© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Linda S. Aglio and Richard D. Urman (eds.)Anesthesiologyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50141-3_1212. Non-cardiac Surgery After Heart Transplantation
Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 22 Fleet St., Apt 8, Boston, MA 02113, USA
Cardiac allograft vasculopathyCalcineurin inhibitorAntimetaboliteRejectionEndomyocardial biopsyAutonomic denervationFrank-Starling mechanismCase
A 63-year-old man with a past medical history significant for orthotopic heart transplantation 18 months prior presents for open reduction and internal fixation of an unstable left lower extremity bimalleolar ankle fracture. The patient sustained the injury as a passenger in a car involved in a low-speed motor vehicle accident, and subsequent workup in the emergency department was negative for the presence of additional injuries. He reports that he has been on a stable immunosuppressive regimen for the past 6 months and denies any recent chest pain, palpitations, weight gain, leg swelling, orthopnea, fevers, chills, or malaise. Prior to his accident, he reports being able to climb two flights of stairs without chest discomfort or shortness of breath.
Aspirin 80 mg daily
Tacrolimus 5 mg PO BID
Mycophenolate Mofetil 1000 mg PO BID
Prednisone 10 mg BID
Diltiazem 60 mg PO TID
Pravastatin 40 mg daily
Allergies: NKA
Past Medical History:
Nonischemic cardiomyopathy status post orthotopic heart transplant 18 months prior
Diet controlled diabetes mellitus
Physical Exam:
Vital Signs: BP 145/92, HR 95, RR 20, oxygen saturation 99% on room air
Cardiac: Regular tachycardia without murmurs, rub, or gallop. JVP 3 cm. Left leg bandaged but no pedal edema on right leg
Respiratory: Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally
Otherwise: Insignificant
An EKG that was performed in the ED is notable for the presence of two distinct P waves and right bundle branch block.
- 1.
How do the two branches of the autonomic nervous system influence cardiac function in the normal human heart?
Autonomic regulation of cardiac chronotropy (heart rate) and dromotropy (conduction velocity) is achieved through a balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic signaling to cardiac pacemaker tissue. Autonomic control of cardiac inotropy (contraction) and lusitropy (relaxation), on the other hand, is primarily mediated through sympathetic signaling to cardiac myocytes [1, 2].
- 2.
Which neurotransmitters and receptors play a central role in cardiac autonomic signaling?
When activated, preganglionic neurons of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system release acetylcholine from their nerve terminals in the autonomic ganglia. Acetylcholine then diffuses across the synaptic cleft where it binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors located on the postsynaptic neurons, ultimately promoting depolarization and signal propagation in these cells. In the parasympathetic system, stimulated postganglionic fibers release acetylcholine which binds to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors on the heart. In the sympathetic system, stimulated postganglionic fibers release norepinephrine which binds to cardiac adrenergic receptors.
- 3.
What effect does the autonomic nervous system have on the transplanted heart?
Autonomic nerves are transected in the process of transplantation, disrupting autonomic influence on cardiac function in the early postoperative period. Autonomic reinnervation of the transplanted heart can occur over time, but its extent and time course are highly variable and therefore unpredictable [3–10].
- 4.
Why is the resting heart rate frequently elevated in patients who have previously undergone heart transplantation?
In the healthy, resting individual both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers regulate automaticity in the pacemaker cells of the sinus node [1, 2]. Usually in adults, vagal parasympathetic influence predominates, resulting in an overall slowing of the rate of depolarization of these cells and therefore slowing of the resting heart rate. Disruption of autonomic signaling to the heart during the process of transplantation attenuates this parasympathetic-heavy influence, often leading to a significant elevation in resting heart rate. Resting rates of 80–110 are common, though rates as high as 130 or greater have been reported [3, 7, 9–11].
- 5.
How might an anesthesiologist’s ability to detect intraoperative awareness be altered by the loss of cardiac autonomic innervation?
Though neither sensitive nor specific, alterations in hemodynamic parameters such as heart rate and blood pressure due to sympathetic nervous system activation can serve as an indicator of insufficient anesthetic depth. In patients who have undergone heart transplant, this sympathetic response may be blunted or absent, highlighting the importance of having a heightened awareness of anesthetic depth in this patient population [6].
- 6.
Why is maintenance of preload especially important in patients who have previously undergone cardiac transplantation?
Cardiac output is equal to the product of heart rate and stroke volume. Accordingly, decreases in stroke volume must be corrected or accompanied by a proportional increase in heart rate in order to maintain stable cardiac output. Reflex signaling through the autonomic nervous system plays a central role in this compensatory response, increasing heart rate and/or contractility when required to maintain cardiac output. This reflex signaling is disrupted in the denervated heart leaving only intrinsic adaptive cardiac responses such as the Frank–Starling mechanism intact [3, 7]. This mechanism describes the heart’s ability to increase contractility in response to increased cardiac muscle stretch due to increased filling, i.e., preload.
- 7.
How is the hemodynamic response to medications different in individuals who have undergone heart transplantation?
Drugs that produce hemodynamic changes through modification of vascular tone such as phenylephrine and nitroglycerin will produce relatively normal, dose-dependent alterations in preload and systemic vascular resistance. The compensatory bradycardia or tachycardia that would typically be seen with use of these medications, on the other hand, is largely dependent on the autonomic nervous system and may be disrupted [2]. Overall, the hemodynamic effect of these drugs will be preserved if not slightly augmented via loss of these compensatory changes. Similarly, drugs such as atropine that exert their effect indirectly by altering autonomic signaling will typically be less efficacious or completely ineffectual depending on the level of autonomic reinnervation that has occurred post-transplantation [7, 10]. Hemodynamic effects of drugs like epinephrine that directly binds to receptors on cardiac tissues will not only be maintained but may be exaggerated [7, 9, 10, 12, 13]. Finally, drugs with mixed direct and indirect activity such as ephedrine will typically retain only their direct effects.
- 8.
What does this mean for the management of intraoperative arrhythmias?
In the denervated heart, bradycardia typically would not respond to the indirect effects of atropine and glycopyrrolate, so the provider must be prepared to treat with pacing or direct acting medications such as isoproterenol or epinephrine. The denervated heart’s response to adenosine, however, is exaggerated and so use of an alternate medication such as amiodarone is preferred when treating tachyarrhythmias [9, 10].
- 9.
Why is it common for heart transplant patients to have pacemakers and ICDs?
While disruption of autonomic input most commonly results in elevation of the resting heart rate in individuals who have undergone cardiac transplantation, factors such as sinus node tissue injury related to graft ischemia, surgical trauma or reperfusion injury occasionally cause post-transplant bradycardia [7, 9]. Treatment with a permanent pacemaker is typically only undertaken when symptomatic bradycardia is persistent, with rates of pacemaker placement for this indication most commonly reported at <10% [3, 9]. While there are no clear guidelines surrounding the implantation of ICDs in these patients, common reasons for placement include unexplained syncope, frequent nonsustained ventricular arrhythmia, graft failure, and graft vasculopathy with associated left ventricular dysfunction [9, 14].
- 10.
Why are two distinct P waves sometimes seen on the EKG in patients who have a transplanted heart?
Two of the most common surgical approaches to cardiac transplantation include the atrial to atrial cuff technique and the bicaval technique. In the atrial to atrial cuff technique, a part of the recipient’s right and left atria remains in situ and is sutured to the atria of the donor heart. This may leave the recipient with active sinus node tissue from both their native heart as well as their newly transplanted heart. While these suture lines serve as a barrier to prevent widespread conduction of pacemaker potentials originating in retained recipient sinus nodal tissue, this electrical activity can still be seen on an EKG as a second P wave [3, 6, 9, 15]. A lower rate of pacemaker implantation and a slight mortality benefit have been shown with the bicaval technique and thus most centers have moved away from the atrial to atrial cuff technique when possible [16]. Despite this fact, this phenomenon can still be seen in the operating room in patients who had their transplant prior to the more recent shift in practice. Additionally, technical limitations occasionally prohibit the use of the bicaval approach necessitating use of the atrial to atrial cuff technique.
- 11.
What other atrial arrhythmias are commonly seen in patients after cardiac transplant?
First degree AV block, right bundle branch block and atrial flutter are common [3, 9, 10, 17].
- 12.
What is the significance of right bundle branch block in these patients?
Isolated, stable right bundle branch block is likely of little clinical significance. Higher rates of sudden cardiac death, however, have been noted in the setting of progression of bundle branch block on serial EKGs [9].
- 13.
What should be done if an otherwise stable patient with a heart transplant is found to have atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, or frequent ventricular arrhythmias preoperatively?
Development of one of these arrhythmias in a patient with a transplanted heart may be a marker for significant underlying cardiac pathology such as rejection, LV dysfunction, or cardiac allograft vasculopathy. Identification of these arrhythmias should prompt a full workup to evaluate for the presence of these serious conditions and to ensure that cardiac function is optimized before the patient is taken to the operating room [9]. From a treatment standpoint, use of beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers for rate control may be limited by the risk of bradycardia and interactions with immunosuppressive medication. Despite the fact that amiodarone also has the potential to interfere with pharmacokinetic processing of certain immunosuppressants, it is frequently the drug of choice for treatment of atrial tachyarrhythmia in this patient population [9, 10]. Radiofrequency ablation may also be used to treat sustained arrhythmias.
- 14.
What is cardiac allograft vasculopathy?
Cardiac allograft vasculopathy is the result of endothelial damage from both immune and nonimmune factors. It causes diffuse vascular remodeling, which can result in progressive and potentially rapid occlusion of affected vessels [4, 18].
- 15.