Chapter 90
Major Abdominal Surgery 
Postoperative Considerations
Operative Procedures (Table 90.1)
Pancreatic Resections
TABLE 90.1
Major Abdominal Surgery and Its Common Complications
Procedure | Complications |
Whipple procedure | Third space losses into retroperitoneum; if total pancreatectomy is performed, diabetes and hyperglycemia; anastomotic breakdowns typically occur on postoperative days 5–10. |
Hepatic lobectomy (> 50% of liver resected) | Jaundice is common, peaks on postoperative days 3–4; investigation warranted if persists beyond postoperative day 10. Hypoglycemia also common; patients may need 10% dextrose postoperatively; hepatic failure may occur in cirrhotic patients. |
Esophagogastrectomy | Complications occur in 10%–25% of cases. Pulmonary complications frequent, often due to gastric aspiration. Anastomotic leaks in chest cause mediastinitis, empyema, or both. |
Intestinal and reoperative surgery | Preoperative severe dehydration, contraction alkalosis, hypokalemia, and marked third space losses into obstructed bowel; continued third space losses occur postoperatively as well; intra-abdominal infection or fistula formation caused by inadvertent enterotomies or anastomotic leaks. |
Distal pancreatectomy for tumors in the tail of the pancreas does not typically require a pancreaticoenteric anastomosis as exocrine secretions continue to empty antegrade into the duodenum. Because the vasculature of the spleen is intimately associated with the tail of the pancreas, the spleen and distal pancreas are most often removed en bloc. Endocrine insufficiency is uncommon with the Whipple procedure or distal pancreatectomy. However, patients who undergo total pancreatectomy will immediately become diabetic. These patients also require pancreatic exocrine supplementation to aid food digestion once enteral nutrition is started.
There are three principal open surgical approaches to esophageal resection and the postoperative course and associated complications differ depending on which technique is employed. Common to all of the procedures is an upper midline laparotomy incision through which the distal esophagus and proximal stomach are mobilized. After resection of the diseased portion of the esophagus, GI continuity is restored by anastomosing the tubularized stomach to the proximal esophagus. This anastomosis may be accomplished either through a thoracotomy or a left cervical incision depending on the extent of the resection. In general, complications following esophageal resection are more common than in other abdominal or thoracic operations, occurring in 10% to 25% of cases. Pulmonary complications may be related to the incisional pain from the thoracotomy or to loss of the lower esophageal sphincter, which predisposes the patient to aspiration of gastric contents. Many patients with esophageal carcinoma present initially with malnutrition and chronic obstructive airway disease as comorbid conditions that complicate the postoperative care. Pleural effusions are common after these procedures and occasionally require chest tube placement to maximize lung inflation. The most feared surgical complication after esophagectomy is an anastomotic leak, which occurs more commonly in cervical anastomoses than thoracic anastomoses. Whereas a leak occurring from a cervical anastomosis is usually well tolerated and easily managed, leakage from intrathoracic esophageal anastomoses often leads to mediastinitis and is associated with a higher mortality rate. Frequent assessment of the drains and wound is imperative to help identify early signs of anastomotic failure. Persistent tachycardia is a sensitive, though not specific, indicator of anastomotic leak. A change in the quality or quantity of drain effluent or the development of wound cellulitis can be an early harbinger of a leak.
Postoperative Management
Fluid Management
Fluid losses during abdominal surgery are proportional to the extent of surgical dissection, length of operation, blood or extravascular fluid lost during surgery, and presence or absence of infection or fever. Although formulas exist that attempt to define “ideal” maintenance fluids for patients undergoing major abdominal surgery, they are based on an estimation of the degree of evaporative or insensible losses associated with laparotomy. For a standard midline incision, this is usually estimated to be 1 liter per hour while the abdomen is open. This is only an approximation, however, and is not a substitute for fluid management guided by urine output, estimated blood loss, acid-base status, hemodynamic data, and clinical assessment of perfusion (Chapter 86).
Like other patients undergoing major surgery, patients undergoing major abdominal surgery sustain a stress or inflammatory response that causes fluid redistribution from the intravascular to the extravascular fluid compartment (the so-called third space) (Chapter 86). The presence of peritonitis may add dramatically to fluid loss into the peritoneum both intraoperatively and postoperatively.
Postoperative fluid management is best approached by considering maintenance fluids separate from all other fluid requirements. Early in the postoperative course, patients require a maintenance IV fluid rate that is generally 1 to 2 mL/kg/h. These fluids should be isotonic crystalloids unless salt restriction is indicated such as in cirrhotic patients. Controversy exists as to whether maintenance fluids in the immediate postop period ought to contain dextrose. Supplemental fluids, including those required to replace measured and insensible losses, should be administered as needed in response to measured physiologic abnormalities such as hypotension, oliguria, low cardiac filling pressures, and so on. The choice of crystalloid or colloid depends on the resuscitative philosophy of the intensivist. Too aggressive of a volume resuscitation may contribute to or cause profound tissue edema. As this edema progresses in various organs it can cause decreased bowel motility, pulmonary congestion, impaired wound healing, and decreased mobility from limb edema. A large randomized, prospective trial in a heterogeneous ICU population demonstrated no difference in 28-day outcomes between patients resuscitated with crystalloid versus colloid.
Measured losses include blood or ascites from drains and GI contents from nasogastric (NG), intestinal, or pancreaticobiliary tubes and stomas. Unmeasured losses include ongoing third space losses and evaporative losses resulting from fever and open wounds. Use of abdominal vacuum dressings in patients whose abdomens have been left open allow accurate measurement of abdominal fluid. Because a precise determination of insensible loss may be difficult, monitoring surrogates of end-organ perfusion (e.g., urine output) and acid-base status plus hemodynamic monitoring are recommended to guide fluid replacement therapy accurately (Chapter 86, Figure 86.3 and Tables 86.3 and 86.4).
Pain Control
Appropriate and effective pain management can help prevent postoperative pulmonary complications and decrease demands on the cardiovascular system. Historically, parenteral opioids have been the mainstay in providing postoperative pain relief (Chapter 87). Patient-controlled analgesia delivered parenterally or locally via subcutaneously placed catheters has been shown to be more effective than intermittent opioid dosing by care providers. Caution must be exercised when continuous or basal rate patient-controlled opioids are used, however, as the incidence of respiratory depression is higher than with intermittent dosing alone.
Neuraxial analgesia has emerged as the preferred method of pain control for patients undergoing major abdominal operations (Chapter 87). This method allows delivery of opioid, local anesthetic, or both directly to receptors surrounding the spinal cord. Because much lower serum concentrations of opioid result, less respiratory and central nervous system depression is observed. Active participation by patients in their own respiratory care—for example, performing deep breathing exercises with an incentive spirometer and coughing—is crucial in the postoperative period. Patients with epidural analgesia have been shown to more easily and effectively participate in these postoperative respiratory maneuvers and, as a result, can be mobilized earlier. Complications of epidural analgesia are rare and include infection, bleeding into the epidural space, postspinal headaches, and hypotension (Figure 87.2).

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