Principles of toxicology

Chapter 46
Principles of toxicology

Christine M. Murphy


Emergency personnel commonly encounter toxicological emergencies from accidental exposures (e.g. workplace incidents or drug interactions) or intentional exposures (e.g. drug abuse or suicide attempts). In 2011, over 2.3 million human toxin exposures were reported to the American Association of Poison Control Centers [1]. More than 93% of exposures were reported from residences, with routes of exposure by ingestion (83%), through the skin (7%), inhalation (6%), and through the eye (4%). Eighty percent of exposures were unintentional and 62% involved patients under the age of 20 years.

The outcome following a poisoning depends on numerous factors, including dose taken, time to first medical contact, and the patient’s preexisting health status. Poisonings recognized early and treated quickly often do well. The case fatality rate for self-poisonings in the modern health care setting is approximately 0.5%; however, in the developing world it is 10–20% [2]. Therefore, it is imperative that EMS personnel understand the basic management of the poisoned patient.


When evaluating a patient with a potential toxicological emergency, it is important to maintain a broad differential diagnosis [3]. A comatose patient who smells of alcohol may be harboring an intracranial hemorrhage; an agitated patient who appears anticholinergic may actually be encephalopathic from an infectious etiology. Patients must be thoroughly assessed and appropriately stabilized. There is often no specific antidote or treatment for a poisoned patient and supportive care is the most important intervention.


Emergency medical services personnel should gather as much information as possible about the type of toxin(s) to which the patient was exposed. Poisoned patients are commonly unreliable historians, particularly if suicidal or presenting with altered mental status [4]. If information cannot be obtained from the patient, it is beneficial to obtain information from others at the scene, such as family and friends. Bottles of possibly ingested substance or pills, even if not in the original containers, can assist hospital personnel and poison centers. Other helpful information includes the time of exposure (acute versus chronic), amount taken, route of exposure (e.g. ingestion, IV, inhalation, or dermal), reason for the exposure (e.g. accidental, suicide attempt, or abuse), other medicines routinely taken by the patient (including prescription, over the counter, vitamins, alternative medical preparations), and suicide note, if available. With any unknown exposure, a list of all medications in the home should be obtained, including those of current visitors to the home. This is especially important in an unknown pediatric exposure.

Physical examination

In the emergency setting, patient stabilization takes precedence over a meticulous physical examination. However, a rapid directed examination can yield important diagnostic clues. Once the patient is stable, a more comprehensive physical examination can reveal additional signs suggesting a specific poison/exposure. Additionally, a dynamic change in clinical appearance over time may be a more important clue than findings on the initial examination. Taking note of odors emanating from the patient or the environment can provide valuable information. Some poisons produce odors characteristic enough to suggest the diagnosis upon first encounter (Table 46.1). A complete set of vital signs can further assist the provider in narrowing the differential diagnosis [5]. The skin should be carefully examined by removing patient clothes and assessing for color, temperature, and the presence of dryness or diaphoresis. Absence of diaphoresis is an important clinical distinction between anticholinergic and sympathomimetic poisoning. The presence of bites or similar marks may suggest spider or snake envenomations. The presence of erythema or bullae over pressure points may suggest rhabdomyolysis in the comatose patient, while track marks suggest IV or subcutaneous drug abuse. Finally, a systematic neurological evaluation is important, particularly with patients exhibiting altered mental status. While the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is useful for evaluating trauma victims, it has little role in predicting the prognosis of the poisoned patient [6].

Table 46.1 Odors that suggest a toxicological exposure

Odor Possible source
Bitter almonds Cyanide
Fruity Isopropanol, acetone
Garlic Organophosphates
Gasoline Petroleum distillates
Mothballs Naphthalene, camphor
Pears Chloral hydrate
Minty Methylsalicylate
Rotten eggs Hydrogen sulfide
Freshly mowed hay Phosgene

Seizures are a common presentation of an unknown overdose, and the list of toxins that can induce a convulsion is lengthy (Table 46.2). Ocular findings helpful in narrowing the differential diagnosis include miosis and mydriasis (Table 46.3). Other useful general neurological signs include fasciculations (from organophosphate poisoning), rigidity (tetanus and strychnine), tremors (lithium and theophylline), and dystonic posturing (neuroleptic agents).

Table 46.2 Examples of diverse classes of agents that can potentially cause seizures

Category Examples of specific agents
Analgesics Meperidine, propoxyphene, tramadol
Antihistamines Diphenhydramine
Antimicrobials Isoniazid, penicillin
Botanicals False morel mushrooms, tobacco, water hemlock
Drugs of abuse Amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine
Inhalants Carbon monoxide, chlorinated hydrocarbons
Methylxanthines Caffeine, theophylline
Psychiatric medications Bupropion, cyclic antidepressants, venlafaxine
Pesticides Lindane, organophosphates
Withdrawal Antiepileptic medications, ethanol, sedative hypnotics

Table 46.3 Examples of potential toxins associated with miosis or mydriasis

Miosis Mydriasis
Antipsychotic agents Anticholinergics
Carbamates Sympathomimetics
Clonidine Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Opiates Withdrawal syndromes


A toxidrome is a toxic syndrome or constellation of signs and symptoms associated with a certain class of poisons. Rapid recognition of a toxidrome can determine the class or, in some cases, the specific poison responsible for a patient’s condition. Table 46.4 lists characteristics of selected toxidromes. It is important to note that patients may not present with every component of a toxidrome and that toxidromes are difficult to identify in mixed ingestions.

Table 46.4 Toxidromes

Toxidrome Signs and symptoms Potential agent example
Opioid Sedation, miosis, decreased bowel sounds, decreased respirations Codeine, fentanyl, heroin, hydrocodone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone
Anticholinergic Mydriasis, dry skin, dry mucous membranes, decreased bowel sounds, sedation, altered mental status, hallucinations, urinary retention Atropine, antihistamines, cyclic antidepressants, cyclobenzaprine, phenothiazines, scopolamine
Sedative hypnotic Sedation, decreased respirations, normal pupils, normal vital signs Benzodiazepines, barbiturates, zolpidem
Sympathomimetic Agitation, mydriasis, tachycardia, hypertension, hyperthermia, diaphoresis Amphetamines, cocaine, ephedrine, phencyclidine, pseudoephedrine
Cholinergic Miosis, lacrimation, diaphoresis, bronchospasm, bronchorrhea, vomiting, diarrhea, bradycardia Organophosphates, carbamates, nerve agents
Serotonin toxicity Altered mental status, tachycardia, hypertension, hyperreflexia, clonus, hyperthermia Overdose of serotonergic agents alone or in combination (i.e. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, dextromethorphan, meperidine)

Certain aspects of a toxidrome can have great significance. For example, noting dry axilla may differentiate an anticholinergic patient from a sympathomimetic patient, and miosis may distinguish opioid toxicity from a benzodiazepine overdose. There are notable exceptions to the recognized toxidromes. For example, several opioid agents (meperidine, propoxyphene, and tramadol) are not always associated with miosis. In most cases, a toxidrome will not indicate a specific poison but rather a class of poisons. Several poisons have unique presentations that make their presence virtually diagnostic. For example, clonidine is associated with sedation, miosis, bradycardia, shallow respirations, and hypotension, yet the patient will become alert with stimulation and then drift rapidly back to sedation with no stimulation.

Cardiac monitor and electrocardiogram

Electrocardiogram interpretation of in the poisoned patient can be challenging. Numerous drugs can cause ECG changes. The incidence of ECG changes in the poisoned patient is unclear, and the significance of various changes may be difficult to define [7]. Despite the fact that drugs have widely varying indications for therapeutic use, many unrelated drugs share common electrocardiographic effects if taken in overdose. Toxins can be placed into broad classes based on their cardiac effects. Agents that block the cardiac fast sodium channels and agents that block cardiac potassium efflux channels cause characteristic ECG changes, QRS prolongation, and QT prolongation, respectively. The recognition of specific ECG changes associated with other clinical data (toxidromes) can be potentially life saving [8].

The ability of drugs to induce cardiac sodium channel blockade prolonging the QRS complex has been well described in the literature [9]. Cardiac voltage-gated sodium channels reside in the cell membrane and open in conjunction with cell depolarization. Sodium channel blockers bind to the transmembrane sodium channels, decreasing the number available for depolarization. This creates a delay of sodium entry into the cardiac myocyte during phase 0 of depolarization. As a result, the upslope of depolarization is slowed and the QRS complex widens [10]. In some cases, the QRS complex may take the pattern of recognized bundle branch blocks [11,12]. With tricyclic antidepressant poisoning, rightward axis deviation of the terminal 40 msec of the QRS axis can be present, in addition to QRS widening [13,14]. In the most severe cases, QRS prolongation becomes so profound that it is difficult to distinguish between ventricular and supraventricular rhythms [15,16]. Continued QRS prolongation may result in a sine wave pattern and eventual asystole. It has been theorized that the sodium channel blockers cause slowed intraventricular conduction, unidirectional block, the development of a reentrant circuit, and a resulting ventricular tachycardia [17]. This can then degenerate into ventricular fibrillation. Differentiating a QRS prolongation due to sodium channel blockade in the poisoned patient versus other non-toxic etiologies can be difficult.

Drugs blocking myocardial sodium channels comprise a diverse group of pharmaceutical agents (Box 46.1). Patients poisoned with these agents have varied clinical presentations. For example, sodium channel-blocking medications such as diphenhydramine, propoxyphene, and cocaine may also develop anticholinergic, opioid, and sympathomimetic syndromes, respectively [18–20]. In addition, specific drugs may affect not only the myocardial sodium channels but also calcium influx and potassium efflux channels, resulting in ECG changes and rhythm disturbances not related entirely to the drug’s sodium channel-blocking activity [21,22]. All the agents listed in Box 46.1 induce myocardial sodium channel blockade and may respond to therapy with sodium bicarbonate or hypertonic saline. Displacement of the sodium channel-blocking agents by hypertonic saline or sodium bicarbonate can improve inotropy and prevent arrhythmias.[9] It is therefore reasonable to treat poisoned patients with prolonged QRS intervals, particularly those with hemodynamic instability, empirically with 1–2 mEq/kg of sodium bicarbonate (the gold standard for treatment of sodium channel blockade). Shortening of the QRS can confirm the presence of a sodium channel-blocking agent.

Approximately 3% of all non-cardiac prescriptions are associated with the potential for QT prolongation [23]. Myocardial repolarization is driven predominantly by outward movement of potassium ions [24]. Blockade of the outward potassium currents prolongs the action potential [25]. This subsequently results in QT interval prolongation and the potential emergence of T- or U-wave abnormalities on the ECG [26]. The prolongation of repolarization causes the myocardial cell to have less charge difference across its membrane, which may result in the activation of the inward depolarization current (early after-depolarization) and promote triggered activity. These changes may lead to reentry and subsequent polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT), most often as the torsades de pointes variant of polymorphic VT [27]. QT prolongation is considered to occur when the QTc interval is greater than 440 msec in men and 460 msec in women, with arrhythmias most commonly associated with values greater than 500 msec. However, the potential for an arrhythmia for a given QT interval will vary from drug to drug and patient to patient [24]. Drugs associated with QT prolongation are listed in Box 46.2

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