Shoulder Arthrocentesis

imagesTo evacuate abnormal collections of fluid from the joint space for synovial fluid analysis, especially in the investigation of the following conditions:

   imagesSeptic arthritis

   imagesCrystal arthropathy


   imagesInflammatory processes

imagesTo diagnose occult fracture or ligamentous injury

imagesTo decrease/relieve pressure in the joint for pain relief

imagesTo assess whether an overlying laceration extends into the joint space using methylene blue

imagesTo instill medication for treatment and pain relief


imagesAbsolute Contraindications

   imagesAbscess/cellulitis in the tissue overlying the puncture site

imagesRelative Contraindications

   imagesKnown bacteremia

   imagesBleeding diathesis or anticoagulant therapy

   imagesProsthetic joint

imagesGeneral Basic Steps

   imagesPatient preparation

   imagesSterile technique




imagesAnterior Approach

   imagesCoracoid process and head of the humerus

imagesPosterior Approach

   imagesPosterolateral edge of the acromion


imagesPovidone–iodine or other antiseptic solution, drapes

imagesLidocaine with epinephrine

images25- and 18-gauge needles, 20-mL syringe

imagesGauze pads, adhesive tape


imagesPatient Preparation

   imagesThe patient should sit upright with arm in slight external rotation

   imagesConfirm landmarks and, if needed, mark the needle insertion point

   imagesSterilize the needle insertion area with povidone–iodine solution or comparable skin antiseptic

   imagesWipe injection site with alcohol to avoid introduction of iodine into synovium

   imagesDrape the area with sterile towels


   imagesUse a 25-gauge needle to raise a wheal of anesthetic

   imagesInject lidocaine with epinephrine at the puncture site

   imagesAnesthetize the subcutaneous tissue and a track toward the joint

   imagesAvoid entering the joint space at this point if synovial fluid analysis is desired


   imagesAnterior Approach

      imagesInsert an 18-gauge needle attached to a 20-mL syringe just below and lateral to the coracoid process, medial to the head of the humerus

      imagesPoint the needle posterolaterally to avoid the joint capsule

      imagesGently aspirate while advancing the needle. The needle should be advanced approximately 3 cm or until fluid is aspirated (FIGURE 58.1).

   imagesPosterior Approach

      imagesInsert an 18-gauge needle attached to a 20-mL syringe 1 cm below and 1 cm medial to the posterolateral edge of the acromion

      imagesAim the needle anteriorly toward the coracoid process

      imagesGently aspirate while advancing the needle. The needle should be advanced approximately 3 cm or until fluid is aspirated (FIGURE 58.2).

   imagesOnce the required amount of fluid is obtained, withdraw the needle

   imagesApply pressure over the area of insertion for 30 seconds or until bleeding stops

   imagesWipe off all excess povidone–iodine on the skin

   imagesApply clean dressing


imagesIatrogenic infection

imagesExcessive pain during procedure

imagesLocalized bleeding

imagesReaccumulation of fluid

imagesInjury to articular cartilage


FIGURE 58.1 Anterior approach. (From Simon RR, Brenner BE. Emergency Procedures and Techniques. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2002:242, with permission.)

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Aug 9, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Shoulder Arthrocentesis

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