Monitoring the plasma potassium (K+) level as an index of total body K+ is like evaluating the size of an iceberg by its visible tip, because less than 1% of the total body K+ is located in plasma (1). With this limitation in mind, this chapter describes the causes and consequences of abnormalities in the plasma K+ concentration (1,2,3).
I. Basics
A. Potassium Distribution
The intracellular preponderance of K+ is the result of a sodium-potassium (Na+-K+) exchange pump on cell membranes that moves Na+ out of cells and moves K+ into cells (1).
The total body K+ in healthy adults is about 50 mEq/kg, and only 2% is in the extracellular fluid (1). Since the plasma accounts for about 20% of the extracellular fluid, the K+ content of plasma is only 0.4% of the total body K+.
EXAMPLE: A 70 kg adult is expected to have a total body K+ of 3,500 mEq, with only 70 mEq K+ in the extracellular fluid, and a miniscule 14 mEq of K+ in plasma.
B. Plasma Potassium
The influence of changes in total body K+ on plasma K+ is described by the curve in Figure 28.1 (4). Note the
shape of the curve, with the flat portion in the region of K+ deficiency.
FIGURE 28.1 Relationship between changes in total body K+ and the serum K+ concentration. Redrawn from Reference 4.
In an average-sized adult with a normal plasma K+, a total body K+ deficit of 200–400 mEq is required to produce a 1 mEq/L decrease in plasma K+, while a total body K+ excess of 100–200 mEq is required to produce a 1 mEq/L increase in plasma K+ (5). Therefore, for a given change in serum K+, the change in total body K+ is twofold greater with K+ depletion (hypokalemia) than with K+ excess (hyperkalemia).
C. Potassium Excretion
Small amounts of K+ are lost in stool (5–10 mEq/day) and sweat (0–10 mEq/day), but the majority of K+ loss is in urine (40–120 mEq/day, depending on K+ intake) (1).
2. Renal Excretion
Most of the filtered K+ is reabsorbed in the proximal tubules, and K+ is then secreted in the distal tubules and collecting ducts (1).
Potassium loss in urine is primarily a function of K+ secretion in the distal nephron, which is controlled by plasma K+ and aldosterone (which stimulates K+ secretion as it promotes sodium retention).
When renal function is normal, the capacity for K+ excretion is great enough to prevent a sustained rise in plasma K+ in response to an increased K+ load (1).
II. Hypokalemia
Hypokalemia (plasma K+ <3.5 mEq/L) can be the result of K+ movement into cells (transcellular shift), or a decrease in total body K+ (K+ depletion) (6).
A. Transcellular Shift
The following conditions can result in hypokalemia from K+ movement into cells.
Inhaled β2-agonist bronchodilators (e.g., albuterol) can produce a mild decrease in plasma K+ (≤0.5 mEq/L) in therapeutic doses (7). The mechanism is stimulation of β2 receptors on cell membranes of myocytes in skeletal muscle. The effect on plasma K+ is magnified when inhaled β2 agonists are used in combination with insulin (7) or diuretics (8).
Alkalosis can promote the intracellular movement of K+ in exchange for intracellular H+ via a membrane H+-K+ exchange pump. However, alkalosis has a variable and unpredictable effect on plasma K+ (9).
Hypothermia causes a transient drop in plasma K+ that resolves on rewarming (10).
Insulin drives K+ into cells via the glucose transporter, and the effect lasts 1–2 hours (7).
B. Potassium Depletion
Potassium depletion can be the result of K+ loss via the kidneys or GI tract.
1. Renal Potassium Loss
Diuretics (thiazides and loop diuretics) promote K+ secretion in the distal nephron via two mechanisms: (a) increased sodium delivery to the distal nephron, and (b) enhanced aldosterone secretion (from volume loss) (6).
Magnesium depletion is a well-known cause of enhanced urinary K+ loss, but the exact mechanism is unclear (6). Hypomagnesemia is found in about 40% of patients with hypokalemia (6), and is considered an important factor in promoting K+ depletion in critically ill patients (11).
Loss of gastric secretions is often accompanied by hypokalemia (11). Gastric secretions have a relatively low concentration of K+ (10–15 mEq/L), but the resulting volume loss and alkalosis promote K+ loss in the urine (12).
Amphotericin B promotes K+ secretion in the distal nephron, and hypokalemia occurs in up to half of patients treated with this antifungal agent (6).
2. GI Potassium Loss
The major cause of extrarenal K+ loss is secretory diarrhea, where the concentration of K+ is 15–40 mEq/L (12). The daily stool volume can reach 10 liters in severe cases of secretory diarrhea, resulting in daily K+ losses up to 400 mEq (12).
3. Diagnostic Evaluation
If the source of the K+ loss is not evident, the urinary K+ and chloride concentrations can be useful, as shown in Figure 28.2.