Elbow Arthrocentesis

imagesUsed to evacuate abnormal fluid collections from the joint space for synovial fluid analysis

   imagesSeptic arthritis

   imagesCrystal arthropathy


   imagesInflammatory process

imagesUsed to diagnose occult fracture or ligamentous injury

imagesUsed to inject methylene blue to test for joint capsule integrity when there is an overlying laceration that potentially extends into the joint space

imagesUsed to decrease or relieve pressure in the joint to provide pain relief

imagesUsed to instill medication for treatment and pain relief


imagesAbsolute Contraindications

   imagesAbscess/cellulitis overlying the procedural site (note that often infectious arthritis can mimic an overlying soft-tissue infection)

imagesRelative Contraindications

   imagesBleeding diatheses

   imagesKnown bacteremia


imagesPotential for introducing infection (sterile technique must be utilized)

imagesProcedure can cause pain and discomfort (if no anesthetic allergy exists, local anesthesia will be given)

imagesNeedle puncture can cause localized bleeding

imagesReaccumulation of fluid may occur

imagesRisk of injuring articular cartilage with needle tip

imagesGeneral Basic Steps

   imagesPatient preparation

   imagesSterilize area



   imagesAnalyze fluid

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Aug 9, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Elbow Arthrocentesis

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