Umbilical Vein Catheterization

imagesTo provide rapid vascular access in neonates up to 2 weeks of age for resuscitation in which all other access attempts have failed

imagesTo provide rapid administration of intravenous fluids, medications, and blood


imagesNone for the unstable newborn with respiratory failure or cardiovascular compromise

imagesRelative Contraindications

   imagesSuccessful peripheral or central venous access

   imagesUmbilical vein catheter (UVC) placement in newborns with omphalocele, gastroschisis, omphalitis, peritonitis, or necrotizing enterocolitis

   imagesCellulitis or impetigo of the abdominal skin


imagesThe umbilicus consists of one large, thin-walled vein and two smaller, thick-walled arteries

imagesPicture the vessels as a face in which the arteries form the eyes, and the vein forms the mouth (FIGURE 91.1)


imagesPersonal protective equipment (face mask, eye protection, gown, sterile gloves)

imagesCardiac monitor with pulse oximetry

imagesAntiseptic prep solution, sterile drapes, gauze pads, antibiotic ointment

imagesExternal heat source (i.e., radiant warmer or heat lamps)

imagesUmbilical catheter tray (if not available, then equipment listed below)

   imagesScalpel (No. 11 or 15)

   imagesSmall hemostat

   imagesNeedle holder

   imagesUmbilical tape or silk suture (3-0 or 4-0) on straight or curved needle

   imagesSize 5-French umbilical catheter

imagesA 10-mL saline-filled syringe

imagesThree-way stopcock

imagesBag of saline solution

imagesAdhesive tape

imagesGeneral Basic Steps

   imagesPrepare catheter

   imagesTie umbilicus

   imagesCut cord

   imagesIdentify vessels

   imagesPass catheter

   imagesConfirm placement

   imagesSecure catheter

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Aug 9, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Umbilical Vein Catheterization

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