The Genesis of Crew Resource Management: The NASA Experience

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on The Genesis of Crew Resource Management: The NASA Experience

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016Lawrence M. Gillman, Sandy Widder, Michael Blaivas MD and Dimitrios Karakitsos (eds.)Trauma Team Dynamics10.1007/978-3-319-16586-8_1 1. The Genesis of Crew Resource Management: The NASA Experience David J. Alexander1   (1) Flight Medicine Johnson Space Center, 2101…

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Situational Awareness and Human Performance in Trauma

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Situational Awareness and Human Performance in Trauma

  Benefits Risks Perception Scanning attention Sample many stimuli Stimulus overload Avoid fixing on one stimulus Lack of prioritization Focused attention Prioritize Fixation error Eliminate “unimportant” cues Miss “important” cues…

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Methods in Trauma Biomechanics

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Methods in Trauma Biomechanics

, associated quantities are moment of inertia I, angular velocity . The position vector denotes the location of the centre of mass of a rigid body as function of time….

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Head Injuries

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Head Injuries

Fig. 3.1 Anatomy of the head: bony structures of the skull (top), the meninges (middle), and the brain (bottom) (adapted from Sobotta 1997) The inner surface of the cranial vault is…

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Ballistic and Blast Trauma

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Ballistic and Blast Trauma

Fig. 10.1 Examples of jacketed projectiles and energies at muzzle velocity 10.1.1 Wound Ballistics and Penetrating Ballistic Injuries The terminal effects of projectiles have been observed via field experience since the…

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Spinal Injuries

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Spinal Injuries

Fig. 4.1 Human spine (adapted from Sobotta 1997) In general, each vertebra consists of a cylindrically shaped body, a vertebral (or neural) arch, the (dorsal) spinous process and transverse processes at…

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Thoracic Injuries

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Thoracic Injuries

Fig. 5.1 The thoracic anatomy (adapted from Sobotta 1997; Netter 2003) The rib cage is formed by twelve pairs of ribs which are posterior connected to the thoracic vertebrae of the…

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Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Introduction

Cause  Number Accidents (unintentional injuries)  12,032 • Motor vehicle accidents 6,984  • All other accidents 5,048  Intentional self-harm (suicide)  4,688 Assault (homicide)  4,508 Malignant neoplasms  1,609 Diseases of the heart …

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Injuries of the Upper Extremities

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Injuries of the Upper Extremities

Fig. 8.1 Bones and joints of the upper extremities (adapted from Sobotta 1997) Fig. 8.2 Skeleton of the hand (adapted from Sobotta 1997) The shoulder comprises scapula, clavicula and the joint articulations…

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