Eye opening
To speech
In response to pain stimulus
Verbal response
Inappropriate words
Incomprehensible sounds
Best motor response
Obeys commands
Localises to pain (purposeful movements towards painful stimuli)
Normal flexion (rapidly withdraws from pain)
Abnormal flexion (slow, dystonic)
Extension (becomes stiff)
Total score 3/15 15/15
8.3 Prehospital
The main goal in this phase is to provide adequate cardiovascular and respiratory support. It is essential to establish the timing of symptom onset and especially to gain information about current medications. Transfer to the ED should be under the Code Stroke to obtain immediate triage and minimise the waiting time for CT scanning.
8.4 In Hospital: ED
Activation of the Code Stroke protocol involves immediate evaluation by a specialised team, which comprises a neurologist, a resuscitation specialist, a neuro-radiologist, and a neurosurgeon. A cranial CT scan is the gold standard diagnostic imaging approach to acute haemorrhage. Emergency management may involve neurosurgery, but any clotting disorder should be treated first.
The Code Stroke protocol is usually reserved for patients with ischaemic stroke, but the ED should predispose a fast, standardised protocol for patients with cerebral haemorrhage.
8.5 In Hospital – ICU
Patients with intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) should be treated in a neurological intensive care unit (ICU) and managed according to the protocol for neurological patients:
Airway management: intubation and ventilation to ensure correct oxygenation and normocapnia. Hyperventilation and hypocapnia may be harmful and require careful monitoring of ICP and cerebral perfusion.
ICP monitoring: guidelines recommend ICP monitoring in sedated and ventilated patients for whom close monitoring of consciousness is not possible and for all patients with a GCS score <9, hydrocephalus or extensive haemorrhage.
If intra-ventricular haemorrhage is also present, an external ventricular drain is indicated: this allows simultaneous ICP monitoring and liquor and blood drainage to reduce ICP. Associated risks are infection and catheter obstruction due to clotting. Administration of intra-ventricular thrombolytic agents has been advocated to accelerate haemorrhage clearance. The study “Clot Lysis Evaluating Accelerated Resolution of Intra-ventricular Haemorrhage III” (CLEAR III) is still ongoing, but preliminary evidence indicates that intra-ventricular administration of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rTPA) is safe [7].
Support therapy: control of blood glucose and temperature, treatment of anaemia as appropriate.
Control of epilepsy seizures: clinical seizures should be treated with anticonvulsants. Careful EEG monitoring is indicated, especially in sedated patients; therefore, even electrical seizures should be treated. Anticonvulsants should not be used prophylactically [2].
BP control: BP should be under continuous monitoring. Systolic BP (SBP) values >200 mmHg or average values >150 mmHg should be managed by continuous infusion of antihypertensive drugs. It is considered safe to treat SBP values >150 mmHg in any case [2].
Prevention of deep vein thrombosis (DVT): application of intermittent pneumatic compression devices. In patients with reduced mobility, after documenting the cessation of bleeding, prophylactic low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) or unfractionated heparin (UFH) may be considered from the fourth up to the tenth day of the ICH [2].
Prevention of further haemorrhage: it is based essentially on close BP control, especially in patients where the ICH has the typical localisation of hypertensive vasculopathy. Once the acute phase is over, the goal should be to maintain BP in the 140/90 mmHg range.
In patients with lobar ICH and non-valvular atrial fibrillation, withdrawal of anticoagulants should be considered given the high risk of recurrence.
Anticoagulant therapy in smaller haemorrhages and antiplatelet therapy after ICH of all types may be considered when there are well-defined indications for their administration [2].
8.6 Pathophysiology of the Coagulation Cascade
The development of a clot can be schematically subdivided into three phases:
Platelet activation
Actual activation of the coagulation cascade
8.6.1 Platelet Phase
The first response to a vascular insult is the contraction of the smooth muscles of the vessel wall itself and platelet adhesion to the wall. Antiplatelet therapy, which inhibits platelet activation, adhesion and aggregation, is used to prevent vessel occlusion.
Acetylsalicylic acid is the most widely used antiplatelet. It acetylates platelet cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) irreversibly; it prevents platelet activation by inhibiting the release of thromboxane (TxA2).
The active metabolites of thienopyridines (ticlopidine, clopidogrel and prasugrel), produced by cytochrome P450 metabolism, bind to receptor P2Y12 with a covalent, irreversible bond during the platelets’ whole life. The new receptor P2Y12 inhibitors (cangrelor and ticagrelor) change receptor conformation, inducing an irreversible block. All P2Y12 receptor blockers act by stopping the platelet activation induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP).
Platelet activation alters the conformation of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptors, favouring fibrinogen binding and subsequent platelet aggregation. The glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist, abciximab, prevents fibrinogen binding and platelet aggregation.
8.6.2 The Coagulation Cascade
The event triggering the initiation of the coagulation cascade is exposure of tissue factor (TF, thromboplastin) from the microvascular bed. The TF-factor VII complex generates activated factor VII (extrinsic pathway), favouring the initiation, amplification and propagation of subsequent coagulation phases [8, 9]. Activation of coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X requires γ-carboxylation in the liver in the presence of the reduced form of vitamin K. Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) inhibit the enzyme vitamin K epoxide reductase, thus blocking the formation of reduced vitamin K and limiting the activity of coagulation factors [10]. The response to VKA is influenced by several factors such as polymorphisms altering the metabolism of the cytochrome P450 system, other medications, diet and other conditions.
Both UFH and LMWH are administered to reduce the risk of thromboembolism. Binding to heparin accelerates the effects of the inhibitor antithrombin; the heparin-antithrombin complex inactivates thrombin (factor IIa) and other proteases involved in clotting, especially factor Xa, but also factors IXa, XIa and XIIIa. Owing to their low molecular weight, LMWH have modest anti-factor IIa activity, and their anticoagulant activity is mostly exerted as anti-factor Xa activity, whereas UFH acts on both targets.
Direct thrombin inhibitors inactivate thrombin by binding it directly; bivalent inhibitors (bivalirudin, hirulog) bind thrombin both on the active site and on exosite1; monovalent inhibitors (argatroban, melagatran and dabigatran) bind only to the active site. (Dabigatran is a prodrug for oral administration).
The new factor X-antagonists (rivaroxaban, apixaban, endoxaban) are also administered orally.
No efficient inhibition strategies have yet been developed for the new oral anticoagulants [11].
8.6.3 Fibrinolytic Agents
Fibrinolysis is an enzymatic process that involves dissolution of fibrin clots by plasmin. Plasmin is generated from plasminogen by the action of an activator (tissue plasminogen activator, TPA) synthesised by endothelial cells and secreted locally following stimulation of the endothelium. Recombinant TPA (rTPA) is so powerful that it can reduce the concentration of fibrinogen in vitro (Fig. 8.1).

Fig. 8.1
Coagulation cascade
8.7 Treatment
About 12–14 % of patients with ICH take oral anticoagulants [12, 13]: thus, a crucial goal in their treatment is to inhibit their effect to stem the haemorrhage and make subsequent treatment possible, be it medical or surgical.

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