Side effects
Supranormal elevation of oxygen delivery
Critically ill patients at increased risk of death
Patients not responding to initial challenge have a worse prognosis
Older and sicker patients tend not to reach therapeutic goals
Extensive use of dobutamine is associated with increased incidence of tachyarrhythmias and ischemic electrocardiographic findings
Supranormal targets: cardiac index ≥4.5 L/min/m2, oxygen delivery ≥600 mL/min/m2, oxygen consumption ≥170 mL/min/m2, and mixed venous oxygen saturation ≥70 %
Aiming to increase oxygen consumption is demonstrated to increase mortality
Box 12.1. Definitions
Oxygen content
The oxygen content of blood is determined by several factors with the major proportion provided by the saturation of hemoglobin in the blood.

Hb = hemoglobin concentration in g/l
SaO2 = oxygen saturation
PaO2 = arterial oxygen partial pressure
Oxygen delivery
Oxygen delivery is simply a product of the arterial oxygen content and cardiac output.

CO = cardiac output (heart rate x stroke volume)
Oxygen consumption
Oxygen consumption can be calculated from the product of the cardiac output and the difference between the arterial and venous oxygen content.

CO = cardiac output
CaO2 = arterial oxygen content
CvO2 = venous oxygen content
Oxygen extraction ratio
The ability to extract oxygen from the blood is determined by the ratio of oxygen consumption to oxygen delivery.

VO2 = oxygen consumption, DO2 = oxygen delivery
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