Traumatic brain injury

Chapter 30
Traumatic brain injury

Kraigher O’Keefe


An estimated 1.7 million people sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI) annually in the United States, with total costs estimated at $60 billion per year [1,2]. Overall, TBI-related deaths account for one-third of all trauma-related deaths, or 53,000 deaths annually in the United States [2]. Traumatic brain injuries result primarily from falls (35%), motor vehicle collisions (17%), and direct blows to the head (16%) [2]. Men are more likely to sustain TBI than women for virtually all age groups. Children aged 0–14 account for approximately one-third of the cases of TBI [3]. Children (up to age 18) and adults over 75 years old are more likely to present to the ED, and are more likely to die from head injuries [2].

The initial brain insult occurs from direct impact, acceleration/deceleration injury, or penetrating wound resulting in bleeding, contusion, and ultimately cell death. Prevention measures include use of helmets, seat belts, car seats for children, and efforts to reduce falls in the elderly [4]. Once the primary brain injury has occurred, reversal of the insult is impossible. Prevention of secondary brain injury is the goal of therapeutic intervention. Treatment must start with initial management on scene, and continue until the eventual resolution of the patient’s injuries. Aggressive treatment of severe head injury patients has been shown to be cost-effective, with an increase in quality-adjusted life-years when all costs are considered [5].

A review of a few physiological concepts is necessary for health care providers to understand how to prevent secondary brain injury. Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is equal to the mean arterial pressure (MAP) minus the intracranial pressure (ICP). Measuring an accurate MAP in the prehospital setting may be difficult, making the systolic blood pressure (SBP) a surrogate that has been used in published guidelines and research. Rapid rises in ICP cause compression of the brain within an enclosed space (skull). As the pressure increases, the brain can be pushed downward, herniating in several possible directions. This herniation can cause compression of cranial nerves, posturing, changes in respiration, paralysis, and sudden death.

Management of severe traumatic brain injury is focused on transport to a trauma center while preventing secondary brain injury. Secondary brain injury occurs through a complex biological cascade, which can continue for hours to days. Both hypotension and hypoxia are independently associated with increased mortality and poorer neurological outcomes [6]. When hypotension and hypoxia occur together, a 75% mortality rate has been reported [7].

Primary assessment

The initial management of all injured patients should begin with airway, breathing, and circulation. Adequate oxygenation must be considered a critical priority in brain-injured patients. Hypoxemia occurs more frequently in brain-injured patients than is clinically suspected or recognized. Even a single episode of hypoxemia (SaO2 <90%) can add to the overall morbidity, and has been associated with a 150% increase in mortality [8,9]. Supplemental oxygen should be administered to all potential TBI patients with continuous monitoring of the oxygen saturation using pulse oximetry. Adequate circulation is also important in the head-injured patient. Just a single episode of hypotension, defined as a systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg, is associated with increased morbidity, and with a 150% increase in mortality [9]. Intravenous fluids should be administered to maintain a systolic blood pressure of at least 90 mmHg [10]. The optimal fluid choice for volume restoration and maintenance of blood pressure has been intensely debated [11,12]. Isotonic crystalloid is recommended in both adults and children. Alterations in mental status due to hypoglycemia can easily be mistaken for those related to a traumatic brain injury. Patients with altered mental status should have a fingerstick glucose checked in the prehospital setting.

Secondary assessment

Performing an efficient neurological assessment is essential in the triage and management of brain-injured patients. Providers will need to repeat and reassess a patient’s neurological status as it frequently changes rapidly (Table 30.1).

Table 30.1 Glasgow Coma Scale

Eye opening Verbal response Motor response

6–obeys commands

5–oriented 5–localizes pain
4–spontaneous 4–confused 4–withdraws to pain
3–to speech 3–inappropriate 3–flexor posturing
2–to pain 2–incomprehensible 2–extensor posturing
1–none 1–none 1–none

The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was first introduced in 1974 by Teasdale and Jennett as a way to quickly evaluate the neurological status of brain-injured patients [13]. The GCS has been widely adopted as a way to categorize head injury severity (Table 30.2). The GCS should not be used as a static number and prehospital providers must frequently reevaluate neurological status, assessing for improvement or deterioration. A decrease of two or more points suggests increased ICP related to a potentially enlarging mass lesion (hematoma) [14]. A recent National Trauma Data Bank study of 250,000 head-injured patients found that 9% experienced prehospital neurological deterioration, defined as a decrease in two or more points in GCS from EMS to the emergency department measurement. This patient subgroup had higher in-hospital mortality even after adjusting for type of injury and presence of intracranial hemorrhage. Patients with measurable decline in mental status are high risk, and their initial care and evaluation should reflect the seriousness of this clinical finding [15].

Table 30.2 Severity of head injury based on GCS

Head injury severity Glasgow Coma Scale
Mild 14–15
Moderate 9–13
Severe 3–8

The GCS has been criticized for insufficient interrater reliability, especially in the outpatient setting [16]. Recent studies have demonstrated that use of a Simplified Motor Scale (SMS) can be as predictive in outcome when compared to the traditional GCS in head-injured patients in both inpatient and out-of-hospital settings [17]. The SMS scale gives only one score: 2 = obeys commands, 1 = localizes to pain, 0 = withdraws to pain or worse. The SMS has not been widely adopted but data are promising that SMS represents an alternative to traditional GCS, especially in the out-of-hospital setting. Current Brain Trauma Foundation guidelines are to continue using the GCS in the prehospital setting for now [10].

The pupils must be evaluated for equality and reactivity to light. Asymmetry is defined as greater than 1 mm difference in diameter, and a fixed pupil is defined as less than 1 mm response to bright light. Unilateral pupillary dilation with decreased reactivity is a sign of increased ICP with uncal herniation causing compression of the ipsilateral third cranial nerve. The eye and orbit should be assessed for signs of direct trauma as unilateral pupillary dilation may be a normal variant. Bilateral pupillary dilation is more likely to be due to a metabolic or toxic cause and, if it is due to trauma, is a poor predictor with mortality reported at 60% [18].

Other assessment considerations

Alcohol use results in higher rates of traumatic injury, including head injuries. Intoxicated patients may be agitated or excessively sedated, making initial evaluation difficult. Blood alcohol concentrations above 80 mg/dL have been shown to have a linear effect on GCS [19]. Safety precautions may prompt the use of sedatives such as benzodiazepines, opioids, and antipsychotics. It is preferable to overtriage potentially intoxicated patients to higher levels of care and assume that their changes in consciousness are related to brain injury and not intoxicants alone. Only with time and serial examinations can alterations in mentation be ascribed solely to alcohol or drugs.

Anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapies are commonly used for a variety of medical conditions. Medications that affect platelet function (aspirin), platelet aggregation (clopidogrel), coagulation (warfarin), and thrombin (dabigatran) increase the risk of intracranial hemorrhage after trauma. EMS providers should inquire about the use of “blood thinners” and these patients should be treated with a high degree of concern for intracranial bleeding even in cases of mild head injury.

Penetrating head injuries can be from missiles or impaled objects. Impaled objects should be left in place during transport as these objects will likely need to be removed in a surgical setting. Firearms are the leading cause of TBI death (40%) in the US, with an estimated 68% self-inflicted [20]. The prognosis for penetrating head injuries is quite variable. Approximately two-thirds of patients die prior to hospital arrival. Poor prognostic indicators for the one-third who arrive alive to the hospital include a GCS of 3–5 on arrival, hypotension, bilateral hemisphere involvement, and bilaterally non-reactive pupils [21].

Prehospital intubation

Endotracheal intubation helps prevent both hypoxia and aspiration in severely head-injured patients. The controversy regards when the intubation should occur and by whom.

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