Chapter 100
Thoracic Trauma
The initial management of thoracic trauma should be identical to that of other traumatic injuries: rapid evaluation of airway, breathing, and circulation followed by a secondary assessment of injuries as delineated in the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines (see Chapter 96). Patients presenting with trauma to the thorax, however, may require rapid interventions unique to the mechanism of injury such as chest tube thoracostomy or pericardiocentesis. Although these interventions are often performed only after radiographic imaging, patients presenting with thoracic trauma may require such a procedure before imaging can be obtained. A chest radiograph should be attained in the trauma bay as soon as possible and should be evaluated for pneumothorax, subcutaneous or mediastinal emphysema, diaphragmatic rupture, widened mediastinum, and foreign bodies. The primary and secondary surveys, along with the initial chest radiograph, are usually sufficient to guide the provider along a tri-directional decision tree: additional imaging, tube thoracostomy, or the operating room. This chapter discusses in greater detail the variety of injuries and interventions associated with blunt and penetrating thoracic trauma.
Scope of Injuries and Management
Chest Wall Injuries
The most common injury to the thorax is rib fracture. The diagnosis can usually be made by simply observing the patient’s respiratory pattern and level of pain upon deep inspiration. The treatment of unilateral rib fractures is pain control. For multiple or bilateral fractures, a more aggressive and complex analgesic plan is usually required, often involving some form of neuraxial anesthetic (e.g., epidural catheter), paravertebral block, or intercostal nerve block (see Chapter 86).
When trauma causes a part of the chest wall to move separately from the surrounding bony structures, a paradoxical motion occurs with respiration known as “flail chest.” The flail portion moves inward as the patient takes an active inspiratory effort. Flail chest can result from unilateral or bilateral rib fractures, or disruption of the costochondral junction. It is seen more commonly in elderly patients because of their reduced chest wall compliance. As a result of the discordance between the motion of the chest wall and the intrathoracic volume, there is decreased vital capacity and ineffective ventilation, which, when coupled with an underlying pulmonary contusion, can result in the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Early intervention, including pain control, humidification of air, and aggressive pulmonary toilet, is critical in order to avoid clinical deterioration. Arterial blood gases can be followed to evaluate the adequacy of ventilation and oxygenation over a short period of time. Non-invasive ventilation is often unsuccessful because the primary problem remains severe pain and discordant chest movement; however, obligatory intubation without evidence of respiratory failure is not recommended. If clinical improvement is not seen rapidly, elective mechanical ventilation should be considered. Mortality has improved significantly over the years from flail chest, but many patients suffer from long-term debilitation including dyspnea, abnormal exercise tests, and pain. In short, flail chest is a serious injury that must be managed early and aggressively.
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