Solutions to Exercises



C = 45/200; V = 0.045/0.04; VC = 0.25



In the CTI the effects of both belt and airbag on the thorax in a frontal crash are included in combined form. The first term (Amax/Aint) thereby reflects the action of the airbag, in that it is postulated that the airbag mainly decelerates the thorax by application of a load distributed over large parts of its surface, while the second term (Dmax/Dint) describes a more localized loading due to the belt which causes primarily a deflection.



Difficulties to define tolerance levels include the complex anatomy (several organs of different mechanical properties) as well as problems related to the design of suitable experiments to determine the biomechanical response.



NHTSA recommends not to disable the airbag. Furthermore it is important that the (lap) belt is positioned properly over the pelvis.



M = F (a/2) sin(α)



Velocity at impact: $$ v = \sqrt {2gh} $$, v = 4.2 m/s, deceleration: a = v2/2d, a = 441 m/s2 = 44.9 g, force: F = m a, F = 28.7 kN.

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Oct 28, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on Solutions to Exercises

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