FIGURE 11.1 Example of an intrahospital transport checklist developed by Brunsveld-Reinders et al. (From Brunsveld-Reinders AH, Arbous MS, Kuiper SG, de Jonge E. A comprehensive method to develop a checklist to increase safety of intra-hospital transport of critically ill patients. Crit Care. 2015;19:214.)

For quality purposes, the transfer organization should keep record of all transfers.
Transporting critically ill patients is crucial to the public health system and will continue to be of vital importance in the future. Although every transport is a potential risk for our patient, it can be performed safely when circumstances are optimized. Transport teams with both experience in treating critically ill patients as well as insight into risks related to the actual transfer can provide such a safe transfer; this is as true with inter- as with intrahospital transports/transfers.
Key Points
- Interhospital transfer of critically ill patients should be carried out by specialized retrieval teams.
- All involved in transport should receive transfer training.
- Transfer training should focus on preparation, teamwork, equipment, mobility, and safety.
- Equipment used should meet both ICU and transfer standards.
The authors thank the previous edition’s authors for their contributions.
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