Chapter 3
Noninvasive Ventilation 
The Evolution of NIV
It was not until the 1980s with the development of nasal masks for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), used for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (Chapter 80), that there was a renewed interest in NIV and specifically non-invasive positive pressure ventilation. The positive pressure did not cause the upper airway collapse commonly precipitated by negative pressure ventilators. Soon after, successful NIV use in chronic respiratory failure from a variety of neuromuscular and restrictive thoracic disorders was described.
By preserving the patient’s own upper airway defense mechanisms, NIV avoids the potential complications associated with intubation itself, including laryngeal injury. NIV has been shown to lower the risk of nosocomial infections, i.e., ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) (Chapter 14); improve comfort and thereby reduce need for sedation; and allow patients to eat, drink, cough, and communicate, permitting greater independence and active patient participation in medical management.
Practical Application of NIV
Understanding the indications and contraindications will identify potential candidates for NIV, but success ultimately depends on proper application. This necessitates knowledge of the available interfaces, ventilators, and modes of ventilation, and close monitoring in an appropriate setting by an adequately trained multidisciplinary team familiar with its use.
Interface Used in NIV
Ventilator Modes and Settings
Portable ventilators are designed to deliver continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP) with or without a backup rate (note that the similar abbreviation, BiPAP, is a registered trademark of the Respironics Corporation). CPAP delivers a constant set pressure during both inspiration and expiration to increase functional residual capacity and improve oxygenation, but it is strictly not a form of ventilatory assistance. BIPAP provides positive airway pressure in a biphasic manner. An inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) is set for inspiration and a lower expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) is set for expiration, whereas the difference between IPAP and EPAP accounts for the degree of ventilator assistance. EPAP not only ensures flow to flush CO2 from the single ventilator tube and avoid rebreathing, but it increases functional residual capacity, stents open the upper airway to prevent apneas and hypopneas, and counterbalances intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). As with the standard ICU ventilator, the patient triggers it and tidal volumes can vary. A backup rate can be set (spontaneous/timed [S/T], similar to intermittent mandatory ventilation [IMV] [see Chapter 2]). It is recommended if there is any doubt regarding whether the patient will maintain spontaneous respiratory efforts (e.g., during sleep or with sedation for procedures).
In some patients, volume-cycled modes of ventilation may be more appropriate, and clinicians should be familiar with its use. This is particularly true when higher airway pressures are required to overcome increased respiratory impedance, as in obesity hypoventilation syndrome (Chapter 80). Generally, higher initial tidal volumes of 10 to 15 mL/kg predicted body weight are needed in these patients to normalize the arterial PCO2. More recently, there has been interest in proportional assist ventilation, whereby the ventilator applies assistance in proportion to the patient’s inspiratory effort in an attempt to optimize patient-ventilator synchrony (Chapter 2).
Both subjective and objective physiologic responses should be monitored, especially in the initial 2 hours, as prompt improvement has been associated with NIV success. Patients should be assessed clinically for improvements in respiratory distress, including the use of accessory muscles, tachypnea, chest wall movement, fatigue and level of consciousness, comfort, and patient ventilator synchrony. Vital signs including heart rate and respiratory rate should be monitored, and continuous pulse oximetry should be applied. Frequent arterial blood gases (via an arterial catheter) are recommended as early improvement in gas exchange is predictive of NIV success. The minute ventilation should be adjusted to improve arterial pH and PaCO2. Ideally ventilators able to monitor airway pressures, expired volumes, and airflow should be utilized. Patient tolerance and comfort should be continuously monitored, and this requires close communication with the patient. Close ICU monitoring should mean intubation is not delayed when necessary. If after 2 hours NIV is not successful, conventional intubation should be considered.

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