Key points
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Pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas have congenital and hereditary etiology, and patients are at risk for life-threatening rupture requiring surgery.
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Wegener’s granulomatosis can affect any organ system, although renal and pulmonary involvement is most common; men ages 40 to 50 are at increased risk.
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Lymphomatoid granulomatosis affects cardiopulmonary, neurologic, and myeloproliferative systems; may result from opportunistic infection, and frequently progresses to lymphoma; men age 50 to 60 are at increased risk. Spontaneous remission occurs in some cases; mortality is 60% to 90% at 5 years.
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Churg-Strauss syndrome is usually associated with long-standing asthma, with men and women affected equally, and can affect any organ system; major cause of death is cardiac related.
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Primary pulmonary hypertension is a diagnosis of exclusion; women are affected twice as likely as men; right-to-left shunt may occur in 30%, secondary to patent foramen ovale; hypoxia with resultant heart failure is typical cause of death.
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Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disease, eventually fatal, with increased risk for airway obstruction, fluctuating pulmonary function, and chronic hypoxia; risk for spontaneous pneumothorax is 20%.
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Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia is a pulmonary obstructive disease that may be reversible and usually resolves spontaneously.
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Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis is associated with autoimmune disorders; patients have recurrent hemorrhage, pulmonary fibrosis, restrictive lung disease, and pulmonary hypertension, with some cases of spontaneous remission.
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Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia may be preceded by adult-onset asthma; women are at increased risk; prognosis is good.
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Goodpasture’s syndrome is a genetic autoimmune disorder involving the pulmonary and renal systems.
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Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, a lipoprotein-rich accumulation in alveoli, has three forms: congenital, decreased alveolar macrophage activity, and idiopathic; some cases of spontaneous remission occur.
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Sarcoidosis may affect any organ system; African American, northern European, and females are at greater risk; many patients are asymptomatic.
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Systemic lupus erythematosus may affect any organ system; women of childbearing age are at increased risk.
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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a rare interstitial lung disease, with smokers at increased risk for pulmonary malignancy; survival is usually 2 to 3 years from diagnosis; no effective treatment exists, with lung transplant the only therapeutic option.
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Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is associated with underlying critical illness or injury, developing acutely in 1 to 2 days; mortality is 25% to 35%.
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Pulmonary histiocytosis X is an interstitial lung disease associated with cigarette smoking and an unpredictable course; some spontaneous remission occurs.
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Lymphangioleiomyomatosis involves progressive deterioration of lung function, associated with tuberous sclerosis and exacerbated by pregnancy, with women at increased risk; possible spontaneous pneumothorax and chylothorax; death usually results from respiratory failure.
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Ankylosing spondylitis is a genetic inflammatory process resulting in fusion of axial skeleton and spinal deformities, with men at increased risk; radiologic bamboo spine, sacral to cervical progression, and restrictive lung disease with high reliance on diaphragm; extraskeletal manifestations may occur.
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Kyphosis (exaggerated anterior flexion) and scoliosis (lateral rotational deformity) are spinal/rib cage deformities with idiopathic, congenital, or neuromuscular etiology; corrective surgery done if Cobb thoracic angle >50% lumbar angle >40%.
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Bleomycin is an antineoplastic antibiotic used in combination chemotherapy, with no myelosuppressive effect; toxicity can cause life-threatening pulmonary fibrosis.
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Influenza A is highly infectious, presenting with flulike symptoms and possible progression to ARDS; human-to-human exposure is through droplets or contaminated surfaces, with high risk for infants, children, pregnancy, chronically ill, or renal replacement therapy patients. No prophylactic treatment exists; treat patients with high index of suspicion without definitive testing; rRT-PCR and viral cultures are sensitive for pandemic H1N1 strain.
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is highly infectious, transmitted by coronavirus with human-to-human exposure via droplets or surfaces, and may progress to ARDS.
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Echinococcal disease of lung is from canine tapeworm, transmitted by eggs from feces; rupture of cyst may result in anaphylactic reaction or spread of disease to other organs; children are at increased risk. No transthoracic needle aspiration is done; surgery is only option.
A thorough knowledge of pulmonary anatomy and physiology is essential to the practicing anesthesiologist, who should be familiar with common clinical conditions such as chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) and asthma. This chapter presents a comprehensive review of less common pulmonary conditions, organized anatomically (pulmonary vasculature, airways, pulmonary interstitium), and conditions extrinsic to the lungs that affect pulmonary function, such as severe arthritic disorders. Drug-induced lung injury is also discussed, followed by rare infectious pulmonary diseases, including influenza A (H1N1), severe acute respiratory syndrome, and echinococcal disease of the lung.
Many of these conditions are severe, and some are difficult to diagnose. Patients with pulmonary disease may present with varied symptoms, including productive or nonproductive cough, fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, and decreased exercise tolerance. In most circumstances, patients who have these conditions will already be under the care of an internist or pulmonary specialist. The patient evaluation necessary to arrive at an accurate diagnosis often is comprehensive, including detailed history and physical examination; chest radiograph; pulmonary function tests (PFTs), including spirometry, diffusing capacity, and lung volume determination; and perhaps arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis. For some conditions, bronchoscopy and biopsy may be performed, and others require echocardiography or cardiac catheterization for diagnostic certainty. For urgent or emergent surgery, the gravity of the clinical situation often precludes additional diagnostic assessment. For elective surgery, preoperative evaluation should include a review of these diagnostic studies and a determination as to whether the patient’s clinical condition has changed substantially. If a diagnosis has already been established, there is no evidence to suggest that additional pulmonary testing will improve pulmonary outcomes after surgery. Spirometry and lung volume determination are the “gold standards” for the presence or absence of pulmonary disease, but are poor predictors of patients who will develop a pulmonary complication after surgery. If a diagnosis has not been established in a patient who has symptoms consistent with one of these respiratory diseases, pulmonary consultation should be obtained preoperatively as the patient’s pulmonary disorder may be more urgent than an elective surgical procedure.
Unfortunately, pulmonary complications are common after many surgical procedures, particularly those involving the upper abdomen or thorax, possibly more likely than cardiac complications. Pre-existing lung disease, smoking, congestive heart failure, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification, obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, anesthetic time in excess of 180 minutes, and advanced age are also risk factors for pulmonary complications. There is no standard definition of exactly what constitutes a pulmonary complication, but the most important complications are those that cause significant morbidity (e.g., postoperative pneumonia) and postoperative respiratory failure. Because all the disorders discussed in this chapter constitute pre-existing lung disease, patients with these disorders who come to the operating room are at increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Effective preoperative and intraoperative treatments are discussed with the individual diseases. In the postoperative period, aggressive treatment with mechanical measures such as incentive spirometry can reduce pulmonary complications. Other intraoperative interventions, such as laparoscopic surgery, nasogastric tube decompression, and shorter-acting neuromuscular blockade, may also be beneficial.
Diseases of the pulmonary circulation
Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistulas
Pulmonary arteriovenous (AV) fistulas are abnormal communications between the arterial and venous pulmonary circulation that result in shunting of blood from right to left without traversing the pulmonary capillary network. This shunt results in a decreased fraction of the pulmonary circulation participating in gas exchange, mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, and a consequent reduction in arterial oxygen tension (Pa o 2 ). Many patients with pulmonary AV fistulas are asymptomatic, but some may have associated signs and possible symptoms consistent with chronic hypoxemia ( Box 4-1 ).
Shortness of breath
Dyspnea with exertion
Bloody sputum
Chest pain
Low arterial oxygen saturation
Abnormal vasculature or nodules on chest radiograph
Known causes of pulmonary AV fistula formation include congenital malformations ( Box 4-2 ). Patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome), an autosomal dominant syndrome most often seen in middle-aged women but sometimes diagnosed in early childhood, are more likely to have multiple fistulas and more severe symptoms.
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome)
Chest trauma
Cavopulmonary shunting *
Hepatic cirrhosis
Pulmonary hypertension
* First stage of a Fontan repair for single ventricle physiology, generally performed at 4 to 6 months of age. A cavopulmonary shunt is constructed and directs superior vena caval blood flow to the confluent pulmonary arteries.
Patients with pulmonary AV fistula are at risk for rupture, resulting in potentially life-threatening hemothorax and hemoptysis. Thrombus formation within the fistula may also occur, with potential embolization of clot to the brain, resulting in stroke or seizures. Embolization of other organ systems is also possible. If the thrombus becomes infected, septic emboli and potential abscess formation may result.
Surgical intervention in the management of pulmonary AV fistulas becomes necessary when the patient develops more pronounced cardiac symptoms, significant respiratory symptoms, room-air desaturation, or complications such as emboli with central nervous system (CNS) manifestations. Surgical preoperative evaluation requires chest computed tomographic angiography (CTA) or pulmonary arteriography to localize the lesion. Pulmonary lobectomy, segmentectomy, or wedge resection using thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) are the most common procedures. Embolization procedures are becoming the preferred treatment for the majority of patients because embolization is less invasive, is easily repeated, and may be an adjuvant to decrease bleeding and other complications during definitive surgical resection.
Anesthetic evaluation focuses on the degree of shunt and hypoxemia, using ABG analysis. Review of the pulmonary angiogram will reveal the size of the lesion and whether multiple fistulas are present. A significant fistula in the nonoperative lung may compromise arterial oxygenation if one-lung ventilation is required for surgical exposure. Efforts to minimize flow through a pulmonary AV fistula involve avoiding both increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and elevated levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), both of which will increase flow through the low-resistance fistula.
Intraoperative management frequently requires one-lung ventilation to optimize surgical exposure. A double-lumen endotracheal tube (ETT) provides the added benefit of isolating the nonoperative lung and airways from any bleeding, which may occur during a potentially bloody resection. The risk of significant bleeding is decreased if the lesion has been embolized before resection. Large-bore intravenous (IV) access is recommended in the event significant hemorrhage occurs. An arterial catheter is also indicated to monitor oxygenation and guide resuscitative efforts. As mentioned, an important anesthetic goal is to minimize flow through the pulmonary AV fistula. AV fistulas do not have capillary beds and have lower resistance to blood flow than normal pulmonary vasculature. It is important to avoid a general increase in PVR because this will increase flow through the AV fistula. Similarly, minimizing the use of PEEP will minimize increases in PVR and help minimize blood flow through the fistula. Because of the risk of paradoxical emboli passing through the fistula, extra caution must be taken to avoid injection of any air or particulate material into the venous system, because such debris may bypass the pulmonary capillary bed and gain access to systemic arteries, where end-organ embolization can occur ( Box 4-3 ).
Pulmonary Arteriovenous Fistula
Assess for degree of shunt and hypoxemia.
Avoid increases in pulmonary vascular resistance.
Avoid elevated positive end-expiratory pressures.
Extra care is needed to prevent unintentional intravenous air injection or any condition that would result in a venous air embolism.
Wegener’s Granulomatosis
Assess for specific organ system involvement (renal and pulmonary insufficiency).
Avoid nasal manipulation (nasal intubation).
Assess for risk of difficult airway (subglottic/tracheal stenosis).
Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Assess extent of organ system involvement (obstructive or restrictive lung disease, cardiomyopathy, neuropathy, myelosuppression).
Possible adrenal suppression from long-term steroid treatment.
Churg-Strauss Syndrome
Assess level of organ system involvement (PFTs, chest radiograph, ECG, echocardiogram).
Minimize airway manipulation secondary to airway hyperreactivity.
May need stress-dose perioperative steroids.
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
Consider increased perioperative morbidity and mortality.
Complete cardiopulmonary workup is needed for all procedures (ECG, echocardiography, chest radiograph, ABGs).
Spinal anesthesia is not recommended.
Maintain cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance.
Minimize increases in pulmonary vascular resistance.
Consider invasive monitoring intraoperatively.
Restrict nitrous oxide or ketamine use.
ABGs , Arterial blood gases; ECG, electrocardiogram; PFTs, pulmonary function tests.
Preoperative evaluation should include assessment of neurologic function to rule out prior embolic stroke. Postoperative evaluation should include a neurologic check as well, to look for perioperative CNS embolization.
Wegener’s Granulomatosis
Wegener’s granulomatosis (WG) is a rare disorder characterized by necrotizing giant cell granulomatosis of the upper respiratory tract and lung, widespread necrotizing vasculitis, and focal glomerulonephritis. WG may also affect the cardiovascular, neurologic, and gastrointestinal systems. Although the etiology of WG is unknown, an autoimmune disorder is suspected. A typical patient is in the fourth or fifth decade, and men are twice as likely to have WG as women. Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA) is a serologic marker that can help confirm the diagnosis. Staphylococcus aureus has been implicated as an exacerbating cofactor. Symptoms associated with WG are vague, and diagnosis can be elusive ( Box 4-4 ). Biopsy of a lesion is necessary to make the diagnosis.
Shortness of breath
Bloody sputum
Chest pain or pleuritis
Ulcers or lesions around nose
Weight loss
Joint pain
If the disease progresses, significant respiratory and renal compromise can occur, as well as hearing and vision loss ( Box 4-5 ). Cardiac involvement is uncommon, although pericarditis, coronary arteritis, valvular involvement, and left ventricular hypertrophy have been reported. Current therapy for WG is often based on disease severity but usually includes cyclophosphamide, corticosteroids, methotrexate, or azathioprine and yields very good results, with long-term remission occurring in the majority of patients. Recent studies have demonstrated possible advantages of antistaphylococcal antibiotics and T-cell inhibitors (leflunomide). Preoperative assessment is directed toward evaluating potential complications of WG, most often renal and pulmonary insufficiency. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels will provide adequate insight into the patient’s renal function. A pulmonary flow-volume loop may be indicated if the patient is suspected of having tracheal stenosis and, by providing information about the dynamic changes in tracheal caliber, can supplement static radiographic images. WG may cause either obstructive or restrictive lung disease; the latter can be severe. Spirometry and other PFTs such as formal lung volume measurements can help determine the severity of such disease. Bronchoscopy and neck/chest CT may be necessary to evaluate subglottic stenosis and suggest which EET size can be placed safely.
Chronic renal insufficiency or renal failure
Hearing loss
Subglottic/tracheal stenosis
Pulmonary insufficiency
Functional nasal deformities
Ocular abnormalities
Vision loss
Ulcerative keratitis
Orbital pseudotumor
Several aspects of WG may complicate management of the patient’s airway. A significant amount of granulation tissue is likely to be present in and around the nose and nasopharynx. Insertion of a nasotracheal tube or nasal airway may be impossible, or traumatic with hemorrhage, and is best avoided. Additionally, lesions on the epiglottis or oropharynx may inhibit direct laryngoscopy, despite a normal airway examination. Once the vocal cords have been visualized, the ETT may be difficult to place because of subglottic stenosis and may require multiple laryngoscopies. If the patient is receiving corticosteroids at the time of surgery, stress dosing should be considered (see Box 4-3 ).
In view of these concerns, it is best to proceed with a conservative plan for managing the airway in WG patients, with immediate availability of difficult airway equipment, multiple sizes of ETTs, a videolaryngoscope or fiberoptic bronchoscope, and the means to obtain a surgical airway, as a last resort. If the patient has significant tracheal or bronchial stenosis, care should be taken to prevent air trapping and auto-PEEP by allowing sufficient time for exhalation if the tracheal lesion is below the ETT. (See also Chapter 1 .)
Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LYG), also known as angiocentric lymphoma, is a rare lymphoproliferative disease that is angiodestructive and frequently progresses to lymphoma. LYG mimics WG clinically and radiographically, although recent advances have identified LYG as a malignant B-cell lymphoma associated with immunosuppression and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Diagnosis requires histologic evaluation of a biopsy specimen. LYG was recently categorized as a lymphoma, although if diagnosed early (grade I angiocentric immunoproliferative lesions), it is considered benign, although premalignant. Typically, it presents in the fifth or sixth decade of life, affecting men twice as often as women. The etiology of LYG is unknown, although its incidence in populations with immune dysfunction, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients and organ transplant recipients, is significantly increased compared with the general population. Speculation that LYG resulted from an opportunistic infection has been confirmed through laboratory investigation.
The disease process primarily involves the lungs, although the skin, kidneys, and CNS can also be affected. Signs and symptoms of LYG include an increased risk of pneumonia ( Box 4-6 ). Unlike WG, glomerulonephritis is not part of this clinical picture. LYG is frequently fatal, with 60% to 90% mortality at 5 years, although a small number of patients may undergo spontaneous recovery and complete remission. The cause of death is usually related to extensive destruction of the lungs and resulting respiratory failure.
Chest pain
Pleural effusions
Fever and weight loss
Mononeuritis multiplex
Peripheral sensory neuropathy
Corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide are the treatment of choice, resulting in relief of symptoms such as fever, cough, chest pain, weight loss, and sinusitis. If not diagnosed in the premalignant phase, and if the disease has progressed to lymphoma, chemotherapy is necessary. The combination of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin (hydroxydaunomycin), vincristine (Oncovin), and prednisone (CHOP) is often used. Radiation therapy may be indicated for localized disease. More recently, immunomodulation with interferon alfa-2b and autologous stem cell transplantation have played a role in treatment.
In preparation for anesthesia, evaluation of the patient’s pulmonary function is the primary concern with LYG. Chest radiography may reveal bilateral nodules, cavitations, pleural effusions, or pneumothorax. In the presence of advanced disease, ABG analysis and spirometry help define the extent of the patient’s respiratory compromise and parenchymal destruction. A thorough preoperative neurologic evaluation is advised because of the high incidence of peripheral neuropathy. Toxicities related to any chemotherapeutic agents the patient may have received should also be considered. Toxicity related to the CHOP protocol includes peripheral neuropathy, cardiomyopathy, and myelosuppression.
Anesthetic management
When planning an anesthetic for a patient with LYG, the presence of or potential for peripheral neuropathy may deter the anesthesiologist from using regional techniques, because of concern that subsequent neurologic dysfunction will be attributed to the regional anesthesia. However, the choice of anesthetic must be based on a consideration of risks and benefits, and there is no evidence that regional anesthesia worsens LYG. Respiratory compromise increases the risk of hypoxia under general anesthesia, or if the patient hypoventilates secondary to sedating agents used for premedication or for monitored anesthesia care.
If general anesthesia is chosen, the potential for postoperative intubation and respiratory support should be addressed with the patient. The need for postoperative mechanical ventilation is more likely in patients who have advanced disease with extensive destruction of lung tissue, pleural effusions, or pneumothorax. There is no clear answer to which anesthetic technique is superior, and the approach should be tailored to the individual patient’s comorbidities and the surgical procedure. Long-term corticosteroid therapy in this population may result in adrenal suppression, and stress doses of corticosteroids should be considered (see Box 4-3 ).
Churg-Strauss Syndrome
Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS), also known as allergic granulomatosis, is a rare systemic vasculitis that may affect multiple organ systems, particularly the lungs. Diagnosis requires the presence of at least four of six criteria: bronchospasm, eosinophil count greater than 10%, neuropathy (poly or mono), nonfixed pulmonary infiltrates, paranasal sinus abnormalities, and extravascular eosinophils ( Box 4-7 ). Patients frequently present in the fifth or sixth decade and may have a long-standing history of asthma. Both genders are affected equally. Cardiac involvement occurs later in the course and is the major cause of death. CNS manifestations such as cerebral infarcts, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and optic neuritis are common.
Nasal polyps
Pulmonary infiltrates
Diffuse interstitial lung disease (rare)
Pleural effusions
Cutaneous nodules and rashes
Coronary vasculitis
Congestive heart failure
Peripheral neuropathy
Mononeuritis multiplex
Cerebral infarct
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Optic neuritis
Corticosteroids generally result in dramatic improvement or resolution of CSS symptoms. Cytotoxic therapy should be initiated based on the severity of disease. Patients resistant to corticosteroids may respond to interferon-α treatment. Elective surgery should be postponed if management of bronchospasm has not been optimized. Involvement of other organ systems may necessitate neurologic and renal evaluations. Cardiac evaluation may require testing such as echocardiography to assess myocardial function if the patient has congestive heart failure (CHF) or endocarditis.
Preoperative assessment should include a chest radiograph and PFTs. Chest radiography may reveal multiple small pulmonary nodules or diffuse interstitial disease. Pleural effusions are noted in up to 30% of CSS patients. Spirometry typically demonstrates an obstructive pattern, although restrictive disease may also occur. A decrease in diffusion capacity may be observed from a loss of alveolar capillary surface area. Intraoperative management should include universal asthmatic principles to minimize airway reactivity. If possible, avoidance of airway instrumentation and positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) is desirable. A prolonged expiratory phase may be needed in patients with more advanced obstructive disease if PPV is used, and preoperative spirometry will provide guidance in this area. Nonselective beta-adrenergic blockers should be avoided, if possible, because of the risk of bronchospasm and exacerbation of CHF. If needed for control of ischemic heart disease, selective β 1 -adrenergic agents, preferably short acting, should be used. Perioperative corticosteroids should be considered because of the risk of adrenal suppression from long-term corticosteroid therapy (see Box 4-3 ).
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is an idiopathic disease and is a diagnosis of exclusion. The prevalence of PPH is thought to be approximately 1:1 million, with women being twice as likely as men to present with the disease. Some cases appear to be genetically linked. Overall, PPH is more severe and aggressive than secondary pulmonary hypertension. Vascular remodeling, an alteration in pulmonary vascular tone, and a loss of cross-sectional pulmonary arterial area are responsible for the increase in PVR seen in this disease. Dyspnea is the most common presenting symptom, and syncope is a particularly poor prognostic sign ( Box 4-8 ). Right-to-left shunting may occur in the 30% of patients with a patent foramen ovale (PFO). Death typically results from hypoxia, a further increase in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP), and eventually right ventricular (RV) failure.
Syncope or presyncope
Peripheral edema and other signs of right-sided heart failure
Historically, treatment for PPH relied on oxygen and calcium channel blockers in an effort to decrease PVR ( Table 4-1 ). In addition, warfarin (Coumadin) is used to reduce the risk of thromboembolism resulting from the enhanced platelet activity seen in PPH. Pulmonary embolism or primary pulmonary vascular thrombosis is poorly tolerated in this patient population. Diuretics and digoxin are also employed when RV failure ensues. More recently, prostaglandins (PGI 2 , PGE 1 ; alprostadil) and nitric oxide (NO), alone or in combination, have been used to induce pulmonary vasodilation, with minimal systemic effects. Currently, prostacyclins must be delivered by continuous IV infusion because of their short half-life. NO is delivered by inhalation and requires a tank and delivery system. Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors such as sildenafil and dipyridamole potentiate the NO-induced pulmonary vasodilation and can be used separately or in combination. Unfortunately, cost and unwieldy delivery systems have limited the use of these therapies to the short term or the most severe cases. New approaches to delivering PGI 2 are under development, including the inhaled, subcutaneous, and oral routes. A newer agent, bosentan, an oral endothelin receptor antagonist thought to inhibit smooth muscle vasoconstriction and proliferation, is now approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat PPH. Adjunctive therapy with bosentan has demonstrated promise when combined with prostacyclin therapy.
Therapy | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Nitric oxide (NO) | Pulmonary circulation with selective vasodilation; increased Pa o 2 | Possible formation of toxic byproducts; prolonged bleeding times; expensive |
Prostaglandins (epoprostenol, treprostinil, iloprost) | Potent vasodilation; inhibits platelet aggregation and smooth muscle cell proliferation | Not selective for pulmonary circulation; systemic hypotension; headaches; expensive; requires continuous infusion or inhalation |
Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (dipyridamole, sildenafil) | Possible synergy with NO therapy inhibitors | — |
Endothelin receptor antagonist (Bosentan) | FDA approval | Limited data available |
Calcium channel blockers | High efficacy; inexpensive | Less effective in severe cases; negative inotropic effects can worsen right ventricular failure |
Oxygen | Directly reduces pulmonary vascular resistance in cases of hypoxia | None |
Warfarin (Coumadin) | Improved long-term survival; decreases risk of intrapulmonary thrombosis | Increased bleeding risk |
Magnesium | Vasodilation through blockage of Ca 2+ channels; enhance NO synthase activity; releases prostaglandin I | Risk of magnesium toxicity: weakness, sedation, ECG changes |
Preoperative studies focus on the severity of PPH, degree of hypoxia, and resulting effects on the heart ( Table 4-2 ). ABG analysis elucidates the level of hypoxia and acidemia, both of which exacerbate pulmonary hypertension. A chest radiograph may reveal enlarged main pulmonary arteries or an enlarged heart caused by RV hypertrophy or right atrial dilation. An electrocardiogram (ECG) may also reveal changes consistent with pulmonary hypertension (e.g., right atrial enlargement), as well as the presence of abnormal cardiac rhythm (e.g., atrial fibrillation). Sinus rhythm is essential to adequate RV filling. Preoperative echocardiography is helpful in determining the extent of RV hypertrophy and function, right atrial enlargement, pulmonic or tricuspid valve dysfunction, and patency of the foramen ovale. Pulmonary systolic pressures may be estimated by Doppler techniques. A more accurate but much more invasive method of measuring pulmonary pressures, gauging response to therapies, and detecting a PFO is right-sided heart catheterization. This procedure should be considered only if other studies have not provided an adequate assessment of disease severity and is not typically needed for preanesthetic evaluation. The patient treated with digoxin should have serum potassium and digoxin levels measured.
Study | Possible Significant Findings |
Arterial blood gas analysis | Level of hypoxemia and acidosis; assess relative value of supplemental oxygen. |
Chest radiography | Enlarged pulmonary arterial root; enlarged right side of heart |
Electrocardiography | Dysrhythmias; signs of right-sided heart strain |
Echocardiography | Assess right ventricular function and hypertrophy, valvular dysfunction and right atrial enlargement, and patency of foramen ovale; estimate pulmonary artery pressure. |
Anesthetic management
The increased perioperative morbidity and mortality of this disease must be considered when preparing to deliver an anesthetic to the PPH patient, and not assume the risk of perioperative complications is low with a “minor” procedure (see Box 4-3 ). Regional anesthetic techniques do not preclude the need for possible invasive monitoring and vasoactive therapy. Each patient’s needs should be considered individually. All medications being used to treat the patient’s PPH and resulting right-sided heart failure should be continued in the perioperative period. Warfarin should be discontinued and replaced with a heparin infusion preoperatively. The risk of a thromboembolic event and a possible right-to-left shunt justify a preoperative hospital admission to administer heparin. Sedation must be carefully titrated; oversedation may lead to hypoxia, whereas not adequately addressing a patient’s anxiety may also increase PVR.
Intraoperative management of PPH patients should emphasize maintenance of cardiac output and systemic blood pressure (BP) while minimizing further increases in PAP and the risk of RV failure. Invasive monitors, used selectively, including an arterial catheter, PAC, and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), allow for sampling of arterial blood, pharmacologic manipulation of PAP and cardiac output, and detection of RV failure, while maintaining adequate ventricular preload.
Many different anesthetic techniques have been used successfully in patients with PPH; regional, epidural, and general approaches with controlled ventilation are all reasonable options. Spinal anesthesia may result in a significant reduction in systemic vascular resistance (SVR) and may precipitate a drop in preload with no change in pulmonary vascular pressures. This may result in inadequate coronary flow to perfuse the right side of the heart, with consequent RV ischemia and failure. Drugs typically used in the provision of anesthesia are safe in patients with PPH. An exception is nitrous oxide (N 2 O), which has been implicated in raising PVR in several studies. Another exception is ketamine, which has sympathomimetic properties and may cause unintended PVR increase.
If PVR does increase, every effort must be made to avoid RV ischemia and possible RV failure. Helpful maneuvers include hyperventilation and maximizing Pa o 2 to decrease PVR. Inhaled drugs such as NO (20-40 ppm), and prostacyclin (inhaled/IV) can selectively decrease PAP with minimal decreases in systemic BP. Milrinone and amrinone are excellent choices to decrease PVR and increase cardiac contractility, although SVR will also be decreased. Dobutamine will increase contractility and may decrease PVR. To increase systolic BP and avoid RV ischemia, norepinephrine may have a slight advantage over phenylephrine. Maintenance of adequate intravascular volume and RV preload is also important.
Obstructive disease
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease that affects chloride channels. With an incidence of 1 per 2000 to 4500 Caucasians, CF is one of the more common inherited conditions. It results in a significant reduction in life expectancy and quality of life. The responsible gene is found on the long arm of chromosome 7 and codes for a protein known as cystic fibrosis transmembrane (conductance) regulator (CFTR), which functions as a chloride channel. This defect decreases the water content of various secretions throughout the body, resulting in increased viscosity. Diagnosis is based on sweat chloride measurements, genetic testing for the CFTR gene, and clinical symptoms. CF is a universally fatal disease, although advances in therapy have resulted in significant gains in quality of life and longevity. A wide variety of clinical manifestations are seen in CF patients ( Table 4-3 ).
Sign/Symptom | Cause |
Nasal sinusitis, polyps | Abnormal mucus production and secretion; chronic infection |
Chronic bronchitis | Hypersecretion of viscid mucus; impaired host defenses |
Obstructive pulmonary disease | Chronic pulmonary infections and airway plugging from excessive mucus secretion |
Pneumothorax | Rupture of subpleural blebs through visceral pleura |
Failure to thrive | Chronic infection; malabsorption |
Recurrent pancreatitis | Obstruction of pancreatic ducts with viscous exocrine secretions |
Gastroesophageal reflux disease | Unknown |
Maldigestion | Biochemically abnormal intestinal mucins impair absorption of specific nutrients; abnormal bile secretion and absorption |
Fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies | Abnormal bile secretion and absorption |
Obstructive azoospermia | Atretic or absent vas deferens |
Salt-loss syndromes | Inability to create hypotonic sweat |
Pulmonary manifestations result from the inability to clear thickened and inspissated mucus from the airways. This causes airway obstruction and impaired defense against bacterial infection, which results in the majority of deaths related to CF. Recurrent bacterial infections result in dilation of the conducting airways, leading to bronchiectasis. Although CF is a chronic progressive disease, the extent of current pulmonary infection fluctuates, creating significant daily variability in a patient’s pulmonary function. Eventually, as the disease progresses, there is destruction of parenchyma and conduction airways. Loss of pulmonary arterial vascular cross-sectional area results in pulmonary hypertension. Chronic hypoxemia also develops.
Patients with more advanced CF may develop spontaneous pneumothorax. The etiology of pneumothorax is unknown but presumably involves rupture of subpleural blebs through the visceral pleura. This becomes more likely in advanced disease. Over a lifetime, the incidence of pneumothorax may be as high as 20% in adult CF patients. Application of PPV can increase the risk of spontaneous pneumothorax. In the event of pneumothorax, surgical pleurodesis is the treatment of choice for CF patients who have a low anesthetic risk; higher-risk patients frequently receive talc pleurodesis as a safer, yet less effective, alternative. Ventilation/perfusion inequality results in hypoxemia. The chronic hypoxia seen in this population causes an increase in PVR and pulmonary hypertension. Loss of pulmonary arterial vascular cross-sectional area also causes increased PVR and pulmonary hypertension, which is exacerbated by chronic hypoxemia. The severity of pulmonary hypertension correlates with the severity of CF. Chronic pulmonary vasoconstriction (from hypoxia) results in a muscularization of the pulmonary arterial vascular tree, which results in cor pulmonale, although the initial enlargement of the right ventricle is considered a beneficial adaptation to the increased resistance to pulmonary blood flow. The only medical therapy effective in treating pulmonary hypertension and improving RV performance in this population is supplemental oxygen. Although lung transplantation has been successful with a 2-year survival of greater than 50%, about 40% of patients do not survive awaiting the transplant due to organ shortage.
The primary gastrointestinal manifestation of CF is malabsorption and steatorrhea caused by pancreatic dysfunction from obstruction of pancreatic ducts with viscous exocrine secretions, usually requiring pancreatic enzyme replacements as well as multivitamins. Malnutrition and deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin K can increase the patient’s risk of bleeding if this issue is not addressed. Glucose intolerance resulting from pancreatic dysfunction (impaired endocrine function) is also common and may require insulin therapy. CF patients also have an increased incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Preparation for anesthesia should focus on evaluation of the CF patient’s pulmonary status. Significant variation in symptoms and disease severity from increased respiratory secretions or infection can be seen in a patient from one day to the next. Surgery should be postponed, if possible, unless the patient is at a baseline level of health. Preoperative testing should include a recent chest radiograph to diagnose pneumothorax, pneumonic processes, or bullous disease. In one series of patients with CF, 16% had an asymptomatic pneumothorax. Thus, chest radiography is essential in these patients. Coagulation studies such as prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time can provide information regarding coagulopathy resulting from vitamin K deficiency or general malnutrition. Sedating premedications should be given only if absolutely necessary, because of the risk of exacerbating pre-existing respiratory compromise, and only then under close observation with administration of supplemental oxygen to minimize the risk of desaturation. All CF patients should be questioned regarding symptoms consistent with GERD. If present, appropriate premedications and aspiration precautions such as a rapid-sequence induction should be considered, although CF patients may desaturate rapidly when apneic.
Anesthetic management
Choice of anesthetic technique will be primarily determined by the scheduled procedure, although regional techniques offer some advantages. Avoidance of airway instrumentation will decrease the risk of bronchospasm and aspiration. Avoiding PPV will decrease the incidence of perioperative pneumothorax formation. If a long-acting or continuous regional technique is chosen, postoperative opioid requirements will be less. The risk of postoperative respiratory insufficiency may be less with regional anesthetic techniques, although this has not been rigorously studied.
The plan for general anesthesia should take into account the increased risk of aspiration (from GERD) and bronchospasm. The likelihood of chronic sinusitis and the presence of paranasal sinus polyps are reasons to avoid nasal instrumentation, if possible. A rapid-sequence induction proceeded by nonparticulate antacids and H 2 antagonists may help minimize the likelihood and consequences of pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents. However, use of rapid-sequence induction may result in uncontrolled systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics, and its use must balance airway risks with the risk of cardiovascular instability. PPV is usually preferable to spontaneous ventilation in advanced cases of CF, because of the risk of respiratory fatigue and marginal tidal volumes. CF is an obstructive process, and prolonged expiratory times may be necessary, as well as humidification of inspired gases and minimization of peak airway pressures to reduce the risk of barotrauma and pneumothorax. Low respiratory rates and smaller-than-usual tidal volumes may be required. Nitrous oxide should be used with caution because of the increased risk of pneumothorax formation with PPV, as well as the likely presence of multiple blebs. Meticulous attention to pulmonary toilet and suctioning of secretions is also advisable ( Box 4-9 ).
Assess cardiopulmonary function.
Aspiration precautions should be considered secondary to association with gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Avoid airway instrumentation if possible.
Avoid positive-pressure ventilation if possible.
Consider regional techniques when applicable and appropriate.
Avoid nasal instrumentation.
May need to prolong expiratory times.
Infiltrative and interstitial diseases
Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is an inflammatory lung disease of unknown etiology. It has been associated with bone marrow transplantation, although there is a very low incidence of BOOP in this population; it has not been conclusively determined to be more than an incidental finding. BOOP results from the formation of granulation tissue, which obstructs the lumen of small airways and extends into the alveoli. The formation of the granulation tissue is associated with connective tissue proliferation, fibrinous exudates, and inflammation of alveolar and airway walls. These changes yield a clinical picture that presents as a flulike illness with cough and dyspnea. BOOP shares many characteristics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, with the most significant difference being the reversibility of the fibrinous changes in BOOP as a result of the preservation of lung architecture.
Corticosteroids are often used, although some cases resolve spontaneously. Typically, therapy lasts for 1 year, with resolution of symptoms by the end of the third month of treatment. Symptoms may recur, particularly if the course of corticosteroids is not completed. Other agents such as erythromycin and cyclophosphamide have been used, although their efficacy is not well established. Patients who received cyclophosphamide are at risk of leukopenia and, more rarely, thrombocytopenia or anemia.
Radiologic evaluation is consistent with an organizing pneumonia with patchy consolidation in a diffuse peripheral distribution. Effusions are a rare finding. Spirometry typically demonstrates a restrictive pattern, although it is possible to find an obstructive component. Decreased diffusion capacity and an increased alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient are common. Definitive diagnosis requires lung biopsy, typically performed thoracoscopically. BOOP occurs in 25% to 50% of long-term survivors of lung transplants, and 10% of all lung transplant recipients, indicating a poor prognosis. It is a manifestation of chronic rejection treated, usually unsuccessfully, with steroids and immunosuppressive agents.
Because of the high success rate in treating cases of BOOP unrelated to lung transplant, and because dramatic improvement is typically seen after a few weeks of therapy with prednisone, patients are unlikely to present for surgery with respiratory compromise. These factors also suggest that it may be prudent to defer all but the most emergent surgery in patients just beginning treatment for BOOP. A review of recent radiographs and spirometry, along with a history and physical examination, typically provide enough information as to whether the patient’s pulmonary function has been optimized for elective procedures.
In the event surgery is emergent and cannot be postponed, the primary anesthetic issues relate to ventilator management. As in other restrictive lung diseases, high peak pressures may occur with PPV unless appropriate reductions in tidal volume are made. Rapid arterial hypoxemia can occur with apnea because of a decreased functional residual capacity (FRC). The use of low levels of PEEP will improve FRC and assist in maintaining Pa o 2 . Continuation of PEEP or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in the postoperative period may be necessary to maintain functional residual capacity ( Box 4-10 ).
Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia
Assess pulmonary function.
Tailor anesthetic plan for each patient.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis
Assess pulmonary function.
Evaluate for coagulopathy.
Plan for possible bronchoscopy and pulmonary toilet (use large ETT when possible).
May require stress-dose steroids.
Avoid high airway pressures and tidal volumes.
Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Assess pulmonary function.
Delay surgery until steroid therapy implemented.
May need intraoperative bronchodilators.
Utilize PEEP cautiously and at low levels, if needed at all; minimize intrathoracic pressures to decrease shunt.
Goodpasture’s Syndrome
Assess cardiopulmonary and renal function (BUN/creatinine, urinalysis, ABGs, ECG, echocardiography, spirometry).
Maintain oxygenation but limit supplemental O 2 to lowest level consistent with arterial saturation >90%.
Consider invasive monitors.
Arterial catheter used for all but the mildest disease; consider TEE or PAC if assessment of volume status or adequacy of cardiac output unclear.
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis
Assess pulmonary function (level of dyspnea, baseline O 2 saturation, time since last BPL, ABGs, chest radiograph).
Double-lumen ETT required for BPL.
Invasive monitoring (PAC, TEE) may facilitate intraoperative management for higher-risk procedures.
Assess all organ system involvement (PFTs, ECG, echocardiography, BUN/creatinine).
Evaluate airway to rule out lesions by indirect laryngoscopy or CT.
Possible postoperative ventilatory support.
Consider invasive monitors.
May require perioperative stress-dose steroids.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Assess all organ system involvement (chest radiograph, PFTs, ABGs, BUN/creatinine, LFTs).
Invasive monitors may be indicated if cardiac or pulmonary involvement and for type of surgery (arterial catheters).
Minimize airway manipulation secondary to risk of inflammation and potential laryngeal involvement.
Refrain from nitrous oxide use secondary to bone marrow suppression.
Ensure thorough evaluation of medications:
Echocardiography may be indicated for cardiac function with high-dose cyclophosphamide or hydroxychloroquine.
LFTs should be evaluated for hepatotoxicity (azathioprine, methotrexate).
May require stress-dose steroids.
May require increased doses of neuromuscular blockers if taking azathioprine.
Cyclophosphamide may prolong effects of succinylcholine.
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Assess cardiopulmonary function, (PFTs/spirometry, ECG, echocardiography).
Evaluate for pulmonary hypertension/cor pulmonale.
Aspiration precautions should be considered secondary to association with gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Assess cardiopulmonary function.
Lung protective ventilation: low tidal volumes (~6 mL/kg predicted body weight); PEEP to maintain arterial saturation >90%; <30 cm H 2 O plateau pressures.
Utilize permissive hypercapnia as needed.
Consider invasive monitors (arterial/central venous catheters, TEE).
Provide supportive care, with carefully guided fluid resuscitation.
Ensure postoperative ventilatory support.
Pulmonary Histiocytosis X
Assess cardiopulmonary function.
Tailor anesthetic management to progression of disease.
Give special attention to possible pathologic fractures.
Assess cardiopulmonary function.
May need enteral/parenteral nutrition perioperatively.
Consider postoperative ventilation support.
BPL , bronchopulmonary lavage; BUN , blood urea nitrogen; CT , computed tomography; ETT , Endotracheal tube; LFTs , liver function tests; PAC , pulmonary artery catheter; PEEP , positive end-expiratory pressure; TEE , transesophageal echocardiography.

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