The treating physician performs the scan
Scan at the time of clinical assessment is in real time
Scanning is focused on the clinical question at the time; without necessarily completing a comprehensive study in time critical circumstances
Scanning without altering patient position (e.g. for guidance of pleural catheter insertion for effusion)
Scanning whilst immediate changes to management are made to observe change
Repeated interval scanning to gauge response to management changes
Integration with other ultrasound examinations such as echocardiography or abdominal ultrasound
With a practical focus, this chapter will cover how to perform lung ultrasound, diagnose respiratory pathology and how to use ultrasound to guide invasive thoracic procedures including drainage of pleural effusions and advanced airway management.
17.2 Lung Ultrasound Examination
The lung ultrasound examination is quite different to transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) because normal lung contains air, which prevents ultrasound transmission. Fortunately, the presence of lung pathology tends to be visible with ultrasound due to the accumulation of fluid within the lung and in the pleural space, which is permeable to ultrasound. As the lungs are superficial the practical skill required for lung ultrasound is easy to learn and most lung pathology is interpreted by pattern recognition rather than by quantifiable measurements. This makes integration into real time clinical practice simple and efficient.
In clinical practice however, lung ultrasound is often not an isolated examination; but rather an extension of another study such as TTE or Focused Assessment of Sonography in Trauma (FAST), or simply a focused study to exclude a specific clinical diagnosis. For example, in a patient with respiratory failure, where there is urgency, the ultrasound examination could start at the upper anterior chest for pneumothorax and pulmonary oedema, and then posteriorly at the lung bases, for consolidation and effusion. If a pneumothorax is found, then a contact or lung point may be searched for in order to roughly estimate size; and if a pulmonary embolus or cardiac failure is suspected then TTE and ultrasound of the venous system of the legs, could follow. TTE is complementary to lung ultrasound and should occur at the same time, resulting in cardiorespiratory ultrasound or ultrasound-assisted examination of the heart and lungs.
A description of a “standard” lung examination will follow but scanning technique will vary according to clinical urgency and whether the patient is supine or sitting.
17.2.1 Probe Selection
Probe selection depends on the likely pathology, obesity, physician preference and availability of equipment (Fig. 17.1). Pleural disease is usually superficial and therefore a linear high frequency probe may be more suitable (a and b), which would provide the best resolution for diagnosis or exclusion of pneumothorax and alveolar interstitial syndrome (described in Sect. 17.3). A linear probe without a handle (b), or curved probe head such as with a curvilinear (c) or microconvex (d) probe facilitates reaching posteriorly to the lung bases in patients who are unable to sit up. This is where pleural effusions, atelectasis, consolidation, empyema and lung abscess are usually found. The curvilinear probe has the largest footprint, providing the largest field of view and is probably the best probe for assessing the diaphragm. The microconvex probe (d) fits well in the intercostal space but has less depth penetration, however is less useful for sonography of other organs. Transthoracic probes (e) have similar penetration but less pleural resolution than curvilinear probes, however are more versatile as they can be used to image the heart and are a good general purpose probe for cardiothoracic assessment.

Fig. 17.1
Probes used for lung ultrasound (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). (a) Linear probe with handle, (b) linear probe without handle, (c) curvilinear (abdominal) probe, (d) microconvex probe, and (e) transthoracic (TTE) probe
17.2.2 Ultrasound Anatomy of the Lung
Some authors have described scanning regions of the lung, with as many as 28 scanning regions, or zones, on each side [5]. However, these do not correspond to the anatomic regions of the lung. As it is feasible to scan the entire chest surface in under 5 min, we propose three scanning zones on each side, which correspond more closely to the anatomy (Table 17.2 and Fig. 17.2).

Fig. 17.2
Anterior (a), Posterior (b) and Lateral (c) chest surface landmarks (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). R ANT right anterior zone, L ANT left anterior zone, LPU left posterior upper zone, RPU right posterior upper zone, LPL left posterior lower zone, RPL right posterior lower zone
Table 17.2
Lung ultrasound zones
Lung ultrasound zone | Anatomy |
Anterior (ANT) | Anterior and lateral surface of upper lobes |
Posterior upper (PU) | Posterior surface of upper lobes |
Posterior lower (PL) | Posterior and lateral surface of lower lobes | Anterior
The anterior zone, ANT (Fig. 17.2a), is defined as the whole of the anterior chest from the clavicle above, from the sternum medially to the mid-axillary line laterally and the costal margin inferiorly. The anterior zone is best considered to reflect the anterior aspect of each upper lobe, as the right middle lobe and lingular lobe can be considered as part of the upper lobe, as they are small and medially placed, with very little if any apposition to the chest wall. Additionally, the fissure that separates the upper and middle lobes is usually incomplete on the right and absent on the left. The upper lobe may be scanned anteriorly and then laterally to the upper aspect in the axilla, where it is arbitrarily separated from the posterior zone at the mid-axillary line. The lung rarely is seen below the seventh intercostal space, where the pleural reflections and diaphragm continue inferiorly to their lowermost costal attachments. The liver is seen on the patient’s right, and the stomach and intestine are seen on the left. The anterior aspect of the lower lobe is not generally seen from the front, as it lies deep to the upper lobe tissue, which contains air, preventing transmission of ultrasound. Posterior
The posterior zones (b) represent the posterior surface of the upper and lower lobes and include the posterior upper (PU) and posterior lower (PL) zones. A line joining the tips of the scapulae, approximating the fissure separating the upper and lower lobes, arbitrarily separates these. However this fissure varies considerably in position, for example from atelectasis (lung collapse), raised intra-abdominal pressure, hepatomegaly and diaphragmatic paralysis. The scanning window of the PU zone is narrow due to the scapula covering much of the posterolateral aspect of the chest. The lower lobe is wedge shaped and is accessed at the PL zone and around laterally and anteriorly to the mid-axillary line. The lower border of the lower lobe is just above the kidney, which is usually easily identified with ultrasound. Lateral
The lateral aspect (c) is not considered to be a separate scanning zone since in this region the upper and lower lobes are continuous with the anterior or posterior imaging windows. The lateral border of the anterior and posterior zones is the mid-axillary line. The oblique fissure divides the upper and lower lobes, which can be estimated with a line from the tip of the scapula to the costal margin at the mid axillary line. However this has little clinical relevance. The upper lobe is scanned using the anterior zone and around laterally to the upper lateral area, and the lower lobe is scanned from the posterior lower window around laterally to the lower lateral area.
17.2.3 Lung Ultrasound Examination
Refer to Figs. 17.3 and 17.4 and Video 17.2.

Probe selection depends on the pathology expected and personal preference.
The vertical orientation of the probe (marker inferiorly for radiology convention or superiorly for cardiology convention) is not particularly important since the images are usually simple to interpret. The images should be labeled if the images are intended to be interpreted by another.
The sequence need not differ from the user’s “usual” examination sequence of the chest when using a stethoscope.
The time taken to complete a comprehensive lung ultrasound examination, including any additional measurements, should be approximately 5–10 min.
The lung examination is more conveniently performed with the patient sitting up, however the method for examination in the supine patient is also described.

Fig. 17.3
Lung ultrasound examination with the patient in the sitting position (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne)

Fig. 17.4
Lung ultrasound examination with the patient in the supine position (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne) Anterior
Place the probe vertically oriented (sagittal plane), perpendicular to the ribs, below the midpoint of the clavicle (Fig. 17.3 and Video 17.1).
Adjust the depth so that the pleural line is in the middle of the screen.
In the supine position, pneumothorax is most commonly identified with ultrasound in the anterior zones. Search for pneumothorax and alveolar interstitial syndrome (described in Sect. 17.3.2 and 17.3.7) over the whole anterior zone, inferiorly until the costal margin is reached (liver on the right, stomach/intestine or spleen on the left) and laterally into to the upper axilla. This examines the anterolateral surface of the upper lobe.
If a pneumothorax is suspected select the higher frequency linear array probe for better resolution, with the patient supine to avoid displacement of air to the apex of the chest, which occurs in the erect patient.
Repeat on the other side before proceeding to posterior. Posterior
Start with placing the probe vertically and high in the PU zone and scan the entire PU and PL zones. Identify the kidney to ensure that the whole of the lower lobe has been scanned. Continue laterally and anteriorly into the lower axilla. This examines the posterolateral surface of the lower lobe.
In the supine patient, the posterior zones are better exposed by log-rolling the patient 30–45° with anterior displacement of the arm to move it out of the way. It is important not to excessively abduct the arm as this rotates the scapula toward the spine and reduces the size of the PU window. Improved exposure may be obtained by placing a pillow under the shoulder or using a curvilinear, microconvex or linear probe without a handle.
A large pleural effusion or significant consolidation may provide a window to the entire posterior lower chest, enabling imaging of the whole lower lobe without log-rolling the patient. Imaging of the posterior upper zone (PU) may be obtained by placing the probe in the axilla angling superiorly and posteriorly.
Video 17.1. Lung ultrasound examination – sitting position (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne.
Video 17.2. Lung ultrasound examination – supine position (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne.
17.2.4 Reporting
Many of the principles for reporting lung ultrasound are similar to echocardiography. However due to the lack of anatomic landmarks, if the images are to be reviewed by someone who did not perform the ultrasound, or if lung pathology is tracked over time, then it is important to label the images. Although the liver and spleen are recognisable landmarks for the right and lower lobe, they can still be confused with each other.
Figure 17.5 shown below is a sample report form that is used in the University of Melbourne Graduate Certificate of Clinical Ultrasound and Advanced iHeartScanTM course. It is useful to record the patient position during the examination and whether they are mechanically ventilated and position of pleural drains and chest wall dressings.

Fig. 17.5
Focused transthoracic echocardiography and lung ultrasound report form (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). ANT anterior – includes the upper lateral region (axilla), PU posterior upper, PL posterior lower – includes the lower lateral region (to the diaphragm) Download link: iLungScanTM iPhone Reporting App
The free App can be downloaded from the iTunes store at This app provides for demographic and diagnosis classification as well as the option to upload representative images or videos (Fig. 17.6).

Fig. 17.6
iLungScan reporting app (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne)
17.3 Lung Ultrasound Pathology
17.3.1 Normal Appearance
The pleural surfaces are superficial and usually reached with a high frequency linear probe (8–12 MHz), which provides the best resolution, however lower frequency probes are usually sufficient. Placing the probe perpendicular to the chest wall and the ribs and sliding the probe superiorly and inferiorly will enable visualisation of two rib shadows that are intervened by horizontally placed intercostal space (Fig. 17.7). Below the intercostal muscles is a hyperechoic horizontal line, which represents the adherent parietal and visceral pleura, the pleural line. In the normal lung during respiration the two layers of pleura slide past one another resulting in subtle movement on the ultrasound display at the pleural line and is termed lung sliding sign (Fig. 17.8 and Video 17.4). Sliding sign has been described as the appearance of “crawling ants”. The aerated lung below the pleura appears as a grey speculated shadow, which changes appearance during respiration quite similar to television ‘white noise’. A normal appearance may include the occasional short vertical line seen to extend inferiorly from the pleural line, which move and disappear with respiration, which are referred to as Z–lines. As the pleural line is highly reflective it is often duplicated below as reverberation artefacts that are equally spaced – A-lines (Fig. 17.9).

Fig. 17.7
Standard lung ultrasound appearance (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). With the linear probe placed longitudinally anteriorly below the clavicle, an interspace is demonstrated on the right with two hyperechoic shadows (ribs) with an adjoining hyperechoic line (pleural line). Above the pleural line is the chest wall (intercostal muscles and superficial tissues) and below is the lung parenchyma (dirty grey shadows). During respiration, the normal appearance is lung sliding sign, which is the parietal and visceral pleura sliding along each other from left to right, creating a shimmering or movement of small vertical lines (z-lines)

Fig. 17.8
Normal lung appearance using ultrasound (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). The pleural line is demonstrated here as a horizontal hyperechoic line in-between the intercostal muscles above and the lung below. Several z-lines are seen as short vertical lines originating at the pleural line extending down into the grey lung zone. These are normal findings

Fig. 17.9
A-lines (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). A-lines are horizontal copies of the pleural line reflection (reverberation artefacts) at multiples of the distance between the skin and pleura line indicated by the white arrows. These are normal findings but are accentuated in pneumothorax
Video 17.4. Normal lung sliding sign (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne. M-Mode
M-mode displays motion at a single point over time and is able to illustrate changes in 2-D ultrasound appearance with movement from respiration over time. This enables the display of the characteristic appearance of lung sliding. With the probe placed in a horizontal position along the intercostal space, and the M-mode cursor placed through the interspace, lung sliding has a characteristic appearance containing two distinct layers (Fig. 17.10). On the upper zone of the ultrasound sector, a series of parallel stationary horizontal lines represent the superficial tissues and intercostal muscles, which usually remain still during respiration. This appearance has been likened to oceanic waves lapping onto a beach. Below the horizontal waves is a bright horizontal line representing the pleural line. Below the pleural line has a grey pixilated appearance, similar to sand on a beach, and the overall appearance of lung sliding has been termed seashore sign. The pixilated appearance is caused by the varying ultrasound reflections of the moving lung during respiration as the ultrasound beam intermittently crosses fluid containing structures.

Fig. 17.10
M-mode appearance of lung sliding sign, seashore sign (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne)
17.3.2 Pneumothorax
Rapid diagnosis or exclusion of pneumothorax with ultrasound is a valuable skill for the anaesthetist and critical care physician. The detection of pneumothorax is simply based on the inability to see lung sliding sign, caused by air between the pleura (Compare lung sliding seen in Video 17.4 and no-lung sliding in Video 17.5). As air normally collects anteriorly in the supine patient, the probe should be initially placed vertically in the anterior zone below the clavicle in the mid-clavicular line and then moved inferiorly and laterally over the entire anterior zone (Fig. 17.11 and Videos 17.5 and 17.6). It is important to keep the probe motionless, as movements of the probe may be misinterpreted as lung sliding.

Fig. 17.11
Pneumothorax examination (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne)
Video 17.5. Pneumothorax (no lung sliding) (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne.
Video 17.6. Pneumothorax examination. Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne.
Identification of lung sliding excludes the presence of pneumothorax in the scanned region with a sensitivity and specificity close to 100 % [4]. The presence of Z-lines or B-lines (described in the Sect. 17.3.7) also excludes pneumothorax because these signs rely on apposition of the two layers of pleura. Unfortunately, lack of lung sliding may be caused by other pleural or parenchymal pathology that prevents movement of the pleura and hence lung ultrasound is better at ruling pneumothorax out rather than ruling it in. Conditions that also cause lack of lung sliding include pleural adhesions, bullous disease and severe atelectasis or hypoventilation for example from endotracheal tube malposition or sputum obstruction, and interstitial diseases such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and pulmonary fibrosis. The ultrasound feature specific to pneumothorax is identification of a point where lung sliding abuts an area of no lung sliding, which identifies the point that the pleural surfaces regain contact, the contact point or lung point (Fig. 17.12).

Fig. 17.12
Lung point (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne)
Lack of lung sliding also has a characteristic appearance with M-mode (Fig. 17.13). The horizontal bars or waves extend all the way from the top to the bottom of the field without the area of pixelation due to lack of perceived lung movement, resulting in horizontal waves but no area of sand. This appearance has been termed stratosphere sign and bar code sign [9]. During M-Mode scanning with the linear probe in a horizontal position, if respiration results in the lung point moving from out of ultrasound field into the ultrasound field, a characteristic vertical linear demarcation appears, separating an area of lung sliding (seashore sign) from no long sliding (barcode sign) as shown in Fig. 17.14. This linear border represents the lung point or contact point, where the pneumothorax ends and the two layers of pleura contact each other and lung sliding recurs. Identification of this lung point is specific for pneumothorax, and may enable quantification of the size of a pneumothorax and allow tracking of the size of the pneumothorax over time, aiding in the decision whether or not to drain the pneumothorax. For example a pneumothorax with lung point located at the anterior axillary line would be smaller than one located at the posterior axillary line or not located at all. However this is not a very reliable indication of size as the position of the lung point is dependent on other factors, such as diaphragm position, patient posture and lung pathology such as collapse, consolidation and pleural adhesions. The lung point is usually sufficiently detected with the use of 2-D ultrasound, but M-mode enables documentation of the lung point, which can be printed and stored in the patient’s medical file.

Fig. 17.13
Seashore sign and barcode sign (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). M-mode of the lung demonstrating the difference in appearance of lung sliding (above) with no lung sliding (below) as seen with pneumothorax

Fig. 17.14
Lung/Contact point of pneumothorax demonstrated with M-mode (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). M-mode of the lung demonstrating the lung or contact point, which is the point where the pneumothorax ends (no lung sliding) and the two pleural layers become re-apposed (lung sliding). The lung point appears as a vertical line in between these two regions
When there is lack of lung sliding from complete absence of ventilation, pneumothorax may be still be excluded by observing a lung pulse [9]. When the probe is kept stationary, the movement of the heart may transmit oscillatory movements in the adjacent lung, resulting in very short bursts of lung sliding in time with the pulse (Fig. 17.15 and Video 17.7). Even though there is no ventilation, and no movement of the lung would occur with respiration, small movement of the lung is observed due to the cardiac motion displacing the lung synchronous with the electrocardiogram.

Fig. 17.15
Lung pulse (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne)
Video 17.7. Lung pulse (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne.
Surgical emphysema (occasionally occurring with a pneumothorax) will not only impair imaging of the pleura; but in minor cases B-lines may arise from air bubbles within the chest wall tissues (superficial to the pleura), which are referred to as E-lines [9].
17.3.3 Pleural Effusion
The typical sonographic appearance of pleural effusion is an anechoic (black) area between the parietal and visceral pleura (Fig. 17.16), which usually changes size with respiratory movements. It is easy to detect with lung ultrasound because fluid is an effective transmitter of ultrasound, which has the added advantage of enabling direct visualisation of underlying lung pathology such as atelectasis and consolidation. The heart and aorta may also be visualised through an effusion. For detection of effusion, lung ultrasound is more accurate than supine chest X-ray [2] and is as accurate as computed tomography [2, 10]. For lung opacities found on chest X-ray, lung ultrasound is more accurate in distinguishing between effusion and consolidation [11]. Pleural effusions are commonly seen in patients with cardiac failure, malignancy and after cardiac or thoracic surgery.

Fig. 17.16
Pleural effusion (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). A pleural effusion is shown here as a large hypo echoic area beneath the chest wall (above) and above the diaphragm (to the right). Within the effusion is a complex hypo echoic structure, which represents the lower lobe of the lung that contains atelectasis (collapse)
Video 17.8. Pleural effusion (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne.
A low frequency probe with a large footprint such as a curvilinear probe or TTE probe enables sufficient penetration, which is typically 5–8 cm but may need to be increased in large effusions. Mostly effusions are not loculated and will collect in the dependent zone of the chest. Therefore effusions are mostly detected in the posterior lower zone, whether the patient is supine or erect. It is important to routinely identify the diaphragm (Sect. to avoid confusion of pleural fluid and peritoneal fluid (Fig. 17.17). Very rarely, there may be confusion between a vascular structure and free fluid, and the use of color flow or pulsed wave Doppler will easily identify the nature of the vessel.

Fig. 17.17
Peritoneal fluid (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne. The key landmarks are the diaphragm, kidney and spleen. Peritoneal fluid is seen here in-between the spleen and diaphragm Quantification of Pleural Effusion with Ultrasound
A variety of methods have been described to estimate the volume of pleural effusion with ultrasound. The easiest technique is to image the effusion in the vertical plane using the maximum interpleural distance of the effusion (Fig. 17.18) [12]. The probe is positioned as posteriorly as possible in the supine patient, or at the lateral edge of the erector spinae muscle in the erect patient. The maximum distance of the effusion is measured perpendicularly between either the diaphragm and the visceral pleura (inferiorly) or the parietal and visceral pleura (laterally) as shown in the Figure below. The volume, in mL, is calculated by multiplying the maximum interpleural distance, in cm, by 200. For example the maximum interpleural distance of 6 cm corresponds to an effusion volume of 6 cm × 200 = 1,200 mL.
The volume calculated by this method tends to over estimate by approximately 10 %. Ultrasound-guided pleural catheter insertion is described in Sect. 17.4 below.

Fig. 17.18
Estimating the volume a pleural effusion. (Reproduced with permission. © University of Melbourne). Estimation of pleural fluid volume by measurement of the maximal pleural distance may be performed either between the diaphragm and the inferior surface of the lung or between the chest wall and the lateral surface of the adjacent lung
A serous or haemoserous pleural effusion that has no reflective (echogenic) material contained within is referred to as “simple” fluid and appears black (anechoic). Effusions containing particulate material or fine tissue strands or septae are referred to as “complex” fluid. A common example of a complex effusion is haematoma, which may develop fibrinous septations (Fig. 17.19). Mobile particulate matter or septations are usually due to infection and may represent empyema (covered in Sect. 17.3.5). However, atelectic lung may appear to move within an associated effusion, which has been referred to as jellyfish sign (Fig. 17.20 and Video 17.9). Whilst ultrasound may provide a clue to the composition of pleural fluid, the definitive test is thoraco-centesis (covered in Sect. 17.4).