Acute seizures are common and are defined as a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.1 Intrinsically, the brain has mechanisms in place to terminate excessive electrical activity. The mean duration of a secondarily generalized tonic-clonic (GTC) seizure is 53 to 62 seconds, and rarely lasts longer than 2 minutes.2,3 However, some seizures do not stop and progress to status epilepticus (SE), which may be convulsive (CSE), with clinically apparent motor (clonic) rhythmic jerking and/or (tonic) stiffening, or nonconvulsive (NCSE), with seizure activity on electroencephalography (EEG), and subtle or no obvious clinical signs. Status epilepticus is a neurological emergency often requiring management in the intensive care unit (ICU) for causes or complications of SE, or both.
In 2015, the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) proposed a conceptual definition that applies to all types of SE: (1) SE starts as a condition resulting from failure of seizure-termination mechanisms or the initiation of pathological mechanisms that likely lead to continuous seizure activity, and (2) SE creates long-term consequences that begin to occur after the onset of SE, including neuronal death, neuronal injury, and alteration of neuronal networks. This definition hinges on the identification of the semiology of SE: the clinical manifestations of seizure activity (Table 16-1). Specifically for generalized CSE, criterion 1 is defined when seizures last longer than 5 minutes and criterion 2 occurs at the point that long-term consequences begin to appear, around 30 minutes.1 Convulsive SE is also defined as recurrent seizures between which there is incomplete recovery of consciousness.4
With Prominent Motor Symptoms | Without Prominent Motor Symptoms |
Convulsive (CSE)
| Nonconvulsive SE (NCSE)
The point at which focal seizures or nonconvulsive seizures become SE (criterion 1) and create long-term consequences (criterion 2) is less clear. Current proposed definitions suggest that focal CSE with impairment of consciousness is defined at 10 minutes with long-term injury developing at greater than 60 minutes.1 In contrast, the diagnosis of NCSE relies on EEG. The Salzburg criteria is a unified, validated set of rules to define NCSE on EEG with a diagnostic accuracy of 92.5%.5-7 An NCSE is defined on EEG as epileptiform discharges at a periodicity of greater than 2.5 Hz, or if discharges are slower, a clear evolution of the pattern over time or space, clinical or electrographic improvement with antiseizure drugs (ASDs), or subtle convulsive movements. The duration of time to fulfill criterion 1 is typically considered 10 minutes of continuous ictal activity or, for intermittent nonconvulsive seizures, more than 50% of a 1-hour EEG recording.6
Status epilepticus is associated with high mortality and morbidity and imposes a high financial burden on society. The annual incidence of SE is 10 to 41 per 100,000 people8-13 and exhibits a U-shaped distribution across years of life, peaking both under 10 years of age and over 50 years of age.14 The annual costs of SE are estimated to be $4 billion.15 The overall mortality rate is approximately 20%.14,16 Scoring systems have been devised to estimate outcome, including the Epidemiology-Based Mortality Score in Status Epilepticus and the Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS; Table 16-2).17,18 The STESS is a validated scoring system,19-22 with an overall sensitivity of 94% and a negative predictive value of 97%. It includes predictors of poor outcome, such as older age (> 65 years), impairment of consciousness, NCSE, and de novo onset of SE as underlying etiology. Other factors that have been reported to be associated with poor outcome include focal neurological signs, seizure duration, use of anesthetics for seizure control, injury severity scores such as the Acute Physiologic Assessment and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE), and other medical complications.23-27
Early diagnosis and urgent high-quality treatment are essential to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with prolonged status epilepticus, and to maximize the efficacy of medication treatment.28
Status epilepticus itself is associated with multiple systemic complications (Table 16-3) and prognosis worsens with duration of time from seizure onset to treatment.24,29-32 In humans, seizure activity lasting greater than 30 minutes is associated with significantly greater mortality than seizures lasting from 1 to 29 minutes (19% vs 2.6%).24 Neuronal loss is observed after 40 minutes of seizure activity in animal models.33 This early timeframe also affects treatment success as time-dependent pharmaco-resistance and self-perpetuation of SE occur after 15 to 30 minutes of seizure activity.34 In fact, the duration of SE prior to treatment is one of the most important determinants of successful medical control of SE.35 This is likely due to maladaptive changes that take place after sufficient stimulatory activity initiates SE. Within seconds to minutes, receptor trafficking, specifically internalization of synaptic γ-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA) receptors and synaptic expression of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors occurs.36-38 Further changes in inhibitory and excitatory neuropeptides occur within minutes to hours and later gene expression alteration maintains this abnormal electrical circuitry.39 As SE proceeds and become self-sustaining, GABAergic drugs like benzodiazepines and barbiturates lose effectiveness in time- and dose-dependent manners, while NMDA antagonists are usually more effective even late in the course of status epilepticus.40,41 In an animal model, diazepam readily stopped seizure when given 10 minutes after SE onset, while its potency decreased by 20 times when given 30 minutes after SE. Phenytoin (PHT) also showed a similar time-dependent relationship.42,43 The pathophysiology also illustrates the importance of appropriate drug choice and dosing. Inadequate drug dosing and/or route of administration significantly contribute to ineffective termination of SE and even mortality.44,45 Overall quality of treatment is crucial for SE control.
Immediate/Early Status Epilepticus | Prolonged Status Epilepticus |
Hypertension | Hypotension |
Tachycardia | |
Cardiac arrhythmias | Potential for cardiomyopathy (reversible left ventricular stunning) |
Ischemia: troponin elevation, ischemic electrocardiography changes | |
Hypoxia (due to apnea, upper airway obstruction, aspiration, mucous plugging) | Pulmonary edema |
Acidosis (respiratory > metabolic) and lactic acidosis | Worsening acidosis |
Hyperglycemia | Hypoglycemia |
Hyperpyrexia | Worsening hyperpyrexia |
Leukocytosis from demarginalization | Rhabdomyolysis with acute renal failure |
Given the importance of timely and appropriate treatment and the high mortality associated with generalized CSE, guidelines propose algorithms for management. The most recent one, by the American Epilepsy Society proposes a 3-phase treatment: (1) a “stabilization phase” that should occur within 5 minutes of seizure onset and includes initial first aid and assessments; (2) an “initial therapy phase” that should occur in less than 20 minutes of onset and includes appropriate medical intervention; (3) a “second therapy phase” (20–40 minutes of seizure activity) when response to initial therapy should be apparent and a second-line agent should be administered, usually an intravenous (IV) formulation for rapid bioavailability; and (4) a “third therapy phase” (greater than 40 minutes of seizure activity), for which there is no clear guidance on treatment and includes either an anesthetic or another second-line therapy agent. The guideline also found strong evidence that the second therapy is often less effective than initial therapy.46
Such timelines serve as guidance. Throughout management, the provider should be astutely monitoring the patient, anticipating the next step, and ready to quickly treat seizures (ie, having medication readily available). Effective seizure termination by an antiseizure drug is usually defined as cessation of electrical and/or clinical seizure activity within 20 minutes from time of administration without recurrence within 60 minutes.47
The goals of initial SE management are to stop the seizures emergently, and to screen and treat for potentially life-threatening underlying causes of SE. These steps should take place quickly, whether in the prehospital, emergency department (ED), or ICU setting. As with any medical emergency, management begins by evaluating the patient’s airway, breathing, circulation, and IV access. A brief neurological assessment should focus on the patient’s mental status and any focal neurological deficits. Intubation for SE should be based on this clinical assessment. Laboratory studies should be sent concurrently, and a fingerstick glucose should be obtained (Table 16-4).
Labs Fingerstick glucose: If glucose is low, administer thiamine 100 mg IV followed by 50 mL of D50 Complete blood count with differential, comprehensive metabolic panel (including magnesium, calcium, phosphate, hepatic panel), antiseizure drug levels (if appropriate), blood gas, troponin, urinalysis, comprehensive toxicology screen (urine or blood), human chorionic gonadotropin (female of reproductive age), lactate |
Imaging Stat head CT without contrast, as soon as patient is stabilized without clinical seizures; may not be indicated in patients with a history of epilepsy with a clear precipitant for seizure exacerbation (ie, missed AED, systemic infection) MRI brain with and without contrast, in patients without a clear etiology or in whom EEG patterns lie on the ictal-interictal continuum |
Lumbar Puncture If there is any concern for infectious or inflammatory process, lumbar puncture should be done following head imaging |
Benzodiazepines have Level A recommendation as first-line agent for SE.4,46 An early in-hospital, randomized, double-blind control study compared lorazepam, diazepam plus phenytoin, phenytoin, and phenobarbital (PHB) as first-line treatment for status epilepticus and showed that lorazepam was superior.47 Subsequently, 2 prehospital studies confirmed the role of benzodiazepine in the initial management of SE. In the first, lorazepam and diazepam aborted seizures in 59% and 42%, respectively, compared to 21% by placebo.9 In the second, intramuscular (IM) midazolam aborted seizures in 73.4% compared to 63.4% in the intravenous lorazepam group; midazolam was faster and statistically noninferior.48 Lorazepam is recommended IV at a dose of 2 mg for children and adults less than 40 kg or 4 mg for adults more than 40 kg.48,49 Intravenous lorazepam and IV diazepam have no significant difference (Level of Evidence [LOE] A).46 Intravenous diazepam can be administered at a dose of 0.2 to 0.3 mg/kg for children or adults less than 40 kg or 10 mg for adults more than 40 kg. If IV access is not available, IM midazolam is recommended over IV lorazepam (LOE A) as a 5-mg dose for children and adults less than 40 kg or 10 mg for adults more than 40 kg. Rectal diazepam 15 to 20 mg is an alternative if IM midazolam is not immediately available; it similarly reduces the risk of progression to established SE compared to placebo (risk ratio [RR], 0.43). Benzodiazepines are associated with hypotension and respiratory depression, leading to the underdosing of these critical medications. However, in 1 randomized controlled trial, administration of lorazepam 4 mg IV led to a lower rate of complications (eg, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, respiratory depression requiring bag-valve mask or attempt at intubation) compared to patients treated with placebo (10% vs 22%; LOE A).9,46
After seizures stop, further diagnostic studies may be indicated to identify the underlying etiology of the SE or its modifying factors. Up to two-thirds of SE identified in the ED occurs in patients with a history of epilepsy, and half have issues with their home medications.50 Status epilepticus in patients who are hospitalized, on the other hand, usually results from an acute symptomatic cause, meaning that SE is provoked by either brain injury or a systemic illness occurring within 7 days of onset. Examples of acute symptomatic SE include stroke, traumatic brain injury, or hypoxic ischemic injury. Overall, acute symptomatic causes account for 48% to 63% of all hospitalized SE cases.10,11,14 Although stroke is the most common cause of SE in the adult population, a growing proportion of SE is recognized as having an immune-mediated cause and manifestations may be subacute, or less clearly defined.51
Benzodiazepines fail to control SE in 35% to 45% of patients, which defines established SE.47 If seizures persist or recur, a second-line agent should be administered immediately. Second-line ASDs are typically used to maintain seizure control if they are effective at terminating SE. Table 16-5 lists commonly used ASDs, including phenytoin/fosphenytoin (fPHT), valproic acid (VPA), levetiracetam (LEV), brivaracetam (BRV), lacosamide (LCS), and phenobarbital (PHB). Currently there is no high-quality data to support the use of 1 agent over another. Phenytoin/fPHT, VPA, and LEV are the most frequently used and recommended by current guidelines.4,46 The most recent American Epilepsy Society guidelines include the following: “There is no difference in efficacy between IV lorazepam followed by IV phenytoin, IV diazepam plus phenytoin followed by IV lorazepam, and IV phenobarbital followed by IV phenytoin (Level A). Intravenous valproic acid has similar efficacy to IV phenytoin or continuous IV diazepam as second therapy after failure of a benzodiazepine (Level C). Insufficient data exist in adults about the efficacy of levetiracetam as either initial or second therapy (Level U).46 A single-center prospective randomized control pilot study of 150 patients compared PHT, VPA, and LEV following lorazepam and showed that the 3 agents are safe and equally effective, controlling seizures in 71% overall.52 A multicenter randomized, controlled, blinded study comparing the effectiveness of fPHT, VPA, and LEV in established SE is currently being conducted.53 Newer agents such as LCS and BRV will need to be compared in the future.
Phenytoin (PHT)/Fosphenytoin (fPHT) | |
MOA: | Antagonist of voltage-gated sodium channel in the fast inactivated state |
Loading dose: | PHT, 15–20 mg/kg at 50 mg/min; fPHT, 15–20 mg/kg IV at 150 mg/min, up to 1500 mg; obtain a postload drug level in 1 (PHT) or 2 (fPHT) h |
Maintenance dose: | 4–10 mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses per day |
Therapeutic levels: | 10–20 μg/mL total, 1–2 μg/mL free |
Protein binding: | 80–95% |
*Approximate efficacy: | 44–90%24,54 |
SE/monitoring: | Hypotension, arrhythmia, respiratory depression; IV PHT can cause subcutaneous and vessel injury with fast infusions (“purple glove syndrome”) |
Monitor drug levels: Highly protein bound (correct total level for albumin, obtain free [active] level), zero-order kinetics (narrow therapeutic/toxic range) | |
Contains propylene glycol and high phosphate load (caution in renal failure) | |
Drug Interactions: | Toxic levels can cause seizures, coma, death |
Decreases levels/effects of carbamazepine, lamotrigine, felbamate, oxcarbazepine | |
Level/effect decreased by phenobarbital, carbamazepine | |
Level/effect increased by valproic acid | |
Valproic Acid (VPA) | |
MOA: | Voltage-gated sodium channel antagonist, T-type calcium channel antagonist, GABA agonist |
Loading dose: | 20–40 mg/kg IV bolus at 6 mg/kg/min, up to 3000 mg |
Maintenance dose: | 10–20 mg/kg every 6 h |
Therapeutic levels: | 50–125 μg/mL |
Protein binding: | 80–90% |
*Approximate efficacy: | 60–88%24,54,55 |
SE/monitoring: | Thrombocytopenia, increased bleeding risk (related to decreased platelet activation),56 hepatotoxicity, hyperammonemia (related to beta-oxidation defect), pancreatitis; cardiac arrhythmias and hypotension are rare |
Drug interactions: | Decreases levels/effects of oxcarbazepine |
Increases levels/effects of carbamazepine, barbiturates, ethosuximide, PHT, lamotrigine | |
Level/effect decreased by carbamazepine, barbiturates, ethosuximide, PHT | |
Level/effect increased by felbamate, topiramate | |
Note: carbapenems, rifampin, and protease inhibitors decrease VPA concentrations; therefore, consider antiepileptic therapy modification | |
Levetiracetam (LEV)57 | |
MOA: | Related to synaptic vesicle protein 2A (SV2A) and effect on GABA, AMPA58 |
Loading dose: | 30–60 mg/kg, 2000–4500 mg IV over 15 min |
Maintenance dose: | 1500–3000 mg divided every 12 h |
Protein binding: | < 10% |
*Approximate efficacy: | 50–68%59-61 |
SE/monitoring: | Sedation, dizziness, agitation; low potential for interactions due to minimal hepatic metabolism and low plasma protein binding |
Drug Interactions: | None |
Phenobarbital (PHB) | |
MOA: | Agonist at the GABAA receptor, increasing Cl- channel open time and burst duration; use-dependent sodium channel block |
Loading dose: | 20 mg/kg at 100 mg/min up to 700 mg |
Maintenance dose: | 1500–3000 mg divided every 12 h |
Protein binding: | 20–40% |
*Approximate efficacy: | 24–73.6%47,61 |
SE/monitoring: | Sedation, hypotension, respiratory depression, arrhythmias, propylene glycol toxicity |
Drug interactions: | Similar to PHT/fPHT |
Lacosamide (LCS)62-64 | |
MOA: | Selectively enhances slow inactivation of sodium channels |
Loading dose: | 200–400 mg IV < 5 min65 |
Maintenance dose: | 200–800 mg divided every 12 h |
Effectiveness: | &tild;70% |
SE/monitoring: | PR prolongation, arrhythmias, hepatotoxicity, confusion, vertigo, ataxia (SE dose dependent), angioedema reported66; some IV formulations include propylene glycol; therefore, monitor for potential toxicity |
Drug interactions: | None |
Brivaracetam (BRV)67-69 | |
MOA: | Highly selective and reversible SV2A ligand |
Loading dose: | 100 mg IV bolus as 2-min bolus or 15-min infusion |
Maintenance dose: | 25–1 mg PO or IV daily or BID |
SE/monitoring: | Sinus bradycardia and first degree AVB higher in IV bolus, headache, somnolence, dizziness, and fatigue; low incidence of irritability (3%), injection/infusion site pain, rash |
Drug interactions: | None |
Historically, PHT has been used for SE since the 1960s.70 Fosphenytoin, its water-soluble prodrug, can be administered at a faster rate and with fewer side effects (notably subcutaneous tissue injury and pain, and cardiovascular effects) than standard PHT, which is administered with propylene glycol. Fosphenytoin requires approximately 15 minutes to undergo conversion to its active form; therefore, the overall timing of efficacy is similar. As a general rule, sodium channel blockers such as PHT, carbamazepine, and oxcarbazepine are effective for focal seizures; however, they can exacerbate primarily generalized seizures. Despite this, fPHT is currently recommended over PHT as second-line ASD for established SE. In patients with a history of primary generalized epilepsy, VPA is preferred.4
Valproic acid, or valproate, is a safe and well-tolerated drug with a lower risk of cardiovascular side effects than PHT, even in unstable or elderly patients.71,72 A randomized controlled study of 100 patients showed both VPA and PHT to be effective after diazepam failure in controlling SE (84% and 88%, respectively).24 A meta-analysis and systematic review confirmed similar efficacy of VPA and PHT.49,73 Valproic acid is oxidized in hepatic mitochondria in addition to being glucuronidated and metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system. Valproic acid should be avoided in patients with mitochondrial or hepatobiliary disease.
Levetiracetam is commonly used due to minimal protein binding, nearly 100% bioavailability, no known drug-drug interactions, and renal rather than hepatic metabolism. No significant cardiorespiratory side effects have been noted with IV loading doses up to 4000 mg.57 In a small multicenter retrospective study of 40 patients, early treatment appeared to be more effective than late (78% vs 46%).74 However, others have observed that LEV may be less effective at terminating SE than VPA or PHT.59
Brivaracetam, a recently approved medication similar to LEV, has a 20-fold higher affinity for the synaptic vesicle protein 2A (SV2A) ligand compared with LEV, and is now available in IV formulation.75 Highly lipophilic, experimental data shows that it enters and acts faster in the brain than LEV.69,76 Brivaracetam can be safely administered as 100 mg IV 2-min bolus or 15-minute infusion. Clinically insignificant electrocardiography (ECG) changes (sinus bradycardia, first degree AV block) have been observed with bolus therapy.69 Brivaracetam is both hydrolyzed and metabolized by the cytochrome P450 system, and therefore, dosage adjustments are required for those with hepatic disease. Brivaracetam has not been studied in SE to date.
Lacosamide is a novel agent that acts on sodium channels in a distinct way by enhancing their slow inactivation. Lacosamide is similar to LEV in its lack of drug-drug interactions and clinically relevant cardiopulmonary side effects using infusions of up to 400 mg under 5 minutes.77 A dose-dependent prolongation in the PR interval on ECG and atrial arrhythmias has been reported.64,78 Therefore, caution should be used in patients with preexisting arrhythmias, conduction block, or those on dromotropic agents. Lacosamide has not been systematically compared to fPHT, VPA, or LEV, although anecdotally its efficacy is similar.
If a patient continues to have seizures despite a load of a second-line agent, SE is considered refractory (RSE). Most patients with generalized RSE require intubation,79 and the use of sedatives and paralytics often used for induction masks ongoing motor activity. Importantly, almost half of those with clinical control of generalized SE exhibit seizures on EEG, suggesting electromechanical dissociation of SE that favors the development of NCSE in this context. Patients with generalized SE who do not stop seizing or those who remain comatose despite a second-line agent require continuous IV anesthetic (cIV) agents, such as midazolam, propofol, or pentobarbital (Table 16-6). In 2 systematic reviews, no treatment was found to be superior to another.80,81 Continuous IV anesthetic dosing is titrated to cessation of electrographic seizures, or in some cases burst suppression, based largely on clinical preference. Generally, 24 to 48 hours of seizure control is recommended prior to cIV anesthetic weaning.4
Midazolam (MDZ) | |
MOA: | GABAA receptor effect, increased permeability of chloride ions |
Loading dose: | 0.2 mg/kg IV at 2 mg/min |
CI dose: | start at 0.2 mg/kg/h; 0.4 mg/kg/h more effective than low dose 0.2 mg/kg/h82 |
Titration/breakthrough: | 0.1–0.2 mg/kg bolus, increase CI rate by 0.05–0.1 mg/kg/h every 3–4 h |
SE/monitoring: | Respiratory depression, hypotension |
Metabolism/excretion: | Renal |
Note: | Lowest rate of withdrawal seizures and therapy failure due to SE (< 1%) compared to barbiturate and propofol; also the lowest mortality rate, at 2%81 |
Propofol (PRO) | |
MOA: | GABAA, NMDA-antagonist |
Loading dose: | 1–2 mg/kg |
CI dose: | start at 20 ?g/kg/min |
CI range: | 30–200 ?g/kg/min |
Titration/breakthrough: | increase rate by 5–10 ?g/kg/min every 5 min or 1 mg/k bolus plus titration |
*Success rate: | 68% |
SE/monitoring: | Hypotension, propofol infusion syndrome (PIS): arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, hypertriglyceridemia, renal failure, adjust daily caloric intake |
Notes: | Prolonged use of large doses associated with significant morbidity and mortality; higher risk of PIS in children and with comedication with steroids; higher risk > 48 h on infusion; contraindicated in young children hepatic |
Metabolism: | |
Pentobarbital (PTB) | |
MOA: | GABAA agonist |
Loading dose: | 5–15 mg/kg at rate of 50 mg/min |
CI initial dose: | 0.5–5 mg/kg |
Maintenance: | 0.5–5 mg/kg/h |
Titration/breakthrough: | Bolus 5 mg/kg, increase CI rate by 0.5–1 mg/kg/h every 12 h |
*Success rate: | 64% |
SE/monitoring: | Hypotension, paralytic ileus, hepatic and pancreatic toxicity, immunosuppression, propylene glycol toxicity, lingual edema; long half-life |
Note: | PTB has lower frequency of short-term treatment failure, breakthrough seizures, and change to a different cIV compared to MDZ or PRO, but higher frequency of hypotension80; higher death during therapy in PTB/THP group in systematic review but usually used after PRO/MDZ failed81 |
Ketamine | |
MOA: | NMDA receptor antagonist |
Dose: | Range used 0.06–7.5 mg/kg/h |
Success rate: | 82%*, 64%83 |
SE/monitoring: | no side effects observed in a retrospective study of 42 patients83 |
Notes: | Not typically used as third-line; used in super-refractory SE, usually as adjunct; only case reports and retrospective studies |

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