Susan Hiniker
Sarah S. Donaldson
Description: Modern pediatric radiation therapy (XRT) requires that the patient be in a stable and reproducible position for daily treatment. Sharply defined beams with secondary collimation are used to irradiate the tumor volume and to spare normal tissue. Patient movement may undermine techniques for sparing normal tissue, and although movement cannot be completely prevented, it must be minimized. In very young children, it is often impossible to prevent movement and achieve adequate cooperation for radiation treatment. In such cases, daily anesthesia is required. Close cooperation of the radiation oncology and anesthesia teams allows for safe and reproducible daily treatment. In general, children older than 3 or 4 yr can be persuaded to lie still for radiation therapy. Children from 2.5 to 4 yr may cooperate during the treatment (which is usually < 15 min), but not for the treatment planning and simulation, in which an immobilization-stabilization device is made (often requiring 1-1.5 h) (see
Fig. 13.2-1). In most infants and young children (< 4 yr), anesthesia is essential.
The optimal position for XRT must also be optimal for the anesthesiologist. Ideally, the area to be treated is determined using 3-dimensional conformal techniques to optimize treatment and to minimize normal tissue exposure. This requires a cross-sectional imaging study (e.g., CT scan), with the patient in the identical position as will be used during the radiation treatment. A series of radiographs are taken at the treatment-planning (simulation) appointment, which typically lasts 1-1.5 h and requires GA. It is essential that there be no patient movement between exposures; if the patient moves, the entire procedure must be repeated. Typically the patient is transported to the CT suite for a 3-dimensional treatment-planning CT scan. Anesthesia preparation may be initiated in the treatment-planning suite, or in a nearby preparation room. After scans are obtained, individual beam-shaping devices are made, and a multistep process of contouring begins for treatment planning.
Seven to 10 days following the initial planning session, the patient often has a verification procedure, which is usually of shorter duration—generally requiring only 30 min of anesthesia time. The verification procedure consists of a series of radiographs using the beam-shaping devices, which simulate the treatment to be given. When this procedure
is successfully completed, the anesthetized patient is moved to the treatment room. The child is put in the identical position achieved during the planning/verification procedures, and treatment is administered.
The first day or two, and weekly thereafter, a verification x-ray (called a “port film”) is taken to confirm the accuracy of the treatment field. The treatment itself is only a few minutes in duration for each field; ideally, the entire procedure is completed within 15-30 min. A form of radiotherapy treatment planning and delivery known as intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) may require slightly longer treatment times due to the larger number and increased complexity of fields treated, while volumetric modulated arc therapy may be of shorter treatment time. A course of treatment may be only a few days or may last for 5-6 wk, generally with treatment given 5 × per week. Occasionally, multiple (2-3) treatments per day are given at 4-8 h (usually 6 h) intervals. At the initial appointment, the patient’s optimal position is determined, an immobilization device is constructed, and measurements are taken. The immobilization device is usually a body cradle or cast, and often a head/face mask is made for head and neck or brain treatment (see
Fig. 13.2-2). Initially, temporary marks or Band-Aids® are used; however, when the final positioning has been determined, a more permanent mark, such as a tattoo, may be applied. Often, a head holder with a mask is applied to ensure the position for XRT.
In managing certain brain tumors (e.g., medulloblastoma, high-grade intratentorial ependymoma, germ cell tumors, and CNS leukemia), cranial spinal irradiation (CSI) may be used. Conventionally, this procedure requires that the patient be placed in the prone position with the head flexed as much as possible to minimize a cervical lordosis. This positioning, however, creates special difficulties for the anesthesiologist. If the child is intubated for the setup, the radiation stabilization device must allow space for the ETT. If the child is not intubated, there must be adequate access to the airway. Current techniques allow patients to be treated with CSI in the supine position, facilitating easier airway access for the anesthesiologist, more secure patient immobilization, and faster treatment times.
Fractionation: Pediatric protocols have been testing the efficacy of giving multiple fractions (treatments) of radiation 2-3 × per day, usually at 6-h intervals, to allow higher total radiation doses to be administered with possible less normal tissue morbidity. These schemes have been or are being evaluated for children with central nervous system tumors and total body irradiation (TBI) in preparation for bone marrow transplantation. Until proven to be of increased efficacy, such schemes should remain part of large protocol studies. The timing of radiotherapy may be at 4-, 6-, or 8-h intervals 2-3 × per day, depending on the protocol. These studies provide several challenges for anesthesiologists, radiotherapists, and parents. Radiotherapy under anesthesia, however, has been successfully administered to infants undergoing multiple fractions per day. Attention must be given to potential malnutrition and/or dehydration from prolonged periods of NPO status.
Total-body irradiation (TBI): Although most TBI techniques are administered with the patient standing, infants and small children must lie prone and supine for the treatment. This positioning requires sedation and/or anesthesia. Gastrointestinal upset, sometimes provoked by the radiation, presents an additional challenge for proper radiotherapy technique, as well as for anesthetic management.
Cranial or Body Radiation/Radiosurgery/IGRT: The technique of using precision, stereotactically localized radiation with a highly collimated radiotherapy photon beam, as generated from a linear accelerator, is currently
being employed for select patients with small cranial, base-of-skull, or body tumors. There is increasing enthusiasm for this technique for infants and children with recurrent posterior fossa and cerebral tumors, craniopharyngiomas, optic nerve and chiasmal gliomas, and small AVMs. Radiosurgery has historically required a frame-based technique that requires 6-10 h of continuous anesthesia while a patient undergoes application of a metal frame, CT localization, and multiport radiotherapy treatment. However, newer technology, using image guidance, called image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) now allows frameless radiation delivery to the cranium or body. This technique requires a 1-1.5 h treatment planning and simulation session followed by a single fraction or limited number of treatment sessions each lasting 1.5-2 h. These approaches require close coordination between the anesthesiologist, neurosurgeon, oncologic surgeon, and radiotherapist.
IMRT/Protons/VMAT: Recent developments in external beam radiotherapy techniques have allowed for increasingly conformal treatment using intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) or proton therapy. However, these complex techniques generally involve image-guided therapy and a greater number of beam directions, thereby resulting in longer overall treatment times. The development of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT), in which dose is delivered using a single gantry arc rotation, has allowed for treatment of very conformal volumes with increased speed as well as delivery of fewer monitor units. VMAT is increasingly used in the treatment of pediatric patients, particularly in those who require anesthesia during treatment.
Usual preop diagnosis: Leukemia; brain tumors (benign or malignant); retinoblastoma; solid tumors of childhood.
Suggested Readings
1. Buehrer S, Immoos S, Frei M, et al: Evaluation of propofol for repeated prolonged deep sedation in children undergoing proton radiation therapy. Br J Anaesth 2007; 99(4):556-60.
2. Keidan I, Perel A, Shabtai E, et al: Children undergoing repeated exposures for radiation therapy do not develop tolerance to propofol. Anesthesiology 2004; 100(2):251-4.
3. McFadyen JG, Pelly N, Orr RJ: Sedation and anesthesia for the pediatric patient undergoing radiation therapy. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2011; 24(4):433-8.
4. Parker WA, Freeman CR: A simple technique for craniospinal irradiation in the supine position. Radiother Oncol 2006; 78(2):217-22.
5. Seiler G, De Vol E, Khafaga Y, et al: Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of repeated sedations for the radiotherapy of young children with cancer: a prospective study of 1033 consecutive sedations. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2001; 49(3):771-83.
6. Tsai YL, Tsai SC, Yen SH, et al: Efficacy of therapeutic play for pediatric brain tumor patients during external beam radiotherapy. Childs Nerv Syst 2013; 29(7):1123-9.