Metabolic Alkalosis
Metabolic acidosis gets all the headlines, but metabolic alkalosis is the most common acid-base disorder in hospitalized patients (1,2,3). The prevalence of metabolic alkalosis can be attributed to three factors: (a) common etiologies (e.g., diuretic therapy), (b) a tendency for the alkalosis to be sustained (thanks to chloride), and (c) failure to identify and correct the factors that maintain the alkalosis.
I. Origins
Metabolic alkalosis is defined as an increase in the bicarbonate (HCO3) concentration in extracellular fluid (plasma) that is not an adaptive response to hypercapnia. The normal range for the plasma HCO3 is 22–26 mEq/L.
A. Pathogenesis
Metabolic alkalosis is usually the result of one of the following conditions (3):
Loss of gastric acid from vomiting or nasogastric suction.
Enhanced secretion of hydrogen ions (H+) in the distal renal tubules (e.g., from diuretics or mineralocorticoid excess).
Transcellular shift of H+ as a result of hypokalemia.
Loss of fluids that contain little or no HCO3 (contraction alkalosis).
The normal response to metabolic alkalosis is an increase in the renal excretion of HCO3. This response is reversed by chloride depletion and hypokalemia (3,4), and this helps to maintain a metabolic alkalosis.
Chloride depletion promotes the renal retention of HCO3 by increasing HCO3 reabsorption, and inhibiting HCO3 secretion, in the distal renal tubules. Both effects are mediated by a decrease in the luminal chloride concentration. The renal actions of chloride depletion are considered the principal cause of sustained cases of metabolic alkalosis (3,4).
Hypokalemia has the same effects as chloride depletion (though the mechanisms differ).
B. Etiologies
The common conditions that precipitate and/or maintain a metabolic alkalosis are shown in Table 25.1, along with the mechanisms involved in each condition.
1. Volume Loss
Loss of fluids that contain little or no HCO3 is a well-known cause of metabolic alkalosis, and has been called contraction alkalosis because the assumed mechanism was a simple concentrating effect on the plasma HCO3. However, the real culprit is chloride depletion, because the alkalosis is not corrected by replacing the fluid deficit unless the chloride deficit is also replaced (4).
2. Loss of Gastric Secretions
Gastric secretions are rich in H+ (50–100 mEq/L), CL– (120–160 mEq/L), and, to a lesser extent, K+ (10–15 mEq/L) (5). As a result, loss of gastric secretions (e.g., from nasogastric suction) creates multiple risks for metabolic alkalosis (i.e., loss of H+, CL–, K+, and volume loss).
Table 25.1 Potential Sources of Metabolic Alkalosis in the ICU | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Diuretics