Anal Fissure

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Anal Fissure

Figure 66-1 With the patient in prone jackknife position, a posterior acute anal fissure is visible once the buttocks are separated. (Courtesy Richard P. Billingham, MD, Seattle, Wash.). What To…

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Iritis (Acute Anterior Uveitis)

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Iritis (Acute Anterior Uveitis)

CHAPTER 20 Iritis (Acute Anterior Uveitis) Presentation The patient usually complains of the onset over hours or days of unilateral eye pain, blurred vision, and photophobia. He may have noticed…

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Colorful Urine

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Colorful Urine

CHAPTER 78 Colorful Urine Presentation The patient may complain of or be frightened about the color of his urine. Color may be one component of some urinary complaint, or the…

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Sea Bather’s Eruption (Sea Lice)

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Sea Bather’s Eruption (Sea Lice)

CHAPTER 178 Sea Bather’s Eruption (Sea Lice) Presentation Patients seek help because of an intense pruritic or painful eruption of red raised welts, sometimes like mosquito bites. They are at…

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Tension-Type (Muscle Contraction) Headache

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Tension-Type (Muscle Contraction) Headache

CHAPTER 9 Tension-Type (Muscle Contraction) Headache Presentation The patient complains of a mild to moderate, dull, steady (nonpulsating) pain, described as a pressing, tightening, squeezing, or constricting band, located bilaterally…

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Dental Pain, Periapical Abscess (Tooth Abscess)

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Dental Pain, Periapical Abscess (Tooth Abscess)

CHAPTER 45 Dental Pain, Periapical Abscess (Tooth Abscess) Presentation The patient complains of severe, constant facial or dental pain, often associated with facial swelling, regional lymphadenopathy, and cellulitis, and may…

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