Chapter 43 Status epilepticus
Status epilepticus (SE) is a medical emergency requiring prompt intervention to prevent the development of irreversible brain damage.
The duration of seizure activity required to define SE has not been universally agreed upon. Most authors have defined SE as more than 30 minutes’ duration of either a single seizure, or intermittent seizures with no regaining of consciousness between seizures.1–4 This definition is most useful for epidemiological research and is based on experimental studies that show that irreversible neuronal damage occurs after 30 minutes of seizure activity.5,6
More recently an operational definition of SE as 5 minutes of continuous seizure activity, or two or more discrete seizures with no intervening recovery of consciousness, has been used.7 This definition promotes earlier diagnosis and treatment of SE. It has arisen from the generally accepted need to initiate treatment for SE rapidly and the observation that seizures persisting beyond this duration are unlikely to remit spontaneously.8
Refractory SE is defined as failure of initial therapy, such as benzodiazepines and phenytoin, with seizures persisting beyond 1–2 hours and usually requiring agents that induce general anaesthesia to control them.9,10 Refractory SE is associated with a worse prognosis.9,11
SE is commonly separated into two categories:
The incidence of SE is U-shaped, being greatest under 1 year and over 60 years of age.2
Ongoing or recurrent seizures result from failure of normal seizure-terminating mechanisms or excessive excitation causing seizure activity to persist. The major inhibitory mechanism in the brain is γ-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA) receptor-mediated inhibition. Glutamatergic excitatory synaptic transmission is important in sustaining SE.12
SE may occur de novo (approximately 60% of presentations) or, less commonly, in a previously diagnosed epileptic.2 The aetiologies of SE, in decreasing order of frequency as they occur in adults, are given in Table 43.1.2
Table 43.1 Causes of status epilepticus in adults
Low antiepileptic drug levels (poor compliance, recent dose reduction or discontinuation) |
Temporally remote causes (previous central nervous system injury e.g. stroke, trauma, tumour, meningitis) |
Stroke – vascular occlusion or haemorrhage |
Cerebral hypoxia/anoxia |
Metabolic disturbances (electrolyte abnormalities, uraemia, hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia) |
Alcohol – withdrawal or intoxication |
Central nervous system tumours – primary or secondary |
Systemic infection |
Idiopathic |
Central nervous system infection – meningitis, encephalitis |
Head trauma |
Drug toxicity (tricyclic antidepressants, phenothiazines, theophylline, isoniazid, cocaine, amphetamine) |
GCSE is the most common and dangerous type of SE and accounts for approximately 75% of cases.2 It encompasses a broad spectrum of clinical presentations, from overt generalised tonic-clonic seizures to subtle convulsive movements in a profoundly comatose patient.13
Typically, early in the evolution of seizures, patients are unresponsive with obvious tonic (sustained contractions) and/or clonic (rhythmic jerking) movements (overt GCSE). Motor manifestations may be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
With time, the clinical manifestations may become subtle, and patients have only small-amplitude twitching movements of the face, hands or feet or nystagmoid jerking of the eyes (late or subtle GCSE).13
Later still some patients will have no observable repetitive motor activity and the detection of ongoing seizures requires EEG (electrical GCSE). Most authors classify this as a form of NCSE.14–16 Such patients are still at risk of central nervous system (CNS) injury and require prompt treatment.
Just as there is a progression from overt to increasingly subtle motor manifestations, there is also a predictable sequence of EEG changes during untreated GCSE. Initially, discrete electrographic seizures merge to a waxing and waning pattern of seizure activity, followed by continuous monomorphic discharges, which become interspersed with increasing periods of electrographic silence and, eventually, periodic epileptiform discharges on a relatively flat background.13,17 The presence of any of these EEG patterns should suggest the diagnosis of GSCE.
Early in GCSE there is a marked increase in plasma catecholamines, producing systemic physiologic changes that resolve if SE is stopped early (Table 43.2). However, if seizures continue, many of these early physiologic changes reverse and the resultant hypotension and hypoglycaemia may exacerbate neurological injury.18
Table 43.2 Physiological changes in generalised convulsive status epilepticus18,56
Hypoxia |
Respiratory acidosis |
Lactic acidosis |
Hyperpyrexia |
Hypertension (early)/hypotension (late) |
Hyperglycaemia (early)/hypoglycaemia (late) |
Tachycardia |
Cardiac arrhythmias |
Blood leukocytosis |
Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis, increased cerebrospinal fluid protein |
Intracranial hypertension |
Neurogenic pulmonary oedema |
Aspiration pneumonitis |
Rhabdomyolysis |
An important differential diagnosis of generalised convulsive epilepsy is pseudoseizures. These can occur in patients with or without a history of epilepsy.19 Clinical features suggestive of pseudoseizures are listed in Table 43.3. Distinction between the two may be extremely difficult, and can only be made with complete certainty using EEG monitoring.19 Pseudo-status, misdiagnosed as true SE, is often refractory to initial therapy and can lead to patients receiving general anaesthesia and mechanical ventilation.
Table 43.3 Features suggestive of pseudoseizures
Lack of stereotyped seizures, with behavioural manifestations varying from event to event |
Lack of sustained convulsive activity – ‘on–off’ appearance |
Increase in movement if restraint is applied |
Abolition of motor movements with reassurance or suggestion |
Resistance to eye opening and gaze aversion |
Poor response to treatment, refractory status epilepticus |
Absence of pupillary dilatation |
Normal tendon reflexes and plantar responses immediately after convulsion |
Lack of metabolic consequences despite some hours of apparent fitting |
This may account for approximately 25% of SE, though its incidence is probably underestimated because of failure to recognise and diagnose the condition.
The diagnosis of NCSE should be considered in any patient with an unexplained altered conscious state, particularly those with CNS injury, metabolic disturbance, hepatic encephalopathy and sepsis. Series where EEG has been performed in critically ill patients with an unexplained depressed conscious state have found a high incidence of NCSE (8–18%).20–22 EEG monitoring is required in patients with GCSE who do not recover consciousness after resolution of overt convulsive activity; in one study more than 14% of such patients had NCSE.14
Considerable debate exists regarding the precise criteria for diagnosing NCSE and published reports often describe diverse cohorts of patients. The diagnosis of NCSE generally requires a change in behaviour and/or mentation from baseline for at least 30 minutes, no overt seizure activity and an EEG with epileptiform discharges. A response to intravenous antiepileptic drugs (e.g. benzodiazepines), with clinical improvement and resolution or improvement in EEG epileptic activity, is helpful in confirming the diagnosis.23
Various classifications for NCSE have been suggested.4,23–25 Traditionally NCSE is divided into absence SE (ASE) and complex partial SE (CPSE), though it may not always be possible to differentiate between the two types.23,24
ASE is characterised by bilateral diffuse synchronous seizures.23 Typical ASE has generalised 3-Hz spike-wave discharge EEG activity occurring with altered behaviour or loss of responsiveness and is seen in children with idiopathic generalised epilepsy who are otherwise normal. This form of SE is relatively benign. Atypical ASE is a heterogeneous syndrome occurring in patients with mental retardation and epilepsy with multiple seizure types, or with other forms of diffuse cerebral dysfunction. The prognosis is usually poor and is related to the underlying condition.
CPSE, also referred to as ‘epileptic twilight state’ and ‘temporal-lobe SE’, is accompanied by lateralised seizure activity on EEG.23 A wide variety of clinical features and degree of impairment of consciousness is possible and includes confusion, agitation, bizarre or aggressive behaviour and coma. Behavioural accompaniments such as lip smacking, automatisms and gaze deviation may occur, depending on the seizure origin within the brain. Debate exists over whether the seizure activity causes brain injury and much of the morbidity appears attributable to the underlying illness.
The differential diagnosis of NCSE is:
Some variants of SE deserve mention, such as comatose patients with epileptiform patterns on EEG who do not fit into the traditional classification of NCSE. Some of these cases may be late GCSE but many occur without prior clinical convulsions. In such situations it is unclear whether the abnormal discharges seen on the EEG are responsible for, or contribute to, the altered consciousness and abnormal movements, or are merely a reflection of a severe cerebral insult.24
Myoclonic SE that follows a hypoxic insult falls into this category. Patients have incessant, at times asynchronous, rhythmic jerks that may involve the entire body. This clinical appearance after an anoxic insult is associated with an extremely poor outcome.26
Not all of the investigations listed in Table 43.4 need to be performed in every patient. The selection of tests depends on both the patient’s history and presentation.
Table 43.4 Investigations in status epilepticus
Initial studies |
Blood glucose, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium), urea |
Oximetry Spo2 or arterial blood gases |
Anticonvulsant drug levels |
Full blood count |
Urinalysis |
Further investigations after stabilisation |
Liver function tests, lactate, creatine kinase |
Toxicology screen |
Lumbar puncture |
Electroencephalogram |
Brain imaging with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging |
Most patients with SE should have a computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain performed at some point. Many patients with established epilepsy who have already been thoroughly evaluated do not require another brain-imaging procedure after an episode of SE.1 However, if there is reason to suspect a new problem, and when the need for imaging is not urgent, magnetic resonanceimaging (MRI) may be preferable because it occasionally reveals abnormalities not visualised on CT scans. In children, emergent imaging is required if there is a persisting neurological deficit or abnormal mental state, and electively for focal seizures. Imaging should only be performed after control of SE and patient stabilisation.27
In any patient, especially in young children with fever and SE, CNS infection and lumbar puncture along with blood cultures should be considered. Meningitis is an uncommon cause of SE in adults and, unless the suspicion of CNS infection is high, brain imaging should be performed before a lumbar puncture. Contraindications to lumbar puncture include intracranial hypertension, mass lesion and hydrocephalus. If meningitis is suspected but a lumbar puncture cannot be performed expediently, antibiotics should be administered immediately rather than delayed. Approximately 20% of patients have a modest CSF white cell count pleocytosis after SE and such patients should be treated for suspected meningitis until the diagnosis is excluded by culture or other means.1

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