Note: Page numbers in Bold refer to tables; and page numbers in italics refer to figures
- abnormalities of
- aortic arch development104–106
- cardiac innervation 111–113
- cardiac looping 88–89
- conduction system development 103–104
- epicardial development 101–102
- heart tube formation 86
- outflow tract septation 99–100
- pulmonary vein development 108
- systemic vein development 111
- aortic arch development104–106
- accessory pathways 104
- Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) 25
- activation of coagulation system
- amplification phase 248
- cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) 250
- cell‐based model of coagulation 247
- coagulation cascade model 247, 248
- platelet activation 249
- propagation phase 248
- amplification phase 248
- activation of inflammation
- acute neurologic injury 305
- acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) 386
- adrenergic receptors (ARs)
- ß‐adrenergic group 175, 175
- in cardiac tissue 176
- developmental changes 177
- schematic classification 176
- signaling pathway 176
- ß‐adrenergic group 175, 175
- Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Database 32
- adult congenital heart disease (ACHD)
- adults with down syndrome 477
- cardiac lesions
- atrial septal defects (ASDs) 478
- coarctation of the aorta 479
- created shunts and fenestrations 478
- D‐TGA 484–486, 485, 486
- Ebstein’s anomaly 486–488, 487
- L‐TGA 483–484, 484
- patent ductus arteriosus 479
- patent foramen ovale (PFO) 477–478
- pulmonary atresia 483
- pulmonary valve stenosis (PS) 479–480, 481, 481, 482
- single‐ventricle anatomy/Fontan physiology 488–492
- tetralogy of fallot 481–483
- ventricular septal defect (VSD) 479
- atrial septal defects (ASDs) 478
- heart failure 492
- noncardiac surgery 492–493
- perioperative risk of patients 466
- psychological issues 477
- pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) 467–468
- treatment options 467
- vascular access 470
- adults with down syndrome 477
- advanced monitors in ICU and operating rooms
- cardiopulmonary deterioration 80
- clinical decision support system 79
- historical and real‐time physiologic patient data 78
- pediatric risk and acuity scores 79
- PRISM 79
- real‐time analytics 79
- cardiopulmonary deterioration 80
- airway management, thoracic surgery
- single‐lung ventilation (SLV)
- balloon tipped bronchial blockers 566
- bending the rules approach 570
- bronchial diameters in children 567
- in children 567
- double lumen tubes (DLTs) 567
- in infants and young children 571
- intraluminal versus extraluminal approach 568
- intra‐to extraluminal approach 570
- OLV in infants and young children 568
- single lumen endotracheal tube 566
- univent tube 566
- balloon tipped bronchial blockers 566
- ventilation‐perfusion abnormalities 565
- single‐lung ventilation (SLV)
- analgesic agents, hemodynamic and cardiac conduction 204
- Andersonian nomenclature systems 117–118
- anesthesia
- cardiac catheterization laboratory (CCL) 890–932
- cardiac transplantation 832–851
- errors in surgery 29–30
- functional residual capacity (FRC) 496
- history of
- cardiac MRI (cMRI) 11
- deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) 5, 5–6
- extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) 11, 11
- first successful operation 1–2
- Fontan and catheterization laboratory 9–11
- future aspects 11–13
- halothane 3
- heart–lung machine 2–4
- hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) 7–9
- patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) 6–7
- transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) 11
- cardiac MRI (cMRI) 11
- left‐sided obstructive lesions 650–672
- left‐to‐right shunt lesions 624–648
- management of patients with CHD 14
- miscellaneous cardiac lesions 781–831
- noncardiac surgery 934–956
- outcomes 30–31
- patient with a single ventricle 741–779
- pediatric lung transplantation 851–867
- pulmonary hypertension 869–889
- right‐sided obstructive lesions 674–709
- transposition of great arteries (TGA) 710–739
- cardiac catheterization laboratory (CCL) 890–932
- anesthetic agents
- antagonists 205–206
- benzodiazepines 194–195
- dexmedetomidine 200–203, 201, 202
- etomidate 199, 199–200, 200
- hemodynamic and cardiac conduction 204
- ketamine 197, 197–199, 198
- neuromuscular blocking agents 203–205
- nitrous oxide (N2O) 193–194
- opioids 194–195
- propofol 196, 196
- volatile agents 190–193, 191, 191, 192
- antagonists 205–206
- anesthetic and sedative neurotoxicity
- Boston circulatory arrest study (BCAS) 322–323
- children’s hospital of Philadelphia cohort 323
- cohorts 328
- GABA receptors 321
- Heart and Minds study 324
- ICCON investigators group 326, 326
- longer term neurodevelopmental testing 322
- Milwaukee cohort 324
- modifiable and monmodifiable factors 329
- NMDA receptors 321, 322
- single ventricle reconstruction (SVR) trial 325–326
- Texas Children’s Hospital cohort 324
- Western Canadian study 323–324
- Zurich cohort 326–327
- Boston circulatory arrest study (BCAS) 322–323
- anesthetic management, PH
- monitoring 888, 888
- perioperative pulmonary vasodilators 887
- postanesthesia disposition 888
- ventilation management techniques 887–888, 888
- monitoring 888, 888
- Anomalous Aortic Origin of the Coronary Arteries (AAOCA) 49
- anterior mediastinal masses
- anatomy 826
- anesthesia 828–830
- diagnosis of 826–827, 827
- incidence 826
- natural history 826
- pathophysiology 827–828
- superior vena cava compression 829
- surgery 828
- tracheobronchial compression 829
- anatomy 826
- antifibrinolytic therapy. see also aprotinin; epsilon‐aminocaproic acid (EACA); tranexamic acid (TA)
- comparison of antifibrinolytics 229
- aortic aneurysm
- after aortic root replacement 824
- anatomy 820
- anesthesia 825–826
- and aortic dilation 822–823
- classification 820
- definition 820
- Ehlers–Danlos syndrome 822
- incidence 820
- Loeys–Dietz syndrome (LDS) 820
- Marfan syndrome 820–822, 821, 821
- natural history 820
- pathophysiology 823–824
- sinus of Valsalva aneurysms 822, 823
- surgical approaches 824–825
- after aortic root replacement 824
- aortic arch development 129
- abnormalities of 104–106
- coarctation of the aorta 106
- dorsal aortae fuse 104
- double aortic arch 104
- Edward’s developmental model 106
- schematic representation 105
- vascular ring 106
- vascular sling 106
- abnormalities of 104–106
- aortopulmonary window (APW) 628–630
- anesthetic considerations 630
- classification of 629
- incidence, anatomy, and natural history 628–629
- patch closure of type II 630
- pathophysiology 630
- surgical and transcatheter approaches 630
- anesthetic considerations 630
- apprenticeship model 16
- Aristotle Basic Complexity (ABC) score 33, 444
- arterial access
- arterial cutdown 283
- axillary artery 281
- brachial artery 280–281
- catheter sizes and lengths 280
- dorsalis pedis/posterior tibial arteries 282
- femoral artery 280
- radial artery 280, 281
- temporal artery 282
- ulnar artery 282–283
- umbilical artery 281–282
- arterial cutdown 283
- arterial switch operation (ASO)
- atrial chambers characteristics 123
- atrial isomerism 89
- atrial septal defects (ASDs) 354, 630–633, 674, 895
- anesthetic considerations 633
- clinical manifestations 354
- coronary sinus ASD 632
- coronary sinus defect 354
- device occlusion 356
- embryologic development 631
- incidence 630–631
- natural history 632
- ostium secundum defect 354
- patent foramen ovale 632
- primum ASD 631–632
- secundum ASD 631
- sinus venosus ASD 632
- surgical and transcatheter approaches 632–633
- surgical repair of 633
- TEE examination 354–356
- types of 632
- anesthetic considerations 633
- atrial septation
- AV endocardial cushions 91, 92
- common atrium 93
- coronary sinus defect 92
- defects in 92–93
- endothelial‐to‐mesenchymal transformation (EMT) 91
- foramen ovale 91
- ostium primum defect 92
- patent foramen ovale (PFO) 92
- primary atrial foramen 91
- sinus venosus defect 92
- venous pole 91, 92
- AV endocardial cushions 91, 92
- atrial situs 120–122, 121, 122
- atrioventricular canal (AVC) 636–639
- anesthetic considerations 639
- complete 636–637, 637, 638
- defects of 97
- development of 96
- incidence 636
- natural history 637
- partial 636
- pathophysiology 637
- surgical approaches 637–639
- transitional 636
- anesthetic considerations 639
- atrioventricular septal defects
- AV nodal re‐entry tachycardia (AVNRT) 104
- AV node (AVN) 102
- bleeding
- cell salvage 393–394
- global hemostasis cartridge 394, 394
- platelet‐poor plasma (PPP) 394
- QuantraR QPlus System
- standard coagulation assays 394
- TEG®
- cell salvage 393–394
- Blood Conservation Using Antifibrinolytics in a Randomized Trial (BART) 404
- blood transfusion
- fibrinogen supplementation 398–400
- platelet transfusion 398
- prothrombin Complex Concentrates (PCCs) 401–402
- recombinant factor VIIa 400–401, 401
- red blood cells 398, 399
- whole blood 398
- Boston Children’s Hospital
- anesthetic outcomes database 38
- cardiovascular surgery at 10
- ERAS at 66
- Esophageal and Airway Treatment (EAT) center 785
- hematocrit goals 309
- hyperbaric chamber at 4
- single‐center reports 600
- Buretrol® 924
- fibrinogen supplementation 398–400
- calcium cycling 177
- actin‐myosin system 177, 179
- developmental changes 180
- neonatal and mature hearts 180
- sarcolemmal membrane 178
- actin‐myosin system 177, 179
- cardiac arrhythmias
- pharmacologic therapy of
- rhythm disturbances 527–547
- conduction disorders (see conduction disorders, arrhythmias)
- junctional rhythm 529, 529
- low atrial rhythm 528, 528
- sinus bradycardia 527–528, 535
- sinus node dysfunction 528
- sinus tachycardia 528–529, 535
- supraventricular arrhythmias 531–542
- ventricular arrhythmias 543–547
- ventricular fibrillation 535, 547
- conduction disorders (see conduction disorders, arrhythmias)
- pharmacologic therapy of
- cardiac catheterization laboratory (CCL)
- anesthetic management
- diagnostic catheterization
- electrophysiology procedures 924–932
- hemodynamic calculations 893
- interventional catheterization 895–914
- risk assessment
- anesthetic management
- cardiac development 83–84
- cardiac intensive care unit (CICU)
- cardiorespiratory interactions 965
- complete mixing lesions 960
- early extubation 967–968
- feeding algorithm 991
- fluid management 987–990
- gastrointestinal complications 990–992
- hemodynamic monitoring
- hemostasis 983
- high‐frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) 966–967
- infection control 983–984, 984
- influence of intrathoracic pressure
- influence of lung volume 965, 965
- intercirculatory mixing lesions 959–960, 960
- mechanical circulatory support
- mechanical ventilation 964–965
- multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS‐C) 992–994
- myocardial dysfunction
- neurological complications 984–986
- neurological monitoring 984–986
- noninvasive ventilation (NIV) 967
- nutrition complications 990–992
- nutrition management 968–969
- outflow obstruction 963–964
- patient safety issues 977–978
- pediatric 958, 959
- positive end‐expiratory pressure (PEEP) 966
- postoperative complications 976–977
- shunts
- streaming 960–961
- cardiorespiratory interactions 965
- cardiac lesions, AHCD
- atrial septal defects (ASDs) 478
- coarctation of the aorta 479
- created shunts and fenestrations 478
- D‐TGA 484–486, 485, 486
- Ebstein’s anomaly 486–488, 487
- L‐TGA 483–484, 484
- patent ductus arteriosus 479
- patent foramen ovale (PFO) 477–478
- pulmonary atresia 483
- pulmonary valve stenosis (PS) 479–480, 481, 481, 482
- single‐ventricle anatomy/Fontan physiology 488–492
- tetralogy of fallot 481–483
- ventricular septal defect (VSD) 479
- atrial septal defects (ASDs) 478
- cardiac neural crest 97, 98
- cardiac POCUS
- apical four‐chamber view 411, 414
- atria and valves assesment 417–418
- cardiac arrest assistance 418
- central line placement assistance 418
- early tamponade physiology 416–417
- hemodynamic instability 419
- hypotension or shock 418
- Impella® device 420
- inferior vena cava views 411–412, 416
- left ventricle assessment 412–414
- parasternal long‐axis (PLAX) view 411, 412
- parasternal short‐axis (PSAX) view 411, 413
- pediatric 410
- pericardial space assessment 416, 416–417
- position of cannulae/device 419
- right ventricle assessment 414–416
- shock assesment 418–419
- structure assessment 412–420
- subcostal four‐chamber view 411–412, 415, 417, 418
- central line placement assistance 418
- apical four‐chamber view 411, 414
- cardiac tumors in childhood
- anatomy 816–820
- anesthesia considerations 819–820
- benign and malignant tumors prevalence 816
- frequency distribution 816
- incidence 816–820
- natural history 816–820
- pathophysiology 817–818, 818
- surgical approaches and outcomes 818–819
- Wilm’s tumor extension 819
- anatomy 816–820
- cardiomyocyte receptor function
- adrenergic receptors (ARs)
- calcium cycling 177
- thyroid hormone 180
- adrenergic receptors (ARs)
- cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)
- bypass circuit setup 212–218
- complications and safety 242–243
- deleterious effects
- emergency 243
- exposure to circuit 387–388
- future aspects 243
- hemodilution and CPB prime 388, 388
- heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia 390, 390–393
- management issues
- blood gas management 236–237, 237
- blood products irradiation 239
- cold agglutinin disease 238–239, 240
- deep hypothermic circulatory arrest 232–234, 233–234
- leukoreduction 239
- pH‐stat vs. alpha‐stat 236–237, 237
- regional cerebral perfusion 234–236, 235
- sickle cell disease 237–238, 239
- warm CPB 232, 232–233
- blood gas management 236–237, 237
- management of pediatric
- anticoagulation 219, 219–220
- antifibrinolytic therapy 227–229
- aortic cross‐clamping 221–222
- cardioplegic cardiac arrest 222–223
- conventional ultrafiltration (CUF) 224–226
- cooling and temperature management 221
- failure to separate 226–227, 228
- hemostatic management 219, 219–220
- heparin reversal 227
- initiation of CPB 220–221, 221
- modified ultrafiltration (MUF) 224–226, 226
- myocardial ischemia 221–222
- post‐bypass phase 224, 225
- pre‐bypass period 218–219
- reperfusion 223–224
- separation from CPB 224, 225
- stages 218
- transfusion management 227
- anticoagulation 219, 219–220
- bypass circuit setup 212–218
- cardiopulmonary interactions
- bidirectional cavopulmonary (Glenn) anastomosis 517
- delayed sternal closure 516, 516
- diastolic RV dysfunction and Fontan circulation 517
- intrathoracic pressure on PVR 515–516, 516
- intrathoracic pressure on right heart 515
- postoperative PHT 518–519
- systemic‐to‐pulmonary artery anastomosis 518
- systolic LV dysfunction 516–517
- bidirectional cavopulmonary (Glenn) anastomosis 517
- cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery (AAOCA) 614–616
- aortic valve disease 611–612
- arrest phase management 975
- arrhythmias 617–618
- cardiomyopathies 618
- coaching 621
- complete superior‐inferior cavo‐pulmonary connection 614, 615, 616
- current guidelines
- epidemiology 599–600
- head‐up 621
- interposed abdominal compression 619–621
- intrathoracic pressure regulation 621
- mechanical circulatory support 616, 616, 620
- mitral valve disease 611
- monitoring and risk reduction 974–975
- myocarditis 618
- open‐sternum 619, 619
- post‐cardiac arrest care
- post‐resuscitation management 975–976
- pulmonary hypertension (PH) 618–619
- right‐heart lesions 612
- simulation/education 621–622
- single ventricle lesions 612–613
- superior cavo‐pulmonary connection 613
- team training 622
- total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) 612
- Williams‐Beuren syndrome 617
- anomalous aortic origin of a coronary artery (AAOCA) 614–616
- cardiovascular development
- aortic arches 104–106, 105
- atrioventricular canal septation 95–97
- AV valve development 95–97
- cardiac cell lineage and specification 84, 87
- cardiac innervation 111, 112
- cardiac looping 87–89, 89, 90
- cardiac lymphatics 113
- cardiac septation 90
- cardiogenic fields 84
- conduction system 102–104
- coronary artery development 100–102, 101
- epiblast cells 84, 84
- epicardium 100–102
- heart tube formation 85, 85–86
- outflow tract septation 97–100
- pulmonary veins 106–108, 107
- semilunar valve development 97–98
- stages of human development 113
- systemic veins 108, 108–111, 109
- aortic arches 104–106, 105
- catheter‐related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs) 300
- Central Cardiac Audit Database 31
- cerebrovascular physiology
- circulatory arrest 310, 310
- cooling and rewarming 308, 308
- glucose management 309–310
- hemodilution and transfusion practices 309
- metabolic autoregulation 308
- neurovascular coupling 308
- pH‐stat vs. alpha‐stat blood gas management 308–309
- selective cerebral perfusion 310, 310–312, 312, 312
- temperature management 309
- child to adult development 172
- circulatory function
- beta‐adrenergic receptor antagonists 510
- calcium 510–511
- corticosteroids 510
- fenoldopam 511
- isoproterenol 511
- sodium bicarbonate 511
- thyroid hormone 510
- clinical informatics systems 81–82
- closed‐loop communication 31, 31
- coagulation
- developmental hemostasis
- influence of CHD 381–383
- communication 31
- communication and team functioning
- cardiac catheterization laboratory (CCL) 65, 65
- COVID‐19 pandemic era 51, 53, 67–68
- during emergencies 60
- enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) 65–66, 66
- intensive care unit handoffs 62–64, 64
- intraoperative multidisciplinary collaborations 60–62
- major and minor events during arterial switch operation 54–55
- in operating room
- during the operation
- competency‐based assessment 25
- conduction disorders, arrhythmias
- atrioventricular (AV) block
- bundle branch block 529
- congenital cardiac anesthesia
- pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics 206–209
- Congenital Cardiac Anesthesia Society (CCAS) 16, 32
- Congenital Cardiac Catheterization Project on Outcomes (C3PO) registry 37
- congenital heart disease (CHD)
- anatomic evaluation 116
- Andersonian nomenclature systems 117–118
- anesthetic management of patients 14
- classification of 426
- common abnormalities associated with 429
- CT vs. MRI 441
- delivery room emergencies 464, 464–465
- ENCI classification system 464
- epicardial echocardiography (E‐echo) 371–374
- ethics in 163–164
- hypoxic gas mixtures and inspired CO2 575
- lung function in children
- mechanical ventilation for children
- airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) 575
- anesthesia ventilators 574–575
- high‐frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) 575
- lung management during CPB 573
- monitoring ventilation 574
- operating room to ICU transition 575
- positive end‐expiratory pressure (PEEP) 572
- volume control vs. pressure control ventilation 574
- airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) 575
- multidisciplinary approach 426
- neurodevelopmental disability 305, 306
- nitric oxide (iNO) 575–576
- nomenclature and database project 117
- non‐invasive assessment of 439–440
- patients demographics 425
- risk assessment 443–447
- risk stratification score for 446
- segmental evaluation, 130 see also segmental approach, CHD
- sequential segmental approach 117, 118
- terminology and classification 425–426
- tracheostomy
- Congenital Heart Disease Adjustment for Risk Method (CHARM) 37
- congenital heart surgery (CHS)
- antifibrinolytics 253–254
- coagulation system changes 253
- critical illness‐related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI)
- early extubation
- hemostasis and thrombosis
- hemostatic agents 254–255
- hypoglycemia risks 269
- minimize transfusion 254
- modified ultrafiltration 254
- neuraxial techniques
- postoperative considerations 589–560
- pulmonary effects
- cardiac performance 257
- CPB and lung parenchyma 259–260
- CPB and pulmonary vascular resistance 258
- lung physiology in children 258
- mechanical compromise 256
- metabolic compromise 256
- neonatal oxygen delivery 257
- post‐CPB pulmonary hypertension 258–259
- pulmonary vascular disease (PVD) 257
- respiratory function 260–261
- respiratory physiology in neonates and small infants 256
- ventilatory compromise 256
- lung physiology in children 258
- cardiac performance 257
- regional blocks
- renal effects
- acute kidney injury in children 262
- clinical outcomes 262–263
- continuous veno‐venous hemofiltration 264
- cystatin C 262, 263
- emerging biomarkers 261–262
- glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 261
- KDIGO classification systems 261
- low cardiac output syndrome (LCOS) 261
- neutrophil gelatinase‐associated lipocalin (NGAL) 262
- peritoneal dialysis 263–264
- PRIMACOR study 261
- renal replacement therapy 263–264
- RIFLE score 261
- acute kidney injury in children 262
- splanchnic circulation
- congenitally corrected TGA (CCTGA)
- anatomy 733–734, 736
- diagnostic testing 735
- double switch (DS) procedure 737, 738
- Fontan procedure 738
- incidence 733
- with L‐loop ventricles 103
- long‐term outcomes 738
- natural history 734–735
- normal anatomy 733
- outcomes 738
- pathophysiology 735
- postoperative complications 739
- preoperative assessment 739
- section of heart with 734
- Senning and Rastelli 737–738
- surgical options
- consent issue 426
- continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) 785
- coronary arteries anomalies
- aneurysms 801
- anomalous aortic origins 800
- anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) 796
- congenital atresia of the left main coronary artery (CALM) 800
- coronary arteriovenous fistulas (CAVFs) 800
- coronary heart disease (CHD)
- cerebrovascular physiology
- data processing pipelines
- analytical processing and algorithms 75
- cleaning 75
- data collection 75
- data selection 75
- feature extraction 75
- presentation and knowledge 75
- analytical processing and algorithms 75
- data types
- deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) 306
- Dexmedetomidine 886
- dextro‐transposition of the great arteries (D‐TGA)
- with arterial switch 486
- interventricular septum 485
- left ventricular outflow obstruction 485
- Mustard procedure 485, 486
- ventricular septal defect 485
- VSD and PS and Rastelli repair 486
- with arterial switch 486
- diagnostic catheterization 890–895
- cardiac magnetic resonance imaging‐guided catheterization 894–895, 895
- endomyocardial biopsy 891–892, 893
- indications 890–891
- procedure overview 891, 893
- with pulmonary hypertension 891
- pulmonary hypertension study 892–894, 892–894
- cardiac magnetic resonance imaging‐guided catheterization 894–895, 895
- difficult airway

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