Chapter 26 – Geriatric Anesthesia
Summary The World Health Organization predicts that the number of people aged 60 years and over will grow to an estimated 1.2 billion by 2025 and to 2 billion by 2050….
Summary The World Health Organization predicts that the number of people aged 60 years and over will grow to an estimated 1.2 billion by 2025 and to 2 billion by 2050….
Summary Pediatric anesthesiology is a distinct subspecialty of anesthesia. It focuses on the perioperative care of preterm and term neonates, infants, children, and teenagers. The pediatric population is vastly different…
Summary The pregnant patient undergoes various physiologic changes which allow them to adapt to the stress of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. The physiologic changes of pregnancy are summarized in Table…
Summary Shoulder surgery can be accomplished arthroscopically or open, and is usually performed in either a lateral decubitus (LDP) or beach-chair (BCP) position. The LDP involves placing the patient on…
Summary Normal intraocular pressure (IOP) ranges between 10 and 22 mmHg. This pressure represents a balance between aqueous humor production and drainage [1]. An increase in IOP is harmful because it…
Summary Neuromuscular and collagen vascular diseases comprise a wide array of disorders that bear a broad range of implications for anesthetic management throughout the perioperative period. Thorough preanesthetic evaluation is…
Summary Although anesthesiology and endocrinology are two distinct branches of medicine, some recent breakthrough treatments have brought together both medical specialties, particularly those concerned with surgical sciences and critical care….
Summary General surgical procedures encompass a multitude of surgical types. For the purposes of this chapter, the focus will be on anesthetic considerations for different types of esophageal, abdominal, intestinal,…
Summary Kidneys are paired organs, the primary function of which is to excrete metabolic byproducts involving physiologic processes of filtration, reabsorption, secretion, and excretion. The nephron forms the basic functional…
Summary Anesthesia for neurosurgical procedures is challenging. Understanding of neuroanatomy, physiology, and pharmacology gives anesthesiologists the opportunity to optimize patient care. Tailoring anesthesia, including medications, monitoring techniques, and physiologic manipulation,…