Sleep Disturbances in the Intensive Care Unit

Chapter 44

Sleep Disturbances in the Intensive Care Unit

Multiple factors impact sleep patterns in the critical care setting. These include both environmental and non-environmental factors. A substantial body of literature illustrates the impact of disrupted sleep patterns on numerous physiologic and homeostatic mechanisms. Abnormal sleep can alter immune function, hormonal and metabolic pathways, neurocognition, ventilation, and pulmonary mechanics. Although not yet proven, it stands to reason that disrupted sleep patterns may directly impact the morbidity and mortality of critically ill patients. Furthermore, patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) frequently complain of disrupted sleep and identify sleep disruption as an important cause of distress. In this context it is important to strive for restorative sleep in the ICU, while understanding the practical barriers to achieving this goal.

Normal Sleep

Sleep is complex and is characterized by a variety of physiologic, behavioral, and electroencephalographic changes. Sleep has two distinct states: (1) nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and (2) rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. The initiation of sleep occurs through NREM sleep. NREM sleep consists of three stages that encompass 75% of sleep per night. Each subsequent stage of NREM sleep represents a deeper sleep state so that arousal thresholds are lowest in stage 1 and highest in stage 3 (delta sleep). EEG delta waves have a frequency of 0.5 Hz to 2 Hz and a peak-to-peak amplitude of > 75 microvolts. Sleep architecture refers to the normal sequence and cycles of sleep stages. Sleep architecture changes with age and can be different among individual subjects. A “typical” adult passes through stages 1 through 2 and enters stage 3 sleep about 35 minutes after the onset of sleep.

Dreaming occurs primarily during REM sleep. This stage of sleep is characterized by increased central nervous system (CNS) metabolic activity, skeletal muscle atonia, episodic rapid eye movements, and an EEG pattern (low-amplitude fast waves) similar to wakefulness. Periods of REM and NREM sleep normally alternate throughout a night of sleep. REM sleep cycles typically occur every 90 to 110 minutes and last 10 to 30 minutes. REM sleep cycle duration increases as one progresses through the normal period of sleep. Under stable conditions, REM sleep usually occurs in four to six separate episodes. In total, REM sleep comprises 25% of the total sleep time. The restorative properties of sleep depend on the duration and continuity of sleep and its architectural components (in particular achieving REM and delta or slow wave sleep).

The physiologic function of sleep remains unknown. However, evidence suggests that it may be needed for normal growth and repair of body tissues. It is suspected, but not proven, that sleep deprivation impairs healing and recovery. In most tissues, peak rates of protein synthesis and cell division coincide with sleep. Hormones that inhibit protein synthesis, such as cortisol and catecholamines, remain low during most of the night (when there is a normal circadian variation). Sleep is the normal stimulus for the release of the majority of growth hormone. In contrast, degradative metabolism is greater during wakefulness, and prolonged sleeplessness promotes a catabolic state. Sleep deprivation may impair all these physiologic functions. In fact, animal studies have shown that 2 to 3 weeks of total sleep deprivation in rats ultimately leads to death.

Sleep Patterns of ICU Patients

Polysomnography is the current objective gold standard for determining sleep architecture in the ICU. The polysomnogram (PSG) combines a recording of multiple EEG tracings with the measurement of other parameters such as oxygen saturation, respiratory rate and effort, as well as oral and nasal airflow. However, several aspects of polysomnography make it a challenging test to perform in the ICU setting. Additional monitoring of patients is required. Urgent testing or procedures frequently require patients to be transported out of the ICU. ICU equipment may interfere with polysomnographic recordings. The interpretation of EEG data, and hence sleep staging, is difficult in sedated or paralyzed subjects. Despite these significant limitations, polysomnography remains the best available objective method for obtaining data regarding sleep patterns in the critical care setting.

Studies of patient’s sleep patterns in medical and surgical ICUs (using polysomnography) have demonstrated severe sleep deprivation (decreased total sleep time at night) and profound sleep fragmentation (loss of normal sleep architecture). These changes have been demonstrated in many ICU settings—for example, after myocardial infarction, general surgery, or open-heart surgery. Repeated arousals (awakenings or changes in sleep states to very light sleep) have been found to occur as often as every 20 minutes. These arousals disrupt the normal continuity of sleep stages and prevent achievement of the deepest stages of sleep (delta sleep and REM sleep). Most patients in the ICU are at high risk for being sleep deprived and having circadian dysrhythmia. For example, ICU patients experience only 50% to 60% of their sleep during nighttime hours. To compensate for this relative nocturnal sleep deficit, these patients often sleep during the day. Therefore, it is important to monitor sleep over a 24-hour period (not just at night) when examining sleep patterns in the ICU. This information can be challenging to obtain unless staff are vigilant of sleep patterns.

Factors That Contribute to Sleep Deprivation and Fragmentation in the ICU

Myriad factors interact to disrupt sleep in the ICU (Table 44.1). While many of these factors are non modifiable, others, such as ambient light, noise, timing of patient procedures, and certain medications, can be modified to decrease sleep disruption.

Ambient Noise

Noise is a pervasive feature of hospitals, especially ICUs. ICU noise levels in the range of 60 to 84 dB have been documented. As a reference, a typical busy office environment’s noise level would be approximately 60 to 70 dB. The alarm denoting the arrival of a pneumatic tube canister may generate 85 dB. Both baseline ambient noise levels and noise peaks are important. Noise peaks can cause arousals and disrupt sleep while loud background noise can act as a barrier to sleep initiation and maintenance. Studies have not yet determined if background noise or peak noise is more detrimental to restorative sleep. Studies that have correlated noise levels to polysomnographic recordings of sleep in the ICU have shown that noise accounts for approximately 17% of all arousals and 24% of awakenings. Although these data suggest that other factors contribute to sleep disruption in the ICU, noise reduction presents one opportunity to facilitate more consolidated sleep. Noise levels account for a greater degree of sleep disruption in healthy volunteers compared to ICU patients, suggesting that ICU patients may acclimatize to ICU noise with ongoing exposure. The use of patient earplugs is a low cost, practical intervention that is acceptable and comfortable for patients. ICU personnel need to be cognizant of the impact of noise on patients’ sleep and should make efforts to minimize nocturnal noise. The provision of single-patient rooms and attention to positioning of monitoring alarms outside of patient’s room are other effective strategies to reduce noise. Bedside devices that are noisy (such as nebulizers and infusion pumps) should not be placed at the head of the bed if feasible. Periodically, ICU noise levels should be monitored as part of a quality control initiative.

Ambient Light

Although patients have identified noise as being more disruptive to sleep than light levels, light can also disrupt sleep in the ICU. Because the circadian rhythm is very sensitive to light and variation in light levels for synchronization, it is plausible that alterations in light levels in the ICU can impact a patient’s sleep pattern. However, there have not been any studies that have correlated regulation of light levels and their impact on sleep (with sleep objectively measured by polysomnography). Even though such data are not available, it is prudent to try to maintain a patient’s normal light-dark cycle and circadian rhythm while in the ICU. Attention to room design can helpful. For example, dimmer switches can facilitate a dark environment during nighttime. Similarly, windows permit exposure to natural light during daylight.

Procedures and Patient Interactions

Patient care activities have been shown to account for approximately 20% of patients’ arousals during sleep (measured by polysomnography). Patient interruptions can often be decreased by bundling multiple interventions simultaneously (e.g., routine vital signs, radiographic studies, and morning phlebotomy). Furthermore, these interventions should take place between 5 and 6:30 a.m. when possible, rather than between 3 and 5 a.m. Routine nursing care should be evaluated for necessity and timing. For instance, the non-urgent administration of oral medication can be deferred for 1 to 2 hours if it can avoid disruption of a sleep period. Similarly, assessment of vital signs may not be indicated as frequently in a stable ICU patient. Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring is a promising development that may also help to minimize disturbed sleep and patient interruptions. Box 44.1 lists practical nonpharmacologic recommendations intended to facilitate restorative sleep in the ICU.

Jul 7, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on Sleep Disturbances in the Intensive Care Unit

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