First author
N° centers
NIV application
Patients in NIV group
Patients in control group
Mortality NIV
Mortality control
Brochard [5]
4 (hospital)
12 (hospital)
Plant [6]
Face/full face/nasal
12 (hospital)
24 (hospital)
Nava [7]
Hypercapnic after T-piece trial failure
Full face
16 (1 year)
25 (1 year)
Ferrer [19]
10 (90 days)
21 (90 days)
Nava [47]
Earlier extubation (failed T-piece trial)
18 (90 days)
23 (90 days)
Ferrer [48]
Earlier extubation (failed T-piece trial)
6 (90 days)
13 (90 days)
Collaborating Research Group for Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation of Chinese Respiratory Society [49]
Earlier extubation (accelerated, in pulmonary infection)
1 (hospital)
7 (hospital)
Ferrer [50]
Prevention of post-extubation ARF (high risk)
6 (hospital)
11 (hospital)
Ferrer [58]
Prevention of post-extubation ARF (high risk)
13 (hospital)
19 (hospital)
Esteban [62]
Post-extubation ARF
Full face
28 (90 days)
15 (90 days)
The main benefits of NIV in the prevention or treatment of acute respiratory failure (ARF) include conservation or restoration of lung volumes, reduction of the work of breathing, avoidance or reduction of complications associated with tracheal intubation, greater ease of use of NIV compared to invasive mechanical ventilation, and application even in patients unfit for intubation or outside the ICU [1, 2]. On the other hand, NIV can be contraindicated in some conditions as the inability to manage secretions or the need to protect the airway.
In the last two decades, the use of NIV has continuously increased. A large number of studies have evaluated its efficacy and its limits in acute care settings [3].
2.2 Pathophysiological Principles
Most underlying pathophysiological mechanisms involved in ARF concern imbalances between respiratory system mechanical work and neuromuscular competence and disorders in gas exchange and increased cardiac preload and afterload.
By using expiratory and inspiratory positive pressures, NIV allows the respiratory muscles to rest, reducing respiratory work as well as cardiac preload and afterload, improving alveolar recruitment, and thus increasing lung volume. As a consequence, pulmonary compliance and oxygenation are commonly improved [4].
2.3 Main Evidences and Clinical Indications
So far ten multicenter randomized trials (mRCTs) evaluated NIV in different conditions. Characteristics of these mRCTs are summarized in Table 2.1.
2.3.1 Noninvasive Ventilation in Hypercapnic Patients
Three mRCTs evaluated NIV in the treatment of hypercapnic respiratory failure.
In the first, Brochard et al. enrolled 85 patients with COPD exacerbations in five hospitals in three countries (France, Italy, and Spain). Patients were randomized to standard oxygen therapy or NPPV (at least 6 h/day). Hospital mortality was 29 % in the control group vs 9 % in the NIV group (p = 0.02), thanks to the lower rate of intubation in the NIV group [5].
Plant et al. conducted a mRCT in 14 hospitals in UK, enrolling 236 patients with mild to moderate respiratory acidosis during COPD exacerbations. NPPV was compared to oxygen therapy. Noninvasive ventilation was applied for as long as tolerated on the first day and then progressively suspended on day 4. In the NIV group, the mortality rate was half that of the standard group (12/118 vs 24/118) [6].
More recently, Nava et al. evaluated NIV efficacy in patients with chronic pulmonary disease and acute hypercapnic respiratory failure aged over 75 years. The study enrolled 82 patients in three respiratory intensive care units in Italy and Switzerland. Noninvasive ventilation (as NPPV) was compared to standard treatment. Survival was significantly better in the NIV group at hospital discharge (1/41 vs 6/41 deaths), after 6 and after 12 months [7].
Another nine single-center RCTs evaluated NIV efficacy on mortality for exacerbation of COPD [8–16]. Three noteworthy trials were conducted on respiratory or general wards [12, 13, 15]; only one trial randomized severely ill patients comparing NIV to tracheal intubation [16]. Meta-analysis of the results found a marked beneficial effect on mortality [17].
State of the Art
Noninvasive ventilation is considered a first-line intervention for exacerbation of COPD, with a 1A grade of evidence [3, 18]. The benefit on survival was demonstrated under various conditions in mRCTs and single-center RCTs. In this setting, NPPV should be adopted, as it supports the increased work of breathing of COPD patients. No trial evaluated CPAP in this context.
2.3.2 Noninvasive Ventilation to Treat Acute Respiratory Failure: Hypoxemic Patients
One mRCT evaluated NIV in hypoxemic patients.
Ferrer et al. enrolled 105 patients with severe hypoxemia (pO2 <60 mmHg with Venturi mask at 50 % of oxygen) in three ICUs in Spain. Noninvasive ventilation (such as NPPV), applied as long as tolerated, was compared to standard oxygen therapy. Intensive care unit (18 % vs 39 %) and 90-day mortality were lower in the NIV group; the difference was prominent if pneumonia was the cause of ARF, while ARDS was a predictor of 90-day decreased survival. Only two patients in the standard group received NIV as rescue treatment [19].
Hypoxemic ARF can have various etiologies, whose responsiveness to NIV can markedly differ [3, 18, 20–22]. Several single-center RCTs [23–38] demonstrated that NIV significantly reduces mortality in cardiogenic pulmonary edema, and it is currently considered a first-line, grade-of-evidence 1A intervention. The benefit was present both for CPAP and NPPV and also for prehospital use. Noninvasive ventilation also proved effective in reducing mortality in RCTs conducted in hypoxemic ARF in immunocompromised patients [39] and chest trauma patients [3, 18, 40]. On the contrary, the advantage on survival is controversial in the case of pneumonia or ARDS, due to a high failure rate [3, 18, 41]. In this setting, some authors found NIV potentially dangerous (i.e., associated with worse survival) when applied for too long despite its failure, as it delays tracheal intubation [42]. Finally, three single-center RCTs evaluated NIV in asthma, and no death was reported in any of the studies [43–45].
State of the Art
Noninvasive ventilation application in hypoxemic patients should be guided by the etiology of ARF. Noninvasive ventilation improves survival in cardiogenic pulmonary edema, chest trauma, and ARF in immunocompromised patients. However, evidence comes only from single-center RCTs (sRCTs). When pneumonia or ARDS are present, NIV should be applied cautiously and in highly monitored settings. In the case of failure, tracheal intubation should not be delayed [3, 18, 41]. Nevertheless, a recent mRCT showed a trend of better survival with NIV compared to oxygen when applied early during mild ARDS [46]. So far, the NIV effect on mortality in asthma is unknown.
2.3.3 Noninvasive Ventilation in the Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation Noninvasive Ventilation in the Weaning of Hypercapnic and Mixed Patients
Multicenter Randomized Evidence
Several mRCTs with different aims evaluated NIV in the weaning of hypercapnic patients from mechanical ventilation.
Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients After T-Piece Trial Failure
Nava et al. compared standard weaning to immediate extubation followed by NIV (as NPPV) in 50 patients intubated because of COPD exacerbations; the authors enrolled only patients suitable for extubation but who had failed a T-piece weaning trial after 48 h of intubation. The study took place in three Italian centers. Noninvasive ventilation was applied as often as was tolerated during the first 2 days in the intervention group. Mortality at 60-days was significantly higher in the standard group (7/25 vs 2/25 deaths), with 4 cases of fatal pneumonia (while further three cases of pneumonia were not fatal) in the standard group and no case of pneumonia in the NIV group [47].
Ferrer et al. [48] compared extubation followed by NIV (such as NPPV) to standard weaning in two Spanish hospitals in 43 intubated patients who failed a spontaneous breathing trial for 3 consecutive days. Noninvasive ventilation was applied for at least 4 h continuously. Almost half of the patients had been intubated because of COPD exacerbation. ICU and 90-day mortality were significantly reduced in the NIV group; nosocomial pneumonia and septic shock were significantly more common in the control group.
Noninvasive Ventilation to Shorten Standard Weaning
A collaborating research group in eleven Chinese ICUs conducted a mRCT in 90 intubated COPD patients with hypercapnic failure triggered by pulmonary infection: the aim was to evaluate NIV as a tool to hasten extubation. Once the patients reached the “pulmonary infection control (PIC) window,” defined by several criteria suggesting a control of the infection, they were randomized to standard weaning or to extubation (without a preliminary weaning trial) immediately followed by NIV (such as NPPV). Mortality rate (1/47 vs 7/43) and incidence of pneumonia were significantly better in the NIV group [49].
Noninvasive Ventilation to Prevent Post-extubation Failure
Ferrer et al. evaluated NIV in preventing ARF after extubation. The mRCT enrolled 106 patients with chronic respiratory disorders in two Spanish hospitals: patients were randomized to NIV (such as NPPV, applied for a maximum of 24 h post extubation) or oxygen therapy after a standard weaning if they passed a T-piece weaning trial but were hypercapnic on spontaneous breathing. The trial had been preceded by a previous study from the same authors (see below) suggesting a potential benefit in this population. In the NIV group, 90-day mortality (but not hospital and ICU mortality) was significantly lower in the NIV group (6/54 vs 16/52); a trend toward lower incidence of pneumonia was also present (6 % vs 17 %, p = 0.12). It should be noted that 20 of the 25 patients who developed post-extubation ARF in the control group received rescue NIV, and rescue NIV was also applied to 7 of the 8 patients developing post-extubation ARF in the NIV group [50].
Other Single-Center Randomized Trials
Noninvasive Ventilation in Patients After T-Piece Trial Failure
A sRCT [51] conducted in hypercapnic patients suitable for extubation but who had failed a T-piece weaning trial found no difference in mortality between standard weaning and early extubation followed by NIV. More recently, in a similar trial the same authors [52] confirmed the absence of difference in mortality rate, even if a trend toward improved survival was present in the NIV group. With regard to NIV use in mixed patients who failed T-piece trial, a sRCT did not found a beneficial effect on mortality [53].
Noninvasive Ventilation to Shorten Weaning
An Italian sRCT enrolled 20 hypoxemic patients in which a standard weaning protocol was compared to an “accelerated” extubation followed by NIV. No difference in mortality was observed [54].
Noninvasive Ventilation to Prevent Post-extubation Failure
Two further RCTs evaluated NIV when applied to prevent post-extubation ARF in mixed patients who passed a T-piece trial. In one trial [55] NIV improved survival, while the other [56] found no difference.
State of the Art
When compared to standard weaning, NIV used in the weaning process significantly decreased the mortality rates, where the benefit seems maximal in COPD patients [57].
Hypercapnic patients are among the most responsive to NIV in most conditions. While findings are still controversial, early extubation followed by NIV seems to be a promising strategy for hypercapnic patients after a failed T-piece trial and could be attempted in expert units. Little data is available regarding non-hypercapnic patients.
Noninvasive ventilation might be a valuable tool to accelerate weaning and therefore reducing the complications associated with tracheal intubation. Intubated COPD patients who have reached the PIC window could be the most promising population, but additional studies are needed. Noninvasive Ventilation in the Weaning of Patients at Risk of Post-Extubation ARF
Ferrer et al. evaluated NIV in preventing post-extubation ARF in patients at higher risk, defined by at least one of the following criteria: age >65 years, cardiac failure as the cause of intubation, or increased severity (APACHE score >12 the day of extubation). The authors enrolled 162 patients in two Spanish hospitals; the patients were extubated after they had passed a T-piece trial and were randomized to standard oxygen therapy or NIV (as NPPV, applied for a maximum of 24 h post extubation). The reintubation rate and ICU mortality were lower in the NIV group (2/79 vs 12/83 deaths); hospital and 90-day mortality were not different, except for patients who were hypercapnic during spontaneous breathing by T-piece, in which both survival rates were better in the NIV group. Rescue NIV was applied to 19 of the 27 developing post-extubation ARF in the control group and in 4/13 in the NIV group [58].
One further trial was performed in patients at high risk of post-extubation failure [59]: the authors found a significant improvement of survival in the NIV group.
2.3.4 Noninvasive Ventilation to Treat Post-extubation Respiratory Failure: Evidence of Increased Mortality with NIV
Esteban et al. conducted a multicenter trial in 37 centers in eight countries (mainly in Europe and North and South America). The authors enrolled 221 patients who were electively extubated after at least 48 h of mechanical ventilation and who developed ARF within the subsequent 48 h. Noninvasive ventilation (such as NPPV, applied continuously for at least four hours) was compared to standard therapy, which included supplemental oxygen, bronchodilators, respiratory physiotherapy, and any other indicated therapy. Rescue NIV was applied in 28 patients in the control group (three died). ICU mortality rate was higher in the NIV group (25 % vs 14 %). The difference appeared to be due to a different rate of death (38 % in the NIV group vs 22 %) among reintubated patients (whose rate was not different between the two groups); moreover, the interval between the development of ARF and reintubation was significantly longer in the NIV group. A potential logical explanation proposed by the authors was that the delay in reintubation negatively affected survival, by various mechanisms like cardiac ischemia, muscle fatigue, aspiration pneumonia, and complications of emergency reintubation. A trend toward better outcomes was observed for COPD patients treated with NIV [62].

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