9 Pharmacology of Anesthetic Drugs
An enormous body of literature has been accumulated describing the protean effects of the different anesthetic agents on the heart and the pulmonary and systemic regional vascular beds. The effects on the heart, especially, have spawned innumerable publications. More recently, this has been because of the great interest in anesthesia-induced preconditioning (APC). However, even before the initial description of APC, the literature detailing the influence of anesthetic agents on the myocardium was prodigious and not always consistent.1–3 This likely reflected not only the challenges inherent in quantitating the direct effects of volatile agents on the myocyte/myocardium, but the presence of several potential confounding variables including effects on coronary blood flow (CBF), the systemic vasculature, and the baroreceptor reflex arc. This chapter divides the discussion of the effects of volatile agents, fixed agents, and narcotics on the cardiovascular system (CVS) into those that involve acute and delayed effects. Under acute effects, the influence of anesthetic agents is described on: (1) myocardial function, (2) electrophysiology, (3) coronary vasoregulation, (4) systemic and pulmonary vasoregulation, and (5) the baroreceptor reflex. Within delayed effects, the focus is on APC.
Volatile agents

Acute Effects
Myocardial Function
The influence of volatile anesthetics on contractile function has been investigated extensively in several animal species and in humans using various in vitro and in vivo models.4–11 In general, it is now widely agreed that volatile agents cause dose-dependent depression of contractile function (Box 9-1). Moreover, different volatile agents are not identical in this regard and the preponderance of information indicates that halothane and enflurane exert equal but more potent myocardial depression than do isoflurane, desflurane, or sevoflurane. This reflects, in part, reflex sympathetic activation with the latter agents. It is also widely accepted that in the setting of preexisting myocardial depression, volatile agents have a greater effect than in normal myocardium.12,13 Early studies indicating that volatile agents may not have a deleterious effect on function in the setting of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) likely reflected the fact that the limited infarction did not compromise overall myocardial function.14,15 At the cellular level, volatile anesthetics exert their negative inotropic effects, mainly by modulating sarcolemmal (SL) L-type Ca++ channels, the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and the contractile proteins. L-type Ca++ currents are decreased and, secondarily, SR Ca++ release is depressed (Figures 9-1 and 9-2).16 Moreover, the contractile response to lower Ca++ levels is further attenuated in the presence of volatile agents in that the response is decreased by volatile agents at any given Ca++ level; that is, volatile agents also decrease Ca++ sensitivity (Figure 9-3).16 However, the mechanisms whereby anesthetic agents modify ion channels are not completely understood. Ion channels usually are studied in ex vivo circumstances in which, by definition, multiple modulating influences of the specific channel under study may be altered. Moreover, these studies frequently are undertaken in nonhuman tissue. Well-recognized species differences make extrapolation to humans difficult.17 Nitrous oxide causes direct mild myocardial depression but also causes sympathetic activation.18
BOX 9-1. Volatile Anesthetic Agents
It is well recognized that even in the setting of normal systolic function, diastolic dysfunction occurs with increasing frequency in the elderly and is an important cause of congestive heart failure (CHF).19–25 Diastolic dysfunction and its more severe clinical counterpart, diastolic heart failure, have protean causative factors and can be mechanistically complex23 (Table 9-1). However, the mechanisms underlying these conditions can be categorized into those involving alterations in myocardial relaxation (e.g., SR Ca++ handling, phospholamban), those related to intrinsic properties of myocardial tissue (e.g., myocyte cytoskeletal elements), and those that are extramyocardial (e.g., loading conditions). Indices of diastolic function were not readily and reliably measured noninvasively in the past; hence the relatively more recent recognition and description of diastolic dysfunction and diastolic heart failure compared with perturbations in systolic function. This likely also explains the relative paucity of literature detailing the modulating effects of volatile agents on diastolic function. There is reasonable agreement in the literature that volatile agents prolong isovolumic relaxation and do so in a dose-dependent manner.21,22,26–30 The effects of volatile agents on chamber stiffness are more controversial; for example, halothane has been reported to both decrease compliance and have no effect on myocardial stiffness.21,22,26,28–31 The effect of nitrous oxide on diastolic function has not been investigated in a manner that critically rules out confounding variables. At a molecular level, alterations in relaxation likely reflect modulation of Ca++ currents, including SR Ca++ reuptake mechanisms. Paradoxically, in the setting of reperfusion injury and Ca++ overload, the volatile agent sevoflurane improves indices of diastolic relaxation and attenuates myoplasmic Ca++ overload.32
TABLE 9-1 Diastolic Heart Failure: Mechanisms and Causes
Abnormalities of myocardial relaxation |
Ischemia |
Hypertrophy |
Hypertension |
Valvular heart disease |
Abnormalities of myocardial compliance |
Aging |
Fibrosis |
Hypertrophy |
Diabetes mellitus |
Metabolic syndrome |
Infiltrative disorders—amyloidosis |
Cardiomyopathies |
Constrictive pericarditis |
Cardiac Electrophysiology
The molecular mechanisms underlying this effect of volatile anesthetics are poorly understood. Anesthetic agent–induced modulation of ion channels is important mechanistically in excitation-contraction coupling (vide supra), in preconditioning (vide infra), and in modulating automaticity and arrhythmia generation17 (Table 9-2). Although the effects of any particular volatile agent on a specific cardiac ion channel may have been characterized, this does not allow a ready extrapolation into clinical situations. This partly reflects those issues already discussed (species differences, ex vivo studies) but also the recognition that it is impossible to predict the arrhythmogenic effect that might ensue after modulation with a particular volatile agent. This should be one of the lessons garnered from the experience with the antiarrhythmic drugs such as encainide and flecainide.33 Moreover, even in the clinical setting, not all volatile agents have the same effect.34
Coronary Vasoregulation
Animal studies indicate that halothane has little direct effect on the coronary vasculature.35–37 Likewise, clinical studies investigating the effect of halothane indicate that it has either minimal or mild coronary vasodilator effects.38–41 The effect of isoflurane on coronary vessels was controversial and dominated much of the literature in this area in the 1980s and early 1990s. The current assessments of the effects of isoflurane have been succinctly detailed by Tanaka et al.42 Several reports have indicated that it caused direct coronary arteriolar vasodilatation in vessels of 100 μm or less, and that isoflurane could cause “coronary steal” in patients with “steal-prone” coronary anatomy; that is, in patients with significant coronary stenosis in a vessel subserving a region of ischemic myocardium, when, presumably, vessels were maximally dilated because of local metabolic autoregulation, and in whom isoflurane-induced vasodilatation in adjacent vessels resulted in diversion of coronary flow away from the ischemic region.43,44 Several animal and human studies in which potential confounding variables were controlled indicated clearly that isoflurane did not cause coronary steal.45–51 Studies of sevoflurane and desflurane showed similar results and are consistent with a mild direct coronary vasodilator effect of these agents.52,53
Ultimately, CBF (in the setting of normal systemic hemodynamics) is controlled by coronary vascular smooth muscle tone, which can be modulated directly (endothelium-independent) or indirectly via the endothelium (endothelium-dependent). Teleologically, it can be predicted that in vital organs, control of blood flow is predominantly local, acting through either endothelium-dependent or -independent mechanisms. Thus, volatile agents have the capacity to modulate mechanisms underlying vascular tone: (1) Halothane and isoflurane have been shown to attenuate endothelial-dependent tone (by receptor-dependent and receptor-dependent plus -independent mechanisms, respectively) in coronary microvessels54; (2) several volatile agents cause coronary vasodilation via K+ATP-channel–dependent mechanisms54–57; and (3) sevoflurane induced K+– and Ca++-channel–mediated increases in coronary collateral blood flow.58 The effects in vivo are likely to be modest because local control mechanisms are likely to predominate.
Systemic Regional and Pulmonary Vascular Effects
Reversible inhibition of endothelium-dependent relaxation in aortic and femoral vessels was first demonstrated for halothane and also has been demonstrated for enflurane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane in both capacitance and resistance vessels.54,59–63 However, these observations mask the differential effects of volatile agents on underlying endothelium-dependent mechanisms. Halothane and enflurane decrease agonist (bradykinin) and ATP-induced Ca++ increases in bovine endothelial cells, whereas isoflurane does not.64 In contrast, isoflurane does attenuate histamine-induced Ca++ influx into human endothelial cells.65 Alterations in endothelium-dependent mechanisms by volatile agents are not confined to attenuation of agonist-dependent and -independent activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and nitric oxide (NO) release but also may extend to other mechanisms. For example, the effects of sevoflurane on endothelial cell function may be partially because of sevoflurane-induced changes in endothelin-1 (ET-1) production and in the redox milieu of the endothelial cells (i.e., increased superoxide anion production).66
The effect of volatile agents on vascular smooth muscle mechanisms is equally complex and varies among agents. In endothelial cell–denuded aortic rings, halothane decreases both SL Ca++ influx via voltage-dependent calcium channels and SR Ca++ release, but sevoflurane does not.67 Sevoflurane also inhibits angiotensin II–induced vascular smooth muscle contraction in aortic rings.68 In mesenteric vessels, sevoflurane accentuates endothelium-dependent mechanisms and attenuates endothelium-independent mechanisms in the presence of norepinephrine.69 Studies of the influence of volatile agents on vascular smooth muscle Ca++ currents indicate that both halothane and enflurane stimulate SR release and reuptake from the caffeine-sensitive pool. In contrast, halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane all increase calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) mechanisms, but sevoflurane decreases CICR mechanisms.70 Finally, volatile agents also have been demonstrated to modulate Ca++ sensitivity. In mesenteric vessels, halothane relaxation is largely mediated by Ca++ and myosin light-chain desensitizing mechanisms.71
The pulmonary circulation has unique features that must be taken into account when interpreting studies of this vascular bed. In addition to those issues that also apply to systemic vascular beds (vessel size, etc.), the pulmonary vasculature is a low-resistance bed (requiring preconstriction to access vasoactive effects), is not rectilinear (thus, changes in flow per se can change certain parameters used to calculate resistance), is contained within the chest (and thus subject to extravascular pressures, which are not atmospheric and change during the respiratory cycle), and exhibits the unique vascular phenomenon of hypoxia-induced vasoconstriction. It is clear that volatile agents modulate not only the baseline pulmonary vasculature but also multiple vasoactive mechanisms that control pulmonary vascular tone. Moreover, the effect of volatile agents is agent specific. For example, halothane causes flow-independent pulmonary vasoconstriction.72 In contrast, the hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstrictor response does not appear to be altered by at least two currently used volatile agents: sevoflurane and desflurane.73 The pulmonary vascular endothelial response appears to be impaired by the volatile agents halothane and isoflurane.74,75 Finally, pulmonary vascular smooth muscle regulatory mechanisms also can be modified by volatile agents. Halothane, enflurane, and isoflurane all attenuate pulmonary vasodilatation induced by K+ATP channel activation.76,77 Although the effects of the different volatile agents on K+ATP-channel activation are similar, β-adrenergic receptor–induced pulmonary vasodilatation is differently modulated. Halothane and isoflurane potentiate the vasodilatory response, but enflurane has no effect.78
Baroreceptor Reflex
All volatile agents attenuate the baroreceptor reflex. Baroreceptor reflex inhibition by halothane and enflurane is more potent than that observed with isoflurane, desflurane, or sevoflurane, each of which has a similar effect.79,80 Each component of the baroreceptor reflex arc (afferent nerve activity, central processing, efferent nerve activity) is inhibited by volatile agents. Inhibition of afferent nerve traffic results, in part, from baroreceptor sensitization,81,82 whereas attenuation of efferent activity is due, in part, to ganglionic inhibition as manifest by differential preganglionic and postganglionic nerve activity.81–83

Delayed Effects
Reversible Myocardial Ischemia
Prolonged ischemia results in irreversible myocardial damage and necrosis (Box 9-2). Shorter durations of myocardial ischemia can, depending on the duration and sequence of ischemic insults, lead to either preconditioning or myocardial stunning (Figure 9-4).84 Stunning, first described in 1975, occurs after brief ischemia and is characterized by myocardial dysfunction in the setting of normal restored blood flow and by an absence of myocardial necrosis.85 Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) was first described by Murry et al86 in 1986 and is characterized by an attenuation in infarct size after sustained ischemia, if this period of sustained ischemia is preceded by a period of brief ischemia (Figure 9-5). Moreover, this effect is independent of collateral flow. Thus, short periods of ischemia followed by reperfusion can lead to either stunning or preconditioning with a reduction in infarct size (Figure 9-6).84
BOX 9-2 Volatile Agents and Myocardial Ischemia

Figure 9-5 Infarct size and collateral blood flow in the 40-minute study.
(From Warltier DC, al-Wathiqui MH, Kampine JP, et al: Recovery of contractile function of stunned myocardium in chronically instrumented dogs is enhanced by halothane or isoflurane, Anesthesiology 69:552, 1988.)

Figure 9-6 Schematic of stunning and preconditioning.
(From Kloner RA, Jennings RB: Consequences of brief ischemia: stunning, preconditioning, and their clinical implications, Part I, Circulation 104:2981, 2001.)
As discussed previously, work in the 1970s indicated that volatile anesthetic agents attenuated ST-segment elevations in the setting of short-duration ischemia and limited infarct size and lactate production after prolonged ischemia.87,88 Moreover, these effects seemed to be independent of the main determinants of myocardial oxygen supply and demand, and suggested that the volatile agents may be exerting a beneficial effect at the level of the myocyte. On resolution of the isoflurane “coronary steal” controversy, the first description of the salutary effects of volatile agents on the consequences of brief ischemia was made in 1988. Warltier and coworkers89 described the beneficial effects of halothane and isoflurane in facilitating the recovery of contractile function in stunned myocardium (Figure 9-7). However, it was almost a decade later before the effects of volatile agents on preconditioning were outlined2,3 and the term APC was used1 (Figure 9-8).
The phenomenon of and the mechanisms underlying IPC are the focus of extensive investigation. IPC has the following characteristics: (1) results in two periods (termed windows) of protection—the first (termed early or classic) occurs at 1 to 3 hours, and the second (termed late or delayed) occurs 24 to 96 hours after the preconditioning stimulus; (2) occurs also in noncardiac tissue, such as brain and kidney; (3) is ubiquitous across species; (4) is most pronounced in larger species with lower metabolism and slower heart rates (HRs); (5) seems to be important clinically because angina within the 24-hour period preceding an AMI is associated with an improved outcome (Figure 9-9)90; and (6) is mediated by multiple endogenous signaling pathways91 (Figure 9-10).92 As might be predicted from the time frame of delayed IPC, it is mediated, at least in part, by transcriptional and posttranslational mechanisms91 (Figure 9-11). Finally, and of the utmost importance, preconditioning can be triggered by events other than ischemia (cellular stress of various forms, pharmacologic agonists, anesthetic agents; see Figure 9-11).91 Moreover, the benefits of IPC are not necessarily confined to and may not include limitation of infarct size, and depend on the specific trigger for IPC, the species under study, and classic versus delayed IPC. For example, rapid pacing affords protection against arrhythmias but not against infarct evolution. In contrast, cytokine-induced IPC limits infarct size but has no effect on arrhythmias.91 Different triggers of IPC modulating different end points suggest that, although there are fundamental mechanisms common to various triggers of IPC, there also exist mechanistic differences across triggers. Thus, APC may not be identical to IPC mechanistically.

Figure 9-10 Investigated signaling pathways (full lines).
(From Feng J, Lucchinetti E, Ahuja P, et al: Isoflurane postconditioning prevents opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore through inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3β, Anesthesiology 103:987–995, 2005.)
Anesthetic Agents: Pre- and Post-Conditioning
This is an area of intense investigation as reflected by two issues of Anesthesiology being devoted predominantly to the subject.93,94 After the initial description of APC,1–3 subsequent investigations have indicated that volatile agents can elicit delayed (late), as well as classic (early), preconditioning.95,96 Moreover, APC is dose dependent,97–99 exhibits synergy with ischemia in affording protection,100,101 and perhaps not surprisingly, in view of differential uptake and distribution of volatile agents, has been demonstrated to require different time intervals between exposure and the maintenance of a subsequent benefit that is agent dependent42 (see Chapters 6 and 7).
The contributions of both SL and mitochondrial K+ATP channels in IPC have been extensively investigated, and it is now widely agreed that mitochondrial K+ATP channels play a critical role in this process. Volatile agents that exhibit APC activate mitochondrial K+ATP channels, and this effect is blocked by specific mitochondrial K+ATP channel antagonists. However, the precise relative contributions of SL versus mitochondrial K+ATP channel activation to APC remain to be elucidated (Figure 9-12).42 The original descriptions of APC indicated that volatile agents can trigger preconditioning without concurrent ischemia during the “triggering” period1–3 (see Figure 9-8). However, studies of mitochondrial activation (via mitochondrial K+ATP channels) indicate that volatile agents on their own do not activate mitochondria but do potentiate the effects of direct mitochondrial K+ATP channel openers99 (Figure 9-13). These apparent inconsistencies are likely explained by the presence of multiple parallel and redundant pathways activated during APC (and IPC)96 (see Figure 9-12). For example, it is now well established that the adenosine A-1 and δ1 opioid G-coupled receptors can trigger IPC. Moreover, pharmacologic blockade of these receptors attenuates the positive effects of volatile agents.98,102 Protein kinase C (PKC) and the nuclear signaling pathway, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), are important signaling pathways in preconditioning, and volatile agents have been shown to modulate at least PKC translocation.103 Oxidant stress is a central feature of reperfusion and, depending on the specific moiety, the enzymatic source and, most importantly, the oxidant stress load may trigger preconditioning on the one hand or mediate reperfusion injury on the other. Both indirect and direct evidence indicate that volatile agents can increase oxidant stress to levels that trigger preconditioning.104–106
Activation of eNOS also has been shown to play a role, as has depolarization of the mitochondrial internal membrane.107 This may prevent the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) and inhibit Na+-H+ exchange, attenuating Ca+2 overload and cell edema.107 Inhibition of mitochondrial permeability by APC has been suggested to decrease myocyte death, and PKC also has been thought to play a role in IPC-induced delay of MPTP opening.108,109 For the first time, a recent study demonstrates that isoflurane has been shown to activate PKC-dependent signaling pathways resulting in the delay of MPTP opening,110 suggesting a possible mechanism for isoflurane in APC. With respect to postconditioning, Ge et al111 demonstrated that NO may, in fact, act as both a trigger and a mediator for isoflurane-induced cardiac protection in mouse hearts. This implies that an eNOS-dependent mechanism prevents the opening of the MPT pore, although other pathways including glycogen synthase kinase-3β also have been implicated (Figure 9-14).92,111
It is clear that mitochondrial activation attenuates ischemia-induced oxidant stress, favorably modulates mitochondrial energetics, decreases cytochrome c egress into the cytoplasm, and attenuates mitochondrial and cytoplasmic Ca++ overload. Mitochondrial cytochrome c release is one of the important mechanisms underlying caspase activation, and thus the apoptotic process112 (Figure 9-15). Whether by Ca++-mediated or by apoptotic mechanisms, or both, volatile agents clearly attenuate cell death in models of APC101 (Figure 9-16). Although the mechanisms underlying mitochondrial activation have been aggressively studied, they remain incompletely understood. Finally, these salutary effects of volatile agents seem to have a clinical correlate101 (Figure 9-17).

Figure 9-15 Center stage in apoptosis.
(Reprinted from Finkel E: The mitochondrion: is it central to apoptosis? Science 292(5517):624–626, 2001. Illustration: C. Slayden, Copyright 2001 AAAS.)
The use of volatile anesthetics also can alter outcomes after cardiac surgery. A meta-analysis by Landoni et al113 demonstrated a significant reduction in postoperative myocardial infarction after cardiac surgery, as well as significant advantages with respect to postoperative cardiac troponin release, inotrope requirements, time to extubation, intensive care unit stay, hospital stay, and survival. Furthermore, another meta-analysis by Bignami et al114 demonstrated that the use of volatile anesthetics may, in fact, have a beneficial role with respect to mortality after cardiac surgery. The duration of the volatile anesthetic exposure seemed to have some impact—the longer the exposure, the greater the effect. De Hert et al115 demonstrated the cardioprotective effects of volatile anesthetics if used throughout the surgical procedure rather than only before and after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB).
Intravenous induction agents
Unlike the inhalation anesthetic agents that augment IPC, there is no good evidence that the intravenous hypnotic agents demonstrate these protective effects. There is, however, emerging evidence that propofol, the mainstay of induction agents, may enhance antioxidant activity in the heart and thus may prevent lipid peroxidation after ischemia/reperfusion, offering a potential protective effect on the heart.116

Acute cardiac effects
Myocardial Contractility
The effect of the agents may be species dependent, thus further confounding the literature regarding mechanism. For instance, van Klarenbosch et al117 demonstrated that in contrast with rat, propofol directly depresses myocardial contractility in isolated muscle preparations from guinea pig, probably by decreasing trans-SL Ca++ influx. However, there was little influence of propofol on Ca++ handling by the SR or on the contractile proteins in rat. In one of the few human studies using isolated atrial muscle tissue (Figure 9-18), no inhibition of myocardial contractility was found in the clinical concentration ranges of propofol, midazolam, and etomidate. In contrast, thiopental showed strong negative inotropic properties, whereas ketamine showed slight negative inotropic properties (Figure 9-19). Thus, negative inotropic effects may explain, in part, the cardiovascular depression on induction of anesthesia with thiopental but not with propofol, midazolam, and etomidate. Improvement of hemodynamics after induction of anesthesia with ketamine cannot, therefore, be explained by intrinsic cardiac stimulation but is a function of sympathoexcitation.118
The effect of drugs such as propofol also may be affected by the underlying myocardial pathology.119,120 For instance, Sprung et al120 determined the direct effects of propofol on the contractility of human nonfailing atrial and failing atrial and ventricular muscles obtained from the failing human hearts of transplant patients or from nonfailing hearts of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG). They concluded that propofol exerts a direct negative inotropic effect in nonfailing and failing human myocardium, but only at concentrations larger than typical clinical concentrations. Negative inotropic effects are reversible with β-adrenergic stimulation, suggesting that propofol does not alter the contractile reserve but may shift the dose responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation. The negative inotropic effect of propofol is at least partially mediated by decreased Ca++ uptake into the SR; however, the net effect of propofol on contractility is insignificant at clinical concentrations because of a simultaneous increase in the sensitivity of the myofilaments to activator Ca++.120
Molecular Mechanisms: Adrenergic Signaling, Ca++ Influx, and Ca++ Sensitivity
There are a number of suggested molecular mechanisms by which a drug such as propofol may alter cardiac contractility. Propofol may inhibit cardiac L-type calcium current by interacting with the dihydropyridine-binding site121 (Figure 9-20A), with resultant alteration in developed tension (see Figure 9-20B). Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, propofol may alter adrenergic signaling in cardiac myocytes. Experiments in membranes and cardiac preparations isolated from rat heart demonstrate that relatively high concentrations of propofol (25 to 200 μmol/L) are required to antagonize β-adrenoceptor binding and tissue responsiveness.122 Kurokawa et al123 observed that clinically relevant concentrations of propofol attenuated β-adrenergic signal transduction in cardiac myocytes via inhibition of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production (Figure 9-21). The inhibitory site of action of propofol appears to be upstream of adenylyl cyclase and involves activation of PKCα.