We are still learning how and why visceral obesity, excess intra-abdominal adipose tissue accumulation typically measured by waist circumference, leads to increased morbidity and mortality. Visceral obesity is associated with a chronic, low-grade inflammatory state and the pro-inflammatory theory has been proposed as a critical step contributing to the emergence of many of the pathologic features associated with obesity. This includes insulin resistance—a key component of metabolic syndrome (see Table 5.1 for diagnostic criteria). Other components of metabolic syndrome include elevated waist circumference, hypertension , hyperglycemia , and dyslipidemia . This cluster of symptoms is associated with increased prevalence of obesity and risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) [7, 8]. Adipose tissue is now recognized as an endocrine organ that secretes various immunomodulatory and inflammatory markers such as adipokines , cytokines , and hormones [9–12], which are involved in the pathogenesis of many medical complications resulting from severe obesity .
Table 5.1
Diagnosis of metabolic syndrome
Criterion | Males | Females |
Abdominal obesity | ||
• Canada, United States | ≥40 in. (102 cm) | ≥34 in. (88 cm) |
• Europid, Middle Eastern, sub-Saharan African, Mediterranean | ≥37 in. (94 cm) | ≥31 in. (80 cm) |
• Asian, Japanese, South and Central American | ≥35 in. (90 cm) | ≥31 in. (80 cm) |
Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) | <18.54 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L) | <23.4 mg/dl (1.3 mmol/L) |
Hypertriglyceridemia | ≥30 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) | |
High blood pressure (BP) | ≥130/85 mmHg | |
High fasting glucose (FPG) | ≥100.8 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) |
This chapter will give an overview of the vast array of health conditions caused by obesity in a review of systems framework. This overview will be followed by two case studies highlighting typical patient presentations in the primary care setting with workup suggestions. The goal of this chapter will be to provide health professionals with a summary of relevant medical conditions that should be considered in the management of obesity and comorbid mental illness.
5.1 Endocrine
5.1.1 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease commonly associated with obesity [13]. The incidence of developing type 2 DM increases with the degree of excess weight [13] with a prevalence rate as high as 49 % in patients who are obese [14]. It is a metabolic disorder primarily characterized by abnormal carbohydrate metabolism and the clinical presence of hyperglycemia. The disease may range from a relative defect in insulin secretion, insulin resistance at the cellular level, or varying degrees of both [6]. It is associated with many long-term macrovascular and microvascular complications affecting the eyes, kidneys, and nerves, as well as an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. The Pathology of Type 2 Diabetes in Overweight/Obese People
Although research is still ongoing, there are currently three hypothesized mechanisms for the development of type 2 DM in adults: (1) increased circulation of free fatty acids (FFAs) ; (2) altered levels of adipocytokines; and (3) altered body fat distribution.
Persons with excess adipose tissue have an increase in circulating FFAs [15]. This chronic increase in FFAs has been linked with the onset of insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction, leading to a defect in insulin secretion [15]. Elevated FFAs and intracellular lipids inhibit insulin signaling, leading to a reduction in insulin-stimulated muscle glucose transport [15]. In the liver, elevated FFAs may contribute to hyperglycemia by antagonizing the effects of insulin on endogenous glucose production [16].
Adipose tissue has been recognized as an endocrine organ, and produces a large number of cytokines, which include leptin, adiponectin , tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) , interleukin-6 (IL-6) , and resistin. These cytokines serve as important factors in the pathogenesis of type 2 DM from obesity [17–20]. Leptin is predominantly involved in regulating metabolism peripherally as well as serving as a signal for satiety [21]. Research has suggested that obese individuals are insensitive to endogenous leptin production, which is thought to lead to altered metabolism and decreased satiety after meals [22, 23]. Adiponectin levels have been shown to be positively correlated with insulin sensitivity [24, 25]. However, plasma adiponectin levels are decreased in both obesity and type 2 DM, which leads to decreased insulin sensitivity [26, 27]. This is believed to be an important factor in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α and IL-6, are elevated in obesity and diabetes, which is also believed to contribute to insulin resistance [18, 28–30]. Resistin is also closely related to hepatic insulin resistance [31].
Increasing evidence has demonstrated that the pattern of body fat distribution plays an important role in the development of insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, and type 2 DM. Central obesity in which there is an increase in intra-abdominal fat, particularly subcutaneous and omental fat, leads to more insulin resistance and metabolic alterations than does primarily lower-body fat [32, 33]. Organ-specific deposition of fat is also related to insulin resistance. For instance, increased intramyocellular triglyceride content closely correlates with muscle insulin resistance [34] and intrahepatic fat accumulation is associated with hepatic insulin resistance [35]. Screening and Diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes
The development of type 2 DM is characterized by the progressive deterioration of glucose tolerance over a period of several years. Regular screening for type 2 DM in people with risk factors leads to earlier diagnosis, a reduction in associated complications, and overall cost savings [2]. According to the Canadian Diabetes Risk Questionnaire (CANRISK) developed by the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) , overweight/obese (BMI >35) and increased waist circumference (men >102 cm/40 in., women >88 cm/35 in.) are the two major risk factors for the development of the disease.
The screening and diagnosis tools recommended by the CDA are fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and/or glycated hemoglobin (A1c). Two-hour plasma glucose (PG) after a 75 g oral glucose tolerate test (OGTT) or random PG can also aid in diagnosis. Diagnosis criteria can be found in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2
Diagnosis of type II diabetes mellitus
Test | Prediabetes | Diabetes |
FPG mg/dL (mmol/L) | 109–124 (6.1–6.9) | ≥126 (7.0) |
2 h PG after a 75 g OGTT mg/dL (mmol/L) | 140–199 (7.8–11.0) | ≥200 (11.1) |
A1C (%) | 6.0–6.4 % | ≥6.5 % |
Random PG mg/dL (mmol/L) | ≥200 mg/dL (11.1) | Management of Type 2 Diabetes for Obese/Overweight Patients
A higher body mass index (BMI) in people with diabetes is associated with increased overall mortality; therefore, weight management is very crucial and is seen as the first step in disease management [6]. When choosing antihyperglycemic medications, the drug’s effects on body weight should be considered. Many are associated with weight gain, while some are weight neutral or associated with weight loss [6]. Studies have shown that a weight loss of 5 kg or more can reduce the risk of developing type 2 DM by approximately 50 % [36], and more drastic weight loss may even cause remission of the disease, for instance, after bariatric surgery .
5.1.2 Thyroid Function
The relationship between obesity and thyroid disease is intertwined. Thyroid hormones regulate energy metabolism, which can affect body weight and composition. Both subclinical and overt hypothyroidism are frequently associated with weight gain [37]. Furthermore, evidence suggests that BMI has been positively associated with TSH level and negatively associated with serum free T4 (FT4) among euthyroid obese and overweight individuals [38, 39]. These alterations seem rather a consequence than a cause of obesity since weight loss leads to a normalization of elevated TSH [40, 41]. It has been hypothesized the correlation between TSH and BMI could be mediated by leptin through the following paths: (1) regulates energy homeostasis by informing the central nervous system about adipose tissue reserves [39]; (2) modulates the neuroendocrine and behavior responses to overfeeding; (3) has effects on hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis [42]; and (4) affects thyroid deiodinase activities with activation of T4 to T3 conversion [43].
5.2 Cardiac
Obesity has many known undesirable effects on the cardiovascular system. Many risk factors for cardiovascular disease are also associated with obesity, such as poor diet, lack of physical activity, diabetes, hypertension, elevated waist circumference [44], and hyperlipidemia [45]. However, obesity alone, in the absence of such comorbidities, is an independent risk factor for cardiac disease [10]. Even a modest increase in body weight can lead to significant increase in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [7]. The pro-inflammatory theory has been used to explain how obesity independently causes cardiovascular disease, i.e., cytokines secreted by adipocytes promote inflammation and atherosclerosis [12].
5.2.1 Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia
Obesity is a well-known cause of hypertension [8, 45, 46]. It is estimated that obesity accounts for 65–75 % of essential hypertension [46]. 50–60 % of obese persons have mild to moderate hypertension, while 5–10 % have severe hypertension [47]. Although the exact etiology is unknown, there are four suggestions to explain this causality: (1) a change in hemodynamics—obese persons require a greater total blood volume in order to perfuse extra adipose tissue [8, 46]. This increase in blood volume leads to a greater cardiac output and stroke volume [8]. When combined with increased peripheral vascular resistance, this may lead to greater intravascular pressures [8], (2) physical compression of the kidneys—intra-abdominal pressure caused by excess abdominal fat physically compresses the kidneys, renal veins, and ureters which can further increase blood pressure [46]. This pressure leads to impaired renal-pressure natriuresis and increased sodium reabsorption [47]; (3) changes in the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) ; and (4) increased sympathetic nervous system activity [46]—obesity is associated with increased plasma renin activity, angiotensinogen, angiotensin-converting enzyme activity, angiotensin II, and aldosterone [46]. This leads to vasoconstriction, sodium and fluid retention, and an increase in the sympathetic nervous system [46].
Obesity is also a well-known cause of dyslipidemia [48]. Typically obese individuals display increased triglycerides and free fatty acids, decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, with normal or slightly increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol [48]. Persons with a BMI over 40 are almost twice as likely to develop hyperlipidemia [49]. The decision to prescribe cholesterol lowering medication may be informed by the patient’s Framingham Risk Score (FRS) , which equates to their 10 year estimated risk of developing cardiovascular disease [50]. This score takes into account age, gender, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and blood pressure [50].
5.2.2 Coronary Artery Disease
Obesity and many of its comorbidities such as hypertension and dyslipidemia [51] accelerate the accumulation of intraluminal fatty plaques and therefore progression of atherosclerosis [52]. Plaques may cause stenosis, leading to angina or ischemia, or may also cause a thrombus or complete blockage leading to myocardial infarction or stroke [52]. Moreover, obese persons have increased levels of fibrinogen, factor VII, factor VIII, and plasminogen activator inhibitors, and decreased levels of antithrombin III and fibrinolytic activity [47]. This alteration in coagulation, when combined with increased abdominal pressures, venous stasis, valve incompetence, and decreased mobility, increases the risk for venous thromboembolism [8, 10] as well as dermatologic conditions in the lower extremities such as ulcers and cellulitis [10].
5.2.3 Cardiomyopathy
It is estimated that the risk for congestive heart failure increases by 5 % for men and 7 % for women for every 1 unit increase in BMI [8]. As mentioned above, obese persons have a greater total blood volume and cardiac output [45, 47]. Since the heart rate remains unchanged, this increase in cardiac output is mainly a result of an increase in stroke volume [43, 47]. The left ventricle becomes dilated and hypertrophic because it ejects more blood with each contraction [10, 45]. This leads to irreversible damage [10], impaired function, and an increased risk for cardiac failure [8, 10, 45]. To further complicate this problem, adipocytes may gradually infiltrate the cardiac myocytes and cause dysfunction and pressure-induced atrophy of cardiac muscle [8].
5.2.4 Sudden Cardiac Death
The risk for sudden cardiac death is 40 times higher in the obese population [8]. This increase in risk is most commonly as a result of coronary atherosclerosis [53] or arrhythmias related to cardiomyopathies [8, 51]. Autopsy studies indicate that up to 2/3 of sudden deaths are the result of cardiac dysfunction, 60 % of which are caused by coronary artery disease (CAD) or ischemic heart disease [53]. About 70 % of sudden cardiac deaths also show cardiomegaly, sometimes in the absence of CAD, which indicates left ventricular hypertrophy may cause sudden cardiac death related to arrhythmias [53].
5.3 Respiratory
Physiological and structural changes to the respiratory and ventilatory systems have been directly linked to the adverse effects of obesity. Lung volumes, gas exchange, and sleep are all negatively impacted by obesity [54–56]. As a result, the obese patient is at increased risk of pulmonary complications such as sleep disorders, asthma , pneumonia , pulmonary hypertension (PH) , chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) , and pulmonary embolism [57].
The most consistently reported impact of obesity on the respiratory system is a decrease in lung volume, particularly the functional residual capacity (FRC) [54–56]. This is presumed to be due to an increase in adipose tissue around the chest wall, rib cage, abdomen, and visceral organs, which exert pressure on the lungs and diaphragm thereby decreasing the ability of the lungs to fully expand during inspiration. There is, however, conflicting evidence about whether the reduced compliance is as a result of decreased chest wall compliance, decreased lung compliance, or a combination of both [55, 58, 59].
To compensate for a decrease in lung volume, the work of breathing increases, with a resultant increase in the respiratory rate, carbon dioxide production, and oxygen and energy consumption [55, 59]. Although the bases of the lungs have an adequate blood supply, ventilation typically occurs in the upper areas of the lungs leaving the bases under-ventilated which leads to poor gas exchange and hypoxemia [54, 55].
5.3.1 Asthma
Asthma is a chronic airway disease characterized by airway inflammation, hypersensitivity, and reversible air flow obstruction [60]. There is growing evidence that links obesity and asthma [61]. Asthma symptoms in the obese individual can be more severe and difficult to treat as there is decreased responsiveness to traditional treatments [62]. According to Mokdad et al. [49], the risk of developing asthma for those with a BMI of 40 or greater is almost threefold. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, the following causes of asthma have been hypothesized: systemic inflammation due to increased adipose tissue; structural changes to the lungs due to decreased lung volumes; an increased genetic predisposition to the development of atopic allergies; the impact of pro-inflammatory markers such as leptin and adiponectin ; and the effects of excessive macronutrients intake [61–63].
5.3.2 Pulmonary Hypertension
There is little data on the prevalence of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in obesity; however, one study showed that 38 % of patients with primary PH were obese [64]. PH is a potentially fatal condition. It results from an increase in pulmonary artery pressure which impedes blood flow to the lungs. Proposed mechanisms for the development of PH in obesity include obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) , obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) , cardiomyopathy , pulmonary thromboembolic disease , endothelial dysfunction , hyperuricemia , and the use of appetite suppressants [65]. Patients with PH present with shortness of breath on exertion, chest pain, dizziness, and swelling of the legs [65].
5.3.3 Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Refer Chap. 12)
OSA is a sleep disorder that is characterized by episodes of breathing cessation interspersed with disordered breathing and snoring [57, 66]. Estimates are that 50 to 60 % of obese individuals have some degree of OSA [67]. A high BMI, hypertension, and male gender are several of the risk factors associated with the development of OSA (see Table 5.3 for screening criteria). Research has demonstrated that obese patients with OSA have excess fat around the soft and hard palate and tongue leading to a narrowing of the upper airway and increased airway resistance [69]. In addition to fragmented sleep, untreated OSA predisposes individuals to cardiac arrhythmias, CHF, hypertension, DM, and motor vehicle collisions [57, 70].
Table 5.3
STOP-Bang screening tool for OSA
Snoring | Do you snore loudly (louder than talking or loud enough to be heard through closed doors)? |
Tired | Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy during daytime? |
Observed | Has anyone observed you stop breathing during your sleep? |
Blood Pressure | Do you have or are you being treated for high blood pressure? |
BMI | BMI more than 35 kg/m2? |
Age | Age over 50 years old? |
Neck circumference | Neck circumference greater than 40 cm? |
Gender | Gender male? |
5.3.4 Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (Refer Chap. 12)
OHS is characterized by a trio of features: obesity, low daytime blood oxygen levels (hypoxemia), and high serum concentration of carbon dioxide (hypercapnia ) in the absence of an underlying cardiorespiratory cause [71]. The exact prevalence of OHS is unknown; however, one study estimated that OHS was present in approximately 31 % of hospitalized obese patients and the mortality rate was estimated to be 2.5 times higher at 18 months post discharge [72].
It is difficult to distinguish OHS from OSA because the clinical presentations of daytime somnolence, irritability, and mood disturbance are similar. As a result, many patients go undiagnosed until they have an episode of severe respiratory failure requiring ventilatory support in an intensive care unit setting [71]. The chronic effects of hypoxia and hypercapnia are polycythemia, PH, cardiac disturbances, and CHF, which contribute to increased mortality in this population [57].
5.4 Gastrointestinal
There is an increased risk of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders in people who are obese. Both the upper and lower GI system, including the esophagus, pancreas, liver, and colon, are affected by disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) , non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) , gallbladder disease, and certain types of cancer [73]. Additionally, GI symptoms such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and dyspepsia are more prevalent [74].
GERD is a spectrum of disorders that includes gastroesophageal reflux and reflux esophagitis which can lead to precancerous changes such as Barrett’s esophagus or even progress to esophageal adenocarcinoma [73, 75, 76]. Severe obesity has been identified as a contributing factor to the development of GERD [73, 76]. The symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation are due to the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus and have been attributed to mechanisms such as a high fat diet, increased intra-abdominal pressure, decreased clearance of the esophagus, a relaxed lower esophageal sphincter and alterations in the gastroesophageal junction, such as hiatus hernia [77].
Obese individuals, particularly women, are at increased risk for gallbladder disease. This is thought to be due to the increased secretion of cholesterol, excess bile production, increased gallbladder size, and impaired contractility [78].
Research has determined that there is a strong correlation between obesity and liver disease. In their 2009 study, Nguyen and El-Serag [79] found that there was a higher prevalence of NAFLD, cirrhosis, and liver cancer in obese individuals. They also found that the prevalence of NAFLD was in the range of 58–74 % in the obese individual, compared with 3–24 % in the general population.
The pro-inflammatory state related to obesity may trigger the progression of liver damage from NAFLD to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) , to steatofibrosis, to cirrhosis, possibly resulting in hepatocellular carcinoma [80].
Although research is still emerging, the secretion of several gut hormones has been found to play a key role in the regulation of food intake in keeping with the energy requirements of the body [81] (see Table 5.4 for the roles of gut hormones in obesity ).
Table 5.4
Gut hormones and obesity
Gut Hormone | Role |
Peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (PYY) | – Released from the L cells of the GI tract |
– Believed to play a role in satiety | |
– An alteration in the release of PYY may be a factor in the development of obesity | |
Pancreatic polypeptide (PP) | – Released from Type F cells within the pancreatic islets |
– Stimulated by the intake of food | |
– Slows the transport of food through the gut by delaying gastric emptying | |
– The reduced secretion of PP after meals has been linked with obesity | |
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) | – Released from L cells of GI tract |
– Inhibits gastric acid secretion, delays gastric emptying, and stimulates the release of insulin by the pancreas | |
– Released in response to food intake in quantities influenced by caloric intake | |
Oxyntomodulin (OXM) | – Released from L cells of GI tract |
– Functions as a satiety hormone | |
– Released in response to food intake in quantities influenced by caloric intake | |
– Slows the transport of food through the gut by delaying gastric emptying | |
Ghrelin | – Released by the gut, intestine, pancreas, pituitary, and colon |
– Hunger hormone which stimulates food intake and enhances gastric motility | |
– Controls appetite, gastric motility, and body weight | |
– Circulating levels of ghrelin in obese individuals remain high | |
Cholecystokinin (CCK) | – Released from the small intestine in response to food intake |
– Stimulates secretions from the pancreas and gallbladder, delays gastric emptying, and increases intestinal motility | |
Insulin | – Secreted by the islet cells of the pancreas |
– Promotes the storage of energy | |
– Increased circulation in response to food intake and obesity | |
Leptin | – Released by adipocytes and circulates to the hypothalamus through a negative feedback loop |
– Controls appetite, gastric motility, and body weight |
5.5 Musculoskeletal Disorders
It has been known for some time that obesity increases the risk of musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders of both of bone and soft tissue. Compared with adults of normal weight, those with a BMI of 40 are more than four times more likely to develop arthritis [49]. Given both the rise in our ageing population and the expanding obesity epidemic, it is not surprising that the incidence of various types of arthritis is increasing. The mechanisms have not been completely elucidated but are thought to be multifactorial. Current research has focused on the mechanical stressors and pro-inflammatory nature of obesity as key factors [82–84]. A high BMI imposes structural and functional limitations on the musculoskeletal system resulting in increased joint loading pressures and altered biomechanics. This in turn increases the risk of soft tissue and bone injury. In addition, the systemic inflammation of obesity results in further deterioration of an already stressed musculoskeletal system. Obesity also appears to be a major contributing factor to the onset and progression of various autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) , psoriatic arthritis (PsA) , and systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) [85].
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis . It is characterized by the breakdown of joint cartilage. There is a clear link between obesity and increased incidence and severity of OA. This link has been mainly studied in OA of the knee [86] but also occurs in OA of the hands, hip, and low back. A meta-analysis by Blagojevic et al. [87] demonstrated that there is an almost threefold increase in the risk of developing OA within an obese population.
RA is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system targets joint tissue. This creates systemic inflammation, which leads to joint erosion and pain. Adipokines released by visceral fat are thought to have a negative effect on this process by promoting inflammation. The reports of the impact of obesity on the risk of RA have been conflicting; however, the majority of studies indicate a positive association in women [88].
PsA is a type of arthritis that effects up to 30 % of people with psoriasis, an autoimmune condition that causes scaly, inflamed skin. Psoriasis usually precedes PsA. Recent evidence suggests that increased BMI in early adulthood increases the risk of PsA development in psoriatic patients [89].
SLE is a chronic, autoimmune disorder characterized by multisystem involvement which can range from relatively mild to serious life threatening complications. Several studies have found that rates of obesity are higher in SLE than in the general population. Obesity in SLE is also associated with more severe renal and cognitive involvement, increased cardiovascular risk, and reduced quality of life [85].
Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis in men and is caused by elevated uric acid levels in blood. When uric acid crystallizes and deposits in tendons, joints, and surrounding tissues, it causes severe pain. A recent systematic review looking at the relationship between gout and obesity found a linear dose–response relationship; for every 5 unit increase in BMI, there was a 55 % increased risk of gout [90]. Interestingly, this association was independent of other risk factors such as hypertension, blood cholesterol, alcohol, diuretics, renal dysfunction, or intake of meat or seafood.
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common upper extremity neuropathy. CTS is characterized by compression of the median nerve of the wrist, causing pain; numbness; and tingling of the fingers, wrist, upper and lower arms. It is a major cause of work disability [91, 92] and has been associated with obesity, diabetes, and thyroid disease [93]. Moreover, Bland [94] found that BMI is an independent risk factor in patients younger than 63 but this is a less important factor in those who were older .
5.6 Pain and Cognition
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage [95]. It is a highly subjective, multifactorial, and multidimensional experience. The prevalence of chronic pain is similar to the prevalence of obesity [96]—approximately 30 % worldwide [97], and both significantly impair function and quality of life.
Pain incidence and severity are positively correlated with increased BMI, especially in central obesity where individuals are twice as likely to have chronic pain [98–100]. The combination of obesity and pain may worsen functional status and quality of life more than each condition in isolation [96].
Unfortunately there is evidence that obesity is also associated with reduced benefits from behavioral and surgical pain treatments [101, 102]. Meta-analysis and systematic review evidence for specific pain states associated with obesity include fibromyalgia, lumbar radicular pain, sciatica [103], gout [90], general headaches and migraines, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension [104]. Interestingly, obesity appears to be only weakly linked to low back pain (LBP) —a widely prevalent cause of morbidity and occupational disability [105, 106].
The nature of the relationship between obesity and pain is complex and not fully understood. It has been theorized that inflammation may be a common pathway since obesity is a pro-inflammatory state and inflammatory mechanisms contribute to the development of pain [100, 107]. The increased mechanical stresses brought on by obesity may also be a key factor. In addition, pain causes an increase in cortisol levels through stimulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. High cortisol levels counteract insulin’s action and may contribute to insulin resistance—a key pathway to metabolic syndrome. At least one study postulates that there may be a direct causal relationship between chronic pain and metabolic syndrome due to the high cortisol and catecholamine levels from inflammation and psychological stress [108]. In the elderly, however, Ray et al. [100] demonstrated that it was neither insulin resistance, inflammation, OA, nor neuropathy which showed the strongest independent association with pain, but rather central obesity.
Finally, both obesity and chronic pain are associated with mood disorders. Pain is worse among obese individuals with depression and anxiety [109–113]. Metabolic syndrome may be a unifying mechanism since it is associated with chronic pain [114], mood disorders [115], inflammation [116], and insulin resistance [117].
McVinnie [98] has proposed a useful conceptual framework that describes the complex, multifactorial, and cyclical relationship between pain and obesity (Fig. 5.2).

Fig. 5.2
Model of obesity and pain . Courtesy of McVinnie DS. Obesity and pain
Interestingly, obesity may also negatively impact cognitive function, especially executive function. A recent systematic review [118] concluded that, across all ages, higher adiposity was consistently associated with gray matter atrophy in the frontal region, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. In middle and old age, higher adiposity was associated with gray matter atrophy in the parietal and temporal regions. In a related finding, adiposity has been linked to worse cognitive performance and higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease [119] and vascular dementia [120].
5.7 Renal
Epidemiological evidence shows that obesity increases the risk for acute and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population by 40 %, with a stronger association in women [121]. The link between obesity and CKD may be through comorbid conditions such as diabetes, hypertension , and dyslipidemia . However, in obese persons, CKD can occur in the absence of these risk factors [122–125]. There is a linear association between BMI and the progression of CKD to end stage renal disease [126].
Our current understanding of the mechanisms of obesity-induced renal damage is limited. Some proposed hypotheses are: (1) insulin resistance, which induces systemic and intraglomerular hypertension, leading to microalbuminuria and proteinuria [122, 127]; (2) increased serum leptin levels which stimulate cellular proliferation, leading to glomerulosclerosis [122, 127]; and (3) the pro-inflammatory state [122, 127].
5.8 Reproductive System
Obesity, specifically abdominal obesity, can lead to reproductive system disorders in both men and women, such as infertility and abnormal hormone levels. Obese men are more susceptible to a condition known as hyperestrogenic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism , characterized by reduced testosterone and adrenal androgens, and increased estrogen levels [128–130]. The decrease in free testosterone level in obese men is in proportional to their degree of obesity [131]. These hormonal changes lead to decreased sperm count and erectile dysfunction, which results in a marked impairment in reproductive function , sexual life, and fertility [132, 133].
The cause of hypogonadism is multifactorial. The primary attributable factor is an increase in circulating estrogens [130, 131]. Excess fatty tissue leads to an increase in available aromatase enzyme, and thus a higher conversion of androgens to estrogens [134]. The decrease in total testosterone is thought to be related to: (1) a reduction in the level of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) ; (2) an increase in estrogen levels without a compensatory increase in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) [128]; and (3) insulin resistance [135].
The relationship between the female reproductive system and body weight is more complicated due to its cyclic nature. Increased reproductive risks associated with excess body weight include early onset of menstruation, menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) , subfertility, miscarriage, and adverse pregnancy outcomes [136].
The onset of menarche may occur at a younger age in obese girls. According to Frisch [137], menstruation begins when the body weight or fat percentage reaches a certain range (48 kg or 22 % of fat). Since obese girls enter this critical weight range at a younger age, menses usually occurs about a year earlier [137].
Obesity-related menstrual irregularities are often due to anovulation [136]. This may be related to abnormal adipokines in obese woman, which have effect on hypothalamic–pituitary signaling [138]. Metabolic abnormalities induced by excess weight, like insulin resistance, may promote the development of PCOS, a clinical condition characterized by overweight, hirsutism, oligomenorrhea, multiple cysts in the ovaries, and infertility [139]. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in women with PCOS may be as high as 80 % [139].
Reproductive disturbances are more common in obese women regardless of the diagnosis of PCOS. Anovulation contributes to subfertility in this population; however, even in obese women with regular cycles, time to pregnancy is increased [140]. An increased risk of miscarriage among obese women is also reported [141].
Evidence shows a link between alterations in adipokines and abnormal reproductive function [138]. For example, elevated FFA levels are associated with impaired oocyte maturation and decreased chances of pregnancy [142]. Leptin may affect reproductive function at the level of the hypothalamus [138]. Low adiponectin levels in obesity negatively impact implantation and embryonic development [143]. Additionally, obesity poses an increased antenatal risk for preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, fetal growth and congenital abnormalities, stillbiirth, and the need for cesarean section [144].
5.9 Cancer
It has been estimated that 14 % of all cancer deaths in men and 20 % of all cancer deaths in women are caused by overweight and obesity [145]. Obese individuals have a 1.5–3.5-fold increased risk of developing cancer (see Table 5.5 for types of cancers related to obesity).
Table 5.5
Risk of cancer in obesity
Male | Female | |
Strong evidence to increased cancer risk related to overweight/obesity | Colorectal cancer | Colorectal cancer |
Esophageal adenocarcinoma | Endometrial Cancer | |
Kidney cancer | Oesophageal adenocarcinoma | |
Pancreatic cancer | Kidney cancer | |
Thyroid cancer | Pancreatic cancer | |
Postmenopausal breast cancer
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