Chapter 51
Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections 
Aortic Dissections
The complications resulting from an aortic dissection can be catastrophic. Rupture into the mediastinum can occur anywhere along the dissected portion of the aorta. If the proximal ascending aorta ruptures, hemopericardium and potentially acute cardiac tamponade may result. Other serious complications can result from the expanding false lumen causing stenosis, occlusion, or continued propagation down branch vessels, compromising blood flow to the heart, brain, mesentery, liver, kidneys, spinal cord, or extremities. Finally, when the dissection involves the ascending aorta, the commissures of the aortic valve can be disrupted by the expanding false lumen, causing prolapse of the involved valve leaflet resulting in aortic insufficiency.
Aortic dissections were first classified by DeBakey according to the site of intimal tear and the extent of the false lumen within the aorta. A simpler and more clinically relevant classification was developed at Stanford and categorized dissections based on the region of the aorta involved (Table 51.1). Type A dissections include any dissections involving the ascending aorta. Such lesions may be isolated to the ascending aorta or may extend into the aortic arch and descending aorta. Type B dissections involve only the descending aorta (defined as aorta distal to the left subclavian artery). Type A dissections are frequently associated with chronic hypertension or some degree of annuloaortic ectasia or collagen-vascular defect, such as Marfan syndrome. Importantly, most type A dissections are not related to atherosclerotic disease. In contrast, patients with type B dissections typically have advanced atherosclerotic disease and labile hypertension. These patients are frequently older and often have serious comorbid conditions related to their profound systemic atherosclerosis.
TABLE 51.1
Stanford Classification of Thoracic Aortic Dissections
Type | Description |
Type A | Dissections involving the ascending aorta (may also involve the descending aorta) |
Type B | Dissections involving only the descending thoracic aorta (distal to left subclavian artery) |
Developments in thoracic endovascular repairs (TEVAR) have made stenting the descending aorta, particularly in regions of malperfusion, a viable option at some centers. To be a candidate for an endovascular procedure, the patient’s iliac vessels must be able to accommodate device entry, and there must be relatively normal aortic diameter on either side of the lesion for the stent to adhere to (the so-called landing zone). Complications that are specific to endovascular procedures involve angiographic evidence of persistent flow within the aneurysmal sac after stent placement. The location and severity of this ongoing leak dictate subsequent therapy (see Box 51.E1).
Traumatic Aortic Injuries
When penetrating injuries involve the ascending aorta, they are usually fatal. Blunt injuries to the aorta can also cause disruption of the ascending aorta, which, when severe enough, are also usually lethal. Deceleration injuries to the descending aorta usually occur just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery at the aortic isthmus. Injuries in this region are frequent because at this point, the aorta is fixed to the posterior chest wall by the intercostal arteries and anteriorly to the pulmonary artery by the ligamentum arteriosum (the embryologic remnant of the ductus arteriosus). Sudden deceleration of the thorax applies stress to the aorta at these points of fixation. If the aorta completely ruptures, immediate exsanguination and death usually result. However, if the rupture is partially contained (often by parietal pleura), the patient may survive long enough to get to a hospital (a contained aortic disruption). Ultimately, the patient’s survival depends on prompt diagnosis and treatment (see Chapters 98 and 101).