commonly female, complains of a pulsating, severe unilateral headache lasting 4 to…

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Dental Pain, Pericoronitis

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Dental Pain, Pericoronitis

CHAPTER 46 Dental Pain, Pericoronitis Presentation The patient is between the ages of 17 and 25 and seeks help because of painful swelling and infection around an erupting or impacted…

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