Orthopedic injuries

Chapter 36
Orthopedic injuries

Sean Kivlehan, Benjamin T. Friedman, and Mary P. Mercer



Trauma is the leading cause of death worldwide and in the United States for people under the age of 44 [1]. Blunt trauma from motor vehicle accidents, falls, or other mechanisms can result in a range of orthopedic injuries. Recognition and management of orthopedic injuries is an essential component of any EMS system.

General approach to management

The prehospital management of a suspected orthopedic injury begins with assessment of potential life threats. Obtaining a history that includes the mechanism of injury is important to develop an index of suspicion for associated injuries. Prehospital providers should first assess and address the airway, breathing, circulation, and disability of any injured patient. Once the primary survey is complete, an orthopedic evaluation is part of a comprehensive secondary survey. Open fractures and injuries with neurovascular compromise require special attention. Acute hemorrhage control is the first priority for the open fracture in the field and can generally be accomplished with direct pressure. Any exposed bone should be dressed with a sterile saline moistened dressing. The decision to reduce a fracture or dislocation in the field is situation dependent, and should be based on presence of neurovascular compromise, anticipated extrication and transport duration, and provider training and experience [2]. Pain management is an important component of the prehospital care for any orthopedic injury and should ideally be addressed prior to moving the patient to the ambulance. Pain management modalities include immobilization of the affected limb and intravenous opiates [3,4].

Anatomy, fractures, and dislocations

Upper extremity

Upper extremity neurovascular exam

For all upper extremity injuries, both nerve function and vascular patency must be assessed early and repeated frequently, particularly after any manipulation, splinting, or patient movement. The radial, ulnar, and median nerves should be assessed for both motor and sensory function in all injuries. The axillary and musculocutaneous nerves should be assessed in more proximal injuries (Table 36.1). The vascular exam consists of palpating both the radial and ulnar pulses as well as the brachial artery in more proximal injuries. For injuries distal to the wrist, nailbed capillary refill should be assessed.

Table 36.1 Upper extremity neurological examination

Nerve Motor Sensory
Radial Wrist or finger extension First dorsal web space
Ulnar Index finger abduction Pinky finger
Median Thumb and index finger opposition Index finger
Axillary Deltoid Lateral shoulder
Musculocutaneous Elbow flexion Lateral forearm


Clavicular fractures are generally uncomplicated and can be managed in the field with sling and swathe placement (Table 36.2). Assessment should include a complete neurovascular exam of the limb on the affected side as there is a risk of damage to the underlying subclavian vessels and brachial plexus as well as possibility of pneumothorax.

Table 36.2 Upper extremity immobilization approach

Bone Approach
Clavicle, scapula, shoulder Sling and swathe
Humerus Sling and swathe, short board
Elbow Short board A-splint (bent) or straight with short boards
Forearm Short board with sling
Wrist, hand Short board or pillow in position of function with sling
Finger Malleable metal splint or tongue depressor with buddy splinting

Short or long board splints are generally interchangeable with air or vacuum splints.

The clavicular articulations to the sternum (sternoclavicular [SC] joint) and acromion (acromioclavicular [AC] joint) should be assessed as well. AC joint injury can be diagnosed clinically and should be managed with a sling and swathe in the field. SC joint injuries most commonly occur as a result of vehicle accidents or sports injuries and are divided into less serious anterior dislocations and more serious posterior dislocations. While field treatment for both is immobilization, prehospital providers should have a heightened index of suspicion for serious intrathoracic injury with a posterior dislocation, in particular pneumothorax, great vessel injury, and tracheal injury [5].


A patient with a scapular fracture will generally present protecting the arm on the affected side and with local tenderness. Management consists of sling and swathe placement and analgesia. Up to 75% of patients with scapular fractures will have additional injuries due to the significant mechanism of injury. Providers should carefully examine the patient for rib fractures, pneumothorax, or upper arm injuries [6].


Glenohumeral joint dislocations are the most common major joint dislocation encountered, and are generally the result of an indirect blow with the arm in abduction, extension, and external rotation [7]. Anterior dislocations are the most common and can be identified clinically in the field with some reliability. In general, the patient will present guarding the affected arm with mild abduction and external rotation. Posterior dislocations are rare, usually the result of a mechanism of injury such as a seizure, electrical shock, or direct anterior blow to the shoulder, and while carrying a similar associated fracture rate they are less likely to have neurovascular injury. Inferior and superior dislocations are even less common.

When examining a suspected shoulder dislocation, close attention should be paid to the axillary nerve. Vascular injuries are rare but when they do occur, will generally involve the axillary artery [8]. Associated fractures occur in 15–35% of shoulder dislocations and can include the humeral head (Hill–Sachs lesion), anterior glenoid lip, and greater tuberosity. Although these fractures generally do not change management, prereduction x-rays are recommended, and field reduction should typically not be attempted [9]. There are exceptions to this rule, in particular for patients with known recurrent dislocations and athletes on the field with appropriately trained staff [10,11]. Providers should splint the extremity in the position found with a sling and swathe. A short board splint can be placed along the medial upper arm for extra stability, particularly in the presence of a suspected humeral head fracture [9]. In the event of a spontaneous reduction, providers should still splint and transport, as radiographs and follow-up will be needed.

Rotator cuff injuries may be associated with shoulder dislocations or may present independently. Complete evaluation of the rotator cuff could become more commonplace prehospital practice, particularly within a community paramedicine setting. However, no validated rules currently exist to exclude fracture or dislocation, and a patient with an acute shoulder injury would likely benefit from transport to the hospital [9].


Fractures of the humerus can be divided into three categories: proximal, midshaft, and distal. Axillary nerve and artery injuries have been recognized in up to 50% of displaced humeral fractures. Humeral shaft injuries are most common in active young men and elderly osteoporotic patients and can be associated with radial nerve injuries or vascular injuries to the brachial artery or vein [7]. Field management is the same as for other shoulder injuries.


The elbow joint is composed of the articulations of the distal humerus, proximal radius, and ulna. The brachial artery and the nerves of the forearm and hand travel in close proximity. It is the third most commonly dislocated joint after the shoulder and knee. Supracondylar fractures are among the most common fractures in children [12]. The primary fracture patterns in adults include flexion and extension, the latter being more common. The majority of elbow dislocations (90%) are posterolateral, with the mechanism of injury being fall on an outstretched hand. Commonly associated neurovascular injuries include entrapment of the ulnar nerve and the brachial artery [13].

It is difficult to differentiate an elbow fracture from a dislocation in the field without x-rays, and as such, it is recommended that EMS providers splint all suspected fractures or dislocations in the position found. However, gentle reduction is recommended in a severely angulated fracture or one with significant neurovascular compromise. If reduction is attempted, the elbow then should be splinted at 90° with the forearm in supination with a posterior moldable splint and a sling and swathe placed.


While the unique fracture and dislocation patterns of the forearm are of interest to the emergency physician in determining definitive management, they are less important to the prehospital provider. Field management involves splinting with a posterior mold or short boards in the position found. Indications for attempted field reduction are similar to other fractures, although neurovascular compromise in these fractures is less common than in injuries of the humerus or elbow. Fractures to the proximal ulnar, olecranon, and radius are treated similarly to other fractures and dislocations about the elbow.


Fractures of the distal radius and ulna are the most common wrist fractures, followed by the carpal bones, notably the scaphoid and triquetrum [14]. Distal forearm fractures should be immobilized in the position of function, if tolerated, or the position found. Carpal fractures can be immobilized in either a short board or commercial wrist splint. Once splinted, the extremity may be placed in a sling and swathe to further reduce movement. Distal neurovascular assessment should be documented. EMS providers may be trained to assess for snuff box tenderness to assist in identifying potential scaphoid fractures [15]. Carpal ligamentous injury frequently occurs in conjunction with bony injury and should be splinted similarly based on physical exam findings of tenderness.


Hand and finger injuries are rarely life threatening but can be emotionally disturbing to the patient and provider. Once attention is appropriately turned to the hand injury, function of the median, radial, and ulnar nerves should be assessed as previously outlined. Vascular status can be assessed through capillary refill, which should be less than 2 seconds. Flexor and extensor tendon function should be tested in each finger and compared between hands.

Fractures and dislocations of the phalanx should be splinted as found, and buddy taping can be used to stabilize the finger itself prior to placing the affected hand in a wrist or short board splint. Field reduction may be appropriate in some situations. However, ideally the patient should be transported to the emergency department for a peripheral nerve block prior to reduction. Case reports do exist of successful paramedic performance of a digital block and subsequent reduction, and this is a potential future expansion of practice [16]. While metacarpal fracture management and follow-up vary depending on radiographic findings and patient activity, field management is unchanged and involves splinting. One hand injury that deserves special mention is the high-pressure injection injury, which always requires transport to the ED for evaluation and possible surgical intervention [17].


Although pelvic fractures are relatively rare among orthopedic injuries, they are associated with high mortality (10–15%) due to both the presence of concurrent severe traumatic injuries and the pathophysiology of unstable pelvic fractures [18]. The most common mechanisms associated with pelvic fractures involve the transmission of significant amounts of force such as through high-speed motor vehicle collisions, pedestrians hit by automobiles, or significant falls [19].

Anterior-posterior compressive forces are often associated with the highest degree of hemodynamic instability and mortality [19]. Such fractures cause significant disruption to the pelvic ring, resulting in widening of the pelvis, tearing of the iliac ligaments and shear force injuries of the iliac vessels. The predominantly venous hemorrhage spills into the retroperitoneum and expanded pelvic cylinder. If left uncontrolled, this hemorrhage can be fatal due to the large potential space of the unstable pelvic vault.

Pelvic injury should be suspected in any patient with significant traumatic injuries of the head, spine, thorax, abdomen, or multiple extremities. Signs of shock should raise suspicion of an unstable pelvic fracture in patients without outward signs of fracture. Other signs and symptoms of pelvic fractures may include perineal or flank hematoma, or blood at the penile meatus or vaginal introitus. Obvious bony instability of the pelvis with light palpation is a clear finding of pelvic fracture. However, the absence of external findings does not exclude the presence of an unstable pelvic fracture [20]. The examiner may gently compress the pelvis to test for stability, but caution is advised, as this may exacerbate an unstable fracture or concomitant bleeding.

Clinical management of the suspected pelvic fracture, as with other major trauma, includes immobilization and rapid transport to a trauma center. Given the risk of vascular and hemodynamic compromise, vital signs and distal neurovascular status should be monitored closely during transport. In addition to general immobilization techniques, use of a pelvic binder may be indicated. Whether it is a commercial product or an improvised sheet, the principle behind the use of a pelvic binder is to reduce the potential space of the pelvis and to tamponade the associated venous bleeding. Epidemiological and biometric data suggest that the application of a pelvic binder reduces mortality [21]. Although routinely used in prehospital care in the past, there is a theoretical concern for worsening of vascular injury and hemorrhage due to vessel laceration by bony fragments. Therefore, care should be taken when applying a binder.

Lower extremity

Lower extremity neurovascular exam

Similar to the upper extremity, a thorough lower extremity neurovascular exam should be completed and documented before and after any intervention or patient movement. The tibial, sural, superficial peroneal, and deep peroneal nerves should be assessed for both motor and sensory function. The femoral and obturator nerves should be assessed when there is concern for pelvic and hip fractures (Table 36.3). The vascular exam involves palpation of the popliteal, dorsal pedal, and posterior tibial pulses.

Table 36.3 Lower extremity neurological examination

Nerve Motor Sensory
Tibial Toe flexion Plantar foot surface
Sural N/A Posterolateral calf and foot
Superficial peroneal Ankle eversion Dorsal foot surface
Deep peroneal Ankle dorsiflexion First dorsal web space
Femoral Knee extension Anterior thigh and knee
Obturator Hip adduction Medial thigh


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