Ventilation/perfusion inequality
Pearls • Gas exchange is optimized when pulmonary perfusion (Q) and alveolar ventilation (V A ) are tightly matched. The fractal design of the lung and gravitational effects on the…
Pearls • Gas exchange is optimized when pulmonary perfusion (Q) and alveolar ventilation (V A ) are tightly matched. The fractal design of the lung and gravitational effects on the…
Pearls • Pulse oximetry is based on the principles that the pulsatile component of the optical absorbance detected from tissue is primarily from arterial blood and that oxyhemoglobin and reduced…
Pearls • Lungs increase in volume from about 250 mL at birth to 6000 mL in the adult. • Each lung lobe is subdivided into 19 bronchopulmonary segments, which receive…
Pearls • Three pathways to breathing failure are impaired neural control, failure of the muscles of breathing, and dysfunction of the mechanics of breathing. • Dysfunction of the mechanics of…
Pearls • The structures of the upper airway undergo extensive changes from infancy through young adulthood. An understanding of the numerous variations, congenital anomalies, and resulting special vulnerabilities of the…
Pearls • Both the cardiac and thoracic pump mechanisms play a role in infants and children during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Thus, attention to excellent chest compression technique—with an emphasis on “push…
Pearls • There are four distinct phases of cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): prearrest, no-flow (untreated cardiac arrest), low-flow (CPR), and postarrest. • The most common precipitating event for…
Pearls • Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), which originated in the mid-twentieth century, was designed to allow for the repair of congenital heart defects. Its history has since been characterized by perpetual…
Pearls • Most pediatric transplantations are performed for cardiomyopathy or congenital heart disease not amenable to correction or palliation. • Individuals may have a good quality of life following heart…
Pearls • The neonatal myocardium is less compliant than that of the older child, less tolerant of increases in afterload, and less responsive to increases in preload. A predictable decrease…