Fig. 2.1
The structure of the fibrinolytic system is shown in this fig. It is possible to observe those plasminogen activators, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, plasminogen, plasmin, and α2-antiplasmin role in fibrinogen degradation
Historical Development
The history of thrombolysis as therapy for a cardiovascular disease induced by thrombosis began in 1933 when Tillet observed that Lancefield group A beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated from patients produced a fibrinolytic substance that could be used to dissolve fibrinous exudate (Table 2.1). At this time he did not have biochemical expertise and technology to attempt to isolate and purify the streptococcal fibrinolytic [5].
Table 2.1
Milestones in historical development of streptokinase
Author and year | Contribution |
Tillet (1933) | Streptococcal fibrinolysis |
Milestone (1941) | Plasma lysing factor |
Christensen (1945) | Plasminogen discovery and streptokinase name |
Christensen (1946) | First streptokinase use in a human |
Johnson (1952) | Streptokinase lysis experimental venous thrombosis |
Sherry (1954) | Two-step reaction with human plasminogen or plasmin |
Sherry (1957) | Streptokinase loading dose and prolonged infusion |
Johnson (1957) | Streptokinase systemic action |
Fletcher (1958) | Streptokinase in ST-elevation myocardial infarction |
Browse and James (1964) | First PE patient submitted to successful streptokinase infusion |
Eight years later, Milstone observed the necessity of a plasmatic factor for streptococcal-mediated fibrinolysis; this factor was named “plasma lysing factor” [6]. The next advance took place in 1945 when Christensen discovered the mechanism of streptococcal fibrinolysis. His observations showed that plasma contained the precursor of an enzyme system, which he named “plasminogen”, while the streptococcal fibrinolysis was renamed as streptokinase. He described an activator in the conversion of plasminogen to the proteolytic and fibrinolytic enzyme, plasmin [7]. Additionally, this researcher observed that plasmin could digest fibrinogen as well as fibrin and that the action of plasmin was buffered by the presence of inhibitors in plasma [8].
In 1946, Christensen provided the first partially purified preparations of streptokinase with the potential for therapeutic use in humans. The clinical model to start the research in humans was hemothorax and empyema, with serial chest X-ray examinations identifying the effect, and sampling of removed fluid for analysis. In 1949, the first in-vivo demonstration of the lysis of clotted human blood was reported in a young man with a loculated hemothorax. Six hour after injecting 400,000 units of streptokinase into the chest [9] (Table 2.1), fluoroscopy revealed the breakdown of all loculations and free mobility of the fluid within the chest. Then, 1300 mL of lysed coagulum were removed and the symptoms and signs of infection disappeared. However, in spite this result, the major interest in the development of streptokinase was for its use in the treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (acute coronary thrombosis) a common medical problem with high in-hospital mortality (≥30 %). Several eminent pathologists in the 1930s had pointed out that the most common cause of ST-elevation myocardial infarction was thrombus superimposed in the surface of atheromatous plaque.
At the beginning of decade of the 50s, Johnson showed that experimental thrombi in rabbit ear veins could be dissolved by the intravenous administration of streptokinase [10]. Soon afterwards, Kline developed a technique, which allowed for a considerable purification of plasminogen [11]. In 1954 the two-step reaction involving streptokinase with human plasminogen or plasmin in the mediation of fibrinolysis was disclosed [12]. This mechanism, is first an immediate and stoichiometric formation of streptokinase-plasminogen or streptokinase-plasmin complex, resulting in the formation of an activator of plasminogen and, second, the kinetic activation of uncomplexed plasminogen to plasmin.
The late 1950s were a very productive period for the development of thrombolytic therapy with streptokinase. An important step was to decide whether to use plasminogen activator like streptokinase or the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin. Several observations including physiological observations and enzyme specificity, both in-vitro and in-vivo concluded that plasminogen activators would be more successful as thrombolytic agents than the proteolytic enzyme plasmin. A key finding was the demonstration that the primary and most sensitive mechanism for thrombolysis was the activation of the plasminogen, which became bound to fibrin during the clotting process (Fig. 2.2). Additionally, the intravenous infusion of a plasminogen activator like streptokinase would result in two different actions: its diffusion into a thrombus would result in clot lysis, but the streptokinase would also activate plasminogen in the systemic circulation, producing fibrinogenolysis and an impaired hemostatic mechanism.

Fig. 2.2
The primary and most sensitive mechanism for thrombolysis is plasminogen activation, which was bound to fibrin during the clotting process
In the meantime, purified preparations of streptokinase were developed. These were well tolerated by patients in the absence of trauma or invasive procedures with few bleeding complications. In 1957, Sherry and colleagues [13] reported the rational approach to thrombolysis with streptokinase, which involved a loading dose and a sustained infusion sufficient to raise the clot-dissolving activity of plasma several hundred fold. Once the plasma plasminogen was exhausted, fibrinogen levels began to rise even though the streptokinase infusion was maintained without changes. The same year, Johnson and colleagues [10] demonstrated a similar system effective in dissolving experimental thrombi in human volunteers. This model included the insertion of a needle into a lower forearm vein with trauma to the intima. Venography showed a thrombus formation which subsequently extended up to the antecubital fossa. An intravenous infusion of streptokinase into the opposite arm mostly resulted in lysis of the clot and the reestablishment of the patency of the vessel.
In 1958, the first study using intravenous streptokinase (30-h infusion) in ST-elevation myocardial infarction was reported [14]. Patients treated within the first 14 h after onset symptoms had a very low in-hospital mortality compared with those treated among 20–72 h. These successful results were reproduced in a three-article series [15–17] and provided the basis for the use of plasminogen activators as thrombolytic agents in cardiovascular and pleural disorders [18].
First PE Patient Submitted to Streptokinase
Browse and James [19], in 1964, published the first cohort of PE patients submitted to thrombolysis with streptokinase. The first case, a 56-year-old man with history of recurrent deep vein thrombosis who was under long-term (9 month) anticoagulation treatment with phenindione and stopped treatment 18 months before of the new acute PE event. A month before admission he had clinical signs of left deep venous thrombosis, breathlessness, and palpitations. Three days before admission breathlessness worsened and he had syncope. When admitted in emergency room with severe chest pain, clinical examination showed respiratory failure, jugular distention, hypotension (80/75 mmHg), and ankle edema. Electrocardiogram had T wave inversion in leads V1, V2, and V3. Clinical diagnosis of PE was established and treatment with heparin, oxygen, and vasopressors was started. On the fourth day, the clinical conditions worsened despite treatment with heparin. On electrocardiogram, right ventricular strain was identified. Streptokinase was given on the fifth, sixth, and seventh days in 8-h intravenous infusion of two mega units each. A maintenance dose about 70,000 units per hour to maintain a reasonably high level of fibrinolytic activity was considered. As adjunctive treatment prednisone 15 mg daily and 10,000 units of heparin was given intravenously between the infusions and during 2 days after treatment. Given the history of recurrent deep venous thrombosis, long-term anticoagulation with phenindione was considered. On the sixth day, blood pressure returned to normal, however the dyspnea was worse and chest pain remained. Twenty-four hours after he has been kept on phenindione, and had good outcome.
This case exemplifies how long-term streptokinase infusion was successful in a massive PE patient. Previous experience in streptokinase development allowed to establish dose and time infusion.
Mechanisms of Action and Challenges of Streptokinase
Streptokinase was the first thrombolytic developed for therapeutic use in the United States, using material purified from culture filtrates of the H46A isolate of Streptococcus equisimilis (Lancefield Group C). All commercial streptokinase currently available for human use is derived from this strain [1]. In the 1960s, European pharmaceutical companies conducted the first clinical trial in humans [20]. At this time, the Committee on Biological Standardization of the World Health Organization identified the need for international standards (IS) for streptokinase potency measurement. Four years later the international unit (IU) for this fibrinolytic was defined as an activity contained in 0.002090 mg of the first IS [1].
Streptokinase is a nonenzyme protein with molecular weight of 47,000 Da produced by β-hemolytic streptococci, which indirectly activates the fibrinolytic system. The drug forms a 1:1 stoichiometric complex with plasminogen which exposes and activates a site in the modified plasminogen moiety, whereby the complex becomes a potent plasminogen activator. The main difference with fibrin-specific fibrinolytics is that streptokinase causes an indirect conformational change in the plasminogen molecule, which then acts as plasmin [1].
Currently, streptokinase remains as the most widely used thrombolytic agent and it is now produced in many developing countries, being an attractive therapeutic option because of its low cost. As a bacterial product, it is immunogenic, which may reduce the effectiveness, and/or cause allergic reactions. Other agents (fibrin-specific) are now generally more used in developed nations. The quality of streptokinase in Europe is maintained and well regulated; however, this could not be the same in developing countries [1] possibly with large discrepancies in activity, purity, and composition. Recently, a wide range of streptokinase products used in India, South Korea, South America, and the Middle East were monitored. The main observation was the poor quality control used to treat ST-elevation myocardial infarction. In this result, deterioration of product during transport was ruled out [21]. Another point to consider is whether patients surviving treatment with suboptimal streptokinase dose will develop antibodies compromising future treatments or poor outcome; this remains as an open question.
Another major source of concern is the standardization of recombinant streptokinase. Several companies are producing recombinant streptokinase engineered in an attempt to reduce immunogenicity, and others are developing new variants of this agent to improve fibrin-specificity. It is known that small changes in the sequence of native streptokinase at the amino and carboxy terminals can significantly impact the activity and fibrin-dependence. Streptokinase in short-dose and long-term peripheral vein infusion have been approved by FDA for the treatment of massive PE patients (Table 2.2). Table shows FDA-approved and non-approved thrombolytic regimens. In the contemporary era, streptokinase in 1,500,000 IU short-term one-hour infusion by peripheral vein was the first regimen that improved in-hospital mortality in severe right ventricular dysfunction PE patients in a controlled-randomized trial [22].
Table 2.2
Thrombolytic regimens
Approved by FDA | |
Streptokinase | 250,000 IU, bolus in 30 min follow by 100,000 IU/h/24 h |
Urokinase | 4400 U/kg initial bolus and then 4400 U/kg/12–24 h |
Alteplase | 100 mg in 2-h infusion |
Not approved by FDA | |
Urokinase | 3,000,000 U in 2-h infusion |
Urokinase | 15,000 U/kg in 10 min |
Streptokinase | 1,500,000 IU in 1 or 2-h infusion |
Reteplase | 10 U double bolus every 30 min |
Alteplase | 20 mg bolus followed 80 mg in one-hour infusion |
Alteplase | 50 mg in 1 or 2-h infusion (patients >50 kg) |
Tenecteplase | Bolus mg/kg in 5 or 10 s |
aUltrasound plus alteplase | 17.2–35.1 mg in 14–33.2 h infusion |
Recombinant Human Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator
Historical Development
At the beginning of 1947 the first experimental report showing that animal tissues contained an agent—originally named fibrinokinase—that could activate plasminogen was published [23] (Table 2.3). In 1952, Astrup and colleagues [24] obtained a soluble fibrinolytic activator from animal tissues using strong chaotropic agents. Through studies on the human turnover plasminogen performed in the early 70s, it was possible to identify the main physiological plasmin inhibitor: α2-antiplasmin [25]. In the same decade, the experimental studies of Reich and colleagues [26] revealed that malignant tumors frequently secrete plasminogen activator activity and that their malignancy correlated with the level of malignant protease secreted.
Table 2.3
Milestones in historical development of tissue-type plasminogen activator
Author and year | Contribution |
Astrup (1947) | An agent that induces activation of plasminogen was observed: fibrinokinase |
Astrup (1952) | Discovery and identification of α2-antiplasmin |
Reich (1970) | Plasminogen discovery and streptokinase name |
Reich (1970) | Malignant tumors secrete plasminogen activator activity |
Collen (1975) | Malignant plasminogen activator |
Collen (1978) | Plasminogen activator obtained from cell line |
Collen (1979) | Purify plasminogen activator from melanoma cell culture fluid |
Rijken (1979) | Method for purification of plasminogen activator from human uterus |
Matsuo (1981) | Effective thrombolysis in experimental model |
Bergman (1983) | Selective coronary thrombolysis in dogs |
Van de Werf (1984) | Coronary thrombolysis in ST-elevation myocardial infarction |
Bounameaux (1985) | First angiographic massive PE patient under recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator |
Shortly after that, it was demonstrated that the protease activity could be inhibited by plasma α2-antiplasmin. The intention was to develop low-molecular weight inhibitor bases on the reactive site sequence of α2-antiplasmin. The kinetics of inhibition of malignant plasminogen activators source was reviewed and, totally serendipitously, some conditioned culture medium of a melanoma cell line was obtained in 1975, proving to be an excellent source of the malignant plasminogen activator. The initial culture medium was developed and 3 years later the cell line was obtained [26]. In 1979, Collen and colleagues observed that the activator, unlike urokinase, had a specific affinity for fibrin.
Many studies have reported the purification and characterization of plasminogen activators from various sources (pig heart and ovaries, human postmortem vascular perfusates, and post exercise blood); in 1979, the first highly purified form of recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) was obtained from uterine tissue [27]. Using an antiserum raised against uterine plasminogen activator, it was shown that rt-PA, vascular plasminogen activator and blood plasminogen activator were immunologically identical, but different from urokinase-plasminogen activator [28]. Thus, it was clear that the rt-PA found in blood represents vascular tissue-type plasminogen activator that is released mainly from endothelial cells.
At the end of 1979, professor Rijken developed (Table 2.3) a method for the purification of rt-PA from human uterus. With a simplified version of this procedure was possible to purify melanoma cell culture fluid plasminogen activator, being immunologically identical to the uterine plasminogen activator [29]. This observation clarified the kinetics of plasminogen activation and allowed the development of immunoassays for tissue-type plasminogen activator in plasma [30, 31]. Subsequently, the purification procedure was scaled upward to produce a total amount of approximately 2 g of rt-PA in plasma, sufficient for initial experimental animal and human studies [32].
In 1981, the efficacy of rt-PA was proved in rabbits with jugular thrombosis and PE [33]. In 1983, after isolation and purification of human rt-PA from a Bowes-melanoma—tissue-culture a successful intravenous infusion in dogs with coronary thrombus was published [34]. One year later, Van de Werf showed that coronary and systemic thrombolysis was prompt and occurred without marked depletion of circulating fibrinogen or plasminogen; additionally, the accumulation of fibrinogen degradation products or consumption of circulating α2-antiplasmin was considered as indicative of a systemic lytic state in seven ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients [35].
First PE Patient Submitted to Recombinant Human Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator
In 1985, Bounameaux and colleagues [36] published the first successful case with rt-PA in a 63-year-old man with angiographically proved massive PE, hospitalized one-hour after sudden onset of severe dyspnea; patient had a history of renal transplant 5 weeks before onset PE symptoms. On admission, he was cyanotic, polypneic, with blood pressure 145/90 mmHg and heart rate 117/min., and without signs of deep venous thrombosis. Arterial blood gases showed severe hypoxia and hypocapnia. Electrocardiogram was normal, chest X-ray showed atelectasis of the upper lobe of right lung and sequelae of tuberculosis and pulmonary angiography with massive bilateral obstruction of the main pulmonary artery. Non-fractionated heparin infusion was started at the dosage of 30,000 IU/24 h.
rt-PA infusion was started 8 h after onset symptoms through a catheter in right ventricle at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg body weight in 90 min until completing 30 mg. Thirty minutes later patient clinically improved with a progressive increase in arterial PO2. Pulmonary angiography 24 h after the infusion showed almost complete recanalization of the branch to the right inferior lobe. Patient has transient atrial flutter successfully treated with digital on the second day after thrombolysis. No bleeding events, neither further complication occurred.
The first report of successful thrombolysis using rt-PA confirmed the efficacy of this agent in the setting of angiographic massive PE. Although the infusion was driven by direct catheter in right ventricle, previous clinical experience in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients was considered. Additionally, this case exemplifies the usefulness of an rt-PA reduced dose as a therapeutic approach in pulmonary artery thrombus.
Mechanisms of Action of Recombinant Human Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator
This activator is a serine protease in which His 322, Asp 371, and Ser 478 constitute the active site residues; rt-PA is blocked by the active site serine inhibitors diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) [37, 38] and chloromethyl ketones, which inhibit the active site histidine. Although Tos-Lys-CH2Cl (TLCK) weakly inhibits rt-PA, d-Phe-Pro-Arg-CH2Cl is relatively a strong rt-PA inhibitor [39]. Both one-chain rt-PA and two-chain rt-PA react with DFP. A useful, commercially available tripeptide substrate is H-d-Ile-Pro-Arg-pNA; which is, however, not specific for rt-PA but sensitive to a broad spectrum of serine proteases. Two-chain rt-PA is more active towards low-molecular-weight-substrates [40].
Recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator has a specific affinity for fibrin [41]. When rt-PA is present during formation of fibrin clots of increasing density, half-maximal binding occurred at approximately 0–14 g per 1 (0.4 μM) [42]. Experiments on plasminogen activation in the presence of varying amounts of fibrin suggest a dissociation constant of 0.14 μM [30]. Detailed binding studies, however are still lacking, as is the localization of the binding sites, both in the fibrin molecule and in rt-PA.
Recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator is a poor enzyme in the absence of fibrin, but fibrin strikingly enhances the activation rate of plasminogen [43, 44]. This has been explained by an increased affinity of fibrin-bound rt-PA for plasminogen without significantly influencing the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme [30]. The kinetic data of Hoylaerts et al. [30] support a mechanism in which rt-PA and plasminogen adsorb to a fibrin clot in a sequential and ordered way, yielding a ternary complex. Fibrin essentially increases the local plasminogen concentration by creating an additional interaction between rt-PA and its substrate. The high affinity of rt-PA for plasminogen in the presence of fibrin thus allows efficient activation on the fibrin clot, although no efficient plasminogen activation by rt-PA occurs in plasma. In another kinetic study Randby [45] observed significantly increased turnover in the presence of fibrin.
Recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator-mediated plasminogen activation is also potentiated by fibrin monomer and by cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-digested fibrinogen [46], suggesting that the polymeric fibrin structure is not a prerequisite for the stimulation. It has been reported that the potentiating activity of CNBr-digested fibrinogen resides in the CNBr fragment FCB-2 (Hol-DSK) and more particularly in the fragment consisting of residues 148–207 of the α chain [47]. Stimulation of the activation of plasminogen by rt-PA has also been reported in the presence of denatured proteins, such as fibrinogen, IgG, and ovalbumin [48, 49], and it has been speculated that the ability of rt-PA to recognize misfolded proteins indicates a role in selective catabolism of damaged protein, in general, not solely fibrin clots [48].
A remarkable difference in K M values in the presence of fibrin was found in two studies from the same laboratory. Hoylaerts et al. [30], using an assay system in which fibrin could be degraded during the experiment, found a K M of 0.16 μM, whereas Rijken et al. [42], using a system in which lysis of fibrin was inhibited by an excess of aprotinin, found a K M of 1.1 μM. The difference may be explained by recent results of Suenson et al. [49], who disclosed a strong plasminogen-binding site upon initial fibrin degradation. A K M value of 1.1 μM [42], close to the physiological plasminogen concentration in plasma, may indicate a regulatory role for histidine-rich glycoprotein, which interacts with plasminogen and thus influences the free plasminogen concentration [50].
Recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator occurs either as a one-chain molecule or as a proteolytically degraded two-chain molecule. In contrast to analogous enzyme system, single-chain rt-PA is, however, not an inactive precursor but an active enzyme. Although the single-chain form is less active towards low-molecular-weight-substrates and inhibitors [40], the two forms are almost equally active towards plasminogen [42, 45].
Functional domains responsible for the fibrin-binding and for the catalytic activity of rt-PA have been localized in the rt-PA molecule [51, 52]. Holvoet et al. [51] partially reduced two-chain rt-PA and separated the A chain and the B chain by immune adsorption on monoclonal antibodies reacting with the fibrin-binding site and with the active center of the enzyme, respectively. The purified B chain activated plasminogen following Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with kinetic constants similar to those of intact rt-PA, but fibrin did not stimulate the activation of plasminogen by the B chain. The purified A chain bound to fibrin with an affinity similar to that of intact rt-PA but did not activate plasminogen.
Mechanism of Fibrin-Specific Thrombolysis of Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator
Plasmin, the proteolytic enzyme of the fibrinolytic system, is a serine protease with relatively low substrate specificity. In purified systems, it will degrade fibrinogen as well as fibrin. When plasmin circulates freely in the blood, it will degrade a number of plasma proteins, including fibrinogen and the blood coagulation factors V and VIII.

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