Technological Advances in Endovascular Surgery

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Technological Advances in Endovascular Surgery

Fig. 28.1 Case of a 68-year-old diabetic gentleman with severe tissue loss and Duplex ultrasound evidence of a popliteal artery occlusion at the below-the-knee segment. Successful revascularization was performed, with…

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Augmented Reality in Surgery

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Augmented Reality in Surgery

Fig. 6.1 Google Glass became available to the general public in May of 2014 and provides users with a natural language voice command user interface in order to provide a…

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Pancreatic Advances

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Pancreatic Advances

Fig. 36.1 (a) MRCP image reveals a dilated duct (long arrow) abruptly terminating as it descends into the pancreatic head. Presence of tumor hinted at by the cluster of minute…

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New Minimally Invasive Treatments for Acid Reflux

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on New Minimally Invasive Treatments for Acid Reflux

Fig. 34.1 EsophyX® device. (Reprinted with permission of EndoGastric Solutions, Inc., Redmond, WA. Copyright © 2014 EndoGastric Solutions, Inc.) TIF involves an endoscopically guided transoral insertion of the EsophyX® device…

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Advances in Burn Care

Oct 28, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Advances in Burn Care

Partial thickness burns greater than 10 % TBSA. Burns involving the face, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, or major joints. Third degree burns in any age group. Electrical burns including lightning…

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