Resonance and damping

Damping results in oscillations of reducing amplitude due to the loss of energy to the surroundings. It is measured as the damping coefficient, which refers to the amount of damping present in a system. A damping coefficient of zero indicates no loss of amplitude with time, critical damping occurs at a damping coefficient of one, and an over-damped system has a damping coefficient of greater than one.

Free oscillations occur when there is no loss of energy to the surroundings (zero damping) and this is seen by oscillations of the same amplitude. On the other hand, a critically damped system will fail to show any oscillations following an impulse but it has the fastest return to baseline without oscillating. An over-damped system (damping coefficient >1) will fail to oscillate and have a very slow return to baseline following an impulse.

Applied science

Why are resonance and damping important when measuring invasive blood pressure?

Invasive blood pressure measurement uses a cannula connected to a saline column and pressure transducers to convert an arterial pressure waveform into an electrical signal.

The resonant frequency of the measuring system needs to be outside the range of frequencies present in the blood pressure waveform to avoid resonance, which distorts the displayed pressure waveform. The fundamental frequency is the heart rate and the first 10 harmonics contribute to the pressure waveform. Therefore, the resonant frequency of the measuring system needs to be at least 10 times the fundamental frequency. Using short non-compliant tubing, the fundamental frequency of the system can be raised, and this reduces resonance.

The loss of energy to the surroundings, as a result of damping, will affect the speed at which an invasive pressure measuring system is able to respond to the changes in arterial pressure.

An over-damped system results in a blood pressure waveform that is excessively blunt and slow to return to baseline. An under-damped system shows excessive oscillations following each pressure wave. Both make interpretation of systolic and diastolic pressure inaccurate.

A critically damped arterial pressure waveform shows no oscillations before returning to baseline, but the response time will be relatively slow. For this reason, optimal damping is preferred for measuring systems. It has a damping coefficient of 0.64 and demonstrates the most rapid attainment of baseline with an acceptable level of oscillations.

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Feb 7, 2017 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Resonance and damping

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