Induction of Therapeutic Hypothermia

imagesComatose patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest with restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)


imagesPost–cardiac arrest

imagesROSC < 30 minutes from the time of EMS arrival

imagesTime < 6 hours from ROSC

imagesComatose (does not follow commands)



   imagesPatients without a pulse

   imagesPatients responsive to verbal commands

   imagesTraumatic etiology of arrest

   imagesActive or intracranial bleeding

   imagesPatient has DNR, poor baseline status, or terminal illness

   imagesROSC >30 minutes from the time of EMS arrival

   imagesTime of initiation >6 hours from ROSC


   imagesAge >80 (relative)

   imagesAsystole as initial rhythm (relative)

   imagesSevere sepsis/septic shock as cause of arrest (relative)

   imagesCryoglobulinemia (relative)


imagesTemperature Probe



imagesCooling Methods

   imagesSurface cooling with ice packs

   imagesSurface cooling with blankets or surface heat-exchange device and ice

   imagesSurface cooling helmet

   imagesInternal cooling methods using catheter-based technologies

   imagesInternal cooling methods using infusion of cold fluids

imagesWarming Methods

   imagesWarm blankets

   imagesBair Hugger

   imagesRoom temperature IV fluids

imagesGeneral Basic Steps




   imagesSupportive therapy



imagesPatient Preparation

   imagesPlace definitive airway

   imagesCompletely expose patient

   imagesApply cooling blankets or gel pads (if available) with nothing between skin and blankets/pads

   imagesPlace core temperature probe (esophageal preferred)

   imagesHook blankets/pads to hypothermia machine, set to 36°C

   imagesOptimize analgesia and sedation (suggestions below)

      imagesAnalgesia (optimize first): Fentanyl

      imagesSedation: Propofol (preferred); alternate: Midazolam

      imagesTitrate to Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS) −3/−4 (TABLE 13.1)

   imagesMonitor vital signs and oxygen saturation and place the patient on a continuous cardiac monitor, with particular attention to arrhythmia detection and hypotension


   imagesKeep temperature between 35°C and 36°C

   imagesIf initial temperature >36°C, infuse refrigerated crystalloid at 100 mL/min to maximum initial bolus 30 cc/kg

   imagesIf initial temperature remains >36°C after this amount, wait 15 minutes before giving additional 250-cc boluses every 10 minutes until goal temperature is attained

   imagesIf initial temperature <36°C, allow machine to warm the patient to 35°C

   imagesUse cold IV fluids or place ice packs on the axilla/groin to reach and maintain target temperature if cooling blankets/pads are unavailable

   imagesTarget temperature should be reached as quickly as possible

   imagesStart antishivering protocol (TABLE 13.2)

TABLE 13.1.







Overtly combative, violent, immediate danger to staff


Very agitated

Pulls or removes tube(s) or catheter(s); aggressive



Frequent nonpurposeful movement, fights ventilator



Anxious but movements not aggressive or vigorous


Alert and Calm




Not fully alert, but has sustained awakening


Light sedation

Briefly awakens with eye contact to voice (<10 seconds) (eye opening/eye contact) to voice (10 seconds)


Moderate sedation

Movement or eye opening to voice (but no eye contact)


Deep sedation

No response to voice, but movement or eye opening to physical stimulation



No response to voice or physical stimulation

TABLE 13.2.


Bedside shivering assessment (BSAS) (N. Badjatia. Neurocrit Care 2007)

0 – None—no shivering. Must not have shivering on ECG or palpation.

1 – Mild—localized to neck/thorax. May be noticed only on palpation or ECG.

2 – Moderate—intermittent involvement of upper extremities with or without thorax.

3 – Severe—generalized shivering or sustained upper extremity shivering.

All patients receive:

Acetaminophen 850 mg GT q6h unless allergic and buspirone 30 mg GT q8h (unless pt on MAO inhibitor)

imagesIf BSAS >1, add fentanyl drip

imagesIf BSAS still >1, add propofol drip

imagesIf BSAS still >1, add Bair Hugger device for counterwarming on both of patient’s arms

imagesIf BSAS still >1, administer MgSO4 2 g IVSS (intravenous soluset), then 0.5–1 g/h for target serum Mg 3 mg/dL

imagesIf BSAS still >1, administer dexmedetomidine 1 µg/kg over 10 min, followed by an infusion

imagesIf BSAS still >1, administer ketamine 0.5 mg/kg IVP (intravenous push), may start drip at same dose per hour

imagesIf BSAS still >1 after titration of above meds, add Nimbex 0.15 mg/kg IV q1h PRN

Paralysis after induction should be necessary only under extraordinary circumstances.

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Aug 9, 2016 | Posted by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Induction of Therapeutic Hypothermia

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