NeuroAlert LLC, 399 Knollwood Road, White Plains, NY 10603, USA
Department of Neurosurgery, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, 41 Mall Road, Burlington, MA 01805, USA
Department of Anesthesiology, Rush University Medical Center, 1653 W. Congress Pkwy., Suite 1483, Jelke Bldg, Chicago, IL 60612, USA
IntraoperativeNeuromonitoringEvoked potentialsSSEPMEPEMGIntroduction
Inquiries into the ability to record electrical responses from neural structures can be traced back to Richard Caton’s 1875 publication in the British Medical Journal [1]. One hundred years later, Clyde Nash and Richard Brown’s seminal 1977 article [2] on neuromonitoring during surgeries of the spine ushered in the modern era of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) . Today, techniques have been refined to identify and to monitor numerous discrete afferent and efferent neural pathways in the peripheral and central nervous systems; these techniques are becoming the standard of care for more types of surgical procedures, beyond the spine [3]. IONM has burgeoned into an accepted and critical element during the delivery of surgical care to the patient.
Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring as a phrase contains separate components, each of which is salient to a comprehensive understanding of the subject. The broadest component, neurophysiology, refers to the branch of physiology dealing with the functions of the nervous system. The most common modalities associated with the clinical interrogations of this system will be discussed here.
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
Recording of somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) responses is achieved through the stimulation of afferent peripheral nerves and recording the responses elicited by this stimulation, mitigated proximally via the ascending sensory fibers in the dorsal column to be processed in the primary sensory cortex.
Since the dorsal sensory tracts are to be engaged, theoretically any (somatic) stimulation would be effective in provoking the desired ascending volley. One might reach under the drape and continually tap the ankle posterior to the medial malleolus and be able to record an SSEP response. However, practicality demands a stimulation technique that is simple, effective, and efficient. This is achieved through the use of surface electrodes to deliver an electrical current of a given frequency and intensity to the skin area superficial to large sensory nerves. Common sites for this stimulation are the posterior tibial nerve (PTN) in the ankle, and the ulnar or median nerve in the wrist, with sites at the common peroneal notch and ulnar groove as less frequent alternatives.
Recording sites should include something peripheral as a control to indicate that the stimulation has effectively “gotten in,” such as the popliteal fossa for PTN stimulation, and the supraclavicular notch for recording an Erb’s point response from median or ulnar nerve stimulation. Parameters for stimulating and recording settings are well established and are presented in Table 68.1.
Table 68.1
Parameters for stimulating and recording settings
Stimulation | Intensity | Duration | Rate |
30–40 mA | 100–300 μs | 3–6 Hz | |
Recording | Low frequency filter | High frequency filter | Repetitions |
5–30 Hz | 1000–3000 Hz | 250–1000 |
The responses generated from somatosensory stimulation are exceedingly small, dwarfed by other physiologically generated electrical signals such as the cardiac node pulse and even the passive EEG activity of the brain. These other organic generators act as a source of electrical “noise” in a recorded SSEP just as would artificial 60 Hz contamination. However, because SSEP responses occur at the same time relative to each stimulation , a mathematic technique using signal averaging may be employed to resolve the response signal out from the background noise. Since the noise generated by other sources tends to be of a random polarity for a given time period, over the course of many mathematical averages the time-locked response will additively increase while the random activity will cancel itself out. Ultimately, after a number of repetitions, this allows for a signal-to-noise ratio that is adequate to appreciate the SSEP response.
Primary interpretation of the SSEP involves measuring the amplitude and latency of the responses. Because these responses are going to be used as their own control, rather than compared to a theoretical norm based on absolute values, it is essential that preincision, or premanipulation baselines are established. Discovering a significantly abnormal latency or amplitude value after the fact, without an established baseline generated prior to any surgical risk being incurred to compare to, there is no value to the surgeon or to the patient. Indeed, significance is only established as a delta between the baseline values and the ones recorded during the surgical procedure.
The well-known criterion for determining significance in latency shift is an increase of 10% or more from baseline. For amplitude, significance is reached after a 50% or greater amplitude reduction from baseline. It is important to remember that anesthetic drugs commonly used during surgery can alter SSEP responses by both increasing latency and decreasing amplitude.
Motor Evoked Potentials
As stated previously, a known limitation of SSEP is the fact that it cannot directly measure the integrity of the descending corticospinal motor pathways. Rather, in an SSEP-only paradigm, indirect inference must be made concerning the integrity of the anterior and lateral motor pathways; such inference is fraught with potential danger. Indeed, reports of postoperative motor dysfunction in the context of preserved intraoperative SSEP are not uncommon. Dinner et al. report a 2% incidence of false-negative SSEP detection for new-onset motor deficit [4]. Because general consensus reveals that a motor deficit is regarded as a much more severe sequela than a sensory loss, Motor Evoked Potentials (MEP) were therefore developed as a way of more comprehensively monitoring the spinal cord by including the vital motor pathways within the neurophysiologists scrutiny.
Typically, the stimulating electrodes are placed over the C3 and C4 locations, based on the standardized international 10–20 measuring system. This scalp location puts them in close proximity to the precentral motor gyrus, beneath the bone of the skull. A more medial placement, designated as C1 and C2, is located halfway between C3/C4 and Cz. Using these placement locations may help to improve responses, especially from the lower extremities. Recording electrodes are typically placed in muscle, thus allowing for the recording of a compound muscle action potential (CMAP) as the derived response. In determining which muscles to record from, consideration should be given to the expected spinal levels at risk. Where possible, a TcMEP response should be recorded from a muscle whose innervation is not directly involved with the operative level, in order to act as a control relative to responses at and distal to the at-risk levels.
Delivering 200 V or more to the surface of the head does more than produce a descending corticospinal depolarization. Superficial muscles in the scalp, face, and neck are also activated. This can lead to moderate to strong contraction of the mastication muscles, essentially creating a bite. Therefore, every care should be taken to avoid the adverse side effect of tongue or lip laceration due to this motor activation. Soft bite blocks, such as rolled 4 × 4 gauze pads should be placed bilaterally between the molars so that no travel is possible between the maxilla and mandible. Even in edentulate patients, bite blocks are recommended so as to prevent bruising of the lips or gums on the endotracheal tube .
Criteria for reporting a significant change in TcMEP responses are not yet as readily agreed upon as for those of SSEP. Currently, two major proposed paradigms vie for consensus: the so-called presence–absence (PA) model and the stimulus threshold (ST) model .
The Presence–Absence (PA) Model
Complete loss of TcMEP response certainly indicates a significant change. However, as we have seen with the intramedullary spinal cord tumor example, the clinical outcome from such a loss cannot be known without corresponding data from d-wave recordings. While the preservation of some TcMEP response, even if dramatically lower in amplitude, indicates least some level of remaining integrity of the corticospinal tract guidance of the surgical or anesthetic regimen intervention remains problematic under this model.
The Stimulation Threshold (ST) Model
This model is based on the knowledge that damage to the corticospinal tract will necessitate increasing the stimulation threshold in order to obtain the same TcMEP response as prior to such damage. Therefore, measuring the required threshold intensity may be taken as an indication of the integrity of the corticospinal tracts intraoperatively. However, it is known that stimulation intensity thresholds gradually increase over time and are also affected by anesthesia drugs. Assessing the significance of changes under this model is therefore multifactorial and not binary.
Other criteria for significance have been proposed, but none have yet become standardized across the IONM landscape [5].
Electromyography (EMG) records spontaneous or triggered electrical activity in muscle. The presence or absence of EMG activity, as well as the pattern of firing, are all indicators of the function or integrity of the nerves innervating a given muscle. However, it should be emphasized that these indicators are indirect [6], and caution must be taken in the interpretation of both positive and negative responses. Intraoperatively, EMG is commonly used for localization of nerves, as well as some assurance of the integrity of these nerves, albeit cranial or peripheral.

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