Anesthetic-induced Neurotoxicity

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Anesthetic-induced Neurotoxicity

24 Anesthetic-induced Neurotoxicity Andreas W. Loepke and Mary Ellen McCann I. Introduction II. Effects of exposure to anesthetics, sedatives, and analgesics on the developing animal brain A. Deleterious effects of…

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Stroke and Brain Protection

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Stroke and Brain Protection

23 Stroke and Brain Protection John Dunford I. Introduction II. Pathophysiology of cerebral ischemia A. Histopathologic events B. Biochemical events C. Necrotic cell death D. Apoptotic cell death E. Autophagy…

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Pediatric Neurovascular Lesions

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Pediatric Neurovascular Lesions

20 Pediatric Neurovascular Lesions Hubert A. Benzon, Edward R. Smith, and Craig D. McClain I. Background II. Patient assessment III. Radiographic studies IV. Arteriovenous malformations A. AVMs result B. Anesthetic…

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Epilepsy Surgery

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Epilepsy Surgery

19 Epilepsy Surgery Hubert A. Benzon, Craig D. McClain, and Heidi M. Koenig I. Background II. Physiologic considerations III. Imaging techniques IV. Surgical treatment V. Surgical resection of seizure foci…

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Anesthesia for Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Anesthesia for Intramedullary Spinal Cord Tumors

FIGURE 13.1 Original from Stubblefield and O’Dell’s “Principles and Practice of Cancer Rehabilitation,” Demos Medical Publishing. C. Treatment of spinal cord tumors. The treatment for almost every spinal cord tumor…

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Chiari Malformation

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Chiari Malformation

17 Chiari Malformation Penny P. Liu, Krystal Tomei, and J. Brad Bellotte I. Historical considerations II. Chiari malformation I A. Anatomy B. Signs and symptoms C. Diagnosis D. Treatment E….

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Pediatric Congenital Lesions

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Pediatric Congenital Lesions

16 Pediatric Congenital Lesions Michael Chen and Cynthia Tung I. Spinal dysraphisms II. Spina bifida aperta A. Background and anatomy B. Surgery C. Anesthetic considerations III. Spina bifida occulta A….

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Neurosurgical Procedures and Chronic Pain

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Neurosurgical Procedures and Chronic Pain

II. Peripheral nervous system. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) encompasses all nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. The locations of these nerves, as well as their extensive number,…

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Posterior Fossa Tumor Surgery

Nov 25, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Posterior Fossa Tumor Surgery

6 Posterior Fossa Tumor Surgery Audrice Francois I. Introduction II. Neuroanatomy of the posterior fossa III. Types of posterior fossa tumors and associated pathophysiology IV. Diagnostic tests and neuroimaging V….

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