Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
David A. Caro
Erik G. Laurin
Neuromuscular blockade is the cornerstone of rapid sequence intubation (RSI) optimizing conditions for tracheal intubation while minimizing the risks of aspiration or other adverse physiologic events. NMBAs do not provide analgesia, sedation, or amnesia. As a result, they are paired with a sedative-induction agent for RSI. Similarly, appropriate sedation is essential when maintaining neuromuscular blockade postintubation.
Cholinergic nicotinic receptors on the postjunctional membrane of the motor endplate play the primary role in stimulating muscular contraction. Under normal circumstances, the presynaptic neuron synthesizes acetylcholine (ACH) and stores it in small packages (vesicles). Nerve stimulation results in these vesicles migrating to the prejunctional nerve surface, rupturing and discharging ACH into the cleft of the motor endplate. The ACH attaches to the nicotinic receptors, promoting depolarization that culminates in a muscle cell action potential and muscular contraction. As the ACH diffuses away from the receptor, the majority of the neurotransmitter is hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase (ACHE). The remainder undergoes re-uptake by the prejunctional neuron.
NMBAs are either agonists (“depolarizers” of the motor endplate) or antagonists (competitive agents, also known as “nondepolarizers”). Agonists work by persistent depolarization of the endplate, exhausting the ability of the receptor to respond. Antagonists, on the other hand, attach to the receptors and competitively block access of ACH to the receptor while attached. Because they are in competition with ACH for the motor endplate, antagonists can be displaced from the endplate by increasing concentrations of ACH, the end result of reversal agents (cholinesterase inhibitors such as neostigmine, edrophonium, and pyridostigmine) that inhibit ACHE and allow ACH to accumulate and reverse the block.
Depolarizing (Non-Competitive) NMBA: Succinylcholine | ||||||||||||
The ideal muscle relaxant to facilitate tracheal intubation would have a rapid onset of action, rendering the patient paralyzed within seconds; a short duration of action, returning the patient’s normal protective reflexes within 3 to 4 minutes; no significant adverse side effects; and metabolism and excretion independent of liver and kidney function. Unfortunately, such an agent does not exist. Succinylcholine (SCh) comes closest to meeting these desirable goals. Despite the historic and well-known adverse effects of SCh and the continuous advent of new competitive NMBAs, SCh remains the drug of choice for emergency RSI in both adults and children.
Clinical Pharmacology
SCh is comprised of two molecules of ACH linked by an ester bridge, and as such, is chemically similar to ACH. It stimulates all nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system to varying degrees, not just those at the neuromuscular junction. For example, stimulation of cardiac muscarinic receptors can cause bradycardia, especially when repeated doses are given to small children. Although SCh can be a negative inotrope, this effect is so minimal as to have no clinical relevance. SCh causes the release of trace amounts of
histamine, but this effect is also not clinically significant. Initially, SCh depolarization manifests as fasciculations, but this is followed rapidly by complete motor paralysis. The onset, activity, and duration of action of SCh are independent of the activity of ACHE and instead depend on rapid hydrolysis by pseudocholinesterase (PCHE), an enzyme of the liver and plasma that is not present at the neuromuscular junction. Therefore, diffusion away from the neuromuscular junction motor endplate and back into the vascular compartment is ultimately responsible for SCh metabolism. This extremely important pharmacologic concept explains why only a fraction of the initial intravenous (IV) dose of SCh ever reaches the motor endplate to promote paralysis. As a result, larger, rather than smaller, doses of SCh are used for emergency RSI. Incomplete paralysis may jeopardize the patient by compromising respiration while failing to provide adequate relaxation to facilitate tracheal intubation. Succinylmonocholine, the initial metabolite of SCh, sensitizes the cardiac muscarinic receptors in the sinus node to repeat does of SCh, which may cause bradycardia that is responsive to atropine. At room temperature, SCh retains 90% of its activity for up to 3 months. Refrigeration mitigates this degradation. Therefore, if SCh is stored at room temperature, it should be dated and stock should be rotated regularly.
histamine, but this effect is also not clinically significant. Initially, SCh depolarization manifests as fasciculations, but this is followed rapidly by complete motor paralysis. The onset, activity, and duration of action of SCh are independent of the activity of ACHE and instead depend on rapid hydrolysis by pseudocholinesterase (PCHE), an enzyme of the liver and plasma that is not present at the neuromuscular junction. Therefore, diffusion away from the neuromuscular junction motor endplate and back into the vascular compartment is ultimately responsible for SCh metabolism. This extremely important pharmacologic concept explains why only a fraction of the initial intravenous (IV) dose of SCh ever reaches the motor endplate to promote paralysis. As a result, larger, rather than smaller, doses of SCh are used for emergency RSI. Incomplete paralysis may jeopardize the patient by compromising respiration while failing to provide adequate relaxation to facilitate tracheal intubation. Succinylmonocholine, the initial metabolite of SCh, sensitizes the cardiac muscarinic receptors in the sinus node to repeat does of SCh, which may cause bradycardia that is responsive to atropine. At room temperature, SCh retains 90% of its activity for up to 3 months. Refrigeration mitigates this degradation. Therefore, if SCh is stored at room temperature, it should be dated and stock should be rotated regularly.
Indications and Contraindications
SCh is the NMBA of choice for emergency RSI because of its rapid onset and relatively brief duration of action. A personal or family history of malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an absolute contraindication to the use of SCh. Inherited disorders that lead to abnormal or insufficient cholinesterases prolong the duration of the block and contraindicate SCh use in elective anesthesia, but are not ordinarily an issue in emergency airway management. Certain conditions, described in “Adverse Effects” below, place patients at risk for SCh-related hyperkalemia and represent absolute contraindications to SCh. These patients should be intubated using a competitive, nondepolarizing NMBA. Relative contraindications to the use of SCh are dependent on the skill and proficiency of the intubator and the individual patient’s clinical circumstance. The role of difficult airway assessment in the decision regarding whether a patient should undergo RSI is discussed in Chapters 2 and 7.
Dosage and Clinical Use
In the normal-size adult patient, the recommended dose of SCh for emergency RSI is 1.5 mg per kg IV. In a rare, life-threatening circumstance when SCh must be given intramuscularly (IM) because of inability to secure venous access, a dose of 4 mg per kg IM may be used. Absorption and delivery of drug will be dependent on the patient’s circulatory status. IM administration may result in a prolonged period of vulnerability for the patient, during which respirations will be compromised, but relaxation is not sufficient to permit intubation. Active bag-mask ventilation will usually be required before laryngoscopy in this circumstance.
SCh is dosed on a total body weight basis. In the emergency department, it may be impossible to know the exact weight of a patient, and weight estimates, especially of supine patients, have been shown to be notoriously inaccurate. In those uncertain circumstances, it is better to err on the side of a higher dose of SCh to ensure adequate patient paralysis. The serum half-life of SCh is <1 minute, so doubling the dose increases the duration of block by only 60 seconds. SCh is safe up to a cumulative dose of 6 mg per kg. At doses >6 mg per kg, the typical phase 1 depolarization block of SCh becomes a phase 2 block, which changes the pharmacokinetic displacement of SCh from the motor endplate. Although the electrophysiologic features of a phase 2 block resemble that of a nondepolarizing or competitive block (train-of-four fade and posttetanic potentiation) the block remains nonreversible. This prolongs the duration of paralysis but is otherwise clinically irrelevant. The risk of an inadequately paralyzed patient who is difficult to intubate because of an inadequate dose of SCh greatly outweighs the minimal potential for adverse effects from excessive dosing.
In children younger than 10 years, length-based dosing is recommended, but if weight is used as the determinant, the recommended dose of SCh for emergency RSI is 2 mg per kg IV, and in
the newborn (younger than 12 months), the appropriate dose is 3 mg per kg IV. Some practitioners routinely administer atropine to children younger than 12 months who are receiving SCh, but there is no high-quality evidence to support this practice. There is similarly no evidence that it is harmful, so it is considered. When adults or children of any age receive a second dose of SCh, bradycardia may occur, and atropine should be readily available.
the newborn (younger than 12 months), the appropriate dose is 3 mg per kg IV. Some practitioners routinely administer atropine to children younger than 12 months who are receiving SCh, but there is no high-quality evidence to support this practice. There is similarly no evidence that it is harmful, so it is considered. When adults or children of any age receive a second dose of SCh, bradycardia may occur, and atropine should be readily available.
Adverse Effects
The recognized side effects of SCh include fasciculations, hyperkalemia, bradycardia, prolonged neuromuscular blockade, Malignant Hyperthermia, and trismus/masseter muscle spasm. Each is discussed separately.
1. Fasciculations
Fasciculations are believed to be produced by stimulation of the nicotinic ACH receptors. Fasciculations occur simultaneously with increases in intracranial pressure (ICP), intraocular pressure, and intragastric pressure, but these are not the result of concerted muscle activity. Of these, only the increase in ICP is potentially clinically important.
The exact mechanisms by which these effects occur are not well elucidated. In the past, it was recommended that non-depolarizing agents be given in advance of SCh to mitigate ICP elevation, but there is insufficient evidence to support this practice.
The relationship between muscle fasciculation and subsequent postoperative muscle pain is controversial. Studies have been variable with respect to prevention of fasciculations and subsequent muscle pain. Although there exists a theoretical concern regarding the extrusion of vitreous in patients with open globe injuries who are given SCh, there are no published reports of this potential complication. Anesthesiologists continue to use SCh as a muscle relaxant in cases of open globe injury, with or without an accompanying defasciculating agent. Similarly, the increase in intragastric pressure that has been measured has never been shown to be of any clinical significance, perhaps because it is offset by a corresponding increase in the lower esophageal sphincter pressure.
2. Hyperkalemia
Under normal circumstances, serum potassium increases minimally (0 to 0.5 mEq per L) when SCh is administered. In certain pathologic conditions, however, a rapid and dramatic increase in serum potassium can occur in response to SCh. These pathologic hyperkalemic responses occur by two distinct mechanisms: receptor upregulation and rhabdomyolysis. In either situation, potassium increase may approach 5 to 10 mEq per L within a few minutes and result in hyperkalemic dysrhythmias or cardiac arrest.
Two forms of postjunctional receptors exist: mature (junctional) and immature (extrajunctional). Each receptor is composed of five proteins arranged in a circular fashion around a common channel. Both types of receptors contain two α-subunits. ACH must attach to both α-subunits to open the channel and effect depolarization and muscle contraction. When receptor upregulation occurs, the mature receptors at and around the motor endplate are gradually converted over a 4- to 5-day period to immature receptors that propagate throughout the entire muscle membrane. Immature receptors are characterized by low conductance and prolonged channel opening times (four times longer than mature receptors), resulting in increasing release of potassium. Most of the entities associated with hyperkalemia during emergency use of SCh are the result of receptor upregulation. Interestingly, these same extrajunctional nicotinic receptors are relatively refractory to nondepolarizing agents, so larger doses of vecuronium, pancuronium, or rocuronium may be required to produce paralysis. This is not an issue in emergency RSI, where full intubating doses several times greater than the ED95 for paralysis are used.
Hyperkalemia also may occur with rhabdomyolysis, most often that associated with myopathies, especially inherited forms of muscular dystrophy. When severe hyperkalemia occurs related to rhabdomyolysis, the mortality approaches 30%, almost three times higher than that in cases of receptor upregulation. This mortality increase may be related to coexisting
cardiomyopathy. SCh is a toxin to unstable membranes in any patient with a myopathy and should be avoided.
cardiomyopathy. SCh is a toxin to unstable membranes in any patient with a myopathy and should be avoided.
Patients with the following conditions are at risk of SCh-induced hyperkalemia:
Receptor Upregulation
a. Burns—In burn victims, the extrajunctional receptor sensitization becomes clinically significant 5 days postburn. It lasts an indefinite period of time, at least until there is complete healing of the burned area. If the burn becomes infected or healing is delayed, the patient remains at risk for hyperkalemia. It is prudent to avoid SCh in burned patients beyond day 5 postburn if any question exists regarding the status of their burn. The percent of body surface area burned does not correlate well with the magnitude of hyperkalemia. Significant hyperkalemia has been reported in patients with as little as 8% total body surface area burn (less than the surface of one arm), but this is rare. The majority of emergent intubations for burn patients are performed within the safe 5-day window period. Should a later intubation become necessary, however, rocuronium or vecuronium provide excellent alternatives.
b. Denervation—The patient who suffers a denervation event, such as spinal cord injury or stroke, is at risk for hyperkalemia from approximately the fifth day postevent, until 6 months postevent. Patients with progressive neuromuscular disorders, such as multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, are perpetually at risk for hyperkalemia. Likewise, patients with transient neuromuscular disorders, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome or wound botulism, can develop hyperkalemia after day 5, depending on the severity of their disease. As long as the neuromuscular disease is dynamic, there will be augmentation of the extrajunctional receptors, which increases the risk for hyperkalemia. These specific clinical situations should be considered absolute contraindications to SCh during the designated time periods.
c. Crush injuries—The data regarding crush injuries are scant. The hyperkalemic response begins about 5 days postinjury, similar to denervation, and persists for several months after healing seems complete. The mechanism appears to be receptor upregulation.
d. Severe infections—This entity seems to relate to established, serious infections, usually in the ICU environment. The mechanism is receptor upregulation, but the initiating event is not established. Total body muscular disuse atrophy and chemical denervation of the ACH receptors, particularly related to long-term infusions of NMBAs, appear to drive the pathologic receptor changes. Again, the at-risk time period begins 5 days after initiation of the infection and continues indefinitely as long as the disease process is dynamic. Intraabdominal sepsis has most prominently been identified as the culprit, but any serious, prolonged, debilitating infection should prompt concern.
SCh is absolutely contraindicated in patients with inherited myopathies, such as muscular dystrophy. Myopathic hyperkalemia can be devastating because of the combined effects of receptor upregulation and rhabdomyolysis. This is a particularly difficult problem in pediatrics, when a child with occult muscular dystrophy receives SCh. SCh has a black box warning advising against its use in elective pediatric anesthesia, but it continues to be the muscle relaxant of choice for emergency intubation. Any patient suspected of a myopathy should be intubated with nondepolarizing muscle relaxants rather than SCh.
Pre-existing Hyperkalemia
Hyperkalemia, per se, is not an absolute contra-indication to SCh. There is no evidence that SCh is harmful in patients with pre-existing hyperkalemia, but who are not otherwise at risk of severe SCh-induced hyperkalemia by one of the mechanisms described in the preceding secion. There is widespread concern that patients with acute hyperkalemia secondary to acute renal failure or diabetic ketoacidosis are more likely to exhibit cardiac dsysrhythmias from SCh administration than patients with chronic or recurrent hyperkalemia. There is, however, no evidence to support this claim. Patients with pre-existing hyperkalemia are subject to the same potential rise of 0 to 0.5 mEq per L of potassium as for “normal” patients. The only study that examined the use of SCh in patients with chronic renal failure (including documented hyperkalemia before intubation) failed to identify any adverse effects related to SCh.
A reasonable approach is to assume that SCh is safe to use in patients with renal failure unless the ECG (either monitor tracing or 12-lead ECG) shows evidence of acute hyperkalemia (peaked T waves or prolongation of QRS).
3. Bradycardia
In both adults and children, repeated doses of SCh may produce bradycardia, and administration of atropine may become necessary.
4. Prolonged neuromuscular blockade
Prolonged neuromuscular blockade may result from an acquired PCHE deficiency, a congenital absence of PCHE, or the presence of an atypical form of PCHE, any of the three of which will delay the degradation of SCh and prolong paralysis. Acquired PCHE deficiency may be a result of liver disease, chronic cocaine abuse, pregnancy, burns, oral contraceptives, metoclopramide, bambuterol, or esmolol. A 20% reduction in normal levels will increase apnea time about 3 to 9 minutes. The most severe variant (0.04% of population) will result in prolonged paralysis for 4 to 8 hours.
5. Malignant hyperthermia
A personal or family history of MH is an absolute contraindication to the use of SCh. MH is a myopathy characterized by a genetic skeletal muscle membrane abnormality of the Ry1 ryanodine receptor. It can be triggered by halogenated anesthetics, SCh, vigorous exercise, and even emotional stress. Following the initiating event, its onset can be acute and progressive, or delayed for hours. Generalized awareness of MH, earlier diagnosis, and the availability of dantrolene (Dantrium) have decreased the mortality from as high as 70% to <5%. Acute loss of intracellular calcium control results in a cascade of rapidly progressive events manifested primarily by increased metabolism, muscular rigidity, autonomic instability, hypoxia, hypotension, severe lactic acidosis, hyperkalemia, myoglobinemia, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Temperature elevation is a late manifestation. The presence of more than one of these clinical signs is suggestive of MH.
Masseter spasm, once claimed to be the hallmark of MH, is not pathognomonic. SCh can promote isolated masseter spasm as an exaggerated response at the neuromuscular junction, especially in children.
The treatment for MH consists of discontinuing the known or suspected precipitant and the immediate administration of dantrolene sodium (Dantrium). Dantrolene is essential to successful resuscitation and must be given as soon as the diagnosis is seriously entertained. Dantrolene is a hydantoin derivative that acts directly on skeletal muscle to prevent calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum without affecting calcium reuptake. The initial dose is 2.5 mg per kg IV, repeated every 5 minutes until muscle relaxation occurs or the maximum dose of 10 mg per kg is administered. Dantrolene is free of any serious side effects. In addition, measures to control body temperature, acid-base balance, and renal function must be used. All cases of MH require constant monitoring of pH, arterial blood gases, and serum potassium. Immediate and aggressive management of hyperkalemia with the administration of calcium gluconate, glucose, insulin, and sodium bicarbonate may be necessary. Interestingly, full paralysis with nondepolarizing NMBAs will prevent SCh-triggered MH. MH has never been reported related to the use of SCh in the emergency department. The MH emergency hotline number is 1-800-MH-HYPER 1-800-644-9737 (United States and Canada) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ask for “index zero.” The e-mail address for the Malignant Hyperthermia Association of the United States (MHAUS) is, and the Web site is
6. Trismus/masseter muscle spasm

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