Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid–Base Management

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid–Base Management

Optimal management of fluids, electrolytes, and acid–base status in critically ill patients requires a general understanding of their normal composition and regulation. Disease processes, trauma, and surgery can all affect…

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Critical Care of the Neurological Patient

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Critical Care of the Neurological Patient

            I.   INTRODUCTION                    A.   Common Problems and Diagnoses Requiring Neurocritical Care                           1.   Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) → requiring close monitoring, hyperosmolar therapy, and/or surgical intervention: related to edema (traumatic brain injury, strokes: posterior fossa…

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Sedation and Analgesia

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Sedation and Analgesia

            I.   INTRODUCTION                    A.   The management of pain, sedation, and delirium has a significant impact on patients’ clinical and functional long-term outcome. Many patients are admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) for respiratory…

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Valvular Heart Disease

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Valvular Heart Disease

The prevalence of valvular heart disease is an increasingly burdensome problem and a common complicating comorbidity in the critically ill patient.             I.   AORTIC STENOSIS (AS) refers to a narrowing of the…

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Coronary Artery Disease

Oct 12, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Coronary Artery Disease

            I.   INTRODUCTION: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common type of heart disease and is the leading cause of adult morbidity and mortality in the United States, accounting for ∼17%…

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