Coronal view of pleural effusion with ultrasound transducer placed on the patient’s left lateral chest
Thoracentesis may be performed for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. Therapeutic thoracentesis is performed in the setting of a moderate to large symptomatic pleural effusion. Patients with an underlying pleural effusion who develop hypoxia or respiratory distress and do not respond to conservative therapy may be good candidates for thoracentesis. Diagnostic thoracentesis is indicated for new pleural effusions with an unclear etiology. Conversely, patients with small bilateral pleural effusions and a clear cause such as underlying congestive heart failure are less likely to benefit from thoracentesis.
Abnormal coagulation parameters are commonly cited as a contraindication to thoracentesis, with cutoff values of international normalized ratio (INR) greater than 1.6 or fewer than 50,000 platelets per microliter [15]. However, retrospective evidence demonstrates that USGT is not associated with significantly increased bleeding even in the setting of abnormal coagulation parameters [15, 16]. Regardless, the risk of the procedure should be weighed against the benefit in all patients, particularly those who are coagulopathic.
Skin puncture through areas of overlying cellulitis or herpes zoster is contraindicated. Care must be used when performing thoracentesis among mechanically ventilated patients due to the increased risk of pneumothorax in the setting of positive-pressure ventilation. However, the incidence of pneumothorax among mechanically ventilated patients undergoing USGT has been shown to be low, and many likely occur secondary to injury from re-expansion or trapping rather than needle penetration [12].
Equipment/Probe Selection

Equipment required for ultrasound-guided thoracentesis. From top left: fenestrated and non-fenestrated drapes; local anesthetic; chlorhexidine; 10 cc syringe with 25 gauge needle; scalpel; collection bag and evacuated container; 60 cc syringe; sample collection tubes; thoracentesis needle, catheter, syringe, and tubing; ultrasound probe with sterile gel and sheath; and sterile gauze
Preparation/Pre-procedural Evaluation
Complications associated with thoracentesis
Pneumothorax |
Bleeding |
Re-expansion pulmonary edema |
Infection |
Solid organ injury |
Pain |
Cough |

Ultrasound-guided thoracentesis using an in-plane approach

Ultrasound-guided thoracentesis using an in-plane approach
Complications associated with thoracentesis include pneumothorax, hemothorax, re-expansion pulmonary edema, and laceration to surrounding structures including the liver, spleen, heart, diaphragm, bowel, and kidneys. The use of ultrasound has been shown to decrease the incidence of complications associated with thoracentesis [10–13]. There is a lower risk of pneumothorax when thoracentesis volume is less than 1.2 L [17–19]. The incidence of pneumothorax during USGT is between 1% and 5% [10, 12, 13], and the incidence of significant bleeding is also low when USGT is performed by experienced operators. In one study of 1009 patients, the incidence of hemorrhagic complication was 0.4% overall and 1.3% among patients with abnormal coagulation parameters [15]. In another study of 1076 patients, no hemorrhagic complications were identified despite 17% of patients having a pre-procedure INR greater than 2.0% and 6% of patients having a pre-procedure platelet count less than 50,000 per microliter [16].
Re-expansion pulmonary edema is a rare complication of thoracentesis, but has a mortality as high as 20% and usually occurs when the volume of fluid removed is greater than 1500 mL [20]. In one prospective study of 941 patients undergoing thoracentesis, the incidence of re-expansion pulmonary edema was 0.2% of patients overall and 0.5% of patients with greater than 1 L of fluid removed [19]. Symptoms include dyspnea, chest pain, and increased sputum production. Treatment is supportive and includes lateral decubitus positioning with the affected side up and positive-pressure ventilation.
Failure to properly align the needle in-plane with the ultrasound transducer will impede needle visualization during dynamic USGT. To minimize the risk of procedural complications, the needle should be visualized throughout the procedure. Not having good control of the needle and using excess force to puncture through the chest wall can lead to inadvertent excessive needle length insertion into the thorax and could result in lung penetration. Good needle control and measured movements/force applied will minimize this risk. In addition, removal of large volumes of fluid can increase the risk of complications.
Integration into Clinical Practice
The use of ultrasound can be integrated into the clinical practice of providers who are qualified to perform thoracentesis. It has been shown that the technique is readily learned and can decrease complication rates [12–14].
Authors of a large study from 2013 analyzed 61,261 thoracenteses occurring over a two-year period using a hospital database and determined that USGT was associated with a 19% decrease in the risk of post-procedure pneumothorax compared to landmark-based thoracentesis. The overall incidence of pneumothorax associated with thoracentesis was 2.7% (n = 1670). In this study, patients with a post-procedural pneumothorax had an increased cost of hospitalization of $2801 and increased duration of hospitalization of 1.5 days when compared to patients who did not suffer this complication [11].
A meta-analysis of 24 studies found a 4.0% incidence of pneumothorax for USGT compared with 9.3% for landmark-based thoracentesis (p < 0.001) [7]. Moreover, a prospective study of 211 patients undergoing 232 separate USGT while mechanically ventilated found a 1.3% (3/232) incidence of pneumothorax [12].
In addition, a prospective study of 59 emergency department patients with suspicion for pleural effusion found that US changed management in 41% of patients. Ultrasound was completed in approximately 2 minutes and significantly altered the provider’s suspicion of pleural effusion (p < 0.05) [5].
Key Points
Lung ultrasonography allows the clinician to rapidly and accurately assess for the presence of a pleural effusion.
In patients who require a thoracentesis, sonographic guidance allows this procedure to be performed safely and efficiently. USGT is easily learned, decreases complication rates, and lowers hospitalization cost and length of stay.
Either a high- or low-frequency transducer can be utilized depending on patient body habitus and operator comfort.
The needle should be visualized penetrating through the parietal pleura and into the fluid collection in the thorax under ultrasound guidance using an in-plane technique.
Limiting the volume of fluid removed to 1 L is associated with decreased rates of pneumothorax and re-expansion pulmonary edema.
Needle Aspiration of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
A pneumothorax is an emergent medical condition that requires rapid and accurate evaluation and treatment. There are multiple etiologies of a pneumothorax, including a ruptured bleb within the lung, pneumothorax secondary to traumatic injury, or a spontaneous pneumothorax. If not treated appropriately, a pneumothorax can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular compromise.
Though a pneumothorax can occur by various mechanisms, this section will focus primarily on primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) which is defined as a pneumothorax occurring without inciting trauma or the presence of clinically apparent lung disease [21–23]. Data on the age-adjusted incidence of PSP ranges from 7.4 to 24/100,000 per year in males and 1.2 to 9.8/100,000 per year in females [24–26].
Management options for a PSP include tube thoracostomy, small-bore pleural catheter, needle aspiration, and observation, but international guidelines and standard practice are variable [21]. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) recommends tube thoracostomy or a pleural catheter as the first-line treatment of symptomatic pneumothorax and endorses the use of needle aspiration only for stable patients with small pneumothoraces [27]. In contrast, the British Thoracic Society (BTS) guidelines recommend that needle aspiration be the first-line management for stable patients less than 50 years old with a PSP [23, 28, 29]. Traumatic pneumothorax is not addressed in the BTS or ACCP guidelines.
While no consensus exists on the management of pneumothorax, there is a growing body of evidence supporting needle aspiration of pneumothorax in patients with uncomplicated first-time PSP [30, 31]. Several prospective studies have shown promising results for needle aspiration [22, 29, 30, 32–35]. Compared to tube thoracostomy, needle aspiration has been shown to have similar clinical outcomes [33, 34], is less invasive and painful, leads to decreased admission rates and hospital length of stay, and has similar 1-year recurrence rates of pneumothorax [29, 30, 35].
Advantages of Ultrasound Guidance
Lung ultrasound has demonstrated better sensitivity (89% vs. 52%) and comparable specificity (98% vs. 99%) in detecting pneumothorax when compared to chest x-ray [36–38] and has also been shown to be superior in detecting residual pneumothoraces after chest tube insertion [39].
The anterior chest wall is delineated by the clavicle superiorly, the diaphragm inferiorly, by the sternum medially, and the mid-axillary line laterally [40]. In general, air will rise to the least dependent portion of the hemithorax, which in a supine patient is at the anteromedial portion of the chest. However, in patients with a high degree of suspicion for pneumothorax, there is utility in sonographically evaluating a larger area.

The “bat sign” describes the sonographic image in which the pleural interface appears as a hyperechoic line flanked by two rib shadows. This image is obtained by placing the linear probe in a sagittal plane between two ribs

The presence of a “seashore sign,” which appears as a granular pattern below the pleural line in M-Mode, demonstrates normal lung sliding

The “barcode sign” or “stratosphere sign,” in which the normal granular pattern below the pleural line is replaced by horizontal lines, indicates the absence of lung sliding

Power slide. Power Doppler may be used as an alternative to M-Mode to demonstrate the presence of lung sliding in a static image

Lung point. The alternating granular and linear patterns below the pleural line demonstrate the precise transition point between normal lung sliding and pneumothorax
Existing guidelines recommend drainage of large pneumothoraces even if the patient appears clinically well, making estimation of pneumothorax size an important aspect of assessing a patient prior to performing an aspiration. However definitions for a “large” pneumothorax differ [23, 27, 44]. While computed tomography (CT) of the chest is the most accurate method of measuring pneumothorax volume, it is not always an indicated or available imaging modality. Several methods have been suggested for estimating pneumothorax volume on chest radiograph [23]. According to ACCP guidelines, a distance greater than 3 cm from the lung cupola to the apex of the thoracic cavity represents a “large” pneumothorax [27]. BTS guidelines define a “large” pneumothorax as a rim of air greater than 2 cm at the level of the hilum on chest radiograph [28]. The Belgian Society of Pulmonology (BSP) defines a “large” pneumothorax as one that extends along the entire length of the lateral chest wall [44]. However, there is poor agreement among the size classification methods described by the AACP, BTS, and BSP, and in one retrospective study, the use of these different methods resulted in agreement in only 47% of cases [45].
Point-of-care ultrasound may be a useful method to estimate the size of pneumothoraces. In a prospective study of 58 patients who had a CT diagnosis of pneumothorax, sonography reliably predicted larger pneumothorax volumes. A lung point located anterior to the mid-axillary line, at the mid-axillary line, and posterior to the mid-axillary line were predictive of a pneumothorax size of less than 10%, between 11% and 30%, and greater than 30%, respectively [46].
According to the BTS Guidelines, needle aspiration of pneumothorax is indicated in stable patients less than 50 years of age with a symptomatic PSP measuring greater than 2 cm at the level of the hilum on chest x-ray or a PSP of any size from which the patient is symptomatic [23].
Patients who are over the age of 50 with a smoking history or evidence of underlying lung disease based on physical examination, history, or chest x-ray are not suitable candidates for aspiration. Other contraindications include patients with unstable vital signs, tension or bilateral pneumothoraces, or associated pleural effusions (hydropneumothorax). In addition, as mentioned above, skin with overlying areas of cellulitis or herpes zoster should not be pierced. Recurrent pneumothorax is a relative contraindication as such cases are likely to require more aggressive interventions such as chest tube drainage, pleurodesis, or VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery) [47–50]. Finally, repeat needle aspiration following a failed attempt is not recommended as it is unlikely to be successful in the absence of a technical issue such as a blocked or kinked catheter [23].
Though, some experts recommend chest tube or small-bore catheter placement for pneumothoraces that are 40% or larger [51, 52], BTS guidelines suggest PSP of all sizes can be drained by needle aspiration.
Equipment/Probe Selection

Equipment required for ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. From top left: fenestrated drape, chlorhexidine, 10 cc syringe with 18-gauge blunt needle, 27 gauge needle, local anesthetic, catheter over a needle, 60 cc syringe, IV tubing attached to a three-way stopcock, ultrasound probe with sterile sheath, and sterile gel
Preparation/Pre-procedural Evaluation
For this procedure, place the patient in a supine position with the arm ipsilateral to the pneumothorax raised above the patient’s head. In this position, inter-pleural air will preferentially collect in the nondependent anteromedial portion of the patient’s chest. Using tactile and visual landmarks, identify and mark the second intercostal space in the midclavicular line. This location is where the needle aspiration will be performed. Using a high-frequency linear probe oriented in the sagittal plane and starting at the marked needle aspiration site, locate the lung point by sliding the transducer laterally. Mark the skin with a surgical marker at the lung point so that it can be readily located later [53–55].
This procedure requires two individuals, one person performing the aspiration while the other sonographically tracking the lung point. Alternatively, if there is a single operator, the location of the lung point can be checked intermittently throughout the procedure.

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