Wrist Nerve Blocks

imagesUsed to provide anesthesia in distribution of median, ulnar, and/or radial nerves for the treatment of complex soft-tissue or bony injuries of the hand

   imagesIrrigation of deep abrasions with embedded debris

   imagesExtensive or complex laceration repair

   imagesBurn injury pain control

   imagesIncision and drainage of abscess

   imagesFracture/dislocation reduction

   imagesTraumatic amputation


imagesOverlying cellulitis at site of anticipated injection

imagesRelative Contraindications

   imagesSimple laceration or injury that can be easily and adequately anesthetized with local infiltration or digital block


imagesHematoma formation and/or vascular injury

imagesNerve injury


imagesAllergic reaction

imagesGeneral Basic Steps

   imagesPalpate landmarks

   imagesSterile prep of skin

   imagesInject anesthetic

   imagesConsider sensory branches



   imagesFlexor carpi ulnaris tendon, pisiform bone, ulnar artery, proximal wrist crease (FIGURE 82.1)

   imagesUlnar nerve splits into dorsal and palmar branches approximately 5 cm proximal to the wrist crease

   imagesPalmar branch runs between the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon and the ulnar artery at the level of the proximal wrist crease


   imagesPatient Preparation

      imagesPlace the hand comfortably on bedside procedure table with palmar surface up

      imagesPrepare wrist site in standard sterile manner (povidone–iodine solution or chlorhexidine)

      imagesHave patient flex wrist against resistance to accentuate landmarks

      imagesIdentify and mark the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon from its insertion site at the pisiform bone to the ulnar nerve branch point (approximately 5 cm proximal to wrist crease)


FIGURE 82.1 Surface anatomy of the wrist region. (From Snell RS. Clinical Anatomy. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2004:534, with permission.)


      imagesApproach the wrist medially and insert a small-bore (25-gauge) needle beneath the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon at the level of the proximal wrist crease (FIGURE 82.2)

        imagesInject approximately 2 mL of anesthetic solution (lidocaine/bupivacaine) beneath the tendon at its radial border

        imagesAspirate before injecting anesthetic to ensure that ulnar artery has not been inadvertently entered

      imagesTo anesthetize the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve use the same initial insertion site and technique. However, redirect needle 3 to 5 cm proximally toward the branch point.

        imagesInject approximately 5 mL of anesthetic solution beneath the tendon at this branch point


FIGURE 82.2 Injection site of an ulnar nerve block.

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Aug 9, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Wrist Nerve Blocks

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