99 Seizures
• Seizures are classified by the clinical finding of abnormal electrical impulses within the cerebral cortex.
• Direct morbidity and mortality are the result of inadequate cerebral perfusion of oxygen and glucose to the brain, as well as secondary trauma.
• Serum glucose levels should be checked in all seizure patients immediately.
• Emergency department treatment is directed at urgent cessation of seizures, prevention of further activity, and diagnosis and correction of the underlying cause.
• Intravenous benzodiazepines are the initial treatment of most seizures.
• Isoniazid can cause intractable seizures with an overdose; the antidote is pyridoxine.
• Eclamptic seizures, most common in the third trimester, can also occur postpartum; the antidote is intravenous magnesium sulfate.
• One third of eclamptic woman do not have the classic triad of hypertension, proteinuria, and edema.
• Most chronic seizure patients can be discharged home safely after emergency department evaluation and correction of anticonvulsant levels if needed.
• Patients with seizure disorders should have adequate control and close follow-up with a neurologist before driving vehicles or operating machinery.
The specific seizure activity is determined by the area in the brain involved (Box 99.1). Some of these abnormal electrical discharges may remain localized, whereas others may involve larger areas of the brain. Subsequently, the resultant clinical spectrum includes isolated focal motor activity, as well as generalized motor and sensory abnormalities, including altered mental status and behavioral changes.
Presenting Signs and Symptoms
If available, the previous medical history may reveal risk factors (Box 99.2) associated with the development of seizures. The history can be obtained from the patient (after normalization of mental status), family, primary care physicians, old medical records, or emergency medical service (EMS) personnel.
Box 99.2 Differential Diagnosis of Conditions Resulting in Seizurelike Symptoms
Differential Diagnosis and Medical Decision Making
The most common serious condition that can be misinterpreted as a seizure is syncope.5 There may be important clinical signs or preceding events that can help differentiate these two entities (Table 99.1). In many circumstances patients will be unable to provide critical information, so it is important to try to obtain an accurate description from anyone who witnessed the event (e.g., family, coworkers, EMS personnel). Aside from syncope, several other medical conditions need to be included in the differential diagnosis of seizures (Boxes 99.3 and 99-4; Table 99.2).
Table 99.1 Seizure Disorder versus Syncope
Box 99.3 Differential Diagnoses of Secondary Seizures
Box 99.4 Factors Precipitating Seizures
Complete blood count | May reveal anemia or an infectious process |
Electrolytes (including Ca and Mg) | Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia can be associated with seizures and should be corrected |
Anticonvulsants—serum levels | For patients currently taking anticonvulsants, see Table 99.5 |
Pregnancy test (women of childbearing age) | Rule out eclamptic seizures |
Serum glucose | Should be determined immediately and corrected before further management |
Computed tomography of the brain | |
Spinal tap | In the event of suspected CNS infection or HIV/AIDS population |
Electroencephalography | Only if intubated in the emergency department or in a patient with persistent unconsciousness with an identifiable cause (rule out non–tonic-clonic status) |
Magnetic resonance imaging | May reveal additional CNS diagnosis and identify smaller CNS lesions |
Electrocardiography | Rule out dysrhythmias or drug toxicity (anticholinergics, sodium channel blockade, cyclic antidepressants) Rule out a prolonged QTc or widened QRS interval |
AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; CNS, central nervous system; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
If an overdose is suspected, both blood and urine toxicologic screens should be performed.

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