Fig. 2.1
Excerpt from patient information leaflet on exercise prior to surgery. Patients are encouraged to exercise between levels 3–7 General Recommendations
Sedentary individuals should be identified well in advance of surgery with increased activity levels and regular exercise encouraged
Moderate intensity exercise for a minimum of 4 weeks (consistent with WHO recommendation) represents an achievable, safe and likely beneficial intervention prior to surgery
At a minimum patients should be provided with written exercise information preoperatively, reinforced with verbal encouragement
Where exercise on prescription or group classes are available in primary or secondary care, patients should be encouraged to partake due to greater enjoyment and compliance compared with undertaking exercise in isolation
2.2.3 Alcohol
In a 2011 UK health survey 23 % of men and 18 % of women reported a weekly alcohol consumption in excess of government recommended levels: 21–28 units per week for men and 14–21 units per week for women. A quarter of those drinking excessively were reported to be consuming alcohol at a very high risk level; more than 50 units per week for men and 35 units per week for women [31]. Whilst the common perception is that it is the younger generation who are consuming more and more alcohol, another study documented that it was the older age group, the over 65’s who were more likely to be drinking alcohol every day of the week (17 % of men and 9 % of women over 65) rather than the 16–24 age group (1 % of both men and women) [32]. Managing excessive alcohol consumption presents a genuine challenge to perioperative teams aiming to effectively prehabilitate patients in the lead up to major surgery. Whilst chronic alcoholism remains a leading international public health concern, lesser levels of consumption also appear to confer an increased risk of poor postoperative outcome. People consuming hazardous levels of alcohol are also more likely to indulge in other unhealthy behaviours e.g. smoking [4]. Perioperative Implications
The association between established liver cirrhosis and postoperative morbidity and mortality is stark [33]. Whilst chronically elevated alcohol intake resulting in end organ damage will clearly increase surgical risk, heavy drinking has deleterious effects beyond the liver, pancreas and nervous system. These include an impairment of cardiac and immune function and an exaggerated metabolic response to surgical stress. Latent dysfunction of these systems may lead to significant perioperative derangement when subjected to the stress response of major surgery (Table 2.1). In addition, patients with chronic alcohol excess approaching surgery are at risk of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome perioperatively [34].
Table 2.1
Pathological effects of elevated alcohol intake perioperatively
System | Effect of elevated alcohol intake |
Immunological | Impaired wound healing |
Suppressed delayed-type hypersensitivity | |
Cardiovascular | Subclinical cardiac insufficiency |
Increased risk of perioperative arrhythmias | |
Haematological | Coagulopathy and increased perioperative haemorrhage |
Gastrointestinal | Disordered hepatic handling of drugs |
Endocrine | Accentuated endocrine response to surgery with higher circulating cortisol and catecholamines |
However, consumption well below the levels traditionally associated with alcohol dependence has implications perioperatively. Evidence suggests that a clear dose–response relationship exists regarding perioperative risk. Postoperative complication rates are 50 % higher with the consumption of 3–4 units daily compared to 0–2 units. When consumption exceeds 5 units daily, rates of complication may be three to five times greater. Relatively low perceived levels of consumption may therefore lead to a significantly increased risk of perioperative complications. [34, 35] Patient Assessment
Accurate quantification of alcohol intake is useful preoperatively and may provide insight into a given patient’s associated risk. Traditional screening tools such as the widely used CAGE and AUDIT-C questionnaires are designed to identify severe excess consumption, and in particular, search for features of dependence. Patients can conceivably present for preoperative assessment and intervention, unknowingly consuming excess alcohol at ‘subclinical’ levels sufficient to substantially elevate their surgical risk and without an established ‘label’ of alcohol excess or a manifest associated pathology. This so-called ‘hazardous drinking’ is typically classified as >3 units daily [36]. In the absence of a dedicated perioperative screening tool, we recommend that obtaining an accurate and honest assessment of intake (quantified in alcohol units) at the time of referral may be useful in the surgical setting, with the understanding that patient self-reported consumption is often underestimated but very rarely overestimated. It may be possible to identify patients preoperatively who are drinking at unappreciated ‘hazardous’ levels that may benefit from more informal advice surrounding their consumption in the approach to surgery. Prehabilitation Strategies
The lead-time required to derive maximum benefit for the recovery of organ systems following preoperative alcohol cessation appears to be greater than for cigarette smoking. Whilst a normalization of immune functioning and the endocrine stress response to surgery may become apparent within 2 weeks of complete cessation, full recovery of coagulation, homeostatic and cardiac functioning may take more than 2 months depending on the initial severity of derangement. Thus effective management is reliant on early preoperative identification of hazardous drinking and prompt intervention [34].
Evidence supporting formal preoperative cessation is sparser than for other lifestyle factors. Nonetheless, a recent Cochrane review evaluated intensive intervention programmes, namely, 4–8 week initiatives aiming to achieve complete cessation through a combination of pharmacological and psychosocial methods [36]. The review identified two randomized controlled trials of pharmacological intervention (disulfiram) in major colorectal surgery and combined pharmacological intervention (disulfiram alongside chlordiazepoxide for withdrawal symptoms) with motivational counseling prior to hip arthroplasty. The authors concluded that an intensive cessation intervention appears to reduce complication rates substantially, without influencing 30-day mortality or hospital length of stay. Questions remain surrounding impact on longer-term alcohol consumption. It should be noted that such interventions are certainly at the ‘extreme’ end of available options to address alcohol intake prior to surgery. Simpler initiatives, including short motivational interviewing are available with an evidence base for reducing intake in both primary care patients and general hospital populations. These techniques may be more applicable to the previously under-recognised group of ‘hazardous drinkers’ presenting for surgery, although they are yet to be scrutinized in the perioperative setting [36].
Excessive alcohol consumption is an important risk factor for postoperative morbidity. Careful questioning and screening in the preoperative assessment clinic to detect those individuals consuming more than the recommended weekly amount is crucial. Research to date only really supports intensive interventions lasting several weeks preoperatively, but the evidence base is certainly sparse. In keeping with the concept of ‘marginal gains’ theory the authors advocate appropriate counselling and advice for those individuals at risk, with complete cessation for a period up to 8 weeks preoperatively being the aim. Where high levels of consumption are identified, investigations seeking evidence of end organ damage are warranted and a treatment plan should be put in place to manage the potential for alcohol withdrawal. General Recommendations
Alcohol consumption should be documented as soon as possible prior to surgery. Chronic, low-level intake is extremely common in the elderly
Patients identified as ‘hazardous’ drinkers (>3 units daily) should be counselled regarding the increased perioperative risk that this confers. Abstinence prior to surgery should be advised.
Where excessive alcohol consumption is identified, consideration should be given to more formal abstinence regimes involving specialist healthcare professionals
Where excessive drinking is identified, investigations seeking end-organ damage should be performed. Treatment plans should also be put in place for the management of alcohol withdrawal syndromes perioperatively
2.2.4 Smoking
A long recognized and independent surgical risk factor, smoking remains the leading preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed world. Persistently increasing rates across developing nations present a genuinely global threat to public health, reflected in the enormous directly attributable medical and social costs internationally. One hundred million deaths worldwide were attributed to smoking during the twentieth century, with over five million deaths annually considered to be smoking related. The prevalence of active cigarette smoking in adults presenting for surgery is 20–30 % [37]. Perioperative Implications
The deleterious effects of cigarette smoke on the surgical patient develop over a wide time course, from the hyperacute effects of the most recent cigarette to more chronic manifestations such as COPD and a wide range of malignancies. Therefore, even younger smokers without demonstrable features of an established smoking related comorbidity are still at increased risk in the perioperative period [38].
Regular cigarette smoke exposure, including secondhand smoke, drives pathological change across a range of organ systems. These effects are mediated by direct cellular injury, disordered coagulation and free radical release in response to toxic smoke contents. The cardiovascular and respiratory systems alongside wound healing are most extensively affected (Table 2.2) leading to an increased risk of multiple perioperative complications and worse surgical outcomes, reflected in a 1.38 fold increase in surgical mortality [37].
Table 2.2
Pathological effects and systemic consequences of tobacco smoke exposure
System | Effects of cigarette smoke exposure | Associated complications | Odds ratio (95 % confidence interval) |
Respiratory | • Dysfunction of the mucociliary escalator, goblet cell hyperplasia and poor clearance of pathogens • Macrophage dysfunction • Alveolar destruction and impaired gas exchange • Bronchial hyper-reactivity | Unplanned intubation | 1.87 (1.58–2.21) |
Post-op mechanical ventilation | 1.53 (1.31–1.79 | ||
Pneumonia | 2.09 (1.80–2.43) | ||
Cardiovascular | • Direct endothelial injury, platelet activation and thrombogenesis • Stimulated erythropoiesis and increased blood viscosity • Formation of carboxyhaemoglobin • Sympathetic response to nicotine | Myocardial infarction | 1.80 (1.11–1.92) |
Postoperative cardiac arrest | 1.57 (1.10–2.25) | ||
Stroke | 1.73 (1.18–2.53) | ||
Wound healing/infection | • Free radical release and direct cellular injury • Local tissue vasoconstriction • Impaired collagen synthesis | Wound infection | |
Superficial | 1.30 (1.20–1.42) | ||
Deep | 1.42 (1.21–1.68) | ||
Sepsis | 1.30 (1.15–1.46) | ||
Septic Shock | 1.55 (1.29–1.87) | Patient Assessment
Assessment of chronicity and severity of cigarette smoke exposure, often quantified in pack years, has classically been based upon subjective patient reporting, with the associated risk of significant under-reporting of consumption particularly in the heaviest smokers. Leading intervention programmes utilise the Fagerstrom test (Table 2.3) to objectively evaluate nicotine dependence and guide replacement therapies [39, 40].
Table 2.3
Fagerstrom score for nicotine dependence and guidance of nicotine replacement therapy
Questions | Score | |
1. How soon after waking do you smoke your first cigarette? | Within 5 min 5–30 min 31–60 min | 3 points 2 points 1 point |
2. Do you find it difficult to refrain from smoking when required? | Yes No | 1 point 0 points |
3. Which cigarette would you hate to give up? | First in the morning Any other | 1 point 0 points |
4. How many cigarettes do you smoke daily? | 31 or more 21–30 11–20 10 or less | 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points |
5. Do you smoke more frequently in the morning? | Yes No | 1 point 0 points |
6. Do you smoke even if you are sick in bed most of the day? | Yes No | 1 point 0 points |
Total score | Result | Suggested Nicotine replacement therapy |
1–2 | Low dependence | May not need nicotine replacement therapy monitor for withdrawal symptoms Patches: 7 mg/24 h patch or 5 mg/16 h Lozenge: 2 mg Gum: 2 mg |
3–4 | Low/moderate dependence | Patches: 14 mg/24 h patch or 10 mg/16 h Inhaler: 6–12 cartridges per day Lozenge: 2 mg Gum: 2 mg Combination: Patches + gum/lozenge |
5–7 | Moderate dependence | Patches: 21 mg/24 h or 15 mg/16 h Inhaler: 6–12 cartridges per day Lozenge: 4 mg Gum: 4 mg Combination: Patches + gum/lozenge |
≥8 | High dependence | Patches: 21 mg/24 h or 15 mg/16 h Inhaler: 6–12 cartridges per day Lozenge: 4 mg Gum: 4 mg Combination: Patches + gum/lozenge | Prehabilitation Strategies
As with other unhealthy patient behaviours, the preoperative period represents an ideal ‘teachable moment’ for clinicians to provide smoking cessation advice. Clinical concerns regarding the potential rebound deterioration in respiratory function, if an inadequate window of cessation is not permitted prior to surgery, have been the subject of a recent systematic review and meta-analysis. These concerns appear to be entirely unfounded and probably originated from small, observational data from nearly 30 years ago. Whilst there is possibly a greater benefit from longer periods of abstinence, smoking cessation even for short durations prior to surgery may be beneficial and there is certainly no evidence of any significant quality that it is detrimental [41].
In the same fashion that cigarette smoking can exert detrimental physiological effects within minutes to hours, measurable recovery in cardiorespiratory functioning begins equally rapidly following cessation. The short half-lives of nicotine and carbon monoxide allow some detrimental effects to resolve in less than 12 h. However, in terms of an actual measurable effect on complication rates and postoperative outcome, debate continues surrounding the benefit derived from interventions commenced less than 4 weeks before surgery. Systematic reviews have supported these ‘shorter term’ interventions [42], which appear particularly beneficial for wound healing. Evidence suggests that the estimated times from abstinence for measurable recovery of pulmonary capacity may be longer at 4–6 weeks and the ‘ideal’ lead time required to achieve improvements in cardiovascular risk is the least well defined.
In particular, two randomized trials demonstrated a halving of complication rates when the ‘gold standard programme’ (GSP), was commenced at 6–8 weeks and 4 weeks prior to surgery (Table 2.4), in the context of elective orthopaedic and general surgery. The GSP is an entirely outpatient delivered intervention and has been demonstrated to be cost-effective in reducing the economic burden of perioperative complications. Whilst less intensive interventions such as a single short 3-min counselling session from surgeons have been shown to assist in achieving abstinence, best results appear to be obtained in the context of a structured intensive intervention such as the GSP. This approach relies on individual counselling in combination with tailored nicotine replacement therapy. These studies informed a recent Cochrane review concluding that based on available evidence, interventions beginning 4–8 weeks prior to surgery combining nicotine replacement with regular counselling appear to derive the greatest postoperative benefit in terms of overall complications and long term cessation [43]. Effective delivery of programmes such as GSP is reliant upon specifically trained and competent staff. Interestingly, an established barrier to delivery of such programmes is reluctance among staff who themselves smoke to inform patients about the associated risks, a consideration when planning service provision.
Table 2.4
Key elements of gold standard programme (GSP) intervention for smoking cessation
Elements of the Gold standard programme (GSP) for smoking cessation |
Introductory meeting incorporating motivational conversation. |
5 meetings over 6–8 weeks delivering a structured patient education programme. |
Nicotine replacement therapy guided by the Fagerstrom score. |
Monitoring of smoking status using expired carbon monoxide monitoring |
Support-line available during daytime hours. |
A dedicated follow-up programme delivered over the following 6–8 weeks for up to 1 year. |
Thus, whilst avoiding even a single extra cigarette preoperatively is likely to be beneficial to a small degree, the sooner abstinence from cigarette smoking can be achieved prior to surgery the better [44, 45]. The benefits of achieving preoperative cessation may project well beyond the perioperative period through triggering a permanent lifestyle change with wider benefits for public health. Good quit rates at 1 year postoperatively have been reported following preoperative intervention. General Recommendations
Smoking cessation prior to surgery should be encouraged no matter how short the window is prior to surgery
Surgery is increasingly recognised as a teachable moment for smoking cessation and the opportunity to try to influence long-term behaviour should be taken
Preoperative assessment clinics should be able to provide written advice on how patients can access nicotine replacement therapy and smoking cessation services
2.3 ‘Marginal’ Comorbidities
2.3.1 Obesity and Malnutrition
Formal evaluation and optimisation of nutritional status remains an often-neglected element of modern preoperative assessment [46]. This is despite a wealth of data linking malnutrition with poorer postoperative outcome. Surgical patients are at risk of malnutrition in the perioperative period for a range of reasons including: poor access to adequate nutrition whilst hospitalized, alimentary tract dysfunction, unmet calorific demand due to chronic neoplastic and inflammatory processes and disordered handling of nutrients from metabolic disturbance. The surgical insult itself constitutes a significant metabolic stress with documented increases in catabolism, insulin resistance and loss of muscle mass. Hence the optimisation of nutritional status prior to surgery lends itself as a potential means of improving perioperative outcomes [47, 48]. At the other extreme to this ‘undernourished malnourishment’, a rapidly increasing number of patients in the western world are presenting for surgical intervention in the context of obesity. Perioperative Implications
Excess catabolism in the perioperative period leads to a breakdown in lean muscle mass resulting in delayed recovery and an increased incidence of complications. An adequate nutritional status provides the bedrock to respond to the surgical insult and is intrinsically linked to the concepts of aerobic capacity and physical frailty. Beyond this fundamental requirement, nutritional strategies have expanded to address glucose control, modulation of the immune system and attenuation of the inflammatory process postoperatively. Patient Assessment
Defining the malnourished patient can be challenging. Established measures such as body mass index (BMI) remain useful with malnourished patients presenting at both extremes of the BMI scale. Whilst we might associate obese patients with an excessive intake of macronutrients, they are often found deficient in at least one micronutrient. In addition, lack of lean muscle mass is recognized as an independent marker of risk with patients at both the upper and lower extremes of BMI also likely to be sarcopaenic. Of note, the picture of ‘sarcopaenic obesity’ is particularly associated with prolonged ventilation and Critical Care admission alongside infectious complications. This has driven increased efforts to utilize cross sectional radiology to accurately assess the ratio of adipose to lean body tissue. The most substantial increase in risk is thought to emerge when BMI exceeds 30 kg/m2. The picture is complicated, however, by the emergence of an ‘obesity paradox’ whereby a BMI of 25–34 kg/m2 is seen to confer a degree of protection against perioperative complications [49]. Whilst this apparent protection has been documented across a wide variety of surgical (and indeed non-surgical) conditions, it is important to note that when the metabolic syndrome is also present, the risk profile is significantly elevated.
A leading risk scoring system validated in surgical populations for identification of ‘under-nourishment’ is the Nutritional Risk Screening Tool (NRS-2002) (Table 2.5) [50]. In one observational cohort study in which it was used to identify patients at high nutritional risk, preoperative nutritional supplementation of those patients, was associated with a 50 % drop in major postoperative morbidity.
Table 2.5
NRS-2002 for preoperative nutritional screening in surgical patients
Initial screening | |||
Yes | No | ||
1. | Is BMI <20.5? | ||
2. | Has the patient lost weight in the last 3 months | ||
3. | Has the patient had a reduced dietary intake in the last week? | ||
4. | Is the patient severely ill (e.g. requiring ICU) | ||
Answering ‘yes’ to any question should prompt further screening. Patients without any risk factors require regular re-screening and may still require a dedicated nutrition plan approaching major surgery if high risk. |
Further screening | |||
1. Assess nutritional status | 2. Assess disease severity (increased requirements) | ||
Score | Score | ||
Normal nutritional status | 0 | No increased requirement | 0 |
Weight loss >5 % in 3 months or Reduction in food intake 50–75 % in last week | 1 | Hip fracture Co-morbidities: Cirrhosis, COPD, haemodialysis, diabetes, malignancy | 1 |
Weight loss >5 % in 2 months or BMI 18.5–20.5 and general impaired condition or food intake 25–60 % of normal in last week | 2 | Major abdominal surgery Co-morbidities: Severe pneumonia, stroke, haematological malignancy | 2 |
Weight loss >5 % in 1 month or BMI <18.5 and general impaired condition or food intake 0–25 % of normal in last week | 3 | Head injury Bone marrow transplant ICU patients (APACHE >10) | 3 |
Nutritional status total | = | Disease severity total | = |
Total score Nutritional status total + disease severity total + 1 if age ≥70 (age-adjustment) | = | ||
Total score ≥3: Patient is nutritionally at risk and requires dedicated nutritional planning. Total score <3: Patient may require regular re-screening and may still require a dedicated nutrition plan approaching major surgery if high risk. |
Whilst an abnormally low BMI is associated with the greatest surgical risk, the obese surgical patient faces a different but equally serious range of perioperative complications [51]. Rather than the actual excess weight itself, these stem from the extensive range of comorbidities known to accompany an elevated BMI.
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) has a reported prevalence of up to 40 % in obese individuals and approximately 70 % of OSAS patients are obese. OSAS increases the risk of postoperative respiratory complications and the need for unplanned ventilation. This is in the context of a group of patients who have a significant reduction in longer-term survival mainly due to increased cardiovascular events, irrespective of whether they undergo surgery or not.
There is a sevenfold increase in the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the obese patient and over 90 % of patients with Type 2 diabetes are obese. The condition is associated with a wide range of postoperative complications, ranging from disturbances of the actual blood glucose concentration resulting in serious metabolic compromise to a significant increase in infectious complications.
Coronary heart disease and cardiomyopathy resulting in left ventricular systolic dysfunction are also significantly more prevalent in this population.
The metabolic syndrome describes the combination of insulin resistance resulting in low glucose tolerance, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and central obesity. It was first described as a syndrome in 1988 and has been associated with poorer outcomes in cardiac surgery with a reported prevalence of up to 50 % in this population [52].
In 1936 Hiram Studley was the first to report the relationship between poor nutritional status and adverse perioperative outcomes in a cohort of patients undergoing surgery for chronic peptic ulcer disease [53]. Since then, many observational studies have documented a clear association between undernourishment and poorer surgical outcomes. Malnutrition seems to confer a particular increase in the risk of infectious complications but it has also been, perhaps unsurprisingly, associated with increased mortality and hospital length of stay, increased Critical Care utilization, a decrease in long-term survival and delayed wound healing. Systematic incorporation of a comprehensive nutritional assessment prior to surgery is still disappointingly rare [54, 55].

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